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Rules need change. - Printable Version

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RE: Rules need change. - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-13-2013

(02-11-2013, 01:59 PM)BloodTree Wrote:
(02-07-2013, 12:06 PM)ryoken Wrote: BloodTree

Posts: 24
Joined: Feb 2013

Yup right whatever.
We got these rules for a reason. They work. It is not a PvP server, it is RP. Play a little before trying to change what works, or just leave.

On what fact you can tell how long I play this game on this server?
Not each player register on forum.

I hate when people pulled out facts from air!

How can we tell? Primarily, experience. For example, I was playing Discovery for several months before I registered for the forum myself. Several meaning more than two but less than six - but that also means I was BROWSING the forum before I joined it, because - after all, you can't play the game if you don't know the rules.

That's also typical - we usually see people play on here for, on average, three months before they join the forum. So based upon several years of experience, that would tend to indicate that you started playing Discovery around October of 2012. Now, that doesn't mean you have to be very active on the forum - we have members who've been on the forum for as long as I have that still haven't made 100 posts - but they joined.

But what we do normally see as a rookie or newcomer mistake is someone coming along that hasn't been a member for very long and immediately wanting to change things to suit the way that he wants to play the game, instead of asking how he needs to adapt his playing style to fit the actual rules and customs that are already established. You're not the first one to do this, and probably you won't be the last.

The biggest difference in how those people are accepted is in how they present themselves. If you put up a logical, well reasoned, and calm discussion, you'll be better appreciated than in putting up what comes across as an abrasive argument. This could be due to language skills - we know that many people who play here are not native English speakers. This could also be due the attitude in which the ideas are presented. And by that, I mean that your specific questions on this topic were answered in posts 5 and 6. Continuing to argue as you did ends up with posts like #17.

A long time ago I wrote a rules explanation series, which it sounds like I need to re-write again and see if it can be pinned. Or perhaps one of the server or forum admins can dig through the hidden and missing posts to find my old pinned post and update it to reflect the new, changed rules and post it - it sounds like having rules explanation posted again would be of assistance in helping players such as yourself understand things.

RE: Rules need change. - BloodTree - 02-14-2013

If you think I did not know rules you are wrong here.

I am playing with someone who know them not all but most of them.

There is not only forum where you can read rules there Is wiki too.

And you can ask other players too.

Do you know how much players I see who mistakes with rules witch part Is true with wrong.

There is too much rules no one want learn them all.

I don`t think that you know them all.

It`s not a police RP game after all.

Do you think thous players who made up thous rules are the right ones who knows better what other need stick too?
There is huge % of players who don`t try change them but still don`t like them.

How could I know anything about RP If did not spend 13 years of my life for doing RP?

The fact is not all players want do RP all the time. Sometimes they are tired and want do things just faster or don`t have time for this.

In one of my first posts I get one of first replay witch said If you are not RP player you are not welcome here. If someone could say something like that It`s just sick. And I don`t think thous are right players who can decide what Is best for other. I already seen what you get if you think bit differently.

I am 100% sure that someone will flame my replay and then ask to lock my post again coz it`s right thing to do!

RE: Rules need change. - BloodTree - 02-14-2013

You can see like In my country people don`t like government and things what they made up. But still no one try change anything and reason is simple not all are politician or don`t have enough enterprising to do it. And still they talk like they don`t like things what government do.
The reason why someone made new rules is simple he made them for himself not for other. To get some kind benefits from it. I really can`t see that thous rules is the best for players witch play this game.

Thous rules are for pussy.

RE: Rules need change. - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-14-2013

(02-14-2013, 09:33 AM)BloodTree Wrote: There is not only forum where you can read rules there Is wiki too.
I don`t think that you know them all.
There is huge % of players who don`t try change them but still don`t like them.
The fact is not all players want do RP all the time. Sometimes they are tired and want do things just faster or don`t have time for this.

In one of my first posts I get one of first replay witch said If you are not RP player you are not welcome here. If someone could say something like that It`s just sick. And I don`t think thous are right players who can decide what Is best for other. I already seen what you get if you think bit differently.

I am 100% sure that someone will flame my replay and then ask to lock my post again coz it`s right thing to do!

(02-14-2013, 09:59 AM)BloodTree Wrote: You can see like In my country people don`t like government and things what they made up. But still no one try change anything and reason is simple not all are politician or don`t have enough enterprising to do it. And still they talk like they don`t like things what government do.
The reason why someone made new rules is simple he made them for himself not for other. To get some kind benefits from it. I really can`t see that thous rules is the best for players witch play this game.

Thous rules are for pussy.

Specific answers to some of your comments -

The forum is the only official place. The wiki is not, and has never been, official. Thus, if you find information on the wiki, it may be the greatest thing out there. But as far as the server is concerned, it's not official.

Not only do I know the rules here - I helped write some of them. At one time - like several other people on here - I used to BE one of the Server Admins here. Why I'm no longer an Admin is irrelevant to this discussion - but suffice it to say that I do have and maintain a somewhat more than adequate understanding and knowledge of the rules.

Please back your comment up with data. I could say that there is a huge percentage of players that don't like Gallia, but without data to back it up, it's merely a comment without basis.

As for not wanting to do RP all the time - that's why it was stated before that we have Connecticut. You want to go mindlessly blowing up people or getting destroyed in pure PvP combat - knock yourself out. You do STILL have to follow the server rule there, which is to ask permission before starting combat. Other than that - nope, the rest of the server is role play, all the time. Period.

Turn things around a bit, why don't you? Look at it from OUR perspective. We have the largest server population because why? We insist that it be an RP server. There are servers out there that are not RP servers - we know it. You even said yourself that you didn't want to go to those places because there's not many people there. Why is that?

So now, here comes this guy who says, hey, I want to not RP on your server. In other words, I want to drag your server down so that it no longer has the highest player base because I don't want to follow the rules you've set up. That's how you've come across here. Are we going to say, welcome with open arms, oh prodigal son who was lost but has now returned, to show us the error of our ways so that we can no longer be the best out there, we too can sink to the levels of others, to fade away?

Nope, we're going to tell you to STFU and GTFO.

You also state that you've role played for 13 years. Cool. Want a cookie? If all you've ever played are computer RPG's like Final Fantasy, then no, you really don't know anything about role-playing. The name I use on this forum is from my first RP character - my main alternate persona - that I created when I started role playing Dungeons and Dragons - not AD&D, not 4th edition rules, but the original three little white books - back in 1978. 35 years ago.

That you cannot - because you REFUSE to do so - see how the rules here are to help all players, and that the rules themselves have been dynamic over the years - we HAVE changed them to reflect things - is not a failing of ours. It is a failing of yours, and yours alone, and we cannot help you because you don't want us to help you - you simply want us to accommodate you. (A perfect example of dynamic rule change is cruiser on transport combat. Used to be totally forbidden. Now, perfectly fine. We're TRYING to get the rules down to five words - 'Space is dangerous. Good luck.' Since people are people, we can't.)

RE: Rules need change. - Veygaar - 02-14-2013

(02-14-2013, 09:59 AM)BloodTree Wrote: Thous rules are for pussy.

Go make a "tough guy" server then Wink

Those that agree with your ideas will join your server.

<3 Best 'o luck mate.

RE: Rules need change. - John Churchill - 02-14-2013

(02-14-2013, 07:54 PM)Agmen of Eladesor Wrote: You also state that you've role played for 13 years. Cool. Want a cookie? If all you've ever played are computer RPG's like Final Fantasy, then no, you really don't know anything about role-playing. The name I use on this forum is from my first RP character - my main alternate persona - that I created when I started role playing Dungeons and Dragons - not AD&D, not 4th edition rules, but the original three little white books - back in 1978. 35 years ago.

That is very much it. Those are games in which you really participate in creating a world and characters to populate it (although I prefer Harnmaster over Dungeons and Dragons). Most video games don't give us these options, but Discovery amazingly does. For this world / universe to be believable however, we need rules to guide the player's conduct, and this is where you simply have to trust in the people creating these rules who are giving so much to make this game so enjoyable for all of us.

RE: Rules need change. - BloodTree - 02-14-2013

My life never will be bored as yours Agmen of Eladesor. I never will have to do things like you do. Smile
I don`t get any fun by doing RP it`s boring thing for boring people. But still I do RP here. Sad
The reason why most of us play Freelancer It`s coz of old Idea of It. And no one want play single player alone.
I played like 2h today and even did not seen any player near me 200 players online it`s nothing maybe you are blind In your own way.

RE: Rules need change. - Veygaar - 02-14-2013

(02-14-2013, 10:24 PM)BloodTree Wrote: My life never will be bored as yours Agmen of Eladesor. I never will have to do things like you do...`s nothing maybe you are blind In your own way...

[Image: denialism1final.jpg]

RE: Rules need change. - Agmen of Eladesor - 02-15-2013

(02-14-2013, 10:24 PM)BloodTree Wrote: My life never will be bored as yours Agmen of Eladesor. I never will have to do things like you do. Smile
I don`t get any fun by doing RP it`s boring thing for boring people. But still I do RP here. Sad
The reason why most of us play Freelancer It`s coz of old Idea of It. And no one want play single player alone.
I played like 2h today and even did not seen any player near me 200 players online it`s nothing maybe you are blind In your own way.

Wow, that's ... amusing as hell, to hear some (based upon his own forum account) 23 year old kid tell me that he'll never be bored.

Realize, kid - that I have children that are older than you are. Time for some old style music, kid ... When I was your age, I'd graduated from high school, spent two years in college, joined the military, become quite proficient in dealing with nuclear, biological, and chemical warfare, returned to college, was in officers training, did both law enforcement and corrections internships, and in the middle of all that - just after turning 23, I was diagnosed with testicular cancer and had to have one of my balls removed - and then over the course of the next year, had half my intestines cut out, half of lung removed, and a butt load of what was then considered experimental chemotherapy.

Yeah, that's such boring stuff, as you might imagine.

Oh, and just to add one minor detail in there, during my last surgery I died on the operating table. REAL boring, right?

My life is so boring now - I just finished building, from scratch, a dresser to go under our queen sized bed, complete with 7 drawers. In less than a week. And now I'm going to build, again from scratch, a queen sized headboard complete with shelves and lights. And as soon as that's done, I'm going to build a 12' x 16' shed in our back yard, so I should have that done by the end of the month.

Yeah, that's real boring. Almost - but not quite - as boring as denying the truth to yourself that you're nothing more than a self-centered, egotistical brat that has no concept of anything beyond an undeserved sense of entitlement and without the two brain cells to rub together to creatively have FUN role-playing. I'd pity you if you were worth it - which from your comments, you're not.

So STFU and GTFO - perhaps you'll grow up someday, but more likely you'll do something non-boring, and be a Darwin Award winner. We can only hope.

RE: Rules need change. - Sarawr!? - 02-15-2013

(02-03-2013, 06:29 AM)Hone Wrote: All you guys need to actually learn the rules before talking about them.

5.8 does NOT stop you from attacking someone you've already killed, only the LOSER, from attacking the WINNER. Feel free to go shoot that pirate again as much as you want, you just have to let him leave the system after you kill him. Follow him and kill him in the next system if you want.

5.6: Its so people cant just dock on a base, restock, and attack you again, then when they get damaged, dock, repair again, attack you again, ad infinium. In Real Life, youd blow that base up if it happened. This has been discussed, and i think that gameplay restrictions should be introduced to replace this rule.

5.2: Again, wrong. You do NOT have to tell someone you are about to shoot them, you simply have to say SOMETHING. Something INRP, that justifies the attack. E.G: Pirate - Give me your cargo. BAF - You're breaking the law pirate, ect.

4: If you want to play with your friend and not follow rp, I advise going to connecticut, dock, empty your cargo hold, and type /conn. That said, if your playing normally, and your play doesnt affect others Id say you can agree on your own ways to attack each other.

5: Yes.

The above being said, this thread has served it's purpose, I'll be closing it now. Oh, and if anyone who posted in this thread doesn't like to Roleplay, allow me to take this time to remind them that there are plenty of Disco servers in that list, on which RP is not mandatory.

Our server, and this community, is for those interested in Roleplaying and Story telling.