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RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Zen_Mechanics - 02-06-2013

Liberty is low next to other houses ( and other houses are more polite and reasonable ).
Seems that the LPI can use "sense" and "reason" when it suits them, while the professional defenders of LPI in this forum shower them with nobel prizes.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Echo 7-7 - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 08:10 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Horrendous attitude? Having to go afk for 5 mins while there is no fight going on is horendous attitude?

One does not simply go afk in space - particularly when there is a friendly docking point available. Those who do need to be prepared to suffer the consequences... Going afk in front of a busy mooring point is highly irresponsible. Regardless of intention, he's still at fault.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Fifty. - 02-06-2013

Okay, lets see now.
Hero4Hire. What do you want to happen? You want an apology or ? A donut gift voucher for 20 SC off your next Sunbucks order? Or just trial by forum?
As for the rest making hints, the LPI are a feedback-orientated faction. We'll try to improve if we disappointed you in some way.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Evo - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 06:15 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Some hours ago, LPI threatened terrible things would happen to me (freelancer) if I didnt give them the liberty rogue pilots that I had captured. They only let go after I made it clear I knew my rights.

Shortly afterwards I saw them levy a 10 million fine to a navy carrier because he was "blocking the traffic" by sitting 1k from Manhattan docking ring. Official [LN] got called on skype by them and told the indy navy he should pay. When I said that he's hardly blocking the traffic if he's like 20 ships lengths of the ships that can actually use those rings away from the rings and not even in the trajectory of the rings, they shot me dead for obstruction of justice.


This was in LPI chat. Due to his blocking traffic, he accidentally destroyed a ship that was attempting to dock. He quickly turned, and kind of "baseball batted" the poor ship. We don't normally fine that much, ever.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Reid - 02-06-2013

ITT: kiddies raging at another official faction

Here's a note; it's a game. Stop being so mad and go play.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Evo - 02-06-2013

I was not here for this occasion, but for the events yesterday for the reason this thread was started I was. Myself and Officer Frost decided we'd have some nice RP, it was not a power-grab. It was good RP'ing, which we enjoyed and the other two we did this to.

LPI are not a normal police force, comparing them to a normal police force is highly.. well, stupid in my opinion. It's profit-based, first of all. Second of all, we're blatantly crooked. Not so much in the respect that we'd fake things to get you to pay up massive amounts of money, but we'll take bribes and not get punished for it. We'll decide we're not paid enough to engage that nomad and simply ignore it claiming your scanners are broken.

My opinions are quite mixed about the secondary fleet LN, capital ships just tend to be.. derpy. I started the DUI tests honestly to see if I could find good RP'ers, and I did. I have secondary naval vessels with false ranks in their name whether they be an unofficial faction or not trying to command me every day. Sure, I'll listen if I think I get paid enough for it in rp. If not, well, tough luck but I'll RP my way out of it. I joined LPI because of the RP I've seen and how different it is from every other lawful faction. I've gotten more RP in my short time here so far than on really any indy lawful I've made. It's enjoyable, for both myself and the person I'm rping with. Or at least that's what I'm told.

Some don't like it, but they usually seem to be the ones that get the short end of the stick because they either didn't listen to us or they were breaking a law. But that's my experience, I can't speak for everyone in LPI. I try my best to be a lazy, corrupt police officer while still being a decent and good player.

TL;DR - Boats 'n ho's.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Sarawr!? - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 08:43 AM)Daron Wrote: 'Hey cop this is an military order: Get lost at once.'

Problem solved. Big Grin

Basically this.

(02-06-2013, 09:10 AM)Crackpunch Wrote: I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make an RL to Disco comparison. Jah help us all.

Military personnel (and FBI types) actually need orders/warrants from higher ups to be able to 'ignore' cops. Unless you have the proper approval when you're telling the police to buzz off, you're being a total tool.

You can't run around like you've got clearance from the President himself to do whatever you like. It's slightly powergamey and very annoying.

This would be a workable example if Freelancer had a planetside component in which people could run around in ground vehicles or on foot. However, in the current situation, it's more like if an NYPD harbor patrol unit cruised out into the ocean and tried to stop a Coast Guard Cutter for a 'routine check', This wouldn't happen, and you can bet the Coast Guard ship would tell the NYPD to sod off if it did.

Space, is like the ocean, it is primarily patrolled by each House's military force, just as a nation's territorial waters are patrolled by Navies in real life, as such, those military units have the 'higher' authority there, though that doesn't mean that they're the only ones excersizing power in the area, or that they can't work with other groups.

Stopping a warship full of hundreds of Navy personnel, in space, is not comparable to stopping a car full of drunk sailors or soldiers at a sobriety checkpoint near a military base.

RP is all well and good, but had that Cruiser been mine, I would've told the LPI to screw, because that's my right, inRP.

The bottom line is that this is all inRP, and it's a situation resolvable through RP, there is no reason for a forum thread like this, filled with so much rage, to exist.


RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 09:03 AM)Zigeris Wrote: Actually for the record pirates kill more LNS than LNS kills pirates.

True, but LNS still kills more pirates than the 3 official factions, because they are more active and also respond more when they on. By LNS I mean any kind of indy navy, not only the tagged ones.
(02-06-2013, 12:08 PM)Echo 7-7 Wrote:
(02-06-2013, 08:10 AM)Hero4Hire Wrote: Horrendous attitude? Having to go afk for 5 mins while there is no fight going on is horendous attitude?

One does not simply go afk in space - particularly when there is a friendly docking point available. Those who do need to be prepared to suffer the consequences... Going afk in front of a busy mooring point is highly irresponsible. Regardless of intention, he's still at fault.

You seriously make me lol. Here you are telling us that everyone who is forced to go afk for RL emergencies, or unexpected social calls, or biological reasons, some of which you cant really know if it will take 30 seconds or 5 minutes in advance, is highly irresponsible, and needs to "suffer the consequences for his actions"?

There were no hostiles anywhere near, and he was NOT unreasonably close to the docking point. The full length of another carrier would have fit between him and the rings, and the mooring point which is used for ships that size was completely unobstructed by him, as if he wanst there.

Going afk there is a sin, but lying about his alleged total blocking and ramming ("murder") of civilian ships in front of other ships, trying to get them to turn against him, and basically pirating a navy carrier for 10 mil as an LPI is ok?


(02-06-2013, 01:06 PM)Fifty. Wrote: Okay, lets see now.
Hero4Hire. What do you want to happen? You want an apology or ? A donut gift voucher for 20 SC off your next Sunbucks order? Or just trial by forum?
As for the rest making hints, the LPI are a feedback-orientated faction. We'll try to improve if we disappointed you in some way.

An apology to Scorp would be really cool yeah. Also you withdraw that bullcrap burn-the-witch thread you made, with the doctored chat logs and selective screenshots and lies about what you wrongly accused him of doing. Also kick all the guys who participated in it out of official factions, and give the official faction status to people who actually play the faction for the sake of playing the faction, and not for the sake of being able to mob honest lawfuls out of liberty, so they can get easier blue messages on their pirate/terrorist chars.

I was just waiting for that. "You want trial by forum".

What you guys did was a middle-age style organized witch-hunt both ingame and on the forum, on a guy who did nothing wrong. Complete with doctored chatlogs with all the inconvenient stuff removed, a whole group of people LPIs + one [LN] telling the same lies to convince other ships there, one guy swapping chars to make it look as if two different chars confirm the same thing.

"You want a trial by forum".

That's rich, man.

(02-06-2013, 01:24 PM)ThatThirdGuy Wrote: This was in LPI chat. Due to his blocking traffic, he accidentally destroyed a ship that was attempting to dock. He quickly turned, and kind of "baseball batted" the poor ship. We don't normally fine that much, ever.

He was base-ball batting them. I see. Probably just did it totally on purpose to that civi too. Because carriers are well known to have the turn rate of baseball bats when controlled by evil captains. Seriously, the only way a carrier can "baseball bat" another ship is if he gets rammed by an npc or other ship, and when that happends it doesnt matter if you were afk or just in the process of docking yourself, you dont have control over it either way. So that totally justifies an exceptional 10 mil fine.

And oh yeah, after a Hellfire legion, a nomad, and a LR came galloping to support the noble indy-navy-cap-pirating-and-then-lynchmobbing-through-at-least-3-systems-and-the-forums-LPI-players-who-also-happen-to-be-in-those-factions-but-have-never-been-seen-attacking-them-although-they-are-their-mortal-enemies, here comes a reaver to tell us about the LPI chats. Now the circle of factions who really wanted to get rid of Scorp because he was actually doing his best to protect people from them instead of always following official "stand down" orders, is complete.

Yeah they never ever fine people 10 mil over stuff they had no control over and tell a bunch of lies about them ingame and on the forum.

Well, guess what.

They did!

(02-06-2013, 09:10 AM)Crackpunch Wrote: I'm gonna do it. I'm gonna make an RL to Disco comparison. Jah help us all.

Military personnel (and FBI types) actually need orders/warrants from higher ups to be able to 'ignore' cops. Unless you have the proper approval when you're telling the police to buzz off, you're being a total tool.

You can't run around like you've got clearance from the President himself to do whatever you like. It's slightly powergamey and very annoying.

Your "RL example" is flawed in such an obvious way that its surprising you still put it forth like that.

Let me make your RL example a little more accurate.

When a corrupt cop decides to break someone's rear light or hassle them with cargo searches so he can boost his pocket money with a nice bribe in exchange for leaving someone alone, how many of those cops do you think are actually going to do it to members of the armed forces while they are in the process of exercing their duty?

If you think that this example is inadequate, I'll refer you back to what some else already said: HOw many customs and coast guard ships do you think do cargo searches and routine paper checks on nuclear submarines and aircraft carriers? And in the unlikely event that an aircraft carrier rams a fishing boat, or disrupts civil fishing activity, how many coast guard captains would try to surround the carrier and force him to surrender, instead of pointing it out to the navy?

Let me remember a RL example that may be of relevance to this, concernign military and civil aviation authority (LPI are civis, yeah). We were conducting some experiments with cloud. and clear-air radars and wind profilers in the Netherlands, and also had a small research aircraft that was suposed to take in-situ measurements of aerosols. The inconvenience was that the test site was exactly on the border between a military test range and civil airspace, and the civies told us we cant ever cross into the military airspace, ever, so we couldnt take the probes where we needed them, even after days of negociations with the civil aviation. Then one guy had the idea to just ask the militaries directly instead of going through the civil aviation where our aircraft was. 24 hours after asking, the dutch airforce gave us a schedule to fly over their space as well through civi space, without us having to ask the civis about it, they just told them to allow it. THey also asked us if we wanted an F16 to fly over the site to create some nice turbulance and aerosols to test our gear. We said "sure" and an F16 flew directly over the site 2 hours later, directly through the instruments beam, in and out of the military range.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Haste - 02-06-2013

Doctored chatlogs? Removing some citizen's attempt to obstruct the course of justice is perfectly sane, if you ask me.

And you can keep claiming the carrier wasn't obstructing anything, but you're not doing a very good job proving it.

I also don't particularly like you clearly lying the entire time. LPI never seen attacking Rogues? I assume we also doctor all the blue message screenshots when we do that, then?

You also have to realize that it's a game, and in the game, every random guy with a billion credits can buy a fully equipped, combat-ready capital ship. The official faction LPI - primary fleet - outranks them for that reason. Now, we can't actually order LN around, but they definitely aren't immune to the law just because they bought a bigger ship.

RE: LPI attempting authority over LNS? - Hero4Hire - 02-06-2013

(02-06-2013, 03:31 PM)Hasteric Wrote: Doctored chatlogs? Removing some citizen's attempt to obstruct the course of justice is perfectly sane, if you ask me.

You selectively removed eye witness accounts from the logs, yeah.
Giving eye witness accounts is not obstructing justice. Hiding them is.

(02-06-2013, 03:31 PM)Hasteric Wrote: And you can keep claiming the carrier wasn't obstructing anything, but you're not doing a very good job proving it.
To blind people maybe.
If people dont even look at the video there's not point in trying to prove anytihng to them anyway.

(02-06-2013, 03:31 PM)Hasteric Wrote: I also don't particularly like you clearly lying the entire time. LPI never seen attacking Rogues? I assume we also doctor all the blue message screenshots when we do that, then?


Never seen you attack them, seen you not attack them, and reavers, and nomad lots of times. "Union break" and stuff.

EDIT to the EDIT
Quote:Now, we can't actually order LN around, but they definitely aren't immune to the law just because they bought a bigger ship.

Not because of the ship, but because they were imune to what you were saying because they didnt even do anything remotely illegal, and you jsut used yoru official faction tag and a bunch of lies to get people riles up against them.