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Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Printable Version

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RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Jinx - 04-27-2013

actually - i find that thread and the discussion rather amusing. - in the cause of 4.87 - several factions have had desires for additional ships - and for some reason - they managed to walk the steps that were required to get what they wanted ... with a few hick-ups.

for me - that whole thing is a nice reflection of a culture of people who want want want, but are unable to do whats required - and that does not even include "do it yourself" work - cause that is actually not required.

there is a certain group of people on disco - that is very demanding, and also very negative towards others. - its always "the others fault". - they have a hard time recognizing their own mistakes.

like it was said before - it is so very easy to complain ....

but here is how its done:

- get backup from your faction, actually best to be a faction leader who knows what the majority ( and thats not the ppl who yell the loudest - but an actual numerical majority ) wants and neeeds


- contact and STAY in contact with the ppl in charge of decisions .. in terms of ships that would be AD and Blodo ( model lead / balance )

- if you happen to get a "good to go" from them - do not cease the contact - keep the contact

- now - pick a modeller if you are not one yourself. if your faction has one that loves to model for you - whoohoo... you are in luck - if not - remember step 2

- be ALWAYS polite, be open minded for critizism and input, have patience - and also be ready for failure - cause that is part of the whole process

- once you have a model - get into more contact with balance. - again - remember step 2 - and be open minded... usually the devs in charge do know a bit more about the matter than a player who represents his faction.

- make sure that everything has been fully submitted

if you have done all that - your chances to get what you want are greatly improved. if you have NOT done all that - - how can you justify to blame others. [incidently - have the corsair factions done the above?]

the above is the "work" that can be done by anyone - and that is EXPECTED if you want something.

trolls, morons and otherwise socially delayed people have a harder time of course.

edit: and silver - thats a pathetic attempt there ... as if you care how i make the dev team look like.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Silver - 04-27-2013

You're right.

You do have a hard time.

It was publicly proven that you have two weights and two measures in these situations. Now if that ain't hypocritical, damn, i don't know what is.
So don't try to put your so called 'inspired' models above the imports.

Plus you were proven a flat out liar, so why should people trust anything that you type in these forums?
And nice set of rules. Are they using the same set of weights and measures?

Don't bother replying. As i said. You're hurting yourself.
I would hate to see it repeating again.

Now, for the official replacement models or not, i still think AD's word is needed and of course, if the corsair player base do have some say in the matter of the 'lunchbox' and whatever is that thing.


RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - aerelm - 04-27-2013

Mind the forum section guys. Keep the gif spam in flood.

P.S: Since everyone's callin eachother humorous around here, I'm gonna go ahead and say those gifs were rather humorous.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Madvillain - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 02:56 PM)Jinx Wrote: anyway - whats the problem... madvillain posted and linked a nice ship that is at least made by someone who cares about corsairs.

it ll just need a finishing touch - and its in. - everyone is happy ( except corsairs that do not like horns )

I dunno about you guys , but this sounds like a sweet deal to me.
All we need is someone with the skills to finish my mess.
Basically there is nothing wrong with it as far as I can remember.
The poly's are flipped correctly and stuff , there aren't any holes in it etc.
It's just unfinished because I seriously lack the skills needed.
I have been working hard on it though and I'm glad that this ship at least get's a chance.
So is there anyone out there , willing and able to finish this ship?
I will personally bake that person a dutch cake!
For the gent's that don't like horny ships , in fact the horns aren't as horny as most horns on horny sair ships.
They look like landing gear , this doesn't really come across in the pics.
All that while it remains a horny ship.
And seriously , why would anyone dislike being horny.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - AeternusDoleo - 04-27-2013

Then get those files to me. I can't do anything until I receive the model. I only need the textured shape - hardpointing, hitboxing and all the ini/infocarding work I can handle myself.

And Dusty, like I said before, this shoehorning happens when someone promises me a model and then doesn't deliver before the deadline. I've only got a few modelers who can deliver on short notice, Jinx is one of them. I for one appreciate I'm able to ask for a reasonable model on short notice and get one, rather then ask for a nice model and have nothing months later. We're not far from releasing 4.87 now, the only big tasks left are balance work (Blodo has some new ships to check, and is rewriting the fighter gun lines), and the base rumor infocards (which Cannon wants sorted before release, for all 600 bases - which is a big job).

I do not intend to let someone not delivering slow down the release of everything else like what happened in 4.86. If that means some models aren't to the playerbase's liking, so be it. They can always be replaced during the player beta, while players can take advantage of all the other parts and fixes of the mod.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Madvillain - 04-27-2013


(04-25-2013, 08:59 PM)madvillain Wrote:

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - AeternusDoleo - 04-27-2013

I do not have 3DS Max. I cannot open Max files. Can you convert it to 3DB or CMP... or OBJ/MTL in a pinch?

[Edit] Or if anyone else has Max, do the above?

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Madvillain - 04-27-2013

I don't have the program anymore , it was on my old pc with defect motherboard.

Edit: would it be possible with this program?

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Kaze - 04-27-2013

I'll convert it. I'll drop the 3db or CMP file here.

RE: Discussion: Corsair Transport "Placeholder" - Madvillain - 04-27-2013

(04-27-2013, 07:53 PM)Titanium Wrote:
I'll convert it.

thanks cheesy , you rock!