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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 09-17-2009

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID Lt.Cdr. Jones---
---Error, message timestamp does not correspond to reception time---
---Suggestion: Check comms rerouting buoys---
---Message begins---

Right, I'm stuck on southampton with no ship, so I'd better make this report.

Well, everything was pretty quiet at first, the Fleet admiral was aboard the Steadfast, so we were quite lucky in that respect. We were soon joined by Hobart and the Admiral and I took a sweep through omega-3. It was uneventful, so we returned to Leeds to find Hobart had stopped a slaver or something, and rescue ships flying around rescuing the slaves. At about that time, my scanner started acting up. Basically, it was registering the Steadfast in two positions at once. Now I know the boffins who get this love to play around with nav-spoofing technology, but can you at least shield our scanners from it? Well, while we were out there, this eagle, claiming to be part of the "Umbrella corporation" came up and shot a group of refugee escape pods! Naturally, we surrounded him, as Goodmen came on patrol, and asked him to come quietly to Newgate. He refused, and decided that he would be able to perforate my hull. The captain and Goodmen took down his shields, and he ran straight into an antimatter cannon shot from my challenger. His pod was tractored in and he'll hopefully be in Newgate for a while, that is, if his corporation don't bail him. My scanner continued acting up after this, so I came here to get it fixed, only to find that my Templar was in for maintenance after the techs had taken my scanner to pieces, and without a scanner, tau-31 would be lethal.

---Attached images: 3--- (Scanner errors) (Destuction of umbrella corp ship) (More scanner errors)

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ROT13 - 09-20-2009


FROM: No.156 Squadron, Royal Reserve Fleet (Recon)
RECON ASSET: Flight No. 1712, B-294-L Hussar, Flying Officer McNeal

INGRESS ROUTE: Covert entry via TAU-23
EGRESS ROUTE: Overt exit via LEWIS

CONTACTED INTEL ASSETS: HUMINT agent onboard Reunion station, HUMINT agent onboard Dounby Station, ELINT drone in orbit Glenn II/Lewis
ACTIVATED INTEL ASSETS: ELINT drone in orbit Copinsay/Orkney

*) no current military or trade shipping observed
*) light opposing counter recon force (OUTCAST) neutralized, no survivors, no distress signals transmitted
*) light interference by automated weapon systems near LEWIS jump holes, no significant impact

*) additional recon assets established
*) political contacts are ongoing by HUMINT assets
*) PSYOPS are ongoing by HUMINT assets
*) ingress/egress routes established

*) continued intel operations
*) setting up covert supply operations for future major FLEETOPS


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MrHeadphones - 09-21-2009

---Incoming transmission---
---Sender ID: Lt.Cdr Robert Jones---
---Subject: Report of last few days---
Right, guess I'd better get this report off my systems and into the DIS. Chronologically, this starts on friday evening, with me on patrol. My scanners started bleeping, and I registered a GST signal on the long range sensors. He was slippery, I'll give him that. Went up and down the Leeds lane several times, but in the end I cornered him outside planet Leeds. He shouted some kind of battle cry, and started drifting directly backwards. My training kicked in, and I rushed him, took his shields out on the first pass, came round for another and we both ended up dropping mines. I collided with him, and the dual explosions took out my shield. Since his shields were down, he wasn't so lucky, and his ship was crushed. His pod, however, escaped. As a side note, from the logs I have, it seems that the fight itself took less than 20 seconds.
---Attached images: 1---
Destruction of the GST vessel

Later, I was out on patrol in omega-3 when I came across a Das Wilde gunboat, going by the callsign "Werewolf". As I arrived, there was already a fight going on, between the gunboat, a pair of OPG and a mercenary. The gunboat was taken down, then the hunter and I fell on the remaining OPG, as one had already been destroyed by the gunboat. The OPG, naturally, tried to run, but we took him down. The mercenary managed to get the final shot, and during a discussion with him, he told me he was thinking about joining the BAF.
---Attached images: 2---
Destruction of the Wilde GB
Destruction of the OPG ship

The evening ticked on, and the Emerald, captained by Commodore Hobart I seem to recall, came on shift. It was lucky that it did, as our scanners soon showed the Molly gunboat, the Landswerk. Under Hobart's orders, we gave him adequate chances to leave, but he refused and ended up attacking us. We clearly outmatched him, and he fled to the Cambridge system. We pursued and wiped him out, with my SNAC claiming the final blow.
---Attached images: 2---
Destruction of the Landswerk
Guncam confirmation

The next day, I was on morning patrol. Believing there was a corsair presence in omega-3, I went down to have a look. What I found there was both something I was glad about and annoyed by. Well, the good part first: I ended up fighting alongside the hunter Stoat, who I have quite a history of working with. The bad part was that there were a pair of corsair bombers. Actually, wait, there was another good part, and that was that the corsairs had next to no flying skills, and I easily dispatched one, while Stoat took down the other.
---Attached images: 1---
Destruction of the corsair

The sunday was rather eventful. Out on morning patrol, I sighted a pair of Colonials, a transport and an escort. Chasing them to Dublin, I was engaged by the escort as I emerged from the jump hole. It was difficult, seeing as he was either in a Nyx or a Charon. However, he forgot rule number 1 of space combat: Never joust a bomber. This led to my duck claiming yet another victim. During this time, I was contacted by a member of the [-=XTF=-] outcast group, who seem to want a stronger alliance with Bretonia. They said that they already contacted another member of the BAF, so I didn't record evidence of this.
---Attached images: 1---
Destruction of colonial ship

Later, our men were out in force, hunting a phantom. I was requested to guard the Leeds border, and that I did. Most potential blockade runners were turned back, but there were some who refused to even respond. One, the Cheetah20, seemed completely unresponsive, and we began to suspect that he was infected. We couldn't take risks, and ended up destroying his ship. Soon after that, another ship, the zeuus, arrived. The ensign tasked with patroling the border earlier claimed that this "zeuus" had run the blockade and taken goods to Kusari. We tried to question him about it, but he seemed unable to speak in anything but gibberish which sounded vaguely 'sairish. After a short period of this gibbering, he said "OK" then tried to activate some kind of cloaking device, or something like that. However, a cloaking device doesn't make you intangible, and my antimatter cannon caused a rather pretty explosion where his ship had been a second before.
---Attached images: 2---
potentially infected ship neutralised
Cloaking device user destroyed

Later, I recieved a message from a junker congressman who claimed to have information on blockade runners. Since I didn't want him accessing our DIS database, I asked him to send the evidence to a neural net hub which would direct it to me, without him being able to find either my neural net accout or the DIS (To be honest, I don't trust junkers much further than I could throw them with both hands tied behind my back). The evidence can be found here:
---Attached files: 1---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 09-29-2009

---Incoming transmission---
---Security Encryption: 1---
---Sender ID: Commander Roland Gilead---
---Subject: Report---

0422: I came across a Rogue gunboat near planet Leeds. He ran from me when I gave him orders to vacate Bretonian space. The pursuit ended as he docked on Belfast Production Facility. I ordered the Ark Royal to keep scanning the area and to inform me if the GB undocks. But no scans have shown the ships signature yet.

0917: I was contacted by the Mandalorian Samuel Hennesey, informing me of a Gaian gunboat near LD-14. I immediately made my way over and gave the Gaian many chances to leave Bretonian space peacefully. The gunboat capt. however refused to acknowledge any of my requests and began threatening BMM and Bowex trader ships to stay away from the area. Upon this, we were engaged. With the MM~s help, we brought the gunboat down. I made the usual contribution to Mr. Hennesey for his fine work.

15:21: I received a comms request from a Zoner juggernaught to pass through Bretonia. I quickly called it in so he is not harassed by Bretonia lawful patrols and gave him an escourt through Bretonia space to ensure his safety while being our guest.

---End of Transmission---

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 10-12-2009

:::Incoming Transmission:::
Source: Captain Blake Owen
Subject: Colonial Remanent Victory


With the difficult situation in Leeds and constant attacks by the Corsairs, Bretonian morale in general has needed a boost. I am happy to provide one from last week. The =CR= mounted an attack with four fighters into Leeds, which was engaged by a bounty hunter, Commodore Hobart, and myself. Commander Richards was able to assist us late in the battle. Their initial offensive was stopped by our wing, and soon they were taking casualties. Not to be deterred by their loss, they summoned more fighters. We were able to continue to take down their reinforcements as quickly as they came in, and they never had more then five fighters at a time flying against us. Near the end of the battle, Commodore Hobart's vessels sustained a critical hit, and he ejected safely. A full guncam summary of the battle follows.

[Image: CRBattle.jpg]

-Owen Out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - darthbeck - 10-19-2009

Incoming transmission.
ID: Commander Tom Ramey.
Location: Battleship Derby, lower Leeds.

Well, it's been busy, so i havent made a report in a while, but alots been happening recently, so it's time for me to make one.

I was Asked by Leutenent Mountbatten for some training, and had a little time that was free, so we proceeded to Winchester station's simulater rooms, where he proceeded to try his paladin.

Needless to say, it was a good training session.

Attached images.

I then received a Distress call from cambridge. Sadly, it turned out that it was a wilde vessel hacking into Bretonia's emergency comm channels.
Leutenent Rockwell, who had turned up to the distress call, proceeded to engage the wilde wraith. Another wilde "Scorpion" Arrived, And proceeded To shoot at some Corsair patrols. Then, Leutenent clark showed up, But, he was being persued by two corsair gunboats, who proceeded to engage the wilde gunboats. I then Ordered Leutenent clark to assist the corsairs in destroying the Alien gunboats. The two wilde managed to take out one of the corsair gunboats, before falling to the combined fire of The corsair, Leutenent clark, And myself. After the wilde gunboats were destroyed, Leutenent rockwell was gunned down by the Wraith, who i quickly destroyed.
Attached images.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 4
Image 5
Image 6
Image 7
Image 8
Image 9
Image 10

And Yesterday, I helped train the two newest ensigns.
Attached Images.
Image 1
Image 2
Image 3
Image 4

And then we were called to deal with some buccaneers in leeds. I ended up catching a molly barghest. It was an easy target.
Attached images.

Image 1
Image 2

And that is all for now.
Commander Tom Ramey.
End of transmission.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - cshake - 10-21-2009

Incoming transmission.
ID: Lieutenant Jay Clark
Location: Battleship Suffolk, New London

Good day everyone.

Today I met up with our newest recruit, Ensign Alexander Brown, and started to introduce him around to get a bit of reputation. All fairly standard procedure, though I wasn't able to get enough done to get him into a Templar yet, as I had an urgent call and needed to dock.

On my way back, I found an interesting sight, a Liberty Navy gunboat in New London, stating over the system channel that he was dealing weapons to BAF and that he was somehow part of both LN and BAF. His tag was [27F_Wing]Tiger1763, and his ID stated LN Guard. Now, have I just been out of the loop and missed this division? I've never heard anything about the 27F Wing, (//Can't find it anywhere on the forum with search), what are they?
Even if he is approved and legit, I'd be wary, his comm officer seemed to be coming down with a minor case of Lawl's; his transmitter was stuck on full power and had forgotten what capital letters were for.

Also, Ens Brown reported being chased out of Liberty as I went to pick him up at Cortez, I wasn't aware that LN was unfriendly towards our new recruits, especially when he was still flying a flea? I know it's odd for him to be starting in Liberty, but somehow he got there, and wasn't shooting anything.

That's all for now,
Jay Clark, Lt.

End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ninjakitten - 10-24-2009

*Inserts post into a paper shredder*

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 10-24-2009

... Incoming Transmission ...
To: BAF High Command
From: Commodore James Hobart, 7th Derby fleet
Subject: Chinchilla

I would like to inform our High Command about the following matters:

We hereby request:
  • An additional 20 Templars to reinforce Planet Leedss defense perimeter.
  • 14 spare parts for Templar class fighters, plus five more for Paladins.
  • Also we request the redeployment of bomber elements from the 9th Ark Royal Fleet.
Situation report:

The enemy hasnt yet made full scale attacks on the Planets defenses. Currently Leeds is being raided by small patrols: four to eight fighters, sometimes escorted with bombers. I would describe these raids as probe attacks.

Following von Clausewitz rule, 'offense is the best defense', fighters from the 7th Derby Fleet are daily engaged around the Stokes field. Relatively large fighter elements are sent out into the Stokes field, to find, and destroy any Naval patrols. Such hit and run tactics have managed to get us a good result. Some Naval patrols, hadnt stood a chance.

That is only until recently. Fighter Wing "453" ran into an enemy ambush. Our fighters received some nasty beatings by the collective power of the Kusari fighter and gunboat elements, and since then, the Derby fleet have been planning defensive actions around the planet.
To renew any small scale offensives, I ask for the three things already mention above.


The following pilots have shown great bravery and strength by facing multiple enemies while being outnumbered three to one themselves: Captain Blake Owen and Commander Richards.

These men intercepted and engaged a greatly larger Colonial fighter force in the West Leeds smog cloud. In the engagement that followed, Captain Owen and Commander Richards managed to destroy six of the eight Colonial fighters employed in the fight.
I would like to recommend these astounding pilots to be awarded by the DFC.

<div align="right]Signed: Commodore James Hobart

... End Transmission ...

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 10-24-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Pendragon]
[To: Derby Great Fleet HQ]
[CommID: Flt Admiral Nelson]
[Encryption Level: High]

Your report has been duly received and acknowleged Commodore. Current intelligence from our sources suggests that the Kusari attempts to build up a major assault force to attack Planet Leeds have been delayed due to supply problems. However, the raids such as you describe do indeed pose a threat to the integrity of our defence line and could open a gap in our defences to allow more significant enemy forces to breach our perimiter. As such you are instructed to resume your counter-offensive patrols towards Stokes in an effort to pre-empt further KNF advances.

In order to facilitate this, your requested Templars and replacement parts are being brought up from Southampton within the next 48 hours. However, Admiral Kaiden has requested to hold the Ark Royal Great Fleet bomber wings on the grounds of their requirement to interdict blockade runners using Newcastle to circumvent the Leeds checkpoint and their integral role in defending the Newcastle Jump Gate in cases of surprise KNF flanking assault. The Admiralty Board voted 11-10 at its meeting today to deny your request for additional bomber wings, citing the high casualty/kill ratio of bomber wings in the central Leeds area over recent weeks. I can, however, assure you of the upcoming installation of orbital weapons platforms to shore up the Leeds defences, coupled with ground-to-space cannons on Leeds surface. This should provide sufficient anti-capital firepower to free up some of the bomber forces from the 2nd Leeds Planetary Fleet in the near future. I advise that rather than deploying dedicated bomber wings you integrate many your bombers into your existing fighter wings so as to provide more hard defence against Kusari gunboats when encountered on patrol.

Your recommendations for commendations have been noted and will be taken into consideration at the next suitable opportunity.

Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral

[End Transmission]