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Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Marillion - 03-06-2016

Waited 2 days for Answer ... got no answer.

I Changed my opinion.

Post can be deleted please.

c ya arround

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Frank Sinclair - 03-09-2016

Name: Agent Sinclair

Callsign: Agent.Sinclair

On behalf of company (if applicable): Bounty Hunters Guild

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1
Reputation 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Sombs - 03-23-2016


// Added LSF Reputation

Name: Lynx

Callsign: Gunship.Lynx

On behalf of company (if applicable): Bounty Hunters Guild

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1 LAWFUL
Reputation 2 LAWFUL

Reputation 3 UNLAWFUL
Reputation 4 UNLAWFUL
Reputation 5 UNLAWFUL

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Spectre - 03-24-2016

Name: Theresa "Tess" Bailey

Callsign: Tess.Bailey

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons and Ship

Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1
Reputation 2
Reputation 3
Reputation 4
Reputation 5
Reputation 6
Reputation 7
Reputation 8
Reputation 9

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - NSE - 03-27-2016

Name: Patrick Graf

Callsign: [NSE][IA]Patrick-Graf

On behalf of company (if applicable): Bounty Hunters Guild

Visual evidence of affiliation: Affiliation


Visual evidence of loadout: Loudout

Weapons 1 Weapons
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation: Unlawful Reputations

Reputation 1 Lawful Reputations 1
Reputation 2 Lawful Reputations 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - MasterL410 - 03-27-2016

Name: Victor Jaquez

Callsign: Victor-Jaquez (and variations)

On behalf of company (if applicable): Bounty Hunters Guild

Visual evidence of affiliation: Affiliation


Visual evidence of loadout: Loadout

Weapons 1 Weapons
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation: Unlawful reputations

Reputation 1 Lawful reputations 1
Reputation 2 Lawful reputations 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Supreme - 03-28-2016

Name: Vittoria Velez

Callsign: Vittoria.Velez (and other variants)

On behalf of company (if applicable): Bounty Hunters Guild

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

Hostile Reputation 1
Hostile Reputation 2
Hostile Reputation 3
Neutral-Friendly Reputation 1
Neutral-Friendly Reputation 2
Friendly Reputation 1
Friendly Reputation 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 03-28-2016

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

Agent Sinclair;

Your application has been processed and is deemed incomplete and hence has been Denied.
Please reapply showing your reputations as requested by the registration board.


Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Theresa "Tess" Bailey;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Victor Jaquez;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Patrick Graf;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Vittoria Velez;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - MasterL410 - 03-31-2016

Name: Lucia Jaquez

Callsign: [NSE][IA]Dark~Lucia

On behalf of company (if applicable): None

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout: Loadout
Lawful reputations 1
Lawful reputations 2
Unlawful reputations 1
Unlawful reputations 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - pillow - 03-31-2016
