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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Tobi44 - 06-12-2012

Where the money is going: Noah.Red

Kills: A LR- Very heavy fighter

Circumstances: A fighter came in to a gunboat and bomber fight and I got hungry.

  • [Image: th_screen22-1.jpg]

  • [Image: th_screen23-1.jpg]
Payment owed: 1,600,000 Credits

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Adam.Smith. - 06-12-2012

Where the money is going: Adam.Smith

Kills: 4 Rogues
Circumstances: Rogues rogues rogues everywhere, I am not amused.

Proof: Rogue 1
[Image: screen100.jpg]
[Image: screen101.jpg]
Proof: Rogue 2
[Image: screen96.jpg]
[Image: screen97.jpg]
Proof: Rogue 3
[Image: screen99.jpg]
[Image: screen103.jpg]
[Image: screen104.jpg]
Proof: Rogue 4
[Image: LR_Bomber_dead.png]
[Image: LR_Bomber_ID.jpg]

Payment owed: 1.6+1.6+1.6+1.2=5.8M total

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Saturn - 06-13-2012

Where the money is going: Griffin

Kills: Rogue Bomber, Pirate Bomber

Circumstances: The rogue was on the lanes between West Point and Norfolk, pirating, so I shot it down. The Pirate was in Colorado, shooting lanes and expecting payment as well.

Proof: Payment owed: 2.200.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dashiell - 06-14-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Banjo

Kills: 1 Storta

Circumstances: ANNIE ARE YOU OK????

  • [Image: th_Omgstortainbadlandsomgwtflol1.jpg]

    [Image: th_Omgstortainbadlandsomgwtflol2.jpg]

Payment owed: 2.200.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Saturn - 06-14-2012

Where the money is going: Griffin

Kills: Pirate Bomber

Circumstances: This guy was raiding Manhattan all alone, what a badass. Too bad he met me.

  • white.eclipse : 1.000.000 SC
    Scan - Boom
Payment owed: 1.000.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Saturn - 06-16-2012

Where the money is going: Griffin

Kills: Outcast Fighter

Circumstances: Was around Manhattan asking to be shot. I shot him. He ran all the way to Rochester, then all the way back to Manhattan, just so he can dive to the planet instead of letting me finish him.

Proof: Payment owed: 1.200.000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dashiell - 06-18-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Koro

Kills: 1 Scylla & 1 storta

Circumstances: 2 days, 2 cruisers, 2 wrecks.

  • [Image: th_Scyllaincali1.jpg]

    [Image: th_scyllaincali2.jpg]

    [Image: th_screen3-10.jpg]

    [Image: th_screen4-12.jpg]

Payment owed: 4.400.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SeaFalcon - 06-20-2012

[Image: bhglogo.png]
Where the money is going:

1x Generic pirate - "Abraham"
1x Liberty Rogue - "LR-More.than.Lazy"

Caught a pirate battlegroup sieging some base in Liberty, I managed to pick off one of the guys, who happened to be our good old friend Abraham.

  • [Image: ncm7f5_tb.jpg] [Image: iqkjmg_tb.jpg]
Sub total: 1,000.000cr

Caught this one near the lane to California, chased into the Badlands until it popped.

  • [Image: 2qmhp45_th.jpg] [Image: 10px6he_th.jpg]

Sub total: 1,400.000cr

Total Payment owed: 2,400.000cr

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SeaFalcon - 06-24-2012

[Image: bhglogo.png]
Where the money is going:

1x Generic pirate - "Killer998"
1x Lane Hacker - "Liberty.Rage"

Caught them both at pirate alley in California.

  • [Image: 16hqlnd_th.jpg] [Image: 2nsb4aw_th.jpg]
  • [Image: otm9ti_th.jpg] [Image: 9h4ew1_th.jpg]
Payment owed: 2,400.000cr

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - bloogaL - 06-25-2012

Where the money is going: BHG|Harry.Cooper

Kills: Liberty.Rage - Lane Hacker Broadsword Bomber (x2) and The_Raptor - Thor Red Hessian bomber

Circumstances: I was at the Colorado gate in New York and the hacker jumped through to my side.

The hacker...

For the second time...

Circumstances: Undocked from Planet Houston to see the Mississippi shooting like mad at the hacker

  • ID
  • Suicide - I'm unsure of the eligibility of this claim.

The Hessian...

Circumstances: I was in Bering at the Freeport when they just turned up

Payment owed: 3,400,000 SC