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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Virus- - 12-18-2010

--- Incoming Transmission ---
--- From: Ensign Jack Turner ---
--- To: High Command ---
--- Location: Exact location unknown, Hamburg system ---
--- Subject: Hamburg Assault ---
--- Encryption: HIGH ---
--- Decrypting... ---

Video link: CORRUPT
* Only a tired voice can be heard *

Turner reporting,

Stupid ion storms..why, oh why did it hit me back then ? Why in Hamburg ?! Couldn't it at least be in friendly space ? Oh my goodness..I hope I will make it back to home when the ion storm is gone. I'm hiding from Rheinlanders right now. I don't have any intel for them, but don't want to be in their prisons. One of my close friends got captured by Rheinlanders some time ago, he never came back..Anyway, I don't think you care about my personal life.

My scanners aren't working right now. I only repaired the transmitter, my ship is barely functioning right now.

Oh sh*t, I see rheinlanders coming towards me ! * Shutting down lights, communications silenced. The fighter looks like an abandoned wreck. *

* few minutes later... *

Whew, that was very close. I think the Rheinlanders are blind. I could see his face, but he didnt't seem to see me. Oh, looks like the scanners are back up. Everything looks normal so far, my ship didn't get damaged by rheinlanders in the fight. Setting course to the Jump gate..or jump hole if I'm lucky enough to find it.

I'm shutting down communications now, don't want it to get intercepted by the Marines- whatever it's called. Lets say Rheinland's LSF. They are not as good as OUR LSF though. *grins*

Hope to report in Houston's orbit next time, sirs. Good day to you.

--- Encrypting... ---
--- Encryption TERMINATED ---
--- Closing communication link ---
--- Link CLOSED ---
--- Transmission End ---

Liberty Forces Message dump - Total.Absolution - 12-18-2010

-=Incoming Transmission=-
-=ID: Ensign Jacob Beumont=-
-=Subject: Patrol=-
-=Video Feed=-
[Image: 6jk95u.jpg]
-=Message starts=-

Good day Sirs, Ma'ams. Today I did a long patrol today, starting with joining Tia Whitehall to destroy an AI cruiser, Call-sign, "Chemical", that was carrying multiple Liberty escape pods. The cruiser fled, but not before it took heavy damage after Vice-Admiral Jack Malrone showed up with a bomber. It managed to dock on Rochester, and Tia supposedly got guncam tapes of it.

After this, I cleared California, and on the way back to New York, I spotted a Outcast "Tridente",Call-sign "Kayla.Vanorskie", pirating on the well known hotspot in California. It engaged me, and I evaded until Ensign Matt Falconer showed up, and we proceeded to destroy the Tridente. But before it went down, a Lane Hacker Gunship showed up and engaged us, it's call-sign was Jared. Falconer and I destroyed it as well, which is commendable for a pair of fighters.

Then, Falconer went to help Tia Hall in New York, and I tried to get a Bounty Hunter "Thresher" leave Liberty, call-sign "Justis4". It refused, and after a few minutes, Jack Will showed up and I fired a single warning shot from my "Imp. Debilitator Mk II". At that small arms fire, the destroyer fired on me with its mortar and Axillary turrets. After a LSF agent, call-sign "Tobi.Marauder", tried to stop us, we successfully destroyed it with help from MM and other parties. After that, a mysterious A.D.M.I.N. appeared, and took Tobi with itself somewhere.

On the way back with Tia and Jack Will, we encountered the known criminal Jenna.Strawberry, which,after encountering her, we engaged. Unfortunetly, The_Joker showed up and engaged us. Too make things worse, an AI cruiser and a Rogue gunboat appeared as well. After a while, Captain Zanders came with the calvary, Simon Sartori, Jadin Larsen, and a dreadnought named the Stronghold appeared to help. After some time, we defeated The_Joker, the Rogue, and the AI cruiser. Although freelancer Roc appeared to help The_Joker, call-sign "Bombed". Jenna got away again, but the Roc was destroyed.

I continued my patrol to California again, because the Lane Hacker "H-Dawg!" was pirating in a broadsword. Tia, Hank Kapinos, and I destroyed it quickly. On the way back, we found an IMG battlecruiser, call-sign "Rig-11" appeared escorting a miner. It agreed to leave, and I escorted it to Magellan. Although it seemed to think that we just sit on our ass's all day, and that we don't protect Liberty enough, I ignored it.

On the to Texas to help destroy another AI cruiser, I got word from a USI official that Smeagle was on the California hotspot. I moved there with Ensign Jeff Blue, and we engaged and destroyed him. We encountered Maelstrom next to Alcatraz, but I chose to leave it alone due to Matt Falconer being under attack at the Magellan gate in California. The rest of the patrol, now quite large, moved there. The target that was attacking, Jokers_Thug-Sushy was attacking Jadin Larsen and Matt Falconer. Our forces were losing, as the Sabre was taking no damage at all. Captain Zanders ordered them to back away, and for me and him to finish the Sabre off. It went down quickly, and after this, I proceeded to Norfolk for numerous repairs.
Attaching Guncams

Chemical at Rochester
The Tridente Exploding
The LH gunship on fire
The Thresher shooting at my ship
The Joker destroyed
The Bomber exploding
H-Dawg!'s destruction

That is all,
Ensign Beumont, out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Garrett Jax - 12-18-2010

....Incoming transmission...
....Ensign Jadin.Larsen...
....Patrol Report...

After six months of voluntary leave, I make my less than triumphant return back to active duty within the ranks of the Liberty Navy. With a brand new BDR-804 "Guardian" Liberty Very Heavy Fighter, I entered space with high hopes of quickly becoming a valued member of the Navy.

It didn't take long before I realized that I was ill equiped to handle the pace of battle. Following the lead of Samuel.Zanders, we engaged several ships. Some I remember from my previous tour, and others, although new to me, were no less dangerous.

Thankfully, behind the fighting prowess of several Navy friends, we took down many enemy vessels. Although we were successful, I cannot attribute our victories to any skill on my part. To my shame, I engaged Joker's.Thugs-Shushy, got my brand new Guardian roughed up and had to obey orders from Zanders to disengage before I got myself killed.

My goal is to shake off this rust quickly, begin battle training with the Navy instructor, and try not to embarass myself again. I have to say though, that all in all, it was nice to see some action again. My fellow officers are a joy to work with and, in time, hopefully will be able to rely on me to save their butts for once.

Till then, I will practice and train.

Ensign Jadin.Larsen....ending transmission

Liberty Forces Message dump - aznremix416 - 12-18-2010

[Image: Joseph-Tippmanhead.png]

ENCRYPTION: [color=#33FF33]Medium.
SOURCE: Battleship Mississippi.
Submitter: Lieutenant Joseph Tippman, Liberty Navy, Primary Fleet
Recipient: [LN] High Command

Subject: Patrol Report


Quite an eventful patrol today,

Today there were quite a lot of criminals, so simple house cleaning.

I first met a rogue gunboat down the lane named Essex, He pirated some traders, however due to me lacking suffiecient firepower to take it out, I gave it a warning. However When I received reinforcements from 3 other Naval pilots, I saw Essex again pirating. We chased him down and managed to corner him in Colorado, where we gave him a chance to surrender and for him to leave. His foolish self decided to ignore my generosity and tried to insta-kill one of my men. We promptly destroyed him.

Later on I ran into another Outcast group consisting of 2 outcast gunships and 1 fighter. Seems like they were getting into a scuffle with a zoner. When they ignored my requests and my hails they engaged, I had backup join the fray, Lt. Smith and Ensign Kelly, and we engaged the outcast group. At first we were taking hits, however we managed to pick off the hostiles one by one, and not before long, we ended up destroying them.
Later Ensign Kelly reported another outcast gunship in badlands. His name was Mr. Frosthearth, weird name but quite a sincere person, I could have never guessed he was a criminal. We had a civil talk, for once in my career and as he showed no hostile intentions and was only in the badlands, I let him off with a significant warning. It seemed like he heeded it as well.. good for him.

Lastly, I was called upon the Captain to help seek down a pirate cruiser. We managed to find him and caught up to him, however we could not stop him from docking with the rogue base, Alcatraz'€¦ I believe it was called. I managed to get codes of coordinates for it, but somehow they are lost'€¦ very strange.

I finally went off duty to help set up some new recruits.

***guncam shots***

[font=Georgia]Lieutenant Joseph Tippman signing off.


[Image: Joseph-Tippmanfoot-2.png]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Dashiell - 12-18-2010

:: Incoming Transmission ::

Comm id: Virgil Redline

message begins:


My battle report here. Well, most has been said already. Before the major capital fight started one LSC left, so I assume it's safe at port. We did lose a GB and another LSC and a LABC. My command ship, the dreadnought Gracemeria managed to get out of the fight in (more or less) 1 piece.

If it hadn't been for some epic flying of my helm we'd all been sucking vacuum. The man managed to squeeze us through a jumpgate and use it as cover as we charged up the GTFO-engines. That fat piece of slime colored rheinwehr bs couldn't follow us so we escaped. Even though we could have easily destroyed em all, I decided to attack in a fleeing motion.

[Image: th_screen1-38.jpg]

As far as I could tell we had 2 bs and 2 cruisers attacking us. A cruiser that attacked us before the rest of em arrived got blown up.

Last encounter did make me reconsider the weapon systems on the Grace. I'll get back to HC about that.

Virgil Redline

end of message

Liberty Forces Message dump - Wilmott - 12-18-2010

:: Incoming Transmission ::

Comm ID: Recruit Dudley Wilmott

After some delay, I have finally managed to secure both the papers and the reputation required to advance in rank. I hope that this is satisfactory.

[Image: 2e58e84.png] [Image: 2zefp55.png]

Thankyou for your time sirs.

End of message.

DELETE - SnakThree - 12-18-2010


Liberty Forces Message dump - Loken - 12-18-2010

--Incoming Transmission--
-Source: Matt Falconer-
-Subject: Lane Hacker-
-Location: Battleship Yukon, California-

-Data link enabled-
I ran into the lane hacker "Dialectius" near the Cortez Jump Gate during a routine patrol in California, the light fighter was under fire from a secondary fleet bomber pilot named Jack Traveler who was having trouble hitting the target. I assisted the bomber as requested by LNS-Freedom and after a short game of cat and mouse, the target was eliminated.

[Image: dialeticusdied.png]

Matt Falconer out.

-Transmission Ends-
--Terminating Link--

Liberty Forces Message dump - Samuel Zanders - 12-18-2010

Initiating Connection...
Establishing Network...
Network 100% Complete...
Transmitting Message...

[color=#FFFFFF]Identification Processing...

Captain Samuel Zanders

[font=Palatino Linotype]Salutations,


Since the time Order #505 was issued, we have been hunting this vessel several times. On two separate occasions has the hostile vessel managed to sustain severe corrosion damage caused by the sun-corona. Its hull-plating outclassing our small snub-crafts provided the enemy with a good escape mechanism, which forced us to change tactics.

This time we would counter heavy, with heavy.

Sending in a Siege Cruiser along side small snub-crafts serving as interceptor units, we finally managed to successfully disrupt the Maelstorm's path in Foxtrot-Five, Cortez System. It attempted to use its thrusters to reach the nearest docking port but near Epsilon-Six it was finally destroyed.

Attached File(s):

File A

[color=#3366FF]That is all - Zanders out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 12-19-2010

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: viceadmiralinsignia.png] Vice Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: viceadmiralinsigniaflip.png]
[Image: firstbd.jpg]
>Hamburg Raid.

Yesterday we showed our resolve to the Rheinlanders and scored a small, yet meaningful victory for our Republic.

With our forces already in Hamburg, I raced towards the border, commanding the cruiser Florida. Two other Cruisers, along with two gunboats and a small wing of fighters were readying themselves for a strike. Trailing a few minutes behind myself was the Carrier Impreza - Apparently carrying Secondary turrets. I ordered all capital ships to stay hidden in the asteroid field until the fighter wing could establish enemy numbers and firepower. Soon after they left the cloud, a RepEx ship located them and called in the Military. Of course, a fight broke out and the fierce battle had begun.

With most fighters under attack, I took it upon myself to see if we couldn't launch a surprise attack against their capital ships by flying above the plane. The Glacier Peak and the Florida headed out, approximately 14K above plane to spot the enemy cruiser and gunboat sitting near Planet Hamburg. While this was playing out, the fighters were slowly getting overwhelmed by a Rheinland attack wing. A suggestion was made to send in the gunboats for support - One which worked on two levels: 1. Providing support for our forces and 2. Possibly luring out the capital ships far enough so the Glacier Peak and Florida could launch a crippling strike. Unfortunately, the strobe lights that were fitted on the bow of both Cruisers gave our position away to the enemy and they were headed straight for us. At the same time, a Rheinland Battleship suddenly appeared and made its way straight for the fighter wing. I gave the order to put all our assets into battle.
At first, the Rheinland Battleship seemed to be the logical target - However, it soon lost interest in the dodging cruisers and once it had fell behind far enough, we swiftly took down the cruiser that was in hot pursuit of us.
Now for the hard part - The massive Rheinland Battleship. I ordered all fighters to cover the capital ships by taking down any bombers in range - It was a tall order considering how damaged the fighter wing was, but a necessary risk if we were to eliminate the battleship. Fortunately, the Impreza soon arrived on scene and provided an excellent distraction - Allowing the cruisersFlorida, Glacier Peak and Freedom to engage the battleship. Everything was going well until the captain of the Freedom underestimated the power of the battleship's weapons - They didn't stand a chance at close range and were destroyed in seconds.

The loss of the Freedom only empowered the rest of the fleet and the battleship Wittmund was no more.
[Image: bs2l.jpg]
[Image: battleshipdead.jpg]

With the major threats dealt with, I ordered a full retreat back to Texas. Although battered, bruised and missing a few friends, we made it back to Liberty and had scored a small victory for the Republic.
[Image: homewardbound.jpg]

Vice Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]