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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ninjakitten - 10-25-2009

Status Report
Id: Ensign Wilhelmina Walker
Location: Battleship Derby, Leeds

Yesterday in Leeds Lt Commander Galt and I sighted an Outcast Ranseur Class Dreadnought, belonging to the terrorist claiming to be Salazar Kithe. We tracked the ship through the system, while Lt Commander Galt attempted to call for reenforcements. Before they could arrive the Dreadnought vanished from our scanners and we were unable to make visible contact. To increase our scanning range we seperated keeping within communications distance at all times. Lt Commander Galt then sighted a Sabre Heavy Fighter craft in the vacinaty of D-5, however before I was able to assist his ship had been disabled and he was forced to eject. Lt Commander Galt was safetly retreived and is currently confined to the medical wing for observation, no major injuries were sustained.

When I arrived at the location I proceeded to engage the target and despite suffering significate damage to my Templar I was able to destory the target. Scans during the battle indict there no life forms aboard the fighter, raising the possible use of a a drone strikecraft.

[Image: salazarc.jpg]

My onboard camera was damaged during the flight, no images were retrievable. I am assured my fighter shal be full repaired and operational by the time I return to duty. I also request access to the archives for information on the Terrorist known as Salazar Kithe.

Please forgive my tardiness reporting in, I have only recently been released from medical.

Ens Wilhelmina "Billie" Walker

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Markam - 10-26-2009

Report of engagement file 43594AC

ID: Admiral of the York Fleet, John Redmond.

Keeping things short as usual, I recieved reports of a pack of uneducated and unwashed bandits some 20 clicks behind Planet Leeds, somewhere in that old smog cloud. I took command of a nearby Destroyer Invictus, fine ship if not a little weak on armour. I held some 10 clicks from the hostile group while I determined the threat level, blurring my view was a situation not quite as reported, some six ships, all red to my scanners. Revealed to me however was the fact that they were arguing, clearly the larger group of four were bullying the smaller group of two, a Hacker bomber and a Raven's talon mercenary with Junker IFF (bloody why they all showed as possibly dangerous). I, without escort in the sturdy old Invictus, declared that there was no fortune for those not brave, and charged the lot of them.

Quickly the situation exploded, quite literally. The two gunboats and two praetorians took to focusing fire on me. The Hacker chap and the Junker mercenary fortunately did not just bugger off, and seemed to assist me indirectly, good on them. The first chap to go down was a praetorian, silly bugger ran into his own torpedo, shouldn't use such explosive weapons if you can't live through them. I thought I had one of the gunboats with a well placed mortar round, but the explosion did not trigger a chain reaction and he was able to repair himself, nevertheless I did away with him soon enough, and then his other gunboat friend followed. The last praetorian was then quickly dispatched, probably lost heart as corsairs so easily do.


I paid the Mercenary a paltry sum of one milion credits, though I technically saved his arse, he did stick about and did away with the corsairs with me, bit of honour with that chap. The Hacker took to comms with me, despite being enemies of sorts he was grateful for me saving his rear, and I requested that he should go easy on Bretonian trade, only time will tell if that ever happens, ha.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - ninjakitten - 10-29-2009

*Post Combat Report*
ID - Ens. Wilhelmina Walker

During my last patrol the Corsair Battleship 'FATALITY' was spotted near Planet New London. After moving within scanning range I requested that the Corsair leave Bretonian Space, this and all repeated request were ignored by the Captain. Following this I immediately notified Command of the situation. While the fleet was scrabbled I attempted to delay the Battleship for as long as possible, disrupting tradelands and generally making a pest of myself. I followed the Battleship through the Dublin jumpgate were it attempted to lose me, circling and returning back through the New London Jumpgate.

I again made contact with the Battleship at Planet New London, disrupting its flight through the tradelanes to the Southampton Shipyard. At Southampton the Corsair fled in the direction of the Trafalgar installation. It was here my scanners lost contact with the target due to interference from the surrounding asteroid field. After several minutes I required visual of the target, which had again circled back and was heading towards Southampton. It was here the Battlegroup joined the pursuit. The Corsair Battleship fled under fire to Cambridge where it was subsequently destroyed.

Ensign Wilhelmina 'Billie' Walker

Guncam Shot I
Guncam Shot II
Guncam Shot III

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 10-30-2009

... Incoming Transmission

From: Commodore James Hobart, 7th Derby fleet
To: Bretonia Armed Force High Command
Subject: Chinchilla II

I would like to thank the Admiralty for sending over replacement Templars, but I cannot hide my disappointment with the decision about not redeploying some of the Ark Royal bomber command. Nevertheless, we will put everything that was sent to us to good use.


I would like to inform the High Command that the 'Wilson' case is finally closed.

Some weeks ago, a report came to my desk. What I saw truly shocked me. Ensign second class Arthur Wilson, serving under Derby fleet was reported for blackmail, and generally bad behavior towards the captain of the trade ship 'Dodgeball'. Such behavior will not be tolerated in the Armed Force. Our Force serves Bretonia with loyalty and justice, and such events give a bad name to our ranks. Still, the report had to be checked first. I truly believed that Ensign Wilson was just doing his job properly and that it was all a misunderstanding.

So, I ordered an internal investigation. Two weeks after I ordered the investigation, the inspectors appointed to this task, finally presented the Wilsons testimony to me, in which he confessed all accusations.

This is first time, I recall that someone was charged and found guilty for such lowlife activities inside the Armed Forces. In time of war, it is important that we preserve our honor. Because, I would rather lose the war fighting alongside honest and true men, than to win it in a company of butchers and frauds.

Twenty years in military prison, plus recommendation for force labor is the judgment.

This should be a clear warning to all those like Ensign Wilson. Both war and life have rules that should not be crossed!

<div align="right]Signed by: James Hobart

... End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 11-01-2009

***Incoming transmission***
***ID: Captain Jacob Carter***
***Subject: Salazar Kithe***
***Priority: [color=#FF0000]High ***

I'll go directly to the issue.

Today, when on patrol in Leeds as always, I've picked signals of known terrorist Salazar Kithe. Nothing unusual, he's around Leeds quite often, it starts to be annoying.

But, soon I found out his true purpose of being there. Today he wasn't there to annoy the hell outta us with his Sabre drones, he was searching for something named "The Vengeance".

[Image: 9tool0.png]

I had no idea what it is, but according to the transmissions it was sending, it was something what had it's own AI. Soon the loudmouth Salazar told us what it is. Sometimes I wonder why he's still alive when he tells people nearly everything.

[Image: 2e4b4o9.png]

Aye, you read right. I have no bloody idea how that ship got to Sirius, but it was there. And we had to bloody guess where it could be. I had a certain idea, it was our only one, so we started moving to sector A-8.

Soon we found out my idea was right. I was lucky that Salazar's Sabre had a engine malfunction, so I could track him down to find The Vengeance. Another silly idea from him. Regardless, he was there first, and immediately started transmitting codes to prepare the ship for leave.

[Image: e17l80.jpg]

The Vengeance and Salazar engaged cruise engines and started escaping. I got a camera shot of the ship, but that thing must have had some bloody jamming device, so the photos are not clear enough. The shape is very similar to Outcast Dreadnought though.

[Image: 2q3bq15.png]

While I was chasing them, Salazar gained direct control of the ship. The Sabre had it's AI drone activated, broke formation and turned around. It was pretty clear that he was going to get The Vengeance rid of me. He fired at least 10 CDs, one of them unfortunately hit, giving the Vengeance clear room to escape. Before I could do anything, I started taking fire on shields from the Sabre. I had no other choice than to fight back. Oddly enough, the drone deactivated as soon as The Vengeance got off our scanners.

[Image: e6univ.png]

At least the drone was destroyed...

Further scans and his transmitting show possibility of hyperspace drive, something what would be great to have indeed. But seems the kusarians would like their share too.

[Image: 2ia4rwo.png]

I suggest approaching The Vengeance with caution and enough firepower on our side. Destroying it completely is an option, capturing it and then examining it's technology is another (but very unlikely considering it's flown by a mad terrorist).

In any case, don't treat this threat so lightly and be on guard everytime it shows up.


Captain Jacob Carter

***End of transmission***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Seth Karlo - 11-01-2009

Hack started
Hacking... Hacking...
Hack complete. Bretonian Armed Forces channel cracked.
Starting transmission...

Hmmm, hello Bretonians. I'm actually impressed with your encryptions on this, it took me a good hour to get around them. Anyway, I thought you might like some pictures of the lovely ship Mr Carter let me escape with...

Files uploading.
Scanning for virus... scan complete: No virus detected.
Showing files

[Image: Vengeance-1.png]

[Image: Vengeancebottom.png]

[Image: VengeanceFront.png]

Upload complete

Just so you know what to look out for in space... *Chuckles*


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 11-02-2009

From: Captain jack Frost
To: Bretonia Armed Force High Command
Subject: Combat report

After coming on duty i noticed a few Corsair vessels in New London. I met up with Stoat on my way there and after getting to Planet New London we where confronted with at least 2 Corsair Battleships, a few Gunboats and a bomber.
I tried to contact reinforcments but my comms unit was malfunctioning. As i was stationed outside the planet the corsairs attacked. Stoat suffered a complete systems failure and that left me with an Indie pilot fighting for our lives.
Ens. Shekhar turned up at a fortunate time and tried to help me but i fear by the time he arrived i was not worth saving so i had to eject.
Might i add that the Ensign fought with courage and skill and indeed brought down a Legate

The battle was not over as reinforcments arrived to help the Enign with the other Corsairs.

These pictures i got with my lifepod cam.
The battle still rages and i expect a full report at the end of the action.

I would also recommend the Ensign for a commendation.

Comm System: Closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - mwerte - 11-02-2009

Insert Datadump Access Code: ***********
Welcome Commander Bringham, HMS Nestor, Rapid Response Force Prime

Admirals and pilots. The dispatch was sent to Southhampton about the aforementioned Corsair battlegroup plauging the civilians of New London. The Nestor was dispatched.

By the time we located the battlespace there was only one Legate-class dreadnaught, and one bomber. After almost an hour of fighting the bomber was drivin off. The HMS-Manchester arrived on the scene, but quickly had to limp to Southhampton for emergency repairs.

That left the Nestor and Ensign Shekhar against a dreadnaught. I might also mention that for a time Ensign Shekhar was alone against the Legate while the Nestor dealt with the enemy bomber.

We faught on, pouring massive amounts of firepower into the Corsair vessel, but in the end its gunners caught up to the Nestor and crippled it. We all managed to get in the escape pods, and salvage crews are on their way to the hull now.

Ensign Shekhar kept fighting on, with the aid of the stationary batteries around New London proper. Eventually the Legate was drivin off.

It is my recommendation that Ensign Shekhar be givin a commondation of the highest order.

Isacc Bringham, Commander, HMS Nestor, Leeds-class gunboat, Rapid Response Force Prime, Vice Admiral Howe commanding.

Datadump access closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 11-26-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Comm ID: Austin Goodmen, Lieutenant Commander]
[Target ID: Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Subject: Action Report]

Reporting in.

Someone keeps hitting my ships up for parts. Can't keep the bloody thing safe on the Derby either. Moving back to my normal station at the Suffolk until further notice.

I have one After Action Report to include.

After Action Report:

Yesterday around 10:08 PM Leeds Standard Time, a Civilian transport was under fire by a Corsair vessel, with the call sign "Zewa" in Leeds orbit. I just came on duty at the time and found myself entering the cross fire, driving the corsair out towards the no mans land.

It was a good ten minutes before Ensign Blair aided me in the defense of the planet. The Corsair, knowing his defeat, turn tail and fled after thirty minutes of being engaged. I tailed him until he entered the Stokes Asteroid Field, cutting my engines and returning to planetary orbit, where the target re-engaged. Entering a solo fight against this Corsair I managed to make him flee once more.

Analysis: Target ship was using a Series Z "Sabre" Border Worlds Fighter, and what looked to be Kusari weaponry. I was unable to gather a scan on the vessel's weapon output.

Conclusion: Military defenses need to be enforced more...


Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen
Suffolk Quick Response Wing Gamma-13

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Lafiel - 11-26-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Comm ID: Lafiel Tarrant, Countess Arundel]
[Target ID: Armed Forces Garrison Planet Leeds]
[Redirecting Target ID: Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Level 1 Encryption enabled]

[Subject: Reporting suspicious behavior and appearance of a Liberty Rogue in Leeds System]

Reporting to the fine men an women of the armed forces

I found myself orbiting planet Leeds this Morning when at a 0100 hours I was surprised to suddenly find the presence of 1 Liberty Rogue on the scanners of my vessel. I moved to position myself near the Derby and didn't engage said target I how ever did move to get a closer look for I was unconvinced that my scanners were reading true upon doing so I made physical eye contact out of the window of my vessel and found that it indeed was a rogue. Suspiciously enough it neither engaged me nor attempted to rob me in fact it seemed to be trying to remain as inconspicious as possible and kept an erratic course maintaing its distance from all vessels in the system it didnt even try to attack any transports that were present in the system. What makes me more concerned is that it was on the unexpected side of the system it wasn't heading out from the magellan jump hole near leeds but quite to the contrary it was coming from a direction that would have possibley led it to the taus or edinburgh this is quite alarming that a roque managed to get so far from home within our system but the most alarming thing is Im concerned he was upto something indeed something that would put fire behind his heels of a most dire nature which could not possibley bode well for anyone.

I managed to capture visual of the rogue and uploaded image data and sensor telemtry for your perusal

[Image: Rogues.jpg]

End of Transmission