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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Bjorn - 04-02-2010

There was moment of silence, and then suddenly zip as bolt flew trough air, and trough Strauss's left foot, pinning him to spot.

"You were asked why you are here, and not to wave your nonexsistant and insignificant would be manhood." - commissar narrowed his eyes and stroked his well kept long beard.

"What is the coalition?" - another bolt was set.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 04-02-2010

The man only nodded.

"Lets see what you've got without your newspaper" The man sneered sarcastically.

"Lead the way 'comrade'"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Akura - 04-02-2010

"The Coalition in Sirius are the remenants of the Coaliton side of the War of Sol" He began, wincing at the pain in his left foot, Bjorn had amazing aim, he had to give him that.

"You are made up of the descendants of either the saboteurs on board the Alliance Sleeper ships, or those who saw the truth and defected from the lies to serve here"

"You fight capitalism, corruption and Aliens with guerilla tactics and stunning military efficiency, you are known in Sirius as the SCRA, Sirius Coalition Revolution Army" Marcus reached down and tightened the straps on his left boot, to stop himself from bleeding out, "You are the only future I see"

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Tabris - 04-02-2010

Saluting sharply, he shealthed his Knife to the holster near his boot, tucking his newspaper once again under his arm as he saluted his old friend and superior sharply before beckoning the fresh meat to follow him.

As he walked he unfolded his newspaper and continued to read as he walked, he knew the way down by heart so he casually dodged personnel walking in the halls, eventually the pair came to the Hanger Bay, several Insurgents and Partisans were being worked on by the Techs, leading the applicant past them and into a small clearing near the center of the bay, he folded the paper up once again and dropped it to the ground, reaching down towards his knife he unsheathed it and held it in a reverse grip.

"One Rule...Don't die" he whispered, turning around to face him in a crouch, his arms raised slightly, ready to strike with his knife hand in a sweeping motion while his other hand was open and reach to grab a limb to twist should the opportunity present itself...Waiting on the applicant to make the first move...If he had a spine in his whole body.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - aznremix416 - 04-02-2010

The man simply smirked "Lets give these workers a show eh? They have worked hard"

He pulled out his very own "butterfly knife" in a straight grip and eyed up the opponent. Maybe this officer would be a friend and ally of him in the near future, but right now he is the man's worst enemy. The two men circled each other for a good 10 seconds, waiting for one to make the move.

The man whispered under his breath:

In a catlike motion the man lunged forward and slashed at the coalition Lieutenant

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Tabris - 04-02-2010

As Ben waited for his opponent to strike he sized him up, butterfly knife, meaning that he would likely be good with his hands, the way he was not letting down his guard showed he was at least not an idiot in the ways of Combat.

As he gracefully struck at Ben he smirked, shifting his weight to the right and side-stepping the blow, as he passed Ben the officer made a punching motion of his knife,hand, not aiming directly at the man, but slightly to the side so that the blade has a chance to slice him, this was a mere probe of his defenses, to see what he can do.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Bjorn - 04-02-2010

There was another zip followed by a thud and muffled curse as second bolt pinned second foot to floor.

"Incorrect. That would be definition of what we do and who we are, but that is not what coalition is. Coalition is an ideal and a goal of greater purpose. Now be observant, or il be forced to clean all five of the bolts." - said Bjorn with resigning sigh.

"Lets cut the chase, shall we?" - he said, taking out some sort of remote device, pressing one of several buttons on it. From sides of the table, two small portable plasma turrets emerged, and set their barrels on applicant.

"Last part. Tell me why would I admit an cowardly, traitorous, arrogant scum into any of our ships? You may begin, and if you fail to explain it to me, this pair of micro Firekisses will have to be used." - he finished with a smirk, and pulled out some sort of paper wrapped fast food from one of drawers and started eating slowly, looking applicant into the eyes.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Akura - 04-02-2010

Ironic thing was, Marcus might be about to die to the very turrets he probably helped design and produce. His feet were pinned to the floor, he couldn't exactly move out of the way.

"Because I'm very good at what I do, I didn't give up on Rheinland, they gave up on me" he sighed, wincing and tightening his right boot, again, to prevent himself from bleeding out, should he live.

"I know what you do and how you do it, and I want to serve an ideal that won't fail it's people" he coughed, "I can be more use to you than any of those other pathetic, untrained whelps you've killed today" he eyed up the plasma cannons again, "I can aim, I can dodge, I can fight, I know more about Military Science than probably anyone else this side of Liberty, I've created weapons responsible for the deaths of thousands of Liberty Navy pilots, as well as the Das Wilde"

He gripped the small crucifix in his pocket, that he had shaped out of a small paperclip as he talked, he smiled to himself for a second, he didn't believe in god, no god was going to save him from a nice pair of plasma shots. He was on his own.

He crushed the small shape in his hand and looked into the eyes of Bjorn, hoping it wasn't the last thing he saw. There were far too many people he'd planned on killing before he died.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Bjorn - 04-02-2010

Still eating his very delicious kebab, Bjorn looked at applicant, with somewhat resigned look. He always had same look on his face when he was forced to do things like these, but it is for their own good, or greater good of the cause...

"Herr Strauss, you are rheinland spy who had his head filled with so much excrement that it started to float freely in air due to expanding gasses from it. Lets see what happens when we induce huge amount of heat to it, shall we, mister scientist?" - he finished last bite, stood up, adjusted coat, picked up his weapon and ammo, and walked towards the doors.

"I dislike the smell, so if you will excuse me..." - with that he left the room while pressing second button of his remote controler. Suddenly turrets came to life, spewing white hot plasma over unfortunate applicant.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Corsair - 04-02-2010

Anastazia Pekkala waited patiently for the officer to come and review her. Her face was calm, and she stood straight, her hands folded behind her back. Her submitted application was as follows:

Name: Anastazia Pekkala
Sex: Female
Description of intent:

My name is Anastazia Pekkala. Of the original Coalition saboteurs on board the Alliance sleeper ships, some have found their way home slower than others. My family has existed since the founding of the Houses, with my several great ancestors originally finding roots in Kusari. Generations of inbreeding and limited mixing with other Houses has kept our line relatively pure of Sirian taints. Genetic Engineering has kept out the.. Issues, pertaining to cosanguine mating.

Enough of that. I have returned home. To my true home. To live and die for the Commisar is my duty. I will perform this service with fervor.