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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Manueldekort - 10-19-2011

[Image: maddoc_trans.png]


delivery report L = Load / U = Unload

Hfuel to Falkland Base 3500 units

H-fuel -U

Fertilizers to Crete 5000 units


Hfuel to Tripoli 10000 units


Ship Hull panels to FP6 5000 units

Ship Hull Panels-U
Ship Hull Panels U2

Total of 18500 units shipped

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 10-19-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 system
Subject: Black Sails contract deliveries
Message begins

Did some runs today to Leon Base. First time in, impressions not bad. People are a bit edgy, but polite. No hostile encounters through the flight.
Comodities delivered:
Food rations /issue Gran Canaria/ - 15 000 units
Water /issue Gran Canaria/ - 10 000 units

Pickup and dropoff guncam shots :

Food rations: Planet Gran Canaria to Leon Base
P1 D1
P2 D2
P3 D3

Water : Planet Gran Canaria to Leon Base
P1 D1
P2 D2

Along the way met Mr. James Church in the OSI-Skyfall. Got the impression at first he was kinda TAZ brought up, but the strange messages on the secure comm came out to be a system malfunction. A quick rehaul at GC made them disapear /for now/. Thanks for the companty, James.

Besides Skyfall, nobody showed up on scanners. Quiet and calm ride, just as I like 'em.

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-19-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Greetings all.

Just a report of shipments of food rations to Planet Crete. In total around 30,000 units were deliveres.
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The only thing of interest that happened along the way was that my slave and comms system had an error. The bot I had on-board to do emergency autopilot had somehow damaged the signal transmitter. It was broadcasting all sorts of odd messages. Thanks to Mr. Vale for allowing me to have my ship follow his back to Canaria. The remote navigational system was fried.

I have had a refit but do you think the Tech heads at Cornicupia could have a look into something a bit more sturdy to outfit my ships with? I think it was the repeated exposure to radiation that did it.

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 10-20-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Planet Gran Canaria, Omega-49 system
Subject: Black Sails contract deliveries
Message begins

Finished the Leon Base water delivery.
Comodities delivered:
Water /issue Gran Canaria/ - 10 000 units

Pickup and dropoff guncam shots :
Water : Planet Gran Canaria to Leon Base
P1 D1
P2 D2

I think I got Keepers on my scans in O41, but can't be sure - it was little more than a smudge on the screen.
Tread carefully anyway, lads and lasses.

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 10-20-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta system
Subject: Black Sails contract deliveries
Message begins

Did some work on the Tripoli H-fuel delivery.

Comodities delivered:
H-fuel /Issue Gas Miner Naha/ - 20 000 units

Pickup and dropoff guncam shots
H-fuel from Gas Miner Naha to Tripoli shipyard

P1 D1
P2 D2
P3 D3
P4 D4

Crossed paths with our Felicia Ruiz and OSI-Gytrash. Fine young lady, Ms. Ruiz, she is. As for James, well...... I think he works too hard. And the synthetic plants don' help much at all, at all...

Aside from that, you could say the Edge was deserted... calm, quiet, beautiful... Take a look yourselves:

1 2 3 4 5

Pictures can't tell you even half of it though... Have to see it with your own eyes, on the observation gallery, with a glass of fine molly 15 year old single malt and a cigar...

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-21-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Greetings all.

A few things to report here.

First off an encounter that I had with a gentleman flying a ship called the Lust
Quote:[20.10.2011 13:11:06] Sinner.Lust: Hail Zoner....
[20.10.2011 13:11:16] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Hello there.
[20.10.2011 13:11:24] Sinner.Lust: Could you hold a moment?
[20.10.2011 13:11:35] OSI-Gytrash: Church: What is it?
[20.10.2011 13:11:44] Sinner.Lust: Ah very nice
[20.10.2011 13:11:49] Sinner.Lust: I'd like to ask a few questions...
[20.10.2011 13:12:10] Ayatolah: oh... hello zonie!
[20.10.2011 13:12:17] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Hello there.
[20.10.2011 13:12:22] Sinner.Lust: Now then... Those questions, can I ask what brings you to Gamma?
[20.10.2011 13:12:29] Sinner.Lust: A dangerous place here ya know...
[20.10.2011 13:12:43] OSI-Gytrash: Church: I am well aware of that.
[20.10.2011 13:13:04] Sinner.Lust: Tell me, why do the Corsairs not attack you? Or try to take your goods?
[20.10.2011 13:13:09] Ayatolah: very unfriendly....
[20.10.2011 13:13:33] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Was there anything else?
[20.10.2011 13:13:40] Sinner.Lust: I just asked
[20.10.2011 13:13:49] Sinner.Lust: Why do the Corsairs not attack or pirate you?
[20.10.2011 13:13:55] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Ah right, sorry missed that.
[20.10.2011 13:14:03] OSI-Gytrash: Church: If you will examine my cargo hold.
[20.10.2011 13:14:10] OSI-Gytrash: Church: You will find it empty.
[20.10.2011 13:14:19] Sinner.Lust: Aye, but surely you had a reason to be here no?
[20.10.2011 13:14:30] OSI-Gytrash: Church: I think that that eloquently answers your question.
[20.10.2011 13:14:33] Sinner.Lust: And even a empyt ship can still hold treasures...
[20.10.2011 13:14:48] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Perhaps it can.
[20.10.2011 13:14:49] Sinner.Lust: It does not... And I have more than 1 question
[20.10.2011 13:15:01] Sinner.Lust: So do tell, what WERE you doing here?
[20.10.2011 13:15:28] OSI-Gytrash: Church: I was moving goods from Freeport 11.
[20.10.2011 13:15:52] Sinner.Lust: Really now? Seemed you were coming from the inner part of Gamma
[20.10.2011 13:15:53] OSI-Gytrash: Church: But I was told to redirect by a most direct chap.
[20.10.2011 13:16:01] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Indeed.
[20.10.2011 13:16:05] Sinner.Lust: Ah... THROUGH gamma eh?
[20.10.2011 13:16:14] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Unfortunately yes.
[20.10.2011 13:16:21] Sinner.Lust: I see
[20.10.2011 13:16:24] OSI-Gytrash: Church: It was at this point that I was deprived of my cargo.
[20.10.2011 13:16:43] Sinner.Lust: Ah.... Well, in the future call us... We're always willing to help the Zoners *winks*
[20.10.2011 13:16:48] Sinner.Lust: Have a safe flight...
[20.10.2011 13:16:52] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Oh I am sure.
[20.10.2011 13:17:06] OSI-Gytrash: Church: Would you mind answering a question of mine?
[20.10.2011 13:17:13] Sinner.Lust: Yes, I have places to be
[20.10.2011 13:17:17] Sinner.Lust: Lets move Jose
[20.10.2011 13:17:28] Sinner.Lust: *waves*
[20.10.2011 13:17:32] OSI-Gytrash: Church: *to himself* how rude.
He was quite insistent and in fact I felt rather threatened. I gave him nothing and have only seen him a couple of times since then. He seems to hang around the Omicron Gamma side of the Jump hole between Gamma and Theta for the most part. I think he may be trying to gather information on us. For that reason I have been informing him that the H-fuel that I have been shipping has been for Freeport 11.

Next off the report on delivery of the H-fuel to Tripoli Shipyard.
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Thirdly. In relation to the first item in my report I had an encounter with a gentleman flying an Imperiator that leads me to believe that our activities are being spied upon. For what purpose I know not.
May I request that we ask our corsair contractors who the owner of this vessel is? If he is someone that is being employed by the corsairs then his behavior is most definitely suspect.

Also Mr. Vale. I am not a user of Synthetic Marijuana and never have been.

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Redirion - 10-21-2011

[Image: laster_trans.png]


I have completed the H-Fuel deliveries to IMG.

Cargo transfer to an IMG| in front of Jakarta.
Total delivered: 3500 H-Fuel

Right before the cargo transfer, I have had noticed a Bowex)-vessel in Tau-37.
As Bowex threatened us with their material - whether it is fake or not - they indirectly admitted they were spying at us.
So if they are trying to bring us in trouble, I thought it would be worth to cause some trouble to them..without having them to know of course.

The result is to be seen here.

Best regards,
Ned Laster

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 10-21-2011

[Image: crosstrans.png]
Seems there has been a lot of activity in my absence. Supply Inc is running rather efficiently, even without a full time CEO. Remember, you all have paid vacations! Use them! Don't burn yourself out or run your transport into the ground skipping scheduled maintenance checks.

Captain Laster, the Board thanks you for forwarding us information regarding your chance encounter with a Bowex transport. It is very interesting information indeed.

To your report Captain Church, as of late it does appear there are people who've an unusually high interest in what we do. I must commend you for your quick thinking, as the Corsairs are known for piracy, I doubt many will question your claims. Other than perhaps those who already know we supply the Corsairs in return for a pardon from their violent tendencies.

I've contacted both Sirius Robotics and the Virulian Enclave regarding your interest in an up to date slaving system. We'll see what they can offer.

I see some of you have been moving goods through Omicron Alpha without incident. It appears that our presence there doesn't bother them, but I wouldn't suggest testing them. No large convoys are to pass through Alpha en mass.

Regarding the Corsairs, Mr Kace, our dealings with them have shown that different groups of them don't always respect the deals made both other groups. If they attack you or one of our transports, you're free to use whatever force required to protect both yourself and the transport.

Let us know if the CCCP division of the Gallic Royal Navy gives anyone else any grief. I was told they've been made aware of our trading permits.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - kidd_meier - 10-22-2011

[Image: kidd_trans.png]
Origin: Freeport 9, Omicron Theta system
Subject: Black Sails contract deliveries
Message begins

Did some work on the Planet Crete consumer goods delivery. Had the pleasure of traveling with these two fine gentlemen:

Distinguished company

Comodities delivered:
Consumer Goods /Issue Freeport 2/ - 10 000 units

Pickup and dropoff guncam shots
Consumer Goods from Freeport 2 to Planet Crete
P1 D1
P2 D2

Apologies, Mr.Church. Evidently it is the excess amount of work that burdens you. No offence intended.

Message Ends
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom-1.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 10-27-2011

[Image: gytrash_trans.png]

Just checking in with two new ship purchases.

First off I have gone ahead and acquired the Ryuujin class transport from Samura Heavy Industries as instructed by Mr. Cross to do. The vessel is yet another one on the slave system but is using a very different set of codes. I would be happy to share these codes with other OSI captains if they would like to utilize it. This vessel is registered as the OSI-Guinevere.

Secondly is another Whale class ZBT-100Z. This vessel has been collected from Livida Shipyards already fitted with a slave system. I am considering mounting an AI to this vessel in place of the slave system so if you could look into that it would be wonderful Mr. Cross. This vessel is registered as the OSI-Fluttershy

Also are there any updates on that slave system? Would you mind allowing me access to the communications channel so that I can check the progress myself and not have to ask you for updates?

Respectfully James Church, OSI-Gytrash
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]