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Sunbucks Cafe - Oldum - 11-19-2009

*Lance slowly pushes the door open, then he notices all the people shouting and drinking ..*

- Oh boy, now this is one wild crowd ...

[font=Comic Sans Ms]*He walks to a table, greeting everyone , handshake and so on. Kicks a chair away from the table, right next to the window, and shouts for the bartender to give him a bier and something to eat.... he just hopes his words reached the guys ears since everyone is shouting around.*

- Well, it's been quite a bit of time now, but this storm is finally coming to an end ... It was getting quite boring to sit here all day. Not to mention that my Patriot was blown to bits last time ...

*As he mumbles to himself, a waitress gets there with his bier and a tasty-looking sandwich *

- Thanks sexy! Later of if you have some time you could also give me your number...

- Sounds good, but I don't really date LPI pilots. Nothing personal, but they just come and go around.

-Well, try me ...

*The waitress rushed back to the kitchen for another order, Lance started his meal, while watching the view of the storm going on outside. Fifteen minutes later, the same waitress came along and dropped a piece of paper into Lance's almost empty mug. Then with a smile on her face, she walked away.

[font=Comic Sans Ms]Lance took the paper out, then smiled and looked after her and thought:

- Oh my, she's a cute one... I sure hope she has nothing to do with Myers or Markey ... or any of them up high ...

After putting all the things in place in his mind, he gazed at the stars for some time, just wondering about that girl. Then his watch started ringing...*

- Oi! Time to go, better not be messed up when she finishes work ...

*Lance walked out, as he pulled the door open, he took a good look around for the last time, and waved for the girl, who was following his movements with her eyes.
As he closed the door, started whistling some old love-song...*

Sunbucks Cafe - Plank001 - 11-22-2009


Sunbucks Cafe - Webey - 11-22-2009

*Mathew pushes the door open slowly and walks inside. He walks right up to the Counter and talks to the waitress

- Well, well, well... arn't you a cute little thing. Can I have a black coffe with suger please. Oh! and two plain donuts.

*The waitress walked over the coffe maker and began to prepeare it for him. A LPI officer walked over and sat himself next to Mathew*

- Hello recruit, hows your first few days been in the police force?

*Mathew turned around to face him*

- Yer its been great, very intense but worthwhile. Although my patriot is a peice of total **** but I am managing.

*The officer smiled when he comented on the patriot and the waitress came back and places his order infront of him*

- Well mate flying in that patriot teaches you alot you know. You learn to assess your targets and see if you can win than just throwing yourself into them and hoping for the best.

*Mathew nodded while eating his donuts*

- Thats a good point mate, but I doubt I will ever just throw myself into a target... My life is too valuable! haha!

- Well Mathew I better be off now got another patrol of pitsburg to do before 06:00.

*Mathew smiled and noded was a sign of understnading while he was drinking his coffe*

*Mathew through to him self - God that was a good coffe! glad it was free to! hehe! He gets up and walks out of the cafe*

Sunbucks Cafe - Dmitry - 12-06-2009

Bryan Myirikk with a scowling face comes in Sunbucks. Gloomily surveying the surrounding room, he notices a bar and a decisive steps to it.
-Sir? What'll you have? Cappuccino or espresso? Donuts, tarts, sandwiches .., - asked bartender
-No, reserve a coffee for me in morning .. I'll have to overcome a hangover tomorrow.. And now, I would like something that would help me to experience this hangover..
-Please choose, Liberty El, Bretonian Guinness, whiskey, rum, or maybe port?
-Port I think..
-Here you go.. Haven't seen you here before, you new?
-Yea, I'm a kind of rookey..

....Half of hour later, Bryan sitting on a barn stool, talking to the bartender and looks quite relaxed:

-My first days? Well, its my secound day in polise, so, I haven't notised something exept of a paperwork and traning sessions, just hope that something will change in a next few days, otherwise my ass would be a square 'cos of constant sitting..

....2 hours later, quite drunk Bryan tells the story of his life and gesticulating:

-...and then I've found myself in her closet, hiding from her husband, mwahaha.. hik..

....another 3 hours left, Bryan is sining on ancent latin:

-O Fortuna velut luna statu variabilis, semper crescis aut decrescis; vita detestabilis nunc obdurat et tunc curat ludo mentis aciem, egestatem, potestatem dissolvit ut glaciem...

...Next morning. Bryan wokes up under the table and having a collosal hangover.. Stumbling gait, he goes to the bar counter..
-Ohh, give me please a double cappuchino and 6 donuts..

Sunbucks Cafe - - 12-09-2009

A young women enters the Sunbucks wearing a shiny new uniform which was quite a spectacle as most uniforms would last about 5 minutes of being clean before the coffee stains and donut crumbs started setting up bases, organising scouting parties to go out and capture more ground. Bit this was different it was a Lieutenants uniform which was even rarer as there was only two of those and one was presumed dead or on vacation. The women looks around obviously not finding who she was after, A few mumors about who it was started to fill the room as she exited.

The women now headed for the main offices where the Deputies and the Chief resided, heading straight for the Chief's office, placing her hand on the palm scanner, which was another strange feat as most people who tried that were met a quick drop by the robot guards and dragged to the HR department. The door opened and she stepped inside

DAdd..y? You're not dad you're Hully? Where is Dad? I want to give him a hug, Haven't seen him in ages, I've looked all over the base.

Sunbucks Cafe - hack - 12-18-2009

Hull hears the office door lock move, breaking his mood of disbelief.

Lt. Lauren Myers walks in, clean uniform and all. he looks up at her ..

"DAdd..y? You're not dad you're Hully? Where is Dad? I want to give him a hug, Haven't seen him in ages, I've looked all over the base."

Hull starts to speak , slowly and haltingly "I..... I don't know. nobody has seen him. I have had officers out looking for him..... and then Upper Management gave me these today with a message......."

Hull hands here a box with an official looking message from the LPI Headquarters on Manhattan...

From: LPI Corporate Headquarters, Planet Manhattan, House of Liberty

To: Deputy Chief Hull O'Brian, LPI, One Police Plaza

Subject: Temporary Authorization

By the Authority of the President of LPI Corporation, effective immeadiately, you are the acting Chief of Police of the LPI.

End of Message.



Also in the box were a new set of collar devices for Chief of Police.

"I have a bad feeling about this..." muttered Hull

Lauren's eyes began to well up in tears......

Sunbucks Cafe - Zapp - 01-22-2010

Several weeks later

A rotund figure waddles into Sunbucks. Eyes widen. Jaws drop. More than a few pants are soiled.

"It's... it's the Chief!"

He moves to the bar like an over-stuffed penguin and orders a Chief-sized mug of coffee; the only man big enough to take such a large size.


Sunbucks Cafe - Marcus Lindberg - 01-22-2010

Officer Hovenfield came into Sunbucks expecting a normal day when he saw half the Officers paralyzed in fear. He also saw a gigantic hairy blob, twitching at him. He had only joined 1 month ago when Deputy Chief Hull O'Brian was promoted to Chief, he never knew who the previous Chief was. He was also getting free rom and food without having to get any work done due to all the mismanagement, which he loved. He heard someone scream "Its the Chief!"but he didn't see Hull O'Brian anywhere, so he decided to get a coffee. That's when...

Sunbucks Cafe - Trim - 01-22-2010


"Wow, the heck was that!?"

Matt Myers' voice had travelled down the corridor, just outside of Sunbucks and into the surrounding glum looking desks outside. Hank Goodmans, who was conviniently placed by Sunbucks had heard the noise, rushing out with his tazer set to stun, he took aim.

"Uhh, wh- ho- erm..." He whispered to the officer who had galloped afer him down the hallway, covered in sweat "I thought he was..." He quieted his voice "Y'know... gone..."

The chief looked over, stunning Goodman and the surrounding officers with a look.

"Uhm... Welcome back... Chief."

Sunbucks Cafe - Canadianguy - 02-01-2010

Sergeant Jenson kick open the door of the cafe and immediately yell
"Hey guys, I just got promoted, now you, officer thingy in the corner, bring me a coffee!''

He takes a newspaper and he then go and sit at a table near the wall.

He then says to himself "I love having power"