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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - guitarguy - 12-10-2009

:::Incoming Transmission:::
Source: Captain Blake Owen
Subject: Kusari Smugglers


In my patrols in New London and Dublin I have seen what appears to be an attempt by Kusari corporations to smuggle in Bretonian space.

The first incident occurred in New London's orbit.
BPA) Commander Silsbury and myself encountered the transport as it docked with the planet. The transport captain must have thought we left, and proceeded to undock. A cargo scan revealed he was carrying VIPs from the planet! We were unaware of what nefarious purpose he kidnaped them for, but we did not wait to find out. As we began negotiating with the captain, he opened fire without warning or provocation. We returned fire, using the police-issued cruise disruptor and my razor to strand him and disable his ship. When we held fire to hear his surrender plea, he again opened fire, and we were forced to destroy his vessel. Below is the comm log:

[Image: Epsilon_6.jpg]

The second incident occurred near the Omega-49 jump hole in Dublin.
I encountered the Kishiro ship taking gold from our very own gold fields. Having no cruise disruptor, I called for backup. Captain Frost arrived with his Challenger, then a Molly bomber decided to get involved. Looking to quickly resolve the situation, we persuaded the ship to drop the gold, then ejected the transport into Omega-49. The Molly entered the system as well, and we left without incident.

[Image: Emyamo.jpg]

-Owen out

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-12-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Lieutenant Commander]
[Subject: ]

In regards to this Communication: Liberty and Bretonia-wide Communique

[Image: screen332-1.jpg]
[Image: screen331.jpg]

As Commodore Robinson of the Liberty Navy said, I was indeed off-duty. Stumbled upon the fighting and decided to lend a hand.


Lieutenent Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-12-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Lieutenant Commander]

Good day,

Ensign Adama, and myself were manning the Leeds blockade when two vessels came out carrying gold. One vessel was heading towards Fort Bush, the other to Honshu. A Zoner vessel started heading towards the Stokes lane, saying that Magellan was filled with hostiles, I suggested the vessel head through Cortez, he shortly left.

Now, the main reason for this report is the Transport "Wedge-T". Whose been known to smuggle gold to the Kusarians. Ensign Adama and I, requested him to drop his cargo quite a few times. He refused to listen and then proceeded to hide on Planet Leeds, insulting us. Shortly after he reappears in space and we again, tell him to drop the cargo. He refuses landing on the Derby, where he continues to insult us.

We managed to do some damage to his ship the second time he came into space, but again, landed on the Derby threatening to blackmail Ensign Adama, and Myself. I would like this lad to be taken into custody the next time he's spotted in Bretonian space. Transporting cargo to the enemy, and ignoring Bretonian Law.

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Lieutenent Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 12-12-2009

[Incoming transmission]

[Target ID Defence Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID Adama,Lee Ensign]
[Subject:attack on Leeds]

Hello sirs

I was manning Planet leeds when I received a transmission from a Mandolarian merc (sorry but i forgot his name) asking if i could assist since their was a kusari destroyer in Dublin. I then ask for some assistance from the BAAF since their where both in bomber however before we could reach Dublin. The player Magellan fled for liberty as soon as I Left for leeds the BAAF informed me that 2 SCRA was attacking leeds. The two BAAF officers and i attacked the pair and forced them to leave. Then a few minutes later 2 nomad players one piloting a resheph order reconnaissance cruiser appeared on the scene later firing a warning shot at both me and the BAAF also they then fled to Magellan. Then a couple of hours later I was shot down by 2 CR pilots luckily a rescue ship was near by and i was shortly recuperating on planet leeds hospital . Sorry no pic the SCRA damaged my camera during the first attack.


Ensign Lee Adama

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 12-12-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Pendragon]
[CommID: Fleet Admiral Nelson]

Notice to all fleets:

The smuggler known as Wedge-T is wanted for questioning regarding his hacking of the docking systems on the HMS Derby and his disregard for the Stokes blockade. He is to be apprehended and fined 2 million credits for obstructing military operations, as well as questioned regarding his activities and illegal docking on the HMS Derby when next sighted in Bretonia. Refusal to comply is to result in his vessel's destruction.

Report any sightings to this channel.

That is all.

Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 12-12-2009

[incoming transmission]
[source : Ens. Martin Bridge]
[subject : Tau 31 Gate blocade rush]

*wait a moment to cool down before speaking.*

Good day sirs,

Shortly after that skirmish with the Mollies in New London System, Ens. Adama and myself took our duties around Leeds to enforce the blocade. Here are some reports about rushes through it. I'm aware that this is, alas, a rather common problem but I was shocked by the frequency to which it occured during this patrol.

1) The first ship, a Rheinlander trader named Kalipsol, which seems have very few understanding of the Bret language, attempted to make it despite our repeated warnings. Aditionnaly he was hauling a shipment of nukes, however we could not be sure if the Rheinland government gave him the right license or not, hence this report mention no evidences about it. Chase followed, and the offender was destroyed nearby Strokes station.


2) while attacking the offender, an Interspace ship made it through the lane and nothing we could do would have stopped it.

3) After the destruction of the first offender, as soon as we came back to Leeds we met an ALG ship, Rags.To.Riches, who was about to use the lane. We issued the usual warning and prompted him to head via Edimburg.


He seemed to comply, however refused my escort. He cruised away, actually heading to Edimburg. However, following my guts I flown to the gate, carefully avoiding contact with Kusarian forces, and waited. It seems I had the right feeling :


Nothing I could do to stop him however and he made through.


Pleaso note that the afformentionned events occured within a time windows of ten minutes.

After the more and more frequent incursion of Kishiro and Samura traders within Leeds space, now other traders tend to ignore the BAF and/or the laws about the Strokes lane. Moreover some even laugh at us and our laws ! Bloody hell, in the place I was raised on Leeds, be sure that such impunity would have been answered with other things than polite demands ! I would have suggestions about this issue, but I prefer to sh** up before I say something offending. Damnit !

*cool down again*

My respects,

Ens. Martin Bridge.

[end of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-13-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Lieutenant Commander]
[Subject:Traffic Report, Leeds System, Smuggling Vessels]

A group of smugglers, Nyk, CuCuBleg, and Johnny, have been smuggling Military Tanks out towards the Kusari invasion force. Captain Frost has majority of the evidence, I myself have chats logs of these pilots back talking Bretonian pilots and refusing to halt.

They've also fired upon Ensign Curtis, Captain Frost, and Myself. We successfully took one down, but the other two fled.

Uploading Transmissions

[Image: screen357-1.jpg]
[Image: screen358-1.jpg]
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I have more transmission logs of a chat between myself and CuCuBleg. I'll upload those transmission when requested.


Lieutenent Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-13-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Lieutenant Commander]
[Subject:Engagement Report]

Good day.

I would like to report a BMM pilot named "Amon". This pilot was seeing running the Blockade, without Armed Forces consent, and headed directly towards Glasglow, landing on it. The Kusari ships didn't fire on the lad. I arrived as he was undocking to catch the following image:

[Image: screen369-1.jpg]

Later, we found out that this pilot was piloting a Zoner Gunboat! Of all things! He refused to halt after we told him, and kept ignoring our hails.

We managed to get our forces down the tradelane to cut him off, the trap failed...but we manage to stop him in Edinburgh, thanks to Mister Curtis's flying. This traitor was shortly put of out business.

[Image: screen370-1.jpg]
[Image: screen371-1.jpg]

I'd like the DIS, or Fleet Admiral, to issue an order regarding this man.


Lieutenent Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 12-13-2009

[Incomging Transmission]
[CommID: Fleet Admiral Nelson]

This man is clearly a traitor within BMM and hence a danger to the Crown. He is to be terminated with all due prejudice wherever encountered unless he repents and hands himself over to us. I also suggest you forward your guncam footage of him undocking from Glasgow to the A.D.M.I.N. department, as they may well be able to remove his illegal docking codes for Glasgow station and other Kusari bases.

Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 12-17-2009

[incoming transmission]
[source : Ens. Martin Bridge]
[subject : Samura in Leeds]


tonight a Samura convoy made it through Leeds, from Cambridge to tau 31. An annoying event, but rather common lately. However, what is less common is their cargo : why did they came across the Omega's, and through our homeland, to carry MOX to their filthy masters, if not for buying it at LD 14 ? I cannot be sure their claims to be true. Maybe they didn't had any. However we can't neglect the possibility that some workers at LD-14 station could be corrupted, hence, bloody betrayers to our House !



Ens. Martin Bridge.

[end of transmission]