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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheMaskedOne - 06-03-2007

Incoming Transmision
Transmit to: SCRA
Comm ID: Imigawa Yoshimoto


I have made it to Gamma! A long and booring trip...full of little surprises, but im on Crete and awaiting orders.

Good day.

~Yoshimoto Out~

Transmision End

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - dude42 - 06-04-2007

Lisia: I am sorry that our first run in was a thrust into battle.
I know my predicessor was not kind to you and I dont blame you for attacking.
I only beg that you show more restraint next time that we may form some peace talks.

We are holding a sevice for those SCRA crewmen lost in the attack earlyer today. I hope you will come join us
and remember, try not to speak in the tmple.


Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-05-2007

//TightBeam Audio to: {C}
CC: SCRA Message Dump//

"Pah! You make me sick! The only thing worse than a fool is a traitor, and you appear to be both. If you even think of peace in the future, we will kill every man, woman, and child associated with your petty 'Goddess'. If I see one of your ships again in this Sector, I will call a massive Hunt upon it. Commodore Britanov, and most of his faithful crew, were picked up by the Intelligence Gunboat Victory, and are now safe, shaking down into a new ship."

"If I ever recieve a report of the location of this 'Temple' you speak of, I will have it burned beyond ashes, I will desecrate your 'Goddess' to the depths of Hell, and I will laugh as you burn for all eternity. Do Not presume to speak to me again."

"Mcintosh out."

//Tightbeam Ended//

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-05-2007

Comm. I.D - Lt. Ares
Transmit to- SCRA

Ha! Those petty cowards want to ally with us?! They are money grubbing credit-slaves!

We could use this to our advantage, however.

They seem desperate, as I personally witnessed, so the correct threats might have them engaging whosoever the SCRA command, for fear of retribution. Then again, I doubt they could really cause any harm to *anybody* with their meagre fleet.

The havoc they could cause could really shakeup Bretonia though, and provide a window for the Revolution.

We *could* command the cowards to focus all of their energies in their entirety upon our own foes with the threat of destruction for non-compliance. This would not be a two-way deal however... we would not have to give anything in return.

I think these bootlicking servants of a 'Cardamine of the People' will acquiesce to any demands made, regardless of their extravagance.

Ares out.

//End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 06-05-2007

Transmit To: All SCRA Personnel
Transmission from: Adm. Korr

Death is tragic... Especially when John and I avenge those who were lost. Gods and religion are nothing more than a set of myths and lies designed to keep the common people working and keep the powerful, powerful. The Coalition will prevail as we are not blinded by such false beliefs but enlightened by old Coalition technologies. I have this newfound power and it feels good.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Thomas East - 06-05-2007

Transmission To: SCRA
Format: Brakeing up
From:Thomas East.

To all friendly ships i (*Static*****) Betraied (static*****) Aid (*Static***) Please i need assistance *Static*****


later on the Coalition was scaning the dabreefilds for enemys. They came up and a very rarly seen Ravens Tallon. Only know to be flown by the Legendery NovaPG. On the side of Most of the NovaPG's ship is a Callsign, so that they know whe they are.
The Coalition serched for this Callsign and found it. It looked like this

[Image: PG.jpg]

It was the Legendary Thomas East. Not many people have lived to tell the tail of his fighting. The SCRA took Thomas and Towed his ship back to there bace thinking that he might become a good aseset to there clan.

To be continued

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Orv - 06-05-2007

Begin transmission
Comm Sender ID: SCRA Academy Lounge Terminal
Receiver ID: Fighter Commodore Chernekov

Hail, Commodore. Recently graduated from the SCRA Military Training Academy with full colors and honors and have come into the possession of a Spatial class starfighter. I have come to the decision that the only possible opportunity for true glory, honor and valor in this universe is to overthrow the tyranny and oppressive regime of the Houses is to join the SCRA in its glorious quest.

Awaiting orders upon completion of entry into the SCRA logs and will hold station until further orders are received. Out.

~Nikolai Chernekov

Commodore Chernekov's eyes ONLY

Talked to your old flight instructor 'nunkle. He's still a crotchety old bastard. Also, Aunt Reial was at the ceremony, she's still wild as ever. But, do me a favor 'nunkle, and control that woman? She is your wife afterall. I know, I know, shouldn't talk like her about that, but it wouldn't do to have your nephew crushed to death on his graduation day, would it?

Ending transmission
Deleting source record

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-05-2007

Transmit to: SCRA
Comm. I.D: Lt. Ares

I recently engaged a FEAR Spatial-class vessel in Gamma. Almost immediately after I began my attack, a Liberty cruiser flying for La Familia did immense damage to my Titan.

I was forced into full evasive until I received an assist from a Black Squadron Osiris-class battleship under the command of a certain 'Kemosiri'. Then an AW ship under the command of 'Alarien' engaged on our side. Our enemies retreated to Cambridge, hiding behind the SF, using them to keep the Order out of the fight.

The AW later managed to take out La Familia's ship whilst I was refitting on Gran Canaria, acquiring a Raven's Talon fighter from the Zoners.

Thanks are in order for the Order for saving my life, even if that wasn't their primary objective. AW also deserve some commendation.

-Ares out.

//End comm.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 06-05-2007

Transmit To: SCRA Intelligence
Transmission from: Adm. Korr

All quiet here, no enemy movements detected yesterday.

OOC: Is everyone in different time zones because we all seem to get on the time the other one gets off?

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TheMaskedOne - 06-06-2007

Incomming Transmision
Comm ID: Imigawa Yoshimoto
To: All SCRA

Another Blood Dragon left behind! A Nova this time...

Together we will hunt them down!

Yoshimoto Out