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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 09-08-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]

>Westfalen Supplies.

Attention all LLS Captains,

An update on the Westfalen supply issue:
  • Ship Crew - COMPLETED
  • Engine Components - COMPLETED
  • Super Alloy - COMPLETED
  • Ship Hull Panels - ~95,000 remaining
Keep those shipments coming in, Captains. We're almost there.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Haphestus - 09-08-2011

i can confirm that Crew, Engine Components, super allow have been finished

Liberty Forces Message dump - koske - 09-08-2011

[Image: LSFINCheaderbasicV1.gif]
Firewall Status...[color=#66FFFF]Online
Verify Encryption Keys...[color=#66FFFF]Ok

Identification confirmed...Anna Brown Recognised
Establishing video uplink...

[Image: annabrown.jpg]
Initialise Transmission


Greetings, congratulations everyone on your hard work. Security force also had one ship running supplies to the Westfallen, all other pilots worked on security in Hamburg and border systems. In co-operation with Navy our forces manage to distract Rheinland ships from our transports allowing them free passage for successfully completed job.

Rheinland was not only enemy on the field, so called "Indians" tried to disable connection between Liberty and Westfallen by shooting down our convoys with supplies. I must admit that surprised me, if all evidence are right this might mean Indians are supporting Rheinland in this war.

Anna Brown
Associate Director
Liberty Security Force

[color=#ccFFFF]Enabling Feedback Loop...
Closing Transmission...
Signal Lost...
[Image: LSFINCfooterbasicV1.gif]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Tachyon - 09-11-2011


Comm ID: [color=#009900]Recruit James Colibrie
Subject: Career advancement
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium

Recruit Colibrie here.

I wanted to leave a note, that I completed my 8 hours patrol test phase and additionally got my Guard clearance.


[Image: screen5lnedited.png]

[Image: screen4lnedited.png]

Recruit Colibrie out.


Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 09-12-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]


Recruit James Colibrie,

You are hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign effective immediately.

Permission to use a Guardian or Avenger VHF is granted.

Don't screw up, those ships 'aint ship.

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

Liberty Forces Message dump - NinjaZec - 09-12-2011


Comm ID: [color=#009900]Recruit Sam Winchester
Subject: Career advancement
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium

Recruit Winchester here.
I wanted to leave a note, that I completed my 8 hours patrol test phase and got my Guard rep up a bit, if required i will get it to max.
[Image: 0AvVss.jpg]
Recruit Winchester out.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Asgardian - 09-13-2011

[Inbound Transmission]

[Image: insigniauploadflip.png] Admiral Jack Malrone
[Image: insigniaupload.png]
[Image: jack2.png]


Recruit Sam Winchester,

You are hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign effective immediately.

Permission to use a Guardian or Avenger VHF is granted.

Go out n' kill some <strike>demons</strike> Rheinlander Military officers,

Admiral Jack Malrone

--Stream End'€”
[Transmission End]

Liberty Forces Message dump - Rodent - 09-13-2011

*As the transmission crackles to life, a rather tired and bedraggled looking black man appears on screen. Composing himself visibly, he offers a brief salute, before speaking.*

Evenin', Sirs and ma'ams. The Hamburg front is quite the crowd-pleaser, I'll tell ya that. Anyways, to the point. I undocked to find the Rhienlanders forcing the issue near Westfalen again. Captain Redline and I performed our duty, and chased them off. What happened afterwards was interesting...

On a Scout pattern, I found a buncha ships, showing Unioner Identifications. They're to Rhienland what the Xenos are to us, I suppose, but the Xenos don't have cruisers. I followed them for a little, then they kind of forced the issue and I had to retreat.

A short while later, we found that a Navy cruiser, inbound to support our lines has been destroyed by the same Unioners. Pretty well-planned, with two of their fighters distracting our patrols while their cruiser and escort did the job...



That's the cruiser. Red Hessian Vidar design.

We've got a lot to contend with here.

*the transmission ends*

Liberty Forces Message dump - sempai17 - 09-14-2011

Transmission ID: LN-1120-D3
From: Commander Kentaurus Toliman, Liberty Navy <NEXUS>
To: Liberty Navy, Liberty Security Force, Liberty Police Inc. Personnel
Subj: Liberty Criminal Database

Attention all Liberty Forces,

The Liberty <NEXUS> Project has developed a Neural Net Database to help aid in the identification and processing of criminals and hostile elements within Liberty's boarders.

Please note that this program is to supplement the current database located here: Liberty Criminal Database

Liberty Criminal Entry Form

Liberty Criminal Log

At this time this form is to be used by LPI, =LSF=, and [LN] personnel only. However the Log is open to view by all Liberty Forces Personnel

(//Please do not "test" with fake reports. Trust me, it's working. Also, refrain from cursing. It is public, and will be used for roleplay)

Liberty Forces Message dump - aramius - 09-19-2011


Comm ID: [color=#009900]Recruit Aramius M. Hawk
Subject: Recruit Check-In & Advancement Request
Priority: Medium
Encryption: Medium

Recruit Aramius Hawk reporting in.

As of the end of my last patrol, I have logged in excess of eight hours of flight time in my BDR-337 Executioner Variant Heavy Fighter. I have attached my logged time below. I also wish to report that I am now fully set out with Liberty Navy IFF codes displaying correctly, and my Liberty Navy ID system is fully initialized.

Log Evidence:

As always, I will continue to make my patrols and do my best to ensure the safety of House Liberty systems.

Recruit Aramius Hawk, Out.