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4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Printable Version

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RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - djordje_petrovic - 10-02-2013

Illogicall commodities

BPA Newgate , prison in Manchester system is selling passangers (like those OSC tranports). IT should be prisoners instead !

Discovery 4.87 Bug Report - The Lane Hackers - 10-02-2013


Scimitar (nota bene a ship that is on Lane Hacker ID icon), Switchblade and Cutlass are sold only on Hellfire Legion bases (Monterrey, Ravager) in the Liberty vicinity, while other nearest non-hostile sellpoints are near Omicrons, Taus or Omegas. Since Lane Hackers have been stripped off their snubline and the Borderworlds shipline became their primary, while Hellfire Legion has Borderworlds shipline as their secondary, we suggest several changes to these ship sellpoint locations.

Current state is:
  • Airdrie Hideout, Alberta: Dromedary, LHGS, Pirate Transport
  • Cochrane Depot, Ontario: BWGS, Kingfisher, Sabre
  • Mactan Base, Magellan : Bayonet, Broadsword, Falchion

Proposed changes:
  • Put Scimitar in Kingfisher's place on Cochrane Depot. Move Kingfisher from Cochrane Depot to Freeport 2 in Bering replacing Raven's Talon there. According to its infocard Kingfisher is a Zoner design, so it should be sold on a Zoner base. Raven's Talon was made by IMG and is already sold on their base, namely Freeport 4 in Magellan, not that far away.
  • Put Switchblade in BWGS' place on Cochrane Depot. BWGS is sold on Barrier Gate Station in Coronado just two systems away so its availability will not be reduced in any significant way.
  • Put Cutlass in Pirate Transport's place on Airdrie Hideout. Pirate Transport is sold on Alcatraz Depot in California just two systems away, so its availability will not be reduced in any way.

Alternative perfect scenario is to add ship dealer to Leiden Base and have entire Borderworlds line sold on Hacker bases (while still moving Kingfisher to Freeport 2):
  • Airdrie: BWT, Dromedary, LHGS
  • Cochrane: BWGS, Sabre, Scimitar
  • Leiden: Cutlass, Switchblade
  • Mactan: Bayonet, Broadsword, Falchion

Fixed based on "proposed changes" section. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Duncan Farquar - 10-02-2013


There are immortals among us.

In Drake, in a battle against some Wilde NPC's, one of them escaped just before I finish him. I continued with the fight against the rest of the NPC's, and then the ship that previously escaped returned... without shield and without hull at all, on fire and dropping a long trail of smoke... but still alive!

I tried to finish him, but I couldn't. He could shoot me and hurt me, but my shots did no harm to him.

Here is the inmortal:

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - AshDent - 10-03-2013

(10-02-2013, 10:14 PM)djordje_petrovic Wrote: ==============
Illogicall commodities

BPA Newgate , prison in Manchester system is selling passangers (like those OSC tranports). IT should be prisoners instead !

Visitors or released prisoners would count as passengers so it's a logical commodity for Newgate

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Akumajogi - 10-03-2013

This is about the offline I was Going around looking at all the buy and sell locations when i went into Gallic Systems came across a Glitch in a Certain part of the Provenence System lower right hand Corner near a Base and Jump hole Dont know why but or if it does the same thing in online havnt tested it out Completely

Echo: What was your precise location, and please describe exactly what happened.
PS. Use more punctuation.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Mlone - 10-03-2013

Few days ago in singleplayer mode my game crashed when I was entering bar at Nagasaki in tau29

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Duncan Farquar - 10-03-2013


Tested with AI Drone and AI Cruiser.

After get some stuff from many destroyed NPC's, and before get my cargo hold full or the different ammunition at maximun cargo capacity, the tractor beam can't get any item (pilots, ammunition, CM or weapons)

I destroyed the CM's (just in case), but even that way the tractor beam can't get anything and stays trying to load it on board, without success.

If I disable the tractor beam, I select a single thing (eg, a pilot) and I try to catch only that (tractor one item, not all items), all previous tractor beams are reactivated and cannot get anything.


My cargo hold:
The items I can't get (the screenshot was taken after try to get all much more close to them, not at the distance showed in the ss):

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Syrus - 10-03-2013

Base: Kure Shipyard

Docking or logging on on Kure Shipyard (Hiroshima) puts you into the bar instead of the launchpad.

Echo: What, the KNF don't go for drinks the moment they're off duty? ... fixed.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Zayne Carrick - 10-03-2013

Base bug

No ship deaker on Offenbach in O-54. Yet FLstat says ships are selling there

Many other guard system bases suffer from same problem

Echo: Offenbach is fixed but we're not likely to find the rest unless you actually specify which bases have issues.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - QuinnZai - 10-03-2013

IMG Ship Bugs

Annapurna: Cannot zoom out in Turretview Fixed. ~ ae
Nanga Parbat: Cannot zoom out in Turretview It can. ~ ae
Shishapangma: 100 impulse speed and 160 thruster speed. Should probably be 90 and 150 like the other transports on the same level. Fixed. ~ ae