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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 12-17-2009

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Ensign Nathaniel Buchanan]
[Subject: Patrol Report]

Dear Sirs,

Today I commenced my first patrol as a fully ID'd and equipped BAF pilot. I ran a route through our core systems, without event until I reached Leeds.

In Leeds, I encountered one Nighthawk, a Kusari transport with Freelancer ID, carring gold in a trajectory toward the Taus. I stopped him, and he told me he would take it wherever profitable. Of course, I informed him of our laws and he willingly agreed to change course to Liberty. I followed him until he took the jumphole into Magellan. He was very cooperative, but I'm not sure he wouldn't try again.

I also encountered an indie pirate in an Outcast gunboat, Joker's_Thug_#17. I was no match, and he was no threat to any passersby, so I did not engage. While surveilling him, I heard from another vessel in the system, beyond.the.jumphole, who freely admitted to supplying the Kusari through Leeds.

[Image: screen273.jpg]

I never picked him up on scanner, and I recommend we be watchful of this one in the future. As the Derby called me back at this point, I was unable to investigate further.

Respectfully yours,

Ens. Nathaniel Buchanan

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 12-17-2009

--Incoming Transmission....connection stablished.
--ID: Commander Roland Gilead.
--Security encryption: Med. BAF STANDARD COMMS.

As requested, the transaction was completed.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 12-17-2009

--Incoming Transmission....connection stablished.
--ID: Commander Roland Gilead.
--Security encryption: Med. BAF STANDARD COMMS.
--Subject: Routine report.

0103 hours:

As usual I was having trouble sleeping at night, so I decided to patrol as I know we are struggling to keep the miniscule work under control while putting every able body and ship on the front lines. During my patrol I came across a freelancer. After a thorough scan I found evidence of a Blood Dragon prisoner and a mounted Hogoshu turret on board. Knowing my bomber stood no chance in combat against the freelancers Raven's Talon and backup was nowhere in sight, I decided to let the freelancer do the right thing without anyone getting their feathers ruffled.

On my way back to Leeds to get medical attention for the Blood Dragon on board I ran into some Corsairs. A Titan VHF and an Imperator gunboat to be exact. Luck had it however that Lieutenant Commander Galt was in route in a Challenger to aid me against the Corsairs. However once Mr. Galt was in range, we both watched in awe as a Molly battle group cruised in and took out the Corsair Titan in an awesome display of firepower. The gunboat at this point made a run for it as Mr. Galt and I were both stunned by the very bright explosion. If you ask me, the Molly were trying to make an impression on her majesty's men in arms, a feeble attempt considering the might of her majesty's armed forces. The Blood Dragon, Innoue Horito, has been transfered to the BAF medical and POW facility.

0237 hours:

Mr Galt and I were joined by Ensign Bridge. We had recieved information about a Kishiro Technologies ship mining in Dublin. Mr. Galt took care of the enemy ship with dignity and respect. The enemy ship was chased off of Bretonia territory despite the ship capt.'s protests claiming that he was in fact not a Kusari. His Kusari ID, IFF, and accent however did not help his case.

Commander Roland Gilead

--End of transmission--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 12-17-2009

[incoming transmission]
[source : Ens. Martin Bridge]
[subject : More Samura in Leeds]


I can't report properly as I'm still raging of what happened. Let just say that shortly after Ms Carson shoot down a Samura in our system, another train protected by a [shinobi] scout and a KNF destroyer made it to Stokes through the tau 31 gate.


Those Samura incursions in Leeds become more and more frequent, and as Commander Gilead just reported Kishiro is also mining in Dublin. The kusarian behave as if they already won the war and keep wandering our home as in a conquered territory !


Ensign Martin Bridge.

[end of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Banza - 12-18-2009

...Incoming Transmission
Comm ID: James Hobart, Commodore 7th Great Derby fleet
To: Bretonia Armed Forces HQ
Subject: Operation Cruel Professor

Weeks passed since the last supply ship reached Tau 23-31 construction site. Therefore, I ordered a fast in and out mission for a part of the Derby, and York fleets. Captain Owen was leading the clearing operation in, both, Tau 31 and Tau 23. His task group had the mission to secure space around Harris, Tau 31- Tau 23 gate, and Tau 23 construction gate site. At first, there were problems with the Colonial Forces in Tau 23. Soon, after Captain Owen's force arrived, they gathered around the station, and hostility between the two forces was imminent. But, thanks to Lt. Commander Goodmen, and his diplomatic skills, both sides agreed to retreat. We were heavily outnumbered so it was a good call. Mission Cruel Professor had to be aborted due to Colonial presence. But, things rapidly changed in a few minutes. A large Outcast battle fleet entered the Tau 23 system, and engaged the Colonials ships. I used that moment to order Captain Owen, again, to secure all paths between Leeds planet and the Tau 23 gate site, a task that his group achieved in best manners.
After the path was cleared, for the time being, I commanded Lt. Wilkies, onboard HMS Belfast to take the most needed supplies onboard, and head for the Tau 23 system.
Thanks to our brave fighters, the HMS Belfast reached Tau 23 without any problems. After that, both fighter escorts and Belfast headed back to Bretonia core space, with only a few wounded aboard the Belfast.
Pilots that took part in this operation:
Captain Blake Owen
Lt.Cdr. Goodmen
Lt. Ryan Williams
Ensigns: Bridge, Lee Adama, John Alster
[Image: orjd38.jpg]
[Image: o0bgc2.jpg]


1st Recommendation for awards: The brave crew of HMS-Kent for repelling a combined Jokers/Nomad attack at Southampton that took place on the 16th of December. Our forces, which were outnumbered at the beginning of the engagement fought well, buying time for more reinforcements to arrive. There was little hope that I will save my tobacco from those pirates hands, but Kent turned the whole situation around , destroying most of the enemy gunboats, and bombers. After that, the fighter squad easily finished the remaining escort ships.

2nd Recommendation for two weeks tour for Lt. Cdr. Goodmen. Seems like he wants another medal.

Signed by: Commodore James Hobart, 7th Great Derby fleet

...End Transmission

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - 75th Mosquitos - 12-19-2009

:::Backdoor connection Established:::::::::::::
:::Dark Star Syndicate Link Established:::::::::
:::Testament Link Established:::::--
:::DSS Observation request recieved from vessel::: [DSS-M]-Leto::::

::Target::::::: Kusari Navel Forces Cruiser ::::::
:::::::Allied Force::::: confirmed::::::
:::Admiral Mark McKenna::::: Challenger bomber::::
:::Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen :::: HMS-Invictus Bretonian Destroyer::::
:::Samuel Hennesey:::::::::Mandalorian Mercanary vessel::::
:::John Evens:::::: Unknown::::: BAF Challenger bomber::::::

::::commence playback:::::: <- (click to watch)

::::Retrieve File from Syndicate Server:::: <- (click to download)

::::Level42 security override established::::::: Code: 00102999092::::::::

::::Hostile Losses::::::: single KNF Cruiser:::::
::::Allied Losses::::::::::::::::::::::No Match found::::::

::::::Testament Link closed:::::::::::::
:::Dark Star Syndicate Link Closed:::::::::::::
::::::::::::Backdoor Closed:::::::::::::::

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - MarvinCZ - 12-19-2009

Admiral McKenna is sitting back in his office after a long day. He ventured in space again, second time in the last days. He feeled like a new man, experiencing the old thrills again. This time it was an emergency, small Kusari incursion at Leeds. The antimatter inferno feeled poured adrenalin in his veins. It was so new and familiar at the same time...

[Image: th_2009-12-18_03png.png]

He reviewed his report before finally sending it ...

[Incoming Transmission]
[Comm ID: Admiral Mark McKenna]

Engagement report

I launched with my bomber in response to a small Kusari incursion to the Leeds perimeter.

I was leading a force of one Destroyer - HMS Invictus with Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodman on the bridge and two bombers, me and John Evens from the reserve forces.

The enemy forces were located and engaged with our crushing combined firepower. The Kusari destroyer sustained several torpedo hits to various parts of hull; the damage eventualy proved critical. Enemy force was thus repelled and any threat to our security averted.

Attached gun cammera footage:
[1] [2] [3] [4] [5]
[6] [7] [8] [9] [10]
[11] [12] [13] [14]

[Transmission terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tommeh - 12-21-2009

[Incoming transmission]
[Comm neural ID:Ensign Alex Westbrook]
[To:Bretonia Armed Forces reporting facility]
[Subject: Report on distress call for backup]

I left the Leeds landing pads for some usual patrols as my shift just started. Just after few minutes I recieved distress call from Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen about our forces being pinned down by Naval forces destroyer.
I took my challenger and headed down the trade lane for Stokes as soon as possible, several fighters of ours have been disabled already by enemy destroyer.
Lieutenant Ryan Williams was barely holding against it, and there was one more merc which was was enagaging our focres aswell.

That destroyer was my primary target. I know some tricks when flying bomber, so I managed to bust his shields several times. Few Nova torps slamed on his hull causing deck breaches, but it was holding good. captain of that dessie tried to hide and run in Stokes defense grid, but I was on him all the time, antimatter cannon was hitting like crazy, his shields were constantly down, and that was my chance for nova torp bombarding, with few nova shots from distance ship got crippled, I kept bombarding him, and enemy vessel was destroyed.

[Image: 351egzr.jpg]

Just few minutes later, as I returned to Leeds there were 2 Corsair gunboats trying to pirate some transport, just in front of Leeds, that made me laugh, anyway Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen and few more pilots arrived, and we engaged those Corsairs, if I recall correctly I was the only one flying bomber, and as soon battle began, both GB's turned on me. But Lieutenant Commander Goodmen was there in HMS Invictus and managed to give cover.

We neutralized first GB together while second one tried to escape. I followed him, and after few minutes I got his ship crippled and at end destroyed.

[Image: mv1ahc.png]

My bomber suffered solid damages, but it served me good.
That would be all.

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Stone21 - 12-21-2009

[Incoming transmission]
[Comm neural ID:Lt. Ryan Williams]
[To:Bretonia Armed Forces reporting facility]
[Subject: Report , Kusari Naval Forces Destroyers attack]

This is Lt. Ryan Williams, I`m reporting in from Battleship Derby, my ship is heavy damaged due to the fight I had against two kusari destroyers, my ship is being repaired.
Our attack was led by with BAF|HMS-Invictus but sadly we lost this ship but I managed to save Lt.Cdr. Austin Goodmen. The first Kusari Destroyer got destroyed pretty fast but we also lost 2 ships there , a bomber and a fighter. The 2nd destroyer was taken down after I received backup from Ensign Alex Westbrook he gave it very good nova shots. You can see more about the secondary target in his report.
I`m uploading a picture from my gun cam.
Destruction of the 1st kusari destroyer:

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beander2 - 12-21-2009

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Ensign Nathaniel Buchanan]
[Subject: Temporary Reassignment]

Dear Sirs,

I am being temporarily reassigned for the next two weeks to assist the Admiralty in a research capacity. I will be away from my Templar beginning tomorrow, Dec. 22. I should return around January 5 or so.

I wish you all safety as you protect our people.

Respectfully yours,

Ens. N. Buchanan

[End Transmission]