Do you like the avatar above me? - SMGSterlin - 07-26-2010
Seen it too much, and I don't think it's really that hot.:unsure:
Do you like the avatar above me? - darkxy - 07-26-2010
< -
Do you like the avatar above me? - Chev - 07-26-2010
Darkxy is a girl? C'mon! Really? Wow... even if it's not you, I like it.
Do you like the avatar above me? - William Frederick Cody - 07-26-2010
Chubby penguin.
Do you like the avatar above me? - AshHill07 - 07-26-2010
Its just an eye.
Yes I spose.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Politus - 07-26-2010
Engineers... we solve problems. ;-)
Def. like.
Do you like the avatar above me? - schlurbi - 07-26-2010
I never understood your Avatar, can you please explain it. Oh and Darkxy is no Woman.
Do you like the avatar above me? - jakub963 - 07-26-2010
Uhh... Asian girls, Yus.
Do you like the avatar above me? - Chev - 07-26-2010
Fail... no... win! Or fail? Maybe win? Well... it's epic. Big and loud YES
Do you like the avatar above me? - hypermauler - 07-26-2010
A penguin who live in the United state of America? :rolleyes: