Liberty Forces Message dump - MathiasCZR - 04-06-2012
---[ Incoming Transmission ]---
---[ Comm Link Online ]---
Comm ID: Recruit Anthony Kalen
Encryption: Medium
Target ID: Liberty Navy High Command
Subject: Patrol Report #001
Greetings Commander.
I have filed a basic patrol report out; It began Began in the New York system where I linked up with Captain Rachel Baker, but later on command was transfered over to Roy Sanders. As for the patrol itselfs we found a pirate near planet Manhattan, surprisingly the pirate bomber was able to strike down a civilain ship that engaged the hostile vessel in combat. We responded to the threat as fast as we could and I was able to Exterminate the hostile contact. As our patrol followed on we deployed to the California system due to Several reported sightings of Rogue activity. Almost immediately we encountered hostile Rogue resistance supported by alone Freelance vessel at Riverside Station. We entered the fray and the hostile targets were destroyed, Expect for one Rogue fighter that managed to slip into the local fields. With our efforts we were able to save a freelance gunboat as well that was being assulted at the time we arrived. After that we patrolled the systems of Ontario and Alberta there were no other hostile contacts.
<div align="right]This is Anthony Kalen, signing off.
Systematic Recorded Images
Image #01
Image #02
Image #03
Image #04
Image #05
Image #06
Image #07 [Target Escaped]
Hostiles Eliminated
Pirate Bomber --- Destroyed By --- [LN]-Anthony.Kalen
Freelance Fighter --- Destroyed By --- Himself
Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 04-08-2012
From: Recruit Alan Polstari
To: Liberty Command
Subject: Probationary Period Report
Encryption: Low
Priority: Medium
Liberty Command,
I would like to report the completion of my eight (8) hour probationary period in the Executioner Heavy Fighter. Please check the flight logs given below.
Start Time End Time
I would like to note that I have yet to complete a combat evaluation, and that I would not feel comfortable moving up to a heavier craft without having completed it.
On a related note, I would like to report that I had another today encounter with the terrorist known as "Solari~DoC" that I reported upon about a week ago. I engaged him with the support of LPI Officer "Nick.Willow" in the New York system. Unfortunately, in an ironic twist of fate, my fighter was crippled by my own mine while engaging him. Thankfully the LABC "Liberty.TheLoneOne" retrieved my craft while LPI Officer provided cover. The terrorist was then shortly driven into Badlands.
Recruit Alan Polstari
Liberty Forces Message dump - MathiasCZR - 04-09-2012
---[ Incoming Transmission ]---
---[ Comm Link Online ]---
Comm ID: Recruit Anthony Kalen
Encryption: Medium
Target ID: Liberty Navy High Command
Subject: Patrol Report #002
Hello there Commander.
This is run I decided to do a lone patrol of the Colorado system. You know take the nice Scenic routes around and enjoy the patrol, I was in for a wild Surprise. Almost Immediately when I phased out of the gate there was a local Zoner transport under attack from 2 pirate bombers. I Engaged the bombers in an effort to drag them off the transport, but sadly it wasn't enough and the transport was destroyed and now they were focued on me. Out of skill and cunning and out of Avenge I destroyed both targets. From that point on there were no other hostile contacts in the Colorado system.
<div align="right] This is Anthony Kalen, signing off.
Systematic Recorded Images
Image #01
Image #02
Image #03
Image #04
Image #05
Image #06
Hostiles Eliminated
Pirate Bomber --- Destroyed By --- [LN]-Anthony.Kalen
Pirate Bomber --- Destroyed By --- [LN]-Anthony.Kalen
Liberty Forces Message dump - Melanie Tyler - 04-09-2012
![[Image: JaneHartmanTransmissionBarEnsignUpdated.png]](
TARGET ID: [color=#99FFFF]Rct Polstari, Rct Kalen.
SUBJECT: Combat Evaluation.
Mornin' Mr Polstari, Mr Kalen.
[color=#CCCCCC]First up, welcome to the primaries.
Polstari, if you keep flying like I saw you flying as a Warrant Officer then I think you'll be a right asset. Moving on to the evaluation. Now, it's not a required part of training, and I'm not a qualified trainer, but I'd be happy to do some run-throughs with you back at Richmond to see where you're up to. Recruit Kalen, judging from the reports you've been submitting a combat evaluation'll be a simple formality to you, so I'll leave attendance to your discretion. However, on the note of your combat flying. Couldn't help but notice you in a Guardian's cockpit in those logs you've been submitting, I recognize that you're likely damn near finished your hours now, but for future reference, those craft are usually restricted to Ensigns and above. Of course, Quartermaster doesn't share all her arrangements with me, and if you've got an exception that's your business.
I'm on shore-leave for the rest of this week, but once that's done, I'll get a trainer geared up and see what we can do.
Keep up the good work nuggets.
Hartman, out.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****
Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 04-10-2012
Recruit Polstari here,
Picked up a Junker by the name of "Charlie.The.Unicorn" smuggling Cardamine into Manhattan while on patrol with Captain Baker and Lieutenant Sanders. GunCam below. He docked before we could interdict.
Charlie's Hold of Cardamine
Polstari out.
Liberty Forces Message dump - Sarawr!? - 04-10-2012
COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]CAPTAIN Rachel A. Baker
Captain Rachel Baker here, reporting in.
Admiral Hale, Sir. As I'm sure you'll soon be aware, today I ordered a Reconnaissance mission into the Ellesmere system. I know I should have waited for an official go ahead, but I believed it was important to gauge the intent of the Security Forces, who seem to think it okay to threaten the people on their side. As the ranking officer present in the field, I authorized a group consisting of three Guardians (myself, Lieutenant Clark, and recruit Wilmott) to enter the Ellesmere system and conduct recon operations. We had no intent at provoking hostilities with our own government, we only aimed to gauge the response. If anything, we were there to test the Liberty Security Force's defensive capabilities, which we did.
Upon entering the Ellesmere system, we were almost immediately detected, which is good. We altered our flight trajectory and turned back to the Alaska Jump Hole, where we stopped our ships. The Security Forces made...well, actually, they began to say a bunch of things, it seemed like every agent there had something to say, it was a bit confusing. In any event, they ordered us out of Ellesmere, and we complied, in order to prevent the situation turning volatile.
While you'd think it ended there, it certainly didn't. The Security Forces chased us through the Alaska system firing disruptors at us. Our three Guardians against their -TWO- Assault Battlecruisers, a Gunboat, an Upholder bomber and several fighter craft. Now, it seemed to me as though they meant to either arrest us or kill us, despite the fact that we complied with their order to leave Ellesmere. They chased us to Juneau and then proceeded to block the Zone 21 Jump Gate.
I called in assistance at that point, as I genuinely feared that the Security Forces intended to turn their guns on us. While I can understand their need for security and privacy in Ellesmere, I do think it a little extreme that they continued to pursue us with such force after we complied with their order to leave.
Would they have pursued us with this force into the public view, had they failed to stop us at the Zone 21 gate? I do not know, but the entire situation was FUBAR.
I realize now that I should perhaps have waited for an official go-ahead. In any event, Wilmott and Clark did exceptionally well in controlling both their mouths and their trigger fingers in this situation, And I'm glad that I was able to pull us out of the mess without a firefight.
I have guncam footage that can be uploaded should the Admiralty Board require it.
Captain Baker, Signing Out.
Rachel salutes the monitor, nodding as it fades to black.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****
Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 04-11-2012
COMM ID: Recruit Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Fleet Admiral Hale, High Command
SUBJECT: LSF Lecturing and "Warning"
Hello sir,
I am making the following report at the behest of Captain Baker. I was on patrol with the Captain and Recruit Hanson. While the two were out on an operation I was maintaining overwatch of West Point when the LSF Transport "Aello Peak"(=LSF=TS.Aello.Peak), operated by an Agent Keller, came in from California. Having met the agent several times before, I hailed him. The following is the transcript of our conversation, in which I was lectured by Agent Keller about LSF territory and given a warning about not ending up on the the wrong end of an allied weapon. I apologize for the length of the transcript, but I feel that I should divulge the full conversation as a matter of context, and to prevent any claims of false statements being made.
Transcript 1
Transcript 2
Transcript 3
Transcript 4
Transcript 5
Transcript 6
Transcript 7
Transcript 8
Transcript 9
Please note the threats in Transcripts 6 & 9.
Recruit Polstari, signing off.
Liberty Forces Message dump - Sonja - 04-11-2012
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Planet Manhattan, Fort Bragg
Encryption: Secure
This is the follow-up to my previous transmission, in which I stated that we were thinking about more. After careful consideration, we have chosen to make the following changes to the roster:
Alan Polstari and Anthony Kalen, you are now both ensigns. We've heard good things about you, particularly your cool heads and dedication. I would especially like to commend Alan's handling of his encounter with an LSF agent.
Aleesha Cooper, you're being promoted again from your current rank. You have been doing a lot for the Navy recently and it's time that you were rewarded for your large contribution. Congratulations Lieutenant Commander.
Catherine Raven and Roy Sanders, you've both been chosen to be Fighter Commanders under Captain Hurst. He needs all the help he can get to make our fighter force the pinnacle of excellence and I hope you can help that process.
We will also be considering a few more in the coming days. It looks like we might have our hands full soon with the situation concerning the LSF that we've heard about, but there are a few more individuals who might be suited to a change in rank.
Transmission Terminated
Liberty Forces Message dump - Haphestus - 04-12-2012
Target ID: Naval Reporting Center
Source ID: Lt. Clark, [LN]-LLS-Arleigh.Burke, Planet Pittsburg
Priority: High
Encryption: High
Clark Here,
Eventful day. Myself and Baker headed out to Alaska for a patrol. nothing really happened. besides the usual rock and strange looking dirt on the glass. It was when we reached New York is when things got interesting......... in a matter of speaking. I am Filing a complaint about two LNS ships. The Dreadnaught Omaha, and the Carrier Magnificent. Now uploading the Audio logs. They will be in two files both are pretty extensive.
LOG #1
Quote:[12.04.2012 05:00:13] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Right, whatever. The fact is, to have all of your ships sitting here presents an incredibly viable target.
[12.04.2012 05:00:18] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: And it's a waste of Naval resources.
[12.04.2012 05:00:35] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Our vessel is a waste of resources already.
[12.04.2012 05:00:44] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Difference is too slight.
[12.04.2012 05:01:41] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: The hell's the Secondary Fleet hire you people to do? You should be patrolling our space with those warships
[12.04.2012 05:01:48] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Not sitting ontop of a Civilian station.
[12.04.2012 05:02:01] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Get to work!
[12.04.2012 05:02:06] LNS-Omaha: Im off duty
[12.04.2012 05:02:08] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: When we start patrolling, people starts ranting about how we're wasting fuel.
[12.04.2012 05:02:22] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: So we decided to listen to the people of Liberty.
[12.04.2012 05:02:31] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Off duty, and still on the bridge of a Liberty Dreadnought?
[12.04.2012 05:02:31] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Afterall, we're Liberty's captains!
[12.04.2012 05:02:34] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Make ssense to me.
[12.04.2012 05:02:44] LNS-Omaha: Yeah on the bridge
[12.04.2012 05:02:51] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: *Sighs loudly*
[12.04.2012 05:02:51] LNS-Omaha: Where else am i gonna be?
[12.04.2012 05:02:57] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: well your not paid to sit and make yourselves flight obstructions
[12.04.2012 05:02:58] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: In an off duty ship?
[12.04.2012 05:03:03] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: He's taking his duty seriously.
[12.04.2012 05:03:06] LNS-Omaha: In the engine room?
[12.04.2012 05:03:18] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: You should be glad he loves his ship so much.
[12.04.2012 05:03:39] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: How else will such a faithful captain fight the war, eh?
[12.04.2012 05:03:43] LNS-Omaha: Yes, i wash and polish it every day
[12.04.2012 05:03:54] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: well your not fighting it sitting there
[12.04.2012 05:04:27] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Anyways, plus, system maintence is always great.
[12.04.2012 05:04:32] LNS-Omaha: Im off duty for another 5 minutes, and as far as i see, you arent doing anything either
[12.04.2012 05:04:47] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: You should always be prepared, mentally and physically!
[12.04.2012 05:05:04] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: And our captain over here is preparing mentally, for the incoming wars.
[12.04.2012 05:05:26] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: If you were doing systems maintencce you would be in the docks. trust me. and mental preparation is called a two week off ship
[12.04.2012 05:05:31] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: leave
[12.04.2012 05:05:49] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: It's fine, it's fine, theres a Zen temple built within the ship.
[12.04.2012 05:06:04] [LN]-Natalie.Cahoone: Sounds boring.
[12.04.2012 05:06:05] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Meditation, from within.
[12.04.2012 05:06:10] LNS-Omaha: Why would i do that, becasue every damn i go to norfolk im needed and No primary fleet responds
[12.04.2012 05:06:11] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Can't get better.
[12.04.2012 05:06:11] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: No there isnt. this is the NAVY BOY. Not a day spa
[12.04.2012 05:06:48] LNS-Omaha: *Leans back and laughs*
[12.04.2012 05:06:52] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: If you wanted a day spa you would be in the LSF.
[12.04.2012 05:07:12] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Gah, you primary folks never likes us, just because we're so much more prepared, and calm, and we got all the ladies!
[12.04.2012 05:07:19] LNS-Omaha: Now thats a shame, no, i just sit here and enjoy the air con
[12.04.2012 05:08:34] LNS-Omaha: I feel like the only one on duty all say, yet i never see LN
[12.04.2012 05:09:43] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: We have other duties besides showing you what the fore and aft is
[12.04.2012 05:10:00] LNS-Omaha: Fore and aft?
[12.04.2012 05:10:03] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: mmkay.
[12.04.2012 05:10:06] LNS-Omaha: Jeez
[12.04.2012 05:10:18] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Right I'm tired of this.
[12.04.2012 05:10:21] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I tried to be civil.
[12.04.2012 05:10:24] LNS-Omaha: Been at this 6 sirius years and your ssaying that?
[12.04.2012 05:10:40] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: As a Captain in the Primary Fleet, I order you to move those damn vessels off Newark.
[12.04.2012 05:11:01] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Oh no, it's primary fleet ordering people around again!
[12.04.2012 05:11:01] LNS-Omaha: Those damn vessle that bail you out
[12.04.2012 05:11:14] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: You're not ready to bail anyone out, sitting here.
[12.04.2012 05:11:17] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Not to say captains which fights the war.
[12.04.2012 05:11:29] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: You're not fighting a war sitting here.
[12.04.2012 05:11:32] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Sacrifises our lives there.
[12.04.2012 05:11:43] LNS-Omaha: Last time i took 20 novas to saves your asses
[12.04.2012 05:11:47] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: It's time off, there's no reason for us not to enjoy Liberty space.
[12.04.2012 05:12:14] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Omaha, you let yourself get hit. maybe you should wake up your helmsman
[12.04.2012 05:12:27] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Now, calm all your hormones, and go on with whatever it is you were all doing.
[12.04.2012 05:12:31] LNS-Omaha: Happy now? you done wasting my comm operators time
[12.04.2012 05:13:01] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Yet your wasting tax payers money just sitting there. go figure
[12.04.2012 05:13:04] LNS-Omaha: I took 20 novas becasu i went to help you
[12.04.2012 05:13:16] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: We're wasting tax payer's money just to move around, go figure.
[12.04.2012 05:13:33] LNS-Omaha: Your wasteing tax payers money sitting argueing
[12.04.2012 05:13:38] Trofan: Solution: Dodge tax
[12.04.2012 05:13:39] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: That too.
[12.04.2012 05:13:54] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: We're all wasting tax payer's money, one way or another.
[12.04.2012 05:14:13] LNS-Omaha: My ship is running a diagnostic on all systems and it takes 20 minutes to complete, EG Engines offline
[12.04.2012 05:14:23] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Why not try to save some, and protect the environment, eh?
[12.04.2012 05:14:38] Death: Chupacabra was killed by Reede (Gun)
[12.04.2012 05:14:46] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: If you were running a diagnostic that requires your engines to be offline, you would be in the docks. trust me
[12.04.2012 05:14:54] LNS-Omaha: Negative
[12.04.2012 05:14:59] LNS-Omaha: The turrets still work
[12.04.2012 05:15:07] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: But he isn't! So, you know, let the ship be!
[12.04.2012 05:15:12] LNS-Omaha: some of them
[12.04.2012 05:15:24] LNS-Omaha: Oh forgot to mention
[12.04.2012 05:15:33] LNS-Omaha: I requested backup this morning
[12.04.2012 05:15:41] LNS-Omaha: For a gallian battleship
[12.04.2012 05:15:49] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: and a Colonial one.
[12.04.2012 05:15:53] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Which comm line did you use
[12.04.2012 05:15:55] LNS-Omaha: There was a LN primery ship in the system
[12.04.2012 05:15:56] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: And a Zoner Juggernaut.
[12.04.2012 05:16:01] LNS-Omaha: But noooo
[12.04.2012 05:16:06] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Guess who responded?
[12.04.2012 05:16:06] LNS-Omaha: Had to take it alone
[12.04.2012 05:16:10] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Noooo one!
[12.04.2012 05:16:13] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Yay!
[12.04.2012 05:16:22] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Now please.
[12.04.2012 05:16:26] LNS-Omaha: It nearly cut this bloody ship in half!
[12.04.2012 05:16:29] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Also a Primary ship is not required to tell you the SoP. you can think for yourselves right
[12.04.2012 05:16:59] LNS-Omaha: When a dread asks for backup your supposed to get your asses to assist
[12.04.2012 05:17:08] LNS-Omaha: A dread rarely asks for help
[12.04.2012 05:17:09] Trofan: LNS-Magnificent, how many ships can you hold?
[12.04.2012 05:17:13] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Your ship has nothing to do with who follows you, Omaha.
[12.04.2012 05:17:22] LNS-Omaha: Its all navy
[12.04.2012 05:17:26] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: No no, 'em Primary fleet thinks they're too high up for us.
[12.04.2012 05:17:29] LNS-Omaha: We all help eachother
[12.04.2012 05:17:33] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: They ain't going to help us.
[12.04.2012 05:17:43] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: But WE, yes, we're suppose to cover their asses.
[12.04.2012 05:17:47] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Nobody here thinks they're any better than anyone.
[12.04.2012 05:17:53] Trofan: I do
[12.04.2012 05:17:55] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: While they can just sit around when we're getting blasted to hell.
[12.04.2012 05:18:03] LNS-Omaha: But ever sinse the navy was split ive been losing wingman left and right
[12.04.2012 05:18:06] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I was off my bridge.
[12.04.2012 05:18:11] LNS-Omaha: No one to help me
[12.04.2012 05:18:16] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I don't even know what's going on.
[12.04.2012 05:18:18] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: *Sighs*
[12.04.2012 05:18:35] LNS-Omaha: Im tired of getting my ship torn apart becasue your rtoo lazy
[12.04.2012 05:18:47] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Ain't got nothing to do with laziness.
[12.04.2012 05:18:47] LNS-Omaha: You are all navy
[12.04.2012 05:18:47] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Please you at least have the security of three metres of solid hull plating
[12.04.2012 05:18:59] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: But, I will say this.
[12.04.2012 05:19:12] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: If you won't even comply with a basic request to vacate a civilian station
[12.04.2012 05:19:12] LNS-Omaha: against somehthing with 27 turrets !?
[12.04.2012 05:19:15] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Why in the -HELL-
[12.04.2012 05:19:23] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Should I order my men to save your sorry arse?
[12.04.2012 05:19:41] LNS-Omaha: Should i bother helping bail out you people all the time?
[12.04.2012 05:19:45] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Wait, wait!
[12.04.2012 05:19:59] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: If you can't even move your man to save our asses, why should WE, move out of here.
[12.04.2012 05:20:05] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: When we're clearly doing no harm.
[12.04.2012 05:20:32] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: What are you talking about even?
[12.04.2012 05:20:32] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Your being a flight obstuction and questioning orders
[12.04.2012 05:20:34] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: When -WE- asked for immediant support, there was none.
[12.04.2012 05:20:39] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: You people don't seem to need any sort of saving.
[12.04.2012 05:20:47] LNS-Omaha: Are you mad?!"
[12.04.2012 05:20:48] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: And now we're suppose to do the opposite, when we're clearly doing no harm.
[12.04.2012 05:20:57] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Respect goes both ways.
[12.04.2012 05:20:59] LNS-Omaha: Wait, i aint done here
[12.04.2012 05:21:08] LNS-Omaha: When a battleship
[12.04.2012 05:21:13] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Respect does go both ways, but what is this about not saving you?
[12.04.2012 05:21:17] LNS-Omaha: A liberty battleship asks doe help
[12.04.2012 05:21:17] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I don't see any hostiles.
[12.04.2012 05:21:20] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I am talking about here and now.
[12.04.2012 05:21:26] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Not some situation from whenever.
[12.04.2012 05:21:34] LNS-Omaha: Its pretty bloody serious
[12.04.2012 05:21:35] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: When you're not putting the effort to care about our lives, why should we follow you around?
[12.04.2012 05:21:47] Death: Horus|Col.Finley was killed by LNS-Colossus (Gun)
[12.04.2012 05:21:53] LNS-Omaha: I got a better idea
[12.04.2012 05:21:59] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: You seem to forget, gentlemen, I tried to be civil and ask you nicely to move.
[12.04.2012 05:22:15] LNS-Omaha: You seem to forget we nearly died!
[12.04.2012 05:22:17] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: You seemed to forget, that we asked nicely for some reinforcements as well.
[12.04.2012 05:22:22] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: -WHEN- did you nearly die?
[12.04.2012 05:22:26] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: For God Sake.
[12.04.2012 05:22:28] LNS-Omaha: This morning
[12.04.2012 05:22:32] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: This, freaking, morning.
[12.04.2012 05:22:40] LNS-Omaha: 2 foreign warships
[12.04.2012 05:22:49] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: So now you're blaming me, for something i had no part in?
[12.04.2012 05:22:49] LNS-Omaha: that gallian BS nearly tore me in half"
[12.04.2012 05:22:59] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: And using it as an excuse to disobey and disrespect me?
[12.04.2012 05:23:00] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: No no, not just you.
[12.04.2012 05:23:02] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: That's beautiful.
[12.04.2012 05:23:14] LNS-Omaha: Oh so your telling me im alone to deal with this crap!
[12.04.2012 05:23:22] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: your trained to cope
[12.04.2012 05:23:23] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: Your orgnization.
[12.04.2012 05:23:26] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I'm sorry that reinforcements didn't come to your assistance.
[12.04.2012 05:23:29] LNS-Omaha: Cope!?
[12.04.2012 05:23:30] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: But that isn't -my- fault.
[12.04.2012 05:23:32] [LN]-Natalie.Cahoone: I keep repeating it.
[12.04.2012 05:23:37] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: And I'm -trying- to be respectful here.
[12.04.2012 05:23:47] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: i know.
[12.04.2012 05:23:54] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: We're surrounded by IDIOTS
[12.04.2012 05:23:56] LNS-Omaha: You try coping with 2 Battleships coming towards you!
[12.04.2012 05:24:11] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: If you're talking of the two Outcast battleships that come here often
[12.04.2012 05:24:16] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: I've gone against them many times.
[12.04.2012 05:24:21] LNS-Omaha: No i aint
[12.04.2012 05:24:24] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: In Smaller ships than this, even.
[12.04.2012 05:24:32] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: No, not the Outcasts, an Colonial Battleship, and a Concil Battleship.
[12.04.2012 05:24:38] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Strange..
[12.04.2012 05:24:43] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: That's a new one.
[12.04.2012 05:24:46] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: And a Zoner Colony ship.
[12.04.2012 05:24:47] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Heh.
[12.04.2012 05:24:51] LNS-Omaha: Both bloody deadly ships, you blind !)
[12.04.2012 05:24:56] Trofan: It all happened because you trigger happy men shot at one yesterday
[12.04.2012 05:25:07] LNS-Magnificent: Gallant: We're done here, navigation, pilot us down to Manhattan orbit.
[12.04.2012 05:25:15] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Thank God
[12.04.2012 05:25:25] LNS-Omaha: Uhh, useless
[12.04.2012 05:25:52] Traffic control alert: LNS-Magnificent has requested to dock
[12.04.2012 05:26:45] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: insubordenants
[12.04.2012 05:26:55] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: They should all be executed.
[12.04.2012 05:27:07] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: If I was an Admiral I wouldn't tolerate this crap..
[12.04.2012 05:27:10] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: *She sighs*
[12.04.2012 05:27:56] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: least they moved their ships off Newark..
[12.04.2012 05:27:59] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Thankfully.
12.04.2012 05:28:07] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: That's all I wanted, I don't know why it had to be so hard..
During this Process we contacted High Command. The carrier at least had some sense and moored to the planet. The LNS Dreadnaught Omaha Still loitered about. Commodore Robinson arrived on scene
[color=#FFFFFF]Log #2
Quote:[12.04.2012 05:36:20] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Robinson i presume *salutes*
[12.04.2012 05:36:31] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Thats right Clark.
[12.04.2012 05:36:38] LNS-Omaha: Leam: Helm, take us to manhattan orbit, were done wasting fuel here
[12.04.2012 05:38:31] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: The Omaha is sitting by Manhattan, ma'am.
[12.04.2012 05:38:40] LNS-Omaha: Leam: Power down the engines, we wont need them for a bit
[12.04.2012 05:38:41] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: He's being quiet now, and his little friends went planetside.
[12.04.2012 05:38:43] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: And there's a hacker in disguise on the cali pipe.
[12.04.2012 05:43:43] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: *Salutes her monitor* Robinson, It's good to see you, Ma'am.
[12.04.2012 05:43:48] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: This is Commodore Robinson aboard the LNS Maryland, I've heard that somebody hasn't been following orders.
[12.04.2012 05:43:54] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: You as well, Captain.
[12.04.2012 05:43:56] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: *salutes* Commodore
[12.04.2012 05:49:14] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Omaha, what's your status?
[12.04.2012 05:49:29] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: you also have us here, dont forget that
[12.04.2012 05:49:42] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Define terrible
[12.04.2012 05:50:09] LNS-Omaha: Like, now i need to kill a pirate
[12.04.2012 05:50:32] LNS-Omaha: Becasue that hopless Bunter got himself killed
[12.04.2012 05:50:48] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Go ahead and do that, we wont stop you.
[12.04.2012 05:50:57] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Ah, what was with your attitude earlier though?
[12.04.2012 05:51:29] LNS-Omaha: No thanks, id rather sit here and check my systems, not wasteing a whole dread on 1 fighter
[12.04.2012 05:51:56] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: Intimidation is a weapon
[12.04.2012 05:52:05] LNS-Omaha: It wasnt
[12.04.2012 05:52:06] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Does checking your systems include running your mouth at my men>?
[12.04.2012 05:52:30] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Just a friendly question.
[12.04.2012 05:53:13] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Again, you never asked me, for my assistance, at any time.
[12.04.2012 05:53:26] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: And yet you treat me with disrespect, because somebody else didn't assist you.
[12.04.2012 05:53:29] LNS-Omaha: No, my point
[12.04.2012 05:53:36] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Your point is invalid.
[12.04.2012 05:53:44] LNS-Omaha: No my point needs explained
[12.04.2012 05:53:50] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: I've got all day.
[12.04.2012 05:54:03] LNS-Omaha: I was the only ship to take on 2 warships
[12.04.2012 05:54:15] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: And that's unfortunate, as I said.
[12.04.2012 05:54:17] LNS-Omaha: Outnumbered, outmanned and outgunned
[12.04.2012 05:54:21] [LN]-Natalie.Cahoone: Heading back to Missouri.
[12.04.2012 05:54:25] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Let him finish Captain.
[12.04.2012 05:54:32] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Yes ma'am.
[12.04.2012 05:54:32] LNS-Omaha: Where was everyone else eh?
[12.04.2012 05:54:39] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Alright, Im sure something will happen later.
[12.04.2012 05:54:51] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: You think you're the only one who's ever been in that position?
[12.04.2012 05:54:57] LNS-Omaha: I dont think its acceptable in the slightest
[12.04.2012 05:55:00] LNS-Omaha: What?
[12.04.2012 05:55:10] LNS-Omaha: Becasue i put in effore?
[12.04.2012 05:55:19] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Outnumbered, outgunned, without reinforcements, Omaha.
[12.04.2012 05:55:21] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: //obviously not
[12.04.2012 05:55:24] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: It happens to us all the time.
[12.04.2012 05:55:30] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: I've been shot at in the line of duty while people like you sit their pretty capital ship in orbit above Manhattan.
[12.04.2012 05:55:41] LNS-Omaha: Another thing
[12.04.2012 05:56:07] LNS-Omaha: When i just said there is a pirate is at the colorado gate, why dont i see a LN fighter moving?
[12.04.2012 05:56:16] LNS-Omaha: Well?
[12.04.2012 05:56:20] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Maybe because there are other things going on, yes?
[12.04.2012 05:56:28] LNS-Omaha: Uhh like what?
[12.04.2012 05:56:35] LNS-Omaha: A coffee break?
[12.04.2012 05:56:43] [LN]-Jorzza.Clark: i was told to wait. its called following orders
[12.04.2012 05:56:56] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Things like a pirate sitting on the cali pipe, things like a secondary fleet nobody running his mouth at people with
[12.04.2012 05:57:09] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: resume's longer than your arm.
[12.04.2012 05:57:45] LNS-Omaha: Heres a hint, i dont care about primary fleet secondary fleet, i dont care whos ij what, we all protect liberty
[12.04.2012 05:57:52] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Commodore, he just doesn't get it, he thinks because he was alone and outgunned that it somehow gives him the
[12.04.2012 05:58:20] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: That's great that you don't care.
[12.04.2012 05:58:26] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: I don't care what you think about us either.
[12.04.2012 05:58:39] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: What I do care about is when you open your mouth and tell us about it.
[12.04.2012 05:59:09] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Then Im obliged to show you the meaning of keeping your mouth shut and keeping your opinions, which are
[12.04.2012 05:59:15] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: rightfully yours to have, to yourself.
[12.04.2012 05:59:30] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Yeah
[12.04.2012 05:59:54] LNS-Omaha: Im telling you because your primary fleet, your meant to sort out pilots to deal with this stuff, yet when a gallian BS strolls
[12.04.2012 06:00:01] LNS-Omaha: in you take no notice
[12.04.2012 06:00:13] LNS-Omaha: Thats pretty seriours
[12.04.2012 06:00:19] LNS-Omaha: Serious*
[12.04.2012 06:00:23] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: And we're meant to when there's Corsair cruisers and Rheinland gunboats flying every which way
[12.04.2012 06:00:31] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: And you're there sitting your pretty ass at manhattan? Some example you are.
[12.04.2012 06:01:03] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Get your arse in something that can keep up instead of telling other people to do it for you?
[12.04.2012 06:01:10] LNS-Omaha: Im flying dreadnought, you dont send one for 1 damn fighter
[12.04.2012 06:01:11] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: If you want something done properly, you do it yourself.
[12.04.2012 06:01:17] LNS-Omaha: Forget that
[12.04.2012 06:04:17] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: You're too busy filing your nails right here.
[12.04.2012 06:04:19] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: He must have good vision, ma'am.
[12.04.2012 06:04:37] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Nearly all the time include falling asleep with your ship in orbit above Manhattan?
[12.04.2012 06:04:58] LNS-Omaha: To be honest, the only decent pilot i have seen is Hale himself
12.04.2012 06:05:06] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: *Rachel laughs hysterically*
[12.04.2012 06:05:11] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Does that mean he's the only one that exists?
[12.04.2012 06:05:21] [LN]-LLS-White.Mage: *Clark Chuckles*
[12.04.2012 06:05:22] LNS-Omaha: You laughing at Hale?
[12.04.2012 06:05:34] LNS-Omaha: Ill be sure to tell him
[12.04.2012 06:05:45] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: I didn't think you'd answer that.
[12.04.2012 06:05:46] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: We're laughing at you, you self entitled little... *static*
[12.04.2012 06:06:05] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Frankly, a year ago, you'd have been space dust by now.
[12.04.2012 06:06:09] LNS-Omaha: I think LN command is a waste of time
[12.04.2012 06:06:15] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: I think you're a waste of time.
[12.04.2012 06:06:26] [LN]-LLS-White.Mage: Second
[12.04.2012 06:06:28] LNS-Omaha: I think your a waste of time
[12.04.2012 06:06:36] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Orders, Commodore?
[12.04.2012 06:06:38] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Good, then we have nothing more to talk about.
[12.04.2012 06:06:42] LNS-Omaha: Good
[12.04.2012 06:06:43] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Helmsman, ready weapons.
[12.04.2012 06:06:55] LNS-Omaha: you firein on me captain?
[12.04.2012 06:06:55] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: We're going to silence this idiot once and for all.
[12.04.2012 06:07:04] LNS-Omaha: Prepare to defend
[12.04.2012 06:07:05] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Back me up.
[12.04.2012 06:07:05] [LN]-LLS-White.Mage: Ready all recovery systems
[12.04.2012 06:07:20] [LN]-LLS-White.Mage: Systems online.
[12.04.2012 06:07:36] LNS-Omaha: Philips: I hope this ends now, to be fair
[12.04.2012 06:07:38] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Eugen: Captain, targeting systems active and locked, ready to fire.
[12.04.2012 06:07:45] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Good.
[12.04.2012 06:08:02] LNS-Omaha: Last warning]
*[LN]-LNS-Maryland Fires*
[12.04.2012 06:08:30] LNS-Omaha: Haha
[12.04.2012 06:08:34] LNS-Omaha: Crew
[12.04.2012 06:08:36] LPI-D.Dusentrieb[L]: Greetings everyone
[12.04.2012 06:08:38] LNS-Omaha: abandone ship
[12.04.2012 06:08:47] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: LPI, steer clear of the Omaha!
[12.04.2012 06:08:48] [LN]-LLS-White.Mage: Clark: to anyone aboard the Omaha, recomend you get to escape pods
[12.04.2012 06:08:58] Traffic control alert: ~{CJD}~Source has requested to dock
[12.04.2012 06:09:03] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Oh yes, and docking is denied for you Omaha.
[12.04.2012 06:09:23] LNS-Omaha: Time to crash this party
[12.04.2012 06:09:39] LNS-Omaha: fire at will
[12.04.2012 06:10:50] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: I hate people like you.
[12.04.2012 06:10:53] [LN]-LLS-White.Mage: Clark: recovering escape pods.
[12.04.2012 06:10:53] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: So do we all.
[12.04.2012 06:10:54] Death: LNS-Omaha was killed by [LN]-LNS-Maryland (Gun)
[12.04.2012 06:11:04] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Rachel: Target down...*sighs softly*
[12.04.2012 06:11:15] [LN]-LNS-Maryland: Thanks for the backup.
[12.04.2012 06:11:24] [LN]-LNS-Lady.Liberty: Thank you, as well.
The Omaha was destroyed, Escape pods recovered and crew transferred to naval personnel on Manhattan.
I recommend the captain of the Omaha be tried and court marshaled. Once the situation was resolved commodore Robinson transferred to a Guardian. We went back to Alaska and patrolled again. again back in New York we encountered a K'Hara Scorpion Gunboat class. It decided to fly into the sun and incinerated itself. we went back on patrol we went into California. we discovered a Pirate Gunboat. Kusari Explorer class. they seem to be popular on the Sirian black market. He was destroyed. Anyway thats from todays patrol report. I am now uploading guncam footage
>Guncam Footage Archive
Also the Arleigh Burke made five trips to and from Bretonian space. I may make less trips next week as my crew is worn out. i think a 72 hour overlay is in order for them. They deserve it. they have been working their asses off. Think we can get that overlay on Curacao or someplace nice. The [LN]-LLS-Midwinter.Frost is almost set for its shake down cruiser. Just need to put the name on and markings on the side and get it cleared for Virginia Entry. Also scuttlebutt is that thier is some construction planned. If there is something planned please send the info my way. After all the Burke is best in the fleet when it comes to Logistics. Time for a shower, shave and a shot,
Clark Out.
Liberty Forces Message dump - ChillerMiller - 04-12-2012
>>>Incoming Transmission
>>>Comm ID: Lieutenant Commander Natalie Cahoone
Today's patrol started with a random Outcast in the Texas system, a silent one who just blasted a transport when I found him next to the Houston tradelane. Well yes, he/she/it exploded.
![[Image: LN32.jpg]](
After that was done I joined a patrol with Commander Sanders and Ensign Wilmott. At first the Liberty core systems seemed safe, but then we found some pirates, one flying a poorly armored Sabre, the other one was flying a Marauder. Both were pretty annoying and we of course dealth with them.
![[Image: LN33.jpg]](
![[Image: LN34.jpg]](
We were sent into the California system once we were done with those two, apparently some pirate gunboats. They were found next to the Mojave lane, two Ahoudoris, whose pilots were not some brainless monkeys. But that did not help them much, it just took us longer to blow them up.
Cahoone out.
>>>End of Transmission