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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 12-22-2009

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Lieutenant Lee Adama]
[Subject: Blockade runner]

today i was patrolling leeds system when David a bounty hunter tried to blockade run unfortanley i wasun able to capture

unfortanley he engaged with a trade lane before i could say anything

Respectfully yours sir

Lieutenant Lee Adama

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Slainte - 12-22-2009

From: Captain Jack Frost
To: Bretonia Armed Force High Command
Subject: Ship ready for launch

I have recently been outfitting and shakeing down a new Gunboat class ship out of Southhampton shipyard and am pleased to say she is ready to join the fleet. With your permission i would like to name her the HMS-Rosyth and take her into active service.

Yours aye

Capt. Jack Frost

Comm system......closed

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tommeh - 12-27-2009

[Incoming transmission]
[Comm neural ID:Ensign Alex Westbrook]
[To:Bretonia Armed Forces reporting facility]
[Subject: Report on several Outcast GS taken down]

I left Leeds Landing pads to start usual patrols, in few minutes I got alarmed by QCG|Lafiel.Tarant about Outcast bomber and gunship attacking BPA officer down the lane for New London. As I arrived one pilot was assisting Police officer, but gunship was a bit to much for just 2 fighters. I engaged gunship and managed to pinned down his hull to critical damage, this SNAC shot was fatal :

[Image: 15d1yd.jpg]

Which blasted his hull

[Image: 103d6w2.jpg]

As, those pirates were eliminated, I got my ship to repair bays.

But it wasn't repaired and patched up for long. Several hours laters Joker and his thugs came in Leeds, seeking for fight, as they refused to leave.

We engaged them with 2 bombers 1 GB against 1 GS and 2 bombers aswell.
Our gunboat went down first, but me and Ensign John Alster managed to blast Joker's tridente.

[Image: qs2vsk.jpg]

But our bombers were heavly damaged and they both got destroyed, Escape pods were luckly fast enough to get us to safety.
That would be all

Westbrook out

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 12-28-2009

[Incoming Transmission]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Lieutenant Commander]
[Subject:Weekly Compiled Report]

[Center]Reserved Fleet Pilots / Potential recruits under review

Chester Holt:
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bretonian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Ships: B-1290 "Templar" Fighter, B-3000 "Challenger" Bomber

Notes:Decent fighting abilities, lacks bomber skills, mentally unstable when it comes to <strike>Nomads</strike>. Also has command of the gunboat "HMS Iorn". Follows orders well. Is interested in joining the Armed Forces. Due to his mental instability when the <strike>Nomads</strike> are mentioned, I'm suggesting keeping a close eye on him. I'll have him see a doctor to see if he's fit to fly.

Charles Jeeves:
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bretonian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Ships: B-3000 "Challenger" Bomber

Notes: None at the moment, though I believe he's interested in joining the Armed Forces.

Canis Lupus:
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Nationality: Zoner
Place of Birth: Somewhere in the Omicrons
Marital Status: Unknown
Ships: B-1290 "Templar" Fighter

Notes: Former LSF Agent. I'll let MI5 deal with him. However, he's a great pilot, and I haven't experienced any problems with him.

Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Age: Unknown
Gender: Male
Nationality: Bretonian
Place of Birth: Unknown
Marital Status: Unknown
Ships: B-1290 "Templar" Fighter

Notes: New pilot, is looking forward to joining the Armed Forces. Some combat experience. Still needs to be worked with.

Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Ship Class: Bretonian Gunboat
Crew: Actual amount unknown, estimation, 200.
Captains: Jack, and Chester Holt

Notes: Light Bretonian Gunboat, not heavily armoured.

Armed Forces Ensign Review and Recommendations

Ensign Martin Bridge
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Ships: B-1260 Series "Paladin" Heavy Fighter

Notes: Still learning the ropes, but shows great potential. Plenty of other Ensigns see him as a leader. From what I've noticed.

He has my recommendation for promotion to Lieutenant.

Ensign Alex Westbrook
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Ships: B-1290 "Templar" Fighter, B-3000 "Challenger" Bomber

Notes: Haven't experienced much flight time with this lad. However when he's on duty he doesn't ask questions and is down right to the job. I have reason to believe he's a decent bomber pilot as well.

I'm considering giving him my recommendation on being promoted to Lieutenant.

Ensign Robert Woodrow
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Ships: B-1290 "Templar" Fighter

Notes: The lad can hold himself in battle, that's for sure. In fact he's proven himself worth countless times, and has even engaged, and destroyed a few enemies of the crown.

No recommendations, as of yet. He just joined.

File Upload:
Outcast Gunboat destruction

The Invictus Combat Logs

HMS Invictus -- Leeds Fleet
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces Guard
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces Guard
Ship Class: Bretonian Anti-Capital Destroyer
Crew: Classified
Armament Classified
Commanding Officer(s): Varies

Report #A00-01 -- Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Combat exercise training in Sailsbury, fighters, bombers, gunboats versus the Invictus. Combat exercise included Anti-Capital ship training, and Anti-Bomber/Fighter for the Gunnery crew of the Invictus.

Notes: Gunnery Crews are getting a lot better at dealing with Bombers and Fighters. The crew manning gun position number 4, have been getting better at aiming for hostiles.

File Upload:

HMS Iorn -- Gunboat
Chester Holt -- Fighter

Report #A00-02 -- Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Bounty Hunter Guild Destroyer, Independent one at that, entered Bretonia without our knowledge. After kindly escorting it to the nearby shipyard, Southampton, we proceeded to let the captain (A Mister Dwane Chapman) repair his vessel. After his vessel was repaired, I brought the Invictus back around to escort him out of Bretonian space.

Once the vessel was in Dublin, he began to open fire on a couple of our boys. My crew and I were in Leeds at the time trying to sort through the mess happening over the communications channel. Once we shifted through the priorities, I had the course set for Dublin. Upon arriving in Dublin, the Bounty Hunter was indeed engaged in combat with our pilots.

During the engagement the HMS-Nestor came to lend a hand.

File Upload:

One big dead dog

The Wellesley Combat Logs

HMS Wellesley -- Leeds Fleet
Identify Friend/Foe Alignment: Bretonian Armed Forces
Identification Card: Bretonian Armed Forces
Ship Class: Bretonian Gunboat
Crew: Classified
Armament Classified
Commanding Officer(s): Varies
Commanding Officer of Report: Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Report #B00-01 -- Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

I took command of the Wellesley, for a simple trade interception day. However, it turned out to be a rather long day in the commanders chair of the Wellesley.

Beginning the day, an hour or so after lift off we received a hail from an Outcast Gunboat, requesting someone to come pick up some military vehicles, a Transport more or less. I told the navigations officer to put us in full towards the Stokes lane, with Ensign Woodrow in tow.

Shortly after we arrived on the scene, and the Outcasts attempted to flee. We managed to trick their bomber into leaving their gunboat out in the open, which we quickly dispatched of, seen here.

A bit after that, the Gunboats escort came towards us, then started to flee upwards. We gave chase about 200 clicks out from literally everything, before the outcast finally came to his senses and demanded a fight against the Wellesley. I ordered Ensign Woodrow to hold position, I also gave him strict orders that if the Wellesley's shields were to go down, to engage.

The Outcast, never managed to get this fine vessels shields down, until the very end. Where the outcast attempted to do a 'suicide' run into the vessel. No damage was done to the hull.

File Upload:

Flight to nowhere
Enemy destruction

Report #B00-02 -- Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Continuing on with the day. About three or four hours later, from the last engagement. Our lads were setting up bombers in Sailsbury, while I was heading that way myself in the Wellesley, we ran across a Corsair Gunboat "Ell-Morro". Who, to my surprise and amusement, attempted to pirate us.

Obviously we refused, and I hailed to get bomber support, just in case. Bomber support came a bit to slow and well, the Corsair bit the dust. The Wellesley didn't take any damage to her hull.

File Upload:

No cash for you. Not from us anyways.

Report #B00-03 -- Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Somewhere down the road, we were sent to escort the HMS-Bristol to Tau-31 and Tau-23. We met up with a flight of Commonwealth Maltans. Our boys were a bit jumpy around the Maltans, due to having fighting to fight, Outcasts. However, they held fast and kept their wits about them.

Report #B00-04 -- Lieutenant Commander Austin Goodmen

Probably the most interesting part of my day.

I was hailed by a group known as the SMC, I do not know what that stands for but I do know that they're a bunch of Bretonian Miners. They were requesting escort to Rheinland. Naturally, we told them our escorts could only go as far as the Omega-7 gate.

The escort out of Bretonian proper was fine, until Lieutenant Ryan Williams, Ensign Lawrence Winter, and Ensign Robert Woodrow, encountered our lovely "Ell-Morro" who was recently destroyed, twice, in Bretonia. Seems Corsairs can rebuild their ships quickly.

Anyways, I moved from my position in Leeds to help escort the miner convoy. Once I got there, the Gunboat was destroyed, however, reappeared again which was bloody annoying none-the-less. Taking up a defensive perimeter around the convoy, we managed to scare off the Corsair for a bit until it followed us to the Omega-7 gate, and wouldn't leave.

I thought it was in our best interest to have the Armed Forces escort the Miner group further into the Omega's. A passing by Rheinland trader said it would be best to just escort the miner convoy to the Stuttgart gate, which I agreed would be the proper action. As no Military unit was able to assist us at the moment. Though, I did attempt to contact the Rheinland Government prior to jumping. Miners get ancy easily.

Upon jumping to Omega-7, however, we encountered yet another Corsair, this time in a lone fighter. Not wanting to take the risk because civilians were involved. I proceeded to escort them into Rheinland proper. Yes, you heard right. The Wellesley, and Three Templars went into Rheinland space, escorting civilian miners.

Thankfully it was long before the Rheinland Military responded. Upon our arrival, I was contacted by Admiral Malte. Who gave us clearance to carry on past the border station. We proceeded and held orbit around planet Stuttgart. Within a few minutes, Rheinland Military ships were in the area, not just one but about six. I honestly thought they were going to open fire on us. However, their Admiral shortly appeared and I turned over the escort operation to the Rheinland Military.

While waiting in Stuttgart to escort the Mining convoy back into Bretonia, I held an interesting chat with Admiral Malte. She's wanting to set up a better agreement for both the Rheinland Military and Armed Forces to patrol both the Omega systems. Joint operations in both Omega-3 and Omega-7. As in, Rheinland Fighters flying by Bretonian Fighters. Which, Admiral, if you're reading this, I'd like to suggest that you take some interest in it. As Rheinland seems to be having problems in the Omega sector.

She also wishes to speak to you about the Mandalorian Mercenaries, apparently they're launching attacks out from Bretonia.

I'm also happy to report that the BMM Mining convoy made it safely to their destination under the joint operation of the Armed Forces and Rheinland Military.

File Upload:

feel free
discharge me
if you

And that would have to conclude this extremely long report.


Lieutenent Commander Austin Goodmen

[Image: screen438.jpg]

[Transmission Terminated][/align]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 12-28-2009

***Incoming transmission***
[Image: 1g2hi0.png]
***ID: Captain Jacob Carter***
***Subject: Completing report of Lt.Cdr. Goodmen***

After the events described above, I launched to space to find Invictus and Redoubt, under the command of Goodmen and McDonald, and their escorts fighting two Kusarian Destroyers right in front of Leeds. I arrived late, as they had situation already under control.

I took over command and we were patrolling Leeds' orbit for some time. We had company of Lady Tarrant, and some random bounty hunter named Clown. He wasn't really nice to the Lady, but shooting him could provoke the Guild unnecessarily.

I received some signals from our Tau patrols. There were Colonial ships present in the area in large numbers. After docking the heavy stuff and taking the Templars out, we moved there to see what they're up to. Our patrol consisted of me, Ensign Bridge, Ensign Woodrow, reserve pilot Chester Holt and Lieutentant Commander Goodmen.

As we reached MacDuff, we set course for Tau 23 gate. There we encountered one Colonial Nyx, Cobra was his name I think. We had more in numbers, so he clearly wasn't looking forward to fight, and I didn't want to endanger our ensigns. More Colonials arrived though, and situation was getting serious.

After a few minutes of stalemate situation, Colonials decided to clear the way and we proceeded in our patrol. Very soon after that, we found their leader, Panzer, alone. Goodmen found interesting stuff in his hold and demanded some of it as an evidence. He didn't refuse, he even gave us one crate of Gallic Tobacco. After I asked...

Either way, he left peacefully then and we could finish our patrol.

Colonials were apparently trying to police the Tau sector, looking for smugglers and pirates, not for us or anything. Attacking them at Holman when Yamaguchi is nearby would be suicidal, so I didn't take any action. It is to be noted that their presence there is getting higher, and should be prevented if possible. They could cut the Tau 29 station off our supplies if they'd want to.

Note: Lady Tarrant should be... told to not mess into BAF business, or at least listen to out officers. She's getting into trouble whereever she can. She insisted on going with us into dangerous Taus, even when we clearly said no. We had to take extreme measures of running away and shutting the lanes behind us. Even then she found her way there and almost got lost in the ice fields. She's putting her life into danger without reason, and I refuse to take responsibility if something happens to her if she doesn't listen to our orders. If she wants to accompany us in dangerous missions, she does that at her own risk.


Captain Jacob Carter

***End of transmission***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Tommeh - 12-29-2009

[Incoming transmission]
[Comm neural ID:Ensign Alex Westbrook]
[To:Bretonia Armed Forces reporting facility]
[Subject: Report about wilde pursuit on Corsair pirates]

Right, as in every report I start how my shift just started, nothing changed aswell with this one.

I met up with Ens Lee Adama, Ens Bridge under command of Lieutenant Commander Goodmen.

Our patrol started in Cambridge, as soon we recevied distress signal about Corsair pirates in Omega 3. We proceed there and found several Corsairs stoping traders, we warned them to leave, but they didn't listen, so we engaged them and ended up in fight in Omega 7. We worked together, and swiftly took out pirate GB.
I got pinned down his last bits of hull

[Image: 206mqzo.jpg]

While Lee Adama got the fatal shot which teared him apart. Of course Lieutenant Commander's GB caused huge damage which allowed us to finish him.

[Image: 4sl1yw.jpg]

As we were coming back, fresh reports arrived about new Corsair pirates in New London, it was the buddies of this first one, but they managed to escape. As I arrived there was only one Corsair GB, I was forced to engage him, as I didn't have way out, rest of our squadron got delayed, so I was on my own. Then out of nowhere another 2 Corsair gunboats arrived, and they all opened fire on me.

Ohh, man I don't know how did I survived that, all 3 of them were spaming damn missiles at me, I run out of countermeasures in few seconds from so many missiles, I really thought I won't make it this time....
But I was somehow managing to survive until backup arrived. It took some time while they arrived, or it just looked like that to me, huh, so Destroyer with 2 bombers camed as backup.

Then I got my revenge, damn Sairs, we showed them what means to mess with Bretonia Armed Forces.
I got satisfaction to blast in void one of the Sair gunboats, weapons were overheating, energy was failing, but I got that bastard down.
[Image: 20psciq.jpg]

Other 2 were handled by Destroyer and bombers, but they also suffered my MR on their hulls.
[Image: 2wcpkio.png]
We got a lot of action in just few hours, some IMG capitals messing around Leeds, aswell as Rheinland gunboat, but they were handled. That would be all.
huh, time to get some rest.

Westbrook out

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 12-29-2009

[Incoming Transmission]
[Source: HMS Sovereign, Dublin System]
[CommID: Fleet Admiral Nelson]

Thank you for your reports officers. Rest assured that your recommendations have been duly noted and will be given proper consideration. I am also pleased to report the opening of a new channel of dialogue with the Rheinland Military which may lead to improved security in the Omegas. As for orders, continue to prioritize the Leeds blockade though as secondary objectives all officers are advised to keep an eye out for Samura ships operating in Dublin and to try to keep Cortez and Magellan clear of the new scourge of the Joker and his thugs when forces are available. You might want to review the terms of the Treaty of Curacao under which you operate when in those systems.

Sir Stanley Nelson
Fleet Admiral

[End Tranmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 12-29-2009

[incoming transmission]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Greetings officers,

According to the clearance order from Commander Gilead I have proceeded to the Orkney system, in search for our missing Lady Tarrant. Once there I figured out that she just located the Lieutenant Commander Goodmen in that system, also reported as missing a few hours ago. Despite my repeated demands none of them transmitted their coordinates and I failed to retrieve one nor the other.

From what I have heard on the systemwide channel Goodmen's ship suffered critical damages, including engines and life support system, and don't want to be found. The Countess also refused to leave the system and let our officer behind. At this time the Countess is still after him.

To my knowledge neither the IMG nor the foreigners from beyond the minefield issued any communication about this event.

The decision to home back to Leeds alone was hard to take but I could not afford to become a goner myself. My communication channels with the Countess and the Lieutenant Commander severed shortly after I left the system, and since then their current status is unknown.

Ensign Martin Bridge.

[end of transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 12-30-2009

----COMM ID: Ensign Robert Woodrow----

Heres my first proper patrol report.

Well, i started out in the Dublin system with a BPA recruit Michael Harding, finding a corsair gunboat and fighter both of who we engaged as they had armed forces in their holds which they refused to give over. The fighter was finished off with a combo or my Mini Razor and his own missle.

Ell-Morro then ran away, his gunners really weren't the best... The BAF pilots were sucesfully handed over onto the Essex.

Then in Leeds, 2 Kusari destroyers were well, destroyed, me delivering the final blow to one with my Razor with the Help of the Invictus and Mister Chester Holt's bomber who finished off the second destroyer.

Again back to dublin where me and Ensign Lee Adama were forced to engage some Joker thugs. Adama's ship was destroyed and a hunter, Billy Talent and a gunboat named As.We.Speak helped me puch back the Joker's force of a 'boat 2 bombers a fighter and some other outcast 'boat called scarecrow which was destroyed very early on in the fight.
Continuing the fight the Joker forces were pushed back and i destroyed a fighter of theirs.

Later on in Leeds a Kusari fighter by thr name of Moonstorm came about shooting everything Bretonian in his sight, i could not allow this so i engaged after he'd destroyed one of our bombers and one fighter. Some others came but i felt like it was slightly my fault that the ships had been destroyed and that i should've attacked earlier so i wanted to fight him alone. It was a hugely close fight and we had both suffered mortal blows but one turn faster than him and his ship was destroyed and mine limping onto Planet Leeds.

I, Mister Goodmen on board a gunboat and Ensign Bridge started up an Omega patrol in the Omega-3 system where we found a fighter, bomber and Gunboat there, the fighter destroyed, though his pod got away which both, mistake and destruction were done by me.

The next morning Ensign Bridge spotted a samura mining operation and the BPA forces engaged, we followed, fighting them off like the dogs they are, the first destroyed by me, which i forgot a guncam of, the second by BPA)Douglas.Palmer and the 3rd by me which i got a guncam of.

I then landed on the Essex as my Templar wasn't functioning as normal and have left it to the mechanics there to work on.

'Till it's fixed, Woodrow out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 12-30-2009

[incoming transmission]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Greetings sirs,

Countess Tarrant eventually succeeded to locate Lieutenant Commander Goodmen. With the approval of the Conseil cruiser Liberte and the help of the zoner NastyKitten we could partly repair his ship at the Reunion Station, which allowed him to reach the BMM facilities in tau 23 for further checks.

I escorted then the Countess back to Bretonia. However instead of having rest she imediately set course to Liberty for an ambassy meeting, with the approval of Admiral Hale. The local navy accomplished a serious job and we met no significant threats.

Ensign Martin Bridge.

[end of transmission]