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Modular bases registry - Printable Version

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RE: Modular bases registry - rwx - 06-20-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Quarterly fee collection report

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

I'd like to inform you about ze quarterly fee collection status of all modular installations wizin Rheinland.

Ze Rheinland.Treasury.2 currently holds 4.500.000 sc, ready to been withdrawn by ze government.

I hereby request ze removal of ze Stuttgart Station from ze list of approved modular installations as ze owner failed to transfer ze fee for renewal wizin a reasonable time frame.
After ze removage of ze modular installation from ze database, any furzer operation of ze installation will be treated as violation of §7.10. and will be treated accordingly.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]


RE: Modular bases registry - Koepchen Depot - 06-24-2024

..::Incomming Transmission::..

SENDER: Hans Meier
LOCATION: Koepchen Depot, Köln
SUBJECT: Koepchen depot relocation request

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

following my previouse request, I'd like to update the location of the Koepchen Depot along the Karlsruhe debris field. The process fee is already transfered.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hans Meier
Koepchen Administrator


RE: Modular bases registry - Rheinland Government - 07-07-2024

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Herr Meier,

The Registrierungsbüro has evaluated your request to relocate your station to the designated location, and has deemed it unnecessary. According to internal sources, the Karlsruhe clean-up has progressed to its final stages, and does not require an continuous active presence in Stuttgart. Therefore, your application is denied.

The büro recommends that you take advantage of the current regulations in Cologne to continue your operations there with limited oversight.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider


RE: Modular bases registry - Koepchen Depot - 07-07-2024

..::Incomming Transmission::..

SENDER: Hans Meier
LOCATION: Koepchen Depot, Köln
SUBJECT: Koepchen depot relocation request

Sehr geehrter Herr Schneider,

as far as I know, my superiors have already made a contract with the Rheinland government.
The contract included the removal of leaking reactors of the Karlsruhe, Heilbronn and other ships.
It is my understanding, that you don't want a contamination of Stuttgart or pollution of Planet Baden Baden.
(One of our former captains was intercepted by your forces six months ago for exactly this reason.)

Anyway, our sources confirmed, that junkers were seen within the area. As subcontracting is prohibited by ALG's terms of appointment, it would be bad for ALG's reputation if people would think, ALG does that. That's the reason, why the base has to be moved to that area. The overseeing is still required. I really doubt you want the danger of amateurs trying to extract a highly toxic material leaking reactor. God knows to whom the junkers would trading with.

I don't know, who told you about the operation beeing in its final stage, but I can tell you that's not true.
Did you ever remove an active reactor from a wreck? We cannot afford any mistakes.
And since the Rheinland government turned down our latest request to use advanced machinery, I doubt we would be able to finish this any time soon.

Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Hans Meier
Koepchen Administrator


RE: Modular bases registry - Rheinland Government - 07-10-2024

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Herr Meier,

The Registrierungsbüro has decided to amend its previous decision about your request, after additional information came to the forefront. Both Frau Lechner and Herr Steube were adamant that the previously mentioned internal sources did not have the full facts at their disposal when making their recommendation. It would be beneficial for Rheinland for the clean-up operations to continue, until such time that the contamination is reduced to acceptable levels. Therefore, your original request has been approved. Please ensure that your installation continues to maintain appropriate protocols, as per Article Seven.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider


RE: Modular bases registry - Kaiserliche Polizei Rheinlands - 08-27-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
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Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Name of the base: Kronprinzessinpalast

Name of the station administrator: Freyja Wolf

Affiliation: KPR| (Rheinland Polizei)

The purpose of the station: Guard base of New Berlin, Research, Training Kadetts and Store of Arsenal and Goods, along Ship Resting and Repairs and of course Spacial Headquarters

Any existing trade agreements:

Location of the base: Neu Berlin, E5

Proof of standing with Rheinland Law Enforcement:

RE: Modular bases registry - Rheinland Government - 09-06-2024

[Image: mW2h6On.png]

Frau Wolf,

The Registrierungsbüro has evaluated your request to relocate your station to the designated location, and has thus deemed it superfluous. Facilities to accomplish what you describe are already available in-system, primarily on Brandenburg Station. Therefore, your application is denied.

The büro recommends that you reach out to representatives of Daumann and Kruger to facilitate a discussion regarding additional installations in New Berlin. Unfortunately, prior collaboration with ALG is not sufficient in this regard.
Alternatively, Herr Steube has recommended a potential joint administration of Handelsdepot, in order to expand its role towards your desired objectives. You may choose to contact the Rheniwehr regarding such a request.

Kind regards,
Dieter Schneider


RE: Modular bases registry - rwx - 10-01-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Quarterly fee collection report

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

I'd like to inform you about ze quarterly fee collection status of all modular installations wizin Rheinland.

Ze Rheinland.Treasury.2 currently holds 6.500.000 sc, ready to been withdrawn by ze government.

I hereby request ze removal of ze Handelsdepot, as well as ze Lichtenberg station from ze list of approved modular installations as ze owners failed to transfer ze fee for renewal wizin a reasonable time frame.
After ze removage of ze modular installations from ze database, any furzer operation of ze installation will be treated as violation of §7.10. and will be treated accordingly.

Oberrätin Renate Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]


RE: Modular bases registry - rwx - 12-19-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate von Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Spandau complex

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

it has been around an half year, since ze Rheinland Polizei started a diplomatic relationship wiz ze Gallic Gendarmerie about an exchange of prisoners. We got ze permission to enter Gallia space and to transport prisoners of sirian origin back to Rheinland. We rejudged zeir infringements in a fair trial to compromise zeir sentence for Hammersee wiz zeir already fulfilled prison term. Due to ze fact zat boz legal systems are different, some of ze culprits have already been acquitted. Even before zat, I requested an audience from ze governor of ze Frankfurt system, Erzherzog Kurt von Reber zu Frankfurt, regarding logistical optimization of prisoner transports to ze penal colony Hammersee; but until today I got no response as he is eizer busy or not interested.

[Image: CQXWxbM.png]
court house draft
A centralized court house
As ze approval of nobility application tasks me wiz new duties of Hammersee, ze shipping of criminals zrough ze whole house seems suboptimal to me and we should furzer optimize our logistics. Some monzs ago, I contacted a group of students, who are enrolled at ze University on planet Hamburg. I requested some highly detailed blueprints for a centralized court house complex in ze heart of Rheinland, our beautiful capital system New Berlin. What I got was not nearly as detailed as I hoped, but it'll do ze job to explain ze basic layout.

Ze complex will be divided in 6 lower courts representing ze six civilian Rheinland core systems wizout an own prison (New-Berlin, Frankfurt, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Dresden and Köln). A centralised installation will be run by civilians (to keep ze overall costs low). It will act as evidence storage, cafeteria and living space of ze personal. Privileged criminals may be used here as janitors, cooks as well as in ozer, non-important jobs suitable for zeir rehabilitation process.

Our current contract wiz Gallia has already been fulfilled by 40%. Zis means, ze stream of criminals, zat is brought zrough import, is not endless. Ze imported prisoners were anyway a quick solution to restore lost workforce. As mentioned above, even zen we don't get enough. As result of ze centralized location of ze court house complex, we'll face reduced logistical and buerocratical cost, zerefore we will be able to increase ze bounty on criminal pilots, directly brought to custody; zis will (hopefully) result in more condemnations.

So zat zere are always enough monetary resources, a small secondary business is inevitable. Of course, a prison sentence for Hammersee is not always appropriate and depends, among ozer zings, on ze severity of ze violations. While terrorists have to spend several years in criminal colony, ze prison sets are usually significantly lower. Tax Evaders, traffic offenders and corporate crime usually go zrough a re-socialization process of only several monzs. Zese people, togezer wiz ze criminals, who are waiting for a transfer to Lüneburg, are truly predestined to return somezing to ze society.

And people will be grateful. Zankful about affordable clozing, grateful for sanitary articles and grateful about all ze little zings zat somehow improve zeir lives. "Consumer Goods made in Rheinland", one day zis may no longer be just a designation of origin, but a label of quality. But zis day is not today. And we can't look into ze future. We have no idea, how ze economy would react to such a change. I zerefore suggest, zat we first concentrate on ze essentials. I have already developed out a business plan to pay ze maintenance costs of ze base. For more details, please look at ze attachment.


Oberrätin Renate von Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate von Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]


RE: Modular bases registry - rwx - 12-30-2024

[Image: NcF7fVE.png]
[Image: W7PsLI5.png]

Kaiserreichspolizei Rheinland
Encrypted Video Transmission

[Image: qP0HoK9.jpg]

IDENTIFICATION: Oberrätin Renate von Bommel
SOURCE: Nibelung Polizei Plaza, Planet New-Berlin
SUBJECT: Quarterly fee collection report

Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,

I'd like to inform you about ze quarterly fee collection status of all modular installations wizin Rheinland.

Ze Rheinland.Treasury.2 currently holds 10.000.000 sc, ready to been withdrawn by ze government.

Oberrätin Renate von Bommel
[Image: qeRD9xS.png]
Mit freundlichen Grüßen,

Renate von Bommel

[Image: afJNWwq.png]