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RE: Trade Development Blog - Xoria - 03-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 08:33 PM)Foxglove Wrote: Are there any plans to maybe make Liquid Cardamine a commodity that can actually be profitably traded? I mean, currently, there is a sellpoint on Corsica (that sells it for way too much considering Outcasts produce this stuff). Sorted Artifacts are also a thing that can be traded, although their profits are also very meh, yet they have more than one sell point. Why is the Outcast equivalent of that being treated differently?
It is not "the Outcast equivalent." It's an entirely different thing. I don't plan to change it since its implementation is precisely what the involved parties requested to begin with.

(02-18-2017, 05:20 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: What I'm curious about is if it's possible to technically free the economy of a certain system without touching the system itself, but creating redundant copies of anything (equipment, commodity, etc.) unique to it in the surrounding systems instead.[/color][/align]
Sorry, I still don't understand what you're talking about. Maybe try offering a very specific example.

(02-24-2017, 11:15 PM)Felipe Wrote: Well, this prolly already been asked, but forgive my noobish behavior trying: Can CR have some trade devevolped, i mean, a commodity so we can make a trade route from, and into Coronado (a legal one, plz)? If theres already this project, what still needs be done, from players side?
I have no such plans. Somebody would have to come up with a compelling idea for a commodity that could sensibly originate from Coronado.

(03-05-2017, 02:07 AM)WPeregrine Wrote: So, it has been brought to my attention that with the introduction of the Xeno relics, the artifact related commodities have been (logically?) nerfed in prices.

So first we obfuscated any sort of commodity trading with corporate ore shipping, and now we do the same in smuggling by implementing unlawful ore shipping?
I have no idea what you're talking about. I haven't nerfed anything related to artifacts.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Thyrzul - 03-24-2017

(03-24-2017, 03:32 AM)Xoria Wrote:
(02-18-2017, 05:20 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: What I'm curious about is if it's possible to technically free the economy of a certain system without touching the system itself, but creating redundant copies of anything (equipment, commodity, etc.) unique to it in the surrounding systems instead.[/color][/align]
Sorry, I still don't understand what you're talking about. Maybe try offering a very specific example.

There is a system.
There is a commodity sold only in that system.
I'd like that commodity sold in an other, nearby system (too).
I'd like all similar commodities of that system to be sold in other systems (too).
I'd like no commodities being sold only in that specific system.


Example #1:
There is Cambridge.
There is Beryllium (commodity_beryllium_ca) sold only in Cambridge.
I'd like Beryllium (commodity_beryllium_ca) sold in an other, nearby system (too).
I'd like all similar commodities of Cambridge to be sold in other systems (too).
I'd like no commodities being sold only in Cambridge.


Example #2:
There is Orleanais.
There is Bio-Stability Monitors (commodity_biostability) sold only in Orleanais.
I'd like Bio-Stability Monitors (commodity_biostability) sold in an other, nearby system (too).
I'd like all similar commodities of Orleanais to be sold in other systems (too).
I'd like no commodities being sold only in Orleanais.


RE: Trade Development Blog - Goldberg - 03-24-2017

Possible yes, but ofc with a different price (higher or lower)

RE: Trade Development Blog - Shaggy - 03-24-2017

(02-24-2017, 11:15 PM)Felipe Wrote: Well, this prolly already been asked, but forgive my noobish behavior trying: Can CR have some trade devevolped, i mean, a commodity so we can make a trade route from, and into Coronado (a legal one, plz)? If theres already this project, what still needs be done, from players side?
Xoria Wrote:I have no such plans. Somebody would have to come up with a compelling idea for a commodity that could sensibly originate from Coronado.

I'm not sure if you remember Xoria, but when I was leading CR|, I came to via PM on the forums to discuss some sort of trade commodity for CR in general. After being told we had to use our allies to trade, but that was difficult due to some being inactive, or some of them being watched closely by CR enemies and so on.

So we discussed about using "Minerva Research Center" the PoB that CR used to own, and we discussed about using it to research Planet Yuma's plant life for a "Pharmaceutical" type commodity. You informed me we should get in touch with Cryer Pharmaceuticals or Planetform Inc. If I am not mistake this was done since Minerva Research Center was destroyed.

So can you explain to me why you answers Felipe with "I have no such plans. Somebody would have to come up with a complelling idea for a commodity that could sensibly originate from Coronado" let's not forget some of the planets/moons have metals on them for example

DIAMETER: 4,076 km
MASS: 4.84 x 10e24 kg
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 15.42 km/sec

Oraibi is a terrestrial planet with a thin atmosphere composed of nitrogen and krypton. Its frigid surface is composed of vast Copper deposits covered by layers of sodium oxide dust. Because of noxious surface gases, it is curently too expensive for IMG to invest in mining operations.

DIAMETER: 4,076 km
MASS: 4.84 x 10e24 kg
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 15.42 km/sec

Tova has a trace atmosphere of Carbon Dioxide and Helium. The surface is mainly composed of Silica laced with iron oxides, indicating the moon had an oxygenated atmosphere at some point in the past. Given the relative youth of the Coronado star and the significant gravity well of Tova, the atmosphere loss must have occurred very quickly, possibly the result of an extremely cataclysmic event.

But let's not forget about Planet Pecos which has

DIAMETER: 6,723 km
MASS: 4.90 x 10e24 kg
ESCAPE VELOCITY: 7.27 km/sec

Pecos is a large moon composed of rock and ice, caught in a 37-year cycle of freezing and thawing as its orbit around Salina brings it closer and then further away from the sun. The Independent Miners Guild (IMG) established a small mining colony in 802 AS, not long before Barrier Gate was finished. The IMG discovered large deposits of frozen heavy water deep within the icy crust, which the miners extract for refining into Deuterium, a critical component of H-Fuel and other fusion-reactor fuels. Pecos possesses a breathable but dangerously thin atmosphere, and long-term settlement is only possible thanks to the use of geothermal energy to keep the otherwise-frigid air around various settlements at a tolerable temperature.

In 817 AS, after their defeat at the hands of the Gallic invasion fleets entering Tau-44, the Crayter Republic resettled a large part of their civilian population on Pecos. However, the planet is entirely unsuitable for agriculture, and the large refugee population was sustained by a constant, highly-expensive supply of food and other goods from off-world. Prior to the Crayterian arrival on the planet, there were rarely more than a few hundred people onboard Pecos at any time, but the refugee population briefly boosted the population of Pecos well above the four million mark (though official censuses at the time were poorly-conducted, and reported much lower numbers) for some time.

Despite Pecos's brief population surge, the colonization of Yuma is now well underway, and the majority of the Crayterian refugees have been relocated to settlements there; now, Pecos's population hovers around three-hundred sixty thousand, and will likely continue to drop as time goes on.

So here are three planets/moons just within Coronado it self that has two types of "Fuel" and one type of "Metal" that can potentially be mineable on the surface.

I just don't understand why Crayter Republic is not allowed a "balanced" trade route, or a mining commodity, a trading commodity or something. We are given the "Deuterium" from Planet Pecos which costs a fortune of like $2000 or $3000 per unit. It is very expensive and only sells for like $4000 or $5000 3 or 4 systems away. This is a ridiculous commodity if you ask me for a faction to be making a profit on.

Now let's not forget the Drake/Tau -117 jumpgate that was destroyed inside the Barrier Rim Nebula a few months ago. Surely there would/could be some debris around that gate as well as a radiation field that could be a mining commodity for Crayter Republic also.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Xoria - 03-26-2017

(03-24-2017, 08:06 AM)Thyrzul Wrote: [Stuff with examples.]
I wish you would just speak to the specific system and commodity that you are concerned with. Technically, this is a very tricky thing to do and is largely dependent on local geography and routes which I cannot evaluate in the abstract. As you can see from the rest of the mod, I avoid implementing such a scheme unless lore requires it (see H Fuel).

(03-24-2017, 01:47 PM)Shaggy Wrote: I'm not sure if you remember Xoria, but when I was leading CR|, I came to via PM on the forums to discuss some sort of trade commodity for CR in general. After being told we had to use our allies to trade, but that was difficult due to some being inactive, or some of them being watched closely by CR enemies and so on.

So we discussed about using "Minerva Research Center" the PoB that CR used to own, and we discussed about using it to research Planet Yuma's plant life for a "Pharmaceutical" type commodity. You informed me we should get in touch with Cryer Pharmaceuticals or Planetform Inc. If I am not mistake this was done since Minerva Research Center was destroyed.

So can you explain to me why you answers Felipe with "I have no such plans. Somebody would have to come up with a compelling idea for a commodity that could sensibly originate from Coronado" let's not forget some of the planets/moons have metals on them for example
I have no plans because I made it very clear in that prior conversation that the responsibility was yours to develop a workable idea, which so far I see no evidence of presented here. Those infocards mention commodities that are already sourced elsewhere, and as you can see from the pricing of deuterium that renders them inadequate for what you want.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Atreides2 - 03-28-2017

Actually at the moment we have an rp project and start up with both planetform and img and it may be coming to some commodities based on yuma and possible something new for all the people involved. Please allow us to form some results as the end product will be and what use, as at the moment there are so many ideas.

Would be good if the end ideas can be discussed with you also on skype or even pm ?

RE: Trade Development Blog - Xoria - 04-01-2017

(03-28-2017, 02:14 PM)Atreides2 Wrote: Actually at the moment we have an rp project and start up with both planetform and img and it may be coming to some commodities based on yuma and possible something new for all the people involved. Please allow us to form some results as the end product will be and what use, as at the moment there are so many ideas.

Would be good if the end ideas can be discussed with you also on skype or even pm ?
Yes, that's a good idea.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Thyrzul - 04-01-2017

(03-26-2017, 01:44 AM)Xoria Wrote:
(03-24-2017, 08:06 AM)Thyrzul Wrote: [Stuff with examples.]
I wish you would just speak to the specific system and commodity that you are concerned with. Technically, this is a very tricky thing to do and is largely dependent on local geography and routes which I cannot evaluate in the abstract. As you can see from the rest of the mod, I avoid implementing such a scheme unless lore requires it (see H Fuel).

Picardy and every commodity with sellpoints unique to that system.


RE: Trade Development Blog - Xoria - 04-02-2017

(04-01-2017, 06:40 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Picardy and every commodity with sellpoints unique to that system.
Not really. Picardy is a dead end system and such a scheme only works when it can be set up in a side by side format, like Houston and Hamburg with Nanocapacitors. Why the interest, anyway?

RE: Trade Development Blog - Thyrzul - 04-03-2017

(04-02-2017, 10:08 PM)Xoria Wrote:
(04-01-2017, 06:40 PM)Thyrzul Wrote: Picardy and every commodity with sellpoints unique to that system.
Not really. Picardy is a dead end system and such a scheme only works when it can be set up in a side by side format, like Houston and Hamburg with Nanocapacitors. Why the interest, anyway?

Looking for ways to minimize the effects of a potential strong dynamic in-game representation of possible roleplay development on the overall economy. Would have possibly involved changes in IFF, I was hoping the economy can be excluded on the whole system in order to allow that fully.