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Liberty Forces Message dump - Manticore - 06-24-2012


COMM ID: [color=#33FF33]RECRUIT James Lambert
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Patrol Report #OED-2284

Well it was my first official day on the job, and boy it wasn't a quiet one either.

To start, Lieutenant Alan Polstari was kind enough to volunteer to help get me some equipment and help me sort through all the necessary paperwork. So many requisition forms! He also gave me a quick tour of the Virginia system.

Just as we were heading back to New York from Cali, we picked up an unfriendly IFF on long range scanners. We closed a bit and saw it was fellow by the name of Jack_Package, and he was carrying Liberty Rogues ID. I chased him down with cruise and managed to catch him with a cruise disruptor to put a stop to his fleeing. We took up station on him, and then had a little discussion with him. Lieutenant Polstari spoke with higher authorities and determined he was to be placed under arrest.

Guncam 1

It seemed we had nearly convinced him to accompany us to Huntsville when another freelancer showed up, this one with a neutral IFF. This was Alan.Winston, and despite his IFF the Lieutenant informed me he was a known pirate. Initially he seemed to be rushing to Package's backup, but once he saw we were just circling rather than fighting, he stood down.

Guncam 2

However, about a standard minute later, two more hostiles came out of the nearby jumpgate. Now potentially outnumbered 4-2, the Lieutenant ordered a hasty retreat. I made it back to the New York jumpgate, and the Lieutenant urged me to continue on to Manhattan. Yet he didn't make it through behind me, so I called for backup with his permission.

Guncam 3

I gathered several secondary fleet units, including Lt.John-Twitter, LNS-Freedom, LNS|Braveheart.Escort and Timothy. We passed through the gate into California and encountered several units, including Package and Winston. Lieutenant Polstari was lost right before I went through the gate.

There was some initial confusion after I returned to the system with no less than three capital ships at my back. I'm not sure how hostilities began but we engaged. One pirate was destroyed, and another retreated. Winston stood down, and seemed to be about to surrender. As I prepared to take him into custody, he abruptly opened fire on my ship. I was fortunate to bail out with not an instant to spare, but my brand-new Executioner was lost.

Guncam 4

From my understanding afterwards, the remaining pirates were driven off and my pod was rescued by the Freedom, which returned to Virginia to drop me off. A few other units pursued the pirates. Unfortunately I can't provide any further detail as to events in California beyond this point.


However, after passing into Texas, I was contacted by a Junker, .:j:.Alex.Cooper. He informed me that he had spotted a Rheinland capital ship near the Zone 21 minefield. I did not manage to capture all of our conversation with my guncam though here is part of it:

Guncam 5

I proceeded to Zone 21 where the Freedom and Twitter were already on station. There was no sign of the Rheinlander. Soon thereafter, two more friendly capital ships emerged from the Alaska gate and proceeded half-way through the minefield. These were TF7|LNS-Wyoming and Centurion. I moved to the neck of the minefield near Melbourne Base.

Over private comms, the Freedom informed me that he had seen those same ships near the Rheinland ship previously. With some concern, I questioned them as to their intentions and previous events.

Guncam 6

Captain Buddmen reported in. Apparently he and his companion had encountered the Rheinland ship firing upon Melbourne Base, engaged, and then held position when the enemy fled. They had then decided to continue their patrol into Alaska. His story seemed a bit fishy to me, so I held position and did not let them through the minefield. Unfortunately the situation was complicated when Twitter recieved an urgent distress call from another system and departed with the Freedom. This left me alone, facing down both of these capital ships.

Then Buddmen decided to invite me aboard and examine his records for myself. I think he had detected my wariness, and wanted to prove to me he was telling the truth so he could be on his way. Warily, I agreed to dock and come aboard, but not before contacting the Timothy, which was still in system and nearby, via private comms, ordering him to my location as backup. I was still very uncertain about the whole situation, and felt better knowing a battlecruiser was en route.

Guncam 7

After docking with his ship, but before exiting my own ship, I picked up an ominously garbled transmission. I couldn't fully make out what it said, but I have the log:

Guncam 8

Now worried, I urged the Timothy to hurry.

Guncam 9

I've attached records from my personal recorder of the events which transpired in his ship:

Guncam 10
Guncam 11

I departed his ship, and flew back to Melbourne. Abruptly, damage and error alarms started going off in my cockpit. Best I could tell, I had a scanner malfunction and possibly a faulty thruster. Concerned for my own safety, I realized I was going to have to return to a shipyard for repairs immediately. At the time, I figured it had to have been a glitch with the brand-new ship that had evaded the builder's checks. I was forced to depart and leave the Wyoming on station at Melbourne.

Guncam 12

Unfortunately, when I got back to Norfolk, the staff informed me it was a grave series of issues with my ship. After about an hour of repairs, I was summoned to meet with the shipyard's ranking officer, who informed me that my ship was deliberately sabotaged. I've appended his report to mine for your inspection.

Being as how I am still brand new to the service, I am uncertain of how to proceed with my ship still undergoing repairs. I would strongly recommend that you send immediate backup to Melbourne Base and conduct an investigation of the actions of the LNS Wyoming.

Lambert out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sarawr!? - 06-24-2012


COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]VICE ADMIRAL, Rachel Baker, Jacobi Naval Critical Care Medical Center.

Vice Admiral Baker here...I'll keep this short, since I still need a great deal of rest. By now, you are all no doubt aware of the incident that occurred in New York space not two days ago. I have been informed since waking up, that I am now a Vice Admiral, and that we have deployed a flotilla to our Northern Frontier. I'll now issue the first series of orders for our forces in Kepler specifically. These orders are to be followed until Fleet Admiral Hale or Defense Secretary McKay say otherwise:

1. Do not initiate hostilities with the forces of the Kusari government.
2. Intercept, Halt, and Search all ships coming from Kusari space. Ensure that they are not carrying any military related cargo, or of course, contraband.
3. The pilots of the Kusari Naval Forces are soldiers like us, doing their jobs just the same. Keep a level head when dealing with them.
4. Do NOT, for any reason, move further than Ames Research Station.
5. Lastly, I am placing Captain Andrea Ericksson personally in charge of overseeing Kepler operations until I can direct things there myself..


The ones behind the recent incident were NOT average warfighters, as evidenced by the tactics they employed. They may try to sneak agents across our borders to finish the job, or they may try to breach our borders with warships for a second time. We cannot allow this. I implore you pilots to be vigilant and ever ready, as you carry out these orders. Use your heads, and follow your orders, and we'll get through this without further incidents.

Lastly, I know a lot of you are concerned about me, Do not let this influence you in performing your duties. I am still severely wounded, yes, I will not be back in space on a small ship for...some time, but I WILL, make a full recovery.

Watch out for yourselves out there. Do your duty and defend The Republic.

Vice Admiral Rachel Alexis Baker, Signing Off.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Pacific - 06-24-2012

***** Incoming Transmission*****

COMM ID:Captain Angelina Dimitrova/LNS-Dallas
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command/Colorado Forces
SUBJECT: Captain Steven Hackett.
[Image: eerere2.png]

After a full debriefing with the Captain Hackett and a full Medical exam. Captain is fit for duty and Command I see a lot of negative feedback here but he is one of your CO's so treat him like that and with the respect. a Naval Captain should be treated. I would Attend to the Colorado Fleets myself but remember we still have a war with Rheinland and some one has to lead the Texas Fleets.

Next time if you want to file a report file it directly to myself. But I have my doubts situation like this will happen. But Hackett remains in Kepler and keeps enforcing a jump gate control point under the Command of Andrea Ericksson.

Captain Angelina Dimitrova out

***** End Transmission*****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Haphestus - 06-24-2012

[Image: 260520121.jpg]

Clark Here,
Capt-......Vice Admiral Baker. LLS and 10 battalions of Marines bases out of Watervliet Logistical Arsenal Base are glad to hear you up and about. I'll welcome Captain Eriksson to "The Herd" myself. I will send her the pertinent data on the Logistics Operations and Project Kennedy. Also Project "Buck" Is now giving us results. H-Comm will be informed of every progression. Logistics ships involved in Kennedy i want to step up operations pertaining to "Kennedy" and "Buck" so we can initiate "Barnum" phase.

Lieutenant Polstari, Your Logistic work has been good with the Arleigh Burke scaling back its operations so its crew can get much needed R & R. You Getting the Position of my assistant/towel boy. I suggest pack your trash and report to my XO Lieutenant Alibrandi at Norfolk. Your desk is waiting.

A memo to all Logistics ships. As there is no Database for LLS ships i have made one.

LLS Database Registry
Thats it,
Clark Out

Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 06-25-2012


COMM ID: Lieutenant Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Primary Fleet Command HQ
SUBJECT: Sirius Revolutionary Front

Greetings, sirs.

I would like to describe an encounter with a new group running about Sirius space that I ran into a few days ago. Seeing as that you may be accosted by them yourselves I thought it best to share what I was able to glean on my own encounter.

I ran into this group calling themselves the [color=#6600CC]Sirius Revolutionary Front
, and identified by the =[SRF]= tag, a few days ago while in Kepler and returning from duties there in. A Mr. Ben Cohen, tagged as =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen, requested that I join his group as his "Liberty Representative". I was initially confused by this as I thought he mentioned that he was looking to contact the Sirius Coalition Revolutionary Army and wanted me to be his contact for them. Turns out that Mr. Cohen is claiming to be an ex-Royal Navy pilot who left the GRN when he became aware of their plans for Sirius, and is on a mission to both warn our Houses and to unite all of us, Gallia included, in a peaceful co-existance. I suspect that there may be delusions of grandeur involved here, and when questioned on why he didn't simply join the Council, he stated that they considered his year of service with the Royal Navy to be more than they were willing to forgive. Mr. Cohen was flying a "Lynx" class fighter, and his partner appeared to be flying a "Pelican" Armored Transport.

Mr. Cohen Weapons & Fighter
Mr. Cohen Weapons & Fighter (2)
Mr. Cohen's Companion's Weapons

Quote:[24.06.2012 03:15:46] =[SRF]=Harmony: Hello.
[24.06.2012 03:15:47] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Greetings Navy

[24.06.2012 03:15:50] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: A Galllic fighter?
[24.06.2012 03:16:00] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Hello Alan
[24.06.2012 03:16:06] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: My name is Benjamin Cohen

[24.06.2012 03:16:10] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Mr. Polstari, or Lt. Postari.
[24.06.2012 03:16:18] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: of the SRF
[24.06.2012 03:16:23] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Yes, Mr. Cohen, how can I help you?
[24.06.2012 03:16:25] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Mr.Polstari
[24.06.2012 03:16:32] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I can't say that I've heard of the SRF before.
[24.06.2012 03:16:37] =[SRF]=Harmony: I am Gilroy Begbey.
[24.06.2012 03:17:04] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I am an Ex-GRN Pilot

[24.06.2012 03:17:18] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: -Ex- Royal?
[24.06.2012 03:17:22] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I left after i realized what the GRN had planned for Sirius
[24.06.2012 03:17:39] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: So i took my ship and what i could and deserted

[24.06.2012 03:17:39] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Well then, that's appreciated.
[24.06.2012 03:17:41] =[SRF]=Harmony: "Nods"
[24.06.2012 03:17:50] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I cam here to warn sirius

[24.06.2012 03:18:01] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Is there a reason you're not working with the Council? They've done plenty of warning.
[24.06.2012 03:18:11] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I already have a Representitive from Bretonia Mr Begbey here
[24.06.2012 03:18:17] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: And if you missed it, there's a lot of shooting out in the Taus.
[24.06.2012 03:18:30] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Between Bretonia and Gallia.
[24.06.2012 03:18:36] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Leeds too, for that matter.

[24.06.2012 03:18:37] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: You must understand were i come from one doesnt just
[24.06.2012 03:18:39] =[SRF]=Harmony: 'Eye.
[24.06.2012 03:18:48] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Desert the navy and become unlawful
[24.06.2012 03:19:03] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: the Council still hate me for my year in service for the crown
[24.06.2012 03:19:18] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I have come here to gather a following

[24.06.2012 03:19:37] The.Enterprise: Alan... Are you close to New york or Penns?
[24.06.2012 03:19:38] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: to Join the Houses of Sirius Bretonia Rheinland Libert Kusari and yes Even Gallia
[24.06.2012 03:19:48] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: In peace and Harmony

[24.06.2012 03:20:19] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I think you would do well to put yourself in for a de-briefing with the Liberty or Bretonian Navies.
[24.06.2012 03:20:30] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Sir i need to ask you
[24.06.2012 03:20:34] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: They would benefit greatly from any insights you have into Gallia's war machine.
[24.06.2012 03:20:44] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Yes?

[24.06.2012 03:20:56] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: would you be the Sirius Revolutionary Front's Representitive in Liberty?
[24.06.2012 03:21:04] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: you can keep your ship and weapons

[24.06.2012 03:21:10] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: *looks angry*
[24.06.2012 03:21:13] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: i would never strip your home from you
[24.06.2012 03:21:23] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Do I -look- like one of those damnable communists to you?
[24.06.2012 03:21:32] Death: IrishHunter was killed by an NPC
[24.06.2012 03:21:33] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Communit... Oh...NO
[24.06.2012 03:21:37] =[SRF]=Harmony: Communist?
[24.06.2012 03:21:39] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I am Not a Communist!

[24.06.2012 03:21:41] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Yes, the SCRA.
[24.06.2012 03:21:51] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: SCRA i am Not one of them
[24.06.2012 03:21:56] =[SRF]=Harmony: Nether of us are communist.
[24.06.2012 03:21:58] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: we have diffrent ciews

[24.06.2012 03:22:00] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: They're the reasons we're out in Sirius in the first palce.
[24.06.2012 03:22:11] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Then -why- did you ask if I was their representative?

[24.06.2012 03:22:20] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: No
[24.06.2012 03:22:23] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I asked
[24.06.2012 03:22:28] =[SRF]=Harmony: "Facepalm"
[24.06.2012 03:22:34] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: If you would be Our Representitive for Liberty

[24.06.2012 03:22:53] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I'm sorry, but I have duties with the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.
[24.06.2012 03:23:09] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Sirius Revolutionary Front is our group made to hopefuly make a peacefuly sirius for all
[24.06.2012 03:23:20] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: we want No comunist governments

[24.06.2012 03:23:43] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Yes, well that sounds -awefully- close to the Sirius Coalalition Revolutionary Army.
[24.06.2012 03:23:50] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: *awfully

[24.06.2012 03:23:57] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: we want it to be like it use to be were governments sit down and talk out an issue and work things our diplomaticaly before shg
[24.06.2012 03:24:02] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: shooting and killing

[24.06.2012 03:24:25] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: You're not perchance related to that Sirius Science Community group I've been hearing about, are you?
[24.06.2012 03:24:40] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen:
[24.06.2012 03:24:48] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Yes, well, there's already been a -lot- of shooting. And there will be more soon, if I know my futures.
[24.06.2012 03:24:53] =[SRF]=Harmony: No why have we been getting that all day?
[24.06.2012 03:25:10] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: mr.Polstari tell me
[24.06.2012 03:25:23] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Why do you kill your BRethren in Bering and Hudson?

[24.06.2012 03:25:24] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Mr. Cohen, while I admire your goals, I think you're a man who's too late and out of his league.
[24.06.2012 03:26:13] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: And I have not killed any brethren of mine in any location. Anyone I've downed has been no brother to me or anyone else.

[24.06.2012 03:26:27] Death: FIREFOX was killed by an NPC
[24.06.2012 03:26:38] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Mr.Polstari See past the Modern Vales
[24.06.2012 03:26:48] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: If we go back to Ancient Earth
[24.06.2012 03:26:59] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: we will see we all came from one line
[24.06.2012 03:27:09] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: we are all Brothers

[24.06.2012 03:27:13] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: If we go back there, we'll find as many differences then as you do now.
[24.06.2012 03:27:22] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: We're all human beings, that doesn't mean we're all brothers.

[24.06.2012 03:27:33] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Mr.Polstari
[24.06.2012 03:27:43] A player who was killed in a PvP fight is not allowed to re-engage using any of his/her characters within 4 hours.
[24.06.2012 03:27:43] Characters of a player who was killed in a PvP fight must not return into the same system for 4 hours. Check the server rules on the forums for the exceptions to this.
[24.06.2012 03:27:51] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: the offer stands we need a Representitive in Liberty
[24.06.2012 03:28:11] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Mr. Cohen, I would elect to decline your request.
[24.06.2012 03:28:14] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: and untill tis filled you have a welcome home in our ranks
[24.06.2012 03:28:31] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Mr.Polstari can i ask you a question

[24.06.2012 03:28:47] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Perhaps after you gain more of a standing with our government, but even then I have duties in the Navy that I would attend..
[24.06.2012 03:28:53] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: To before anything else.
[24.06.2012 03:29:04] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Last question, Mr. Cohen. Make it good.

[24.06.2012 03:29:05] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Do you have a Family?
[24.06.2012 03:29:39] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: I have family, aye. They're the reason I'm before you today. I would stand before them with my life.
[24.06.2012 03:30:45] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: and now sir lets say there is a ... Rheinland Military Pilot ok? and he has a family too what makes him any diffrent for you?
[24.06.2012 03:31:01] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: both Fighting for your Countries and your families

[24.06.2012 03:31:09] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: The oppressive state that he works for.
[24.06.2012 03:31:20] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: So he thinks the same about you
[24.06.2012 03:31:25] =[SRF]=Harmony: That and your respetive goverments.

[24.06.2012 03:31:38] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Mr. Cohen, I don't wish to discuss moral relativism with you.
[24.06.2012 03:31:39] =[SRF]=Harmony: // Woops.
[24.06.2012 03:32:03] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: You're free to continue about here, because this is Liberty.
[24.06.2012 03:32:25] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: And I would advise that you reach out to our government via communication channels.

[24.06.2012 03:32:36] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I will mr.Polstari
[24.06.2012 03:32:44] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Just tell the Navy this
[24.06.2012 03:32:55] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: the SRF means you no harm at all

[24.06.2012 03:33:03] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: But don't expect that a man who has an organization no one has yet heard of will make something occur were others like...
[24.06.2012 03:33:23] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: The Council have been giving us warning and aid for a while now.

[24.06.2012 03:33:26] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Perhaps some day
[24.06.2012 03:33:44] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Mr. Wolff. Good evening.
[24.06.2012 03:33:45] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: you will sit at a bar with your Rheinland Brothers
[24.06.2012 03:33:47] [LN]-Hans.Wolff: Good Evening.
[24.06.2012 03:34:01] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: I must go now Lt.Polstari
[24.06.2012 03:34:07] =[SRF]=Ben.Cohen: Good bye

[24.06.2012 03:34:08] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: That'll be a day indeed. -If- it comes and it's not because they put us under their thumb.
[24.06.2012 03:34:10] =[SRF]=Harmony: Thank you for your time Officers.
[24.06.2012 03:34:28] [LN]-Hans.Wolff: Interesting developments as of late.
[24.06.2012 03:34:34] [LN]-Alan.Polstari: Indeed.

Lieutenant Polstari, signing off.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Manticore - 06-25-2012


COMM ID: [color=#33FF33]RECRUIT James Lambert
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Notice: Training Completed

Greetings High Command,

I am pleased to report that my initial 8-hour training period has been completed. I have learned much from the fine officers of Primary Fleet and am proud to fight alongside them. I am honored to be considered for a commission in the Liberty Navy Primary Fleet.

My log depicting the time total.

Lambert out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 06-25-2012


COMM ID: Lieutenant Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Primary Fleet Command HQ
SUBJECT: Kempeitai

Greetings, sirs.

The crew of the [color=#FFFF00]LNF Paradise
and I were on a recon mission out in the Yukon System early this morning, doing a standard sweep for illegal bases, when we were contacted by a vessel tagged as Umisachihiko. The vessel's commander, one Ryuichi Tatsugami, proceeded to walk through a series of very cryptic comments culminating with the implication that he would like to "cross paths" with me in the Kepler System. I agreed to the meeting after informing him that we needed to complete the task we were already assigned.

Having completed our sweep, I informed Mr. Tatsugami that we were en route, and enquired as to the nature of his desired meeting. He then began to ask what I knew of the incident over Manhattan, and I responded with queries of my own. His own statements indicated that he is a man of cold dispassion who's only concerns about what occurred were with respect objectives, not people. We had to put a hold on our conversation due to an inbound Ion Storm.

Once the storm passed, Mr. Tatsugami arrived in the Kepler System with a different craft, tagged as Ichitaita, a "Chimaera" Kusari Navy Very Heavy Fighter. We conversed for a bit more, and he stated that he was merely there to gauge our reaction. He also insinuated that he knew a great deal about the matter, and that he had more than just a passing interest in the matter. The interesting part came as we were about to part ways, that in response to what would later be known as a criminal, he declared himself to be an agent of the Kempeitai, and that persuit of such was beneath him.

I've forwarded the communications logs already, but will provide additional Guncam evidence below.

Papers and Vessel
Additional Weaponry
Kempeitai Statement

This concludes the report.

Lieutenant Polstari, signing off.
[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Sarawr!? - 06-26-2012


[font=agency fb]COMM ID: [color=#99FFFF]VICE ADMIRAL, Rachel Baker, Jacobi Naval Critical Care Medical Center.
SUBJECT:Returning To Duty

Vice Admiral Rachel Baker here...I am reporting here to alert the rest of High Command, as well as the rank and file, that I will be signing myself out of Jacobi Critical Care Center. I am still of course...not in great condition, and as such I will not be aboard any combat or snub craft for a time still. I will be working primarily aboard my Logistics Ship, from my private quarters. There, I will have access to basic medical care, and a spacious and comfortable area from which I can continue my recovery while working. I realize this is not smart...but, hospitals drive me insane, and idleness is even worse. So, in short, I'm returning to Active Duty, in a limited capacity.

Vice Admiral Rachel Alexis Baker, Signing Off.

Liberty Forces Message dump - Jihadjoe - 06-26-2012


COMM ID: Fleet Admiral David Hale
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy personnel
SUBJECT: A few short notices

Hale here.

Just a few short notices with regards to recent events.

First I would like to express how glad I am the Vice Admiral Baker is more or less in one piece following the incident of which we have all become rather painfully aware. The entire navy wishes her a speedy recovery.

Second, following the incident mentioned earlier, LNS-Pacifica has been deployed, along with various support craft, to Colorado to respond to any situation occuring in the area. Kempeitai vessels within Liberty are to be removed, either willingly or by force.

The following vessels are to be destroyed if sighted:

- Ichitaita
- Shimekiri
- Umisachihiko

Do not engage in hostilities with any other Kusarian vessels, we do not wish to cause any further hostilities following this extremely regretable incident. The individuals responsible will face Libertonian justice following the due course of law.


The group designated =[SRF]= are to be observed carefully. Any gallic vessels flying under their flag are to be escorted out of Liberty.


Lt. Cmdr. Natalie Cahoone is to be brought into custody, following a series of situations which have recently occured. It is believed that Miss Cahoone is seriously ill, and is to be treated with extreme caution. Do not approach her alone. Lethal force is not authorised in her capture.


The nomad vessel designated 'Aurora' is not under the protection of the Admiralty, despite whatever rumors you may have heard. However we have observed serveral unusual patterns of behaviour from this particular specimin. Particularly it's unwillingness to open fire on our vessels. As such the nomad vessel is to be observed unless it presents a direct threat to humans in the vicinity.

If the vessel is sighted, encourage it to move to unpopulated areas. Gather as many scans as possible, and record its every movement. Do not allow this vessel to create a 'scene'.

Remember this vessel is potentially extremely dangerous. Do not approach it alone, and do not let your guard down, both mentally and physically.


It seems that a large number of you are about to have an extremely busy week. Remain calm and collected at all times, and use your judgement wisely.

Hale out.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****

Liberty Forces Message dump - Echo 7-7 - 06-26-2012


COMM ID: [color=#33FF33]Captain Ryan Kirkwood, LSFC-Death.Valley
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Zone-21 Breach, 818-6-26

Several hours ago, the Death Valley was called to Zone 21 to investigate a potential security breach that had been flagged a transport subcontracted by the LSF. Upon arriving at the Alaska Gate, we located a pair of Kusarian vessels bearing the transponders of their military.

>> Umisachihiko > #1 #2
>> Ichitaita > #1 #2

We attempted to detain and interrogate these intruders, but they evaded immediately, and fled from Zone 21 across the New York system, where we tracked them all the way to the Colorado Jump Hole. At this point, the fighter broke off from formation and disrupted our Cruise Engines, permitting the Gunboat to successfully jump to Colorado. In hindsight, we made the error of pursuing the Gunboat, rather than seizing the fighter; but by the time we reach Colorado, the Gunboat was beyond the range of our scanners. Due to an incoming ion storm, we were forced to moor above Planet Denver and leave the pursuit to other Naval vessels summoned over the emergency channels.

From initial reports, the vessels "Ichitaita" and a third vessel "Shimekiri" were caught and destroyed by Navy forces. The "Umisachihiko" evaded pursuers and escaped. We have no information about the capture of any Kusari pilots at this time.

Our communications log is attached.

Quote:[26.06.2012 18:33:45] Umisachihiko: Ryu: Come no...
[26.06.2012 18:33:47] Umisachihiko: Evade!
[26.06.2012 18:33:57] LSFC-Death.Valley: Unidentified ships, cut your engines.

* The Kusarian ships attempt to flee Zone 21 *
[26.06.2012 18:34:28] LSFC-Death.Valley: Engaging hostile targets.
* Cruise Disruptors are fired, but are unsuccessful *
[26.06.2012 18:34:51] Umisachihiko: Ryu: Hostile targets?
[26.06.2012 18:34:54] Umisachihiko: Tsk tsk...
[26.06.2012 18:34:57] Umisachihiko: Silly Libertonian..
[26.06.2012 18:35:00] Ichitaita: I see they've made their decision, then.
[26.06.2012 18:35:40] LSFC-Death.Valley: Breaching the Zone 21 perimeter is a capital offense.
[26.06.2012 18:35:56] LSFC-Death.Valley: Cut your engines and prepare to be boarded.
[26.06.2012 18:36:13] Umisachihiko: Ryu: Like hell, Baka Gaijin. I am an agent of the Kempeitai.
[26.06.2012 18:36:16] Umisachihiko: You will not board this ship.
[26.06.2012 18:36:17] Ichitaita: It seemed as though we were invited, the defenses were so lax.
[26.06.2012 18:36:28] LSFC-Death.Valley: Thank you for providing confirmation of identity.
[26.06.2012 18:36:37] Umisachihiko: It is no secret.
[26.06.2012 18:36:57] LSFC-Death.Valley: You must be the clumsiest Kempetai agents I've ever heard of.
[26.06.2012 18:37:07] Umisachihiko: Oh, I think not.
[26.06.2012 18:37:26] Umisachihiko: We were nearly able to waltz unhindered into a restricted zone.
[26.06.2012 18:37:32] Umisachihiko: I think that speaks volumes about your security.
[26.06.2012 18:38:05] LSFC-Death.Valley: Security which takes moments to respond to your presence.
[26.06.2012 18:38:32] LSFC-Death.Valley: One would swear that your commanding officers are trying to start a war.
[26.06.2012 18:38:54] LSFC-Death.Valley: An amusing prospect considering Kusari's pathetically small fleet at present.
[26.06.2012 18:38:56] Umisachihiko: And one would same the same for yours. Sheltering a traitor and receiving classified information from him.
[26.06.2012 18:39:34] LSFC-Death.Valley: We'll be the judge of that. He is now under the protection of Liberty.
[26.06.2012 18:39:50] Ichitaita: Oh..?
[26.06.2012 18:39:58] Umisachihiko: Hai, of course. You wish to protect him for passing secrets to your government.
[26.06.2012 18:40:02] Ichitaita: The secondary fleet vessels at Manhattan earlier didn't seem very protective.
[26.06.2012 18:40:06] Umisachihiko: But do not fret, we will find him.

[26.06.2012 18:40:13] Ssgt.Best.Boy: Sir.
[26.06.2012 18:40:17] LSFC-Death.Valley: Yes?
[26.06.2012 18:40:44] Ssgt.Best.Boy: Can I request some reinforecenemt at Cali
[26.06.2012 18:40:54] LSFC-Death.Valley: Negative. I am in pursuit of other targets.
[26.06.2012 18:41:24] Ssgt.Best.Boy: 2 Rogue Bargest fighting some SRF people.
[26.06.2012 18:42:21] LSFC-Death.Valley: Negative, we are already committed against higher priority targets.
[26.06.2012 18:42:26] Ssgt.Best.Boy: And from what the SRF Commed me, He Took 2 trader and a bomber.
[26.06.2012 18:42:28] Ssgt.Best.Boy: Ok.

* The fighter breaks off and disrupts our ship *
[26.06.2012 18:42:28] Ichitaita: You will not lay a finger on them.
[26.06.2012 18:42:36] Ssgt.Best.Boy: Thanks for your time.
[26.06.2012 18:42:38] LSFC-Death.Valley: We'll see.
* Jump to the Colorado system *
[26.06.2012 18:45:04] Umisachihiko: Tanto-2, Tachi Actual. I have you on short range.
[26.06.2012 18:46:08] LSFC-Death.Valley: Seek and destroy the Kempeitai vessels.
[26.06.2012 18:46:33] Shimekiri: Tanto-2 in position. Holding and awaiting futher instruction.
[26.06.2012 18:47:08] Umisachihiko: Tachi Actual Copies All. Standby.

[26.06.2012 18:49:37] LNS-Cape.Knox: We heard reports about Kempeitai in Colorado. We're headed there as fast as we can.
[26.06.2012 18:47:53] Umisachihiko: Tanto-1, Tachi Actual. Proceed to Rendezvous. How Copy?
[26.06.2012 18:48:27] Ichitaita: All clear. The Valley opened fire on but the gaijan gunners were pathetic.
[26.06.2012 18:48:32] Ichitaita: Proceeding to RV.
[26.06.2012 18:48:47] Umisachihiko: Hai. We await your arrival.
[26.06.2012 18:50:36] Umisachihiko: Tanto-1, Tachi Actual. We have you on short range. Tanto-2, form up.
[26.06.2012 18:51:19] Ichitaita: Tanto-1 in formation.
[26.06.2012 18:51:33] Shimekiri: Tanto-2 formed up.
[26.06.2012 18:51:43] Umisachihiko: Tachi Actual copies all. Move out.
[26.06.2012 18:53:22] Umisachihiko: Tachi Actual to all Tanto Callsigns. Proceed along the tradelanes to Exfiltration point.

[26.06.2012 18:55:11] LNS-Crusader: Searching for the Kusarians?
[26.06.2012 18:55:26] LSFC-Death.Valley: Yes, we are.
[26.06.2012 18:55:28] SFC|Timothy.Hawk: Hardly we will find them in this storm...

[26.06.2012 18:56:07] Umisachihiko: Tachi Actual, All Tanto Callsigns. Prepare for Ion Storm.
[26.06.2012 18:56:14] Umisachihiko: Power down all non essential electronics.
[26.06.2012 18:56:32] Shimekiri: *Cuts to garbled speech*
[26.06.2012 18:56:41] Ichitaita: Tanto-1 copies. Going dark.
[26.06.2012 18:57:36] LNS-Crusader: Harry: Initiate S&D protocols. Deep Space scanners at maximum, track their signals.

[font=agency fb]****TRANSMISSION TERMINATED****