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4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Printable Version

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RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Nerva - 10-05-2013

Equipment Availability (Gallia)

Certain high-tier equipment has severely lacking availability in Gallia and occupied systems. That includes lawful and unlawful stations. At the same time, these are commonly available everywhere else.
Such equipment is:
Nuclear Mine
Screamer Mine
Incapacitator Torpedo
Advanced Cargo Scanner

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - St.Denis - 10-05-2013

Haven't seen this reported yet but the NPC Bretonian Armed Forces GBs have no Shield. Other Houses as far as I have seen have shields.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Aazalot - 10-06-2013

(09-30-2013, 02:35 AM)Aazalot Wrote: ==============
OSI ID Wrong again with update 2

The OSI ID is showing that whales cannot be docked in house space.

"-Cannot dock the Zoner whale within house space, except on Aomori Station, Battleship hood and Zoner Bases."

Also can we have the wording changed in the description to :-

"Omicron Supply Industries is a collection of Zoner subsidiary companies that specialise in Trade, Research, and engineering for the Outer reaches and the Edges Worlds. Working to Supply remote Zoner Installations and Freeports whilst in turn, bringing the fruits of Zoner labour to the Houses. OSI Do not trade exclusively with other Zoners, often being hired by other factions and companies to manufacture technology, transport base supplies and ferry Passengers"

Fixed. ~ ae

Not Fixed, Still saying the same thing. Is it possble the IDs we have mounted/are in the armory need to be replaced with an update item?

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - aerelm - 10-06-2013

That means the fix is included in update 3. I'm not updating server-side infocards for now, cause it's somewhat of a mess. So it has to wait until the actual update is released.

Feel free to dock your whales in house space until then. It's a fault in the ID after all, and you shouldn't concern yourselves about it.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Govedo13 - 10-06-2013

Ship dealers switch

Battleship Saumur sells the gallic caps, I guess it need to be switched with the Planet Angers that sells gallic snubs now.

Fixed. ~ ae

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Duncan Farquar - 10-07-2013


First of all, all the things I tell here are made in GoTo mode.

The Sun doesn't have a perfect "circle of protection". If you came from Tohoku JH and you go to planet Miura, you dive into the sun corona without avoid it automatically, unlike in all the other systems.
Same thing happens with planet Niiza, you will dive into its atmosphere without avoid it automatically if you, at that point, turns your ship and goes to Fujisawa.

BUT, if you go from Miura to Tohoku JH, that thing don't happens, you avoid the sun and, after that, you avoid planet Niiza.

And other strange thing. If you, after all those things and reach Niiza, turns your ship and you go back to Miura, your ship reenters the solar corona laterally

Summarizing, if you go directly to the sun from any direction except the line Tohoku JH-Planet Miura and from planet Niiza to planet Miura, you avoid it. Same for the planet Niiza except from the point in the lane Tohoku JH-Miura when you reach the sun corona (D3-D2 in the map) and go to Fujisawa.

I hope I explained well.

Discovery 4.87 Bug Report - The Lane Hackers - 10-07-2013


Liberty Rogue ID infocard states following ZOI: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Shikoku, Kansas, Humboldt, Vespucci.
Xenos ID Infocard states following ZOI: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Kansas, Humboldt, Vespucci.
Lane Hacker ID infocard states following ZOI: Liberty, systems directly bordering Liberty, Shikoku, Manchester.

  • According to the map Kansas is a system belonging to Liberty so its presence on any Liberty based ID is redundant. If Kansas is not a Liberty system then it should also be mentioned in Lane Hacker ZOI, considering the fact that this system is directly bordering Magellan where Lane Hacker headquarters, Mactan Base, is located.
  • If Kansas or Puerto Rico is a Liberty system then presence of Humboldt on any Liberty based ID is redundant, as it is a system directly bordering a Liberty system. Otherwise, lack of Humboldt in Lane Hacker ZOI seems to be an unintended omission.
  • Vespucci is a system directly bordering Magellan. Since both Liberty Rogues and Xenos have this system in their active ZOI, lack of its presence in Lane Hacker ZOI seems to be an unintended omission.

Minor Issues
  • According to the map Ellesmere and New Hampshire are Liberty systems. With the current wording this adds both Omicron Minor and Bremen to the active ZOI of all Liberty based IDs. If this is not intended, changing "systems directly bordering Liberty" to "independent systems directly bordering Liberty" seems to be fixing this minor issue.
  • In 4.86 LH ID active ZOI covered Leeds as it was a system one jump from a Hacker base. Due to historical reasons and close proximity to Mactan it actually made sense. Since current wording of LH ID does not allow active operations in Leeds, I would like to inquire whether it was a decision made for balance reasons or just an unintended omission.

Echo: When an ID references a House as part of its ZoI, it is referring to the House system list here. Since I'm not an Admin I can't state for certain what the IDs are supposed to show, but they do seem to be somewhat incorrect/incosistent, so I'll bring it up for discussion.

The Lane Hackers: Interpretation such as "systems directly bordering Liberty" translates to "system directly bordering Liberty house space" results in additional inconsitencies:
  • All Liberty based IDs, including Xenos, Liberty Rogues, Lane Hackers, LPI, LSF and Liberty Navy do not have Alabama in their active ZOI, as only way to Alabama is from Kepler and Cassini, both systems not being Liberty house space.
  • All Liberty based lawful IDs, includng LPI, LSF and Liberty Navy, cannot actively operate in Humboldt, Kansas and Vespucci. Xenos and Liberty Rogues can pirate there freely.
I was not analysing more IDs, but it is possible that similar inconsistencies can be found all around Sirius.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Zynth - 10-08-2013

Pathing Errors

Apparently, the gunboat and fighters in battleship patrols can leave the battleship and chase a lone fighter for over 16k distance. Not sure if intentional.

Poor Hacker being chased
By a GB Patrol
Which orginated from Manhattan which is now 16k away

Even if intentional, it's pretty annoying when somebody wants to have a nice duel and NPCs chase you for eternity.

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - sindroms - 10-08-2013


Shikoku should be added to the Xeno ZOI, as their base is located one jump away from the system, if we are using that as an example these days. So would Manchester and Coronado be for Rogues, by the way, because of Montezuma and NPC patrols in the later.

The Rogue ID also states that it can "Attack any ship within their ZOI expect for transports".
Please change it to simply "May treat any non-transport as a combat target."

RE: 4.87 Bug Reports (Post here instead of making a new one.) - Zynth - 10-08-2013

Ammo Limits and Tractoring

Cannonball purchase limit is 25.
I can bypass this limit by tractoring more cannonballs from space as loot.

This could also apply to other ammo based equipment with less than 70 ammo.

EDIT: Seems it also works with Fortress CMs, capped at 60, can by bypassed by tractoring.