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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version +- Discovery Gaming Community (https://discoverygc.com/forums) +-- Forum: Role-Playing (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=9) +--- Forum: Official Player Factions (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=60) +---- Forum: Liberty (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=71) +----- Forum: XA- (https://discoverygc.com/forums/forumdisplay.php?fid=512) +----- Thread: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) (/showthread.php?tid=7195) |
RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Xeno Alliance - 08-04-2018 ![]() Phantoms, Mission directives have changed. Effective immediately, your orders are as follows: Code: Primary Objectives: RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Xeno Alliance - 08-21-2018 ![]() Phantom 4 here. I encountered a USI transport by the name of RenRen~Trading hauling slaves in the New York system, stopped by LH~Jaws. Surprisingly, the Hacker was not after taxing the trader but freeing the slaves. We forced the transport to drop its slaves and saw them safely picked up by a DSE transport and returned to Norfolk Shipyard so they may be returned home. I found the best end to this situation to be a peaceful parting of ways between myself and the Hacker. I apologize for allowing one of our enemies to live, but he was acting in Liberty's interests this day in this situation. I believed he should be rewarded with the privilege of continuing to draw air for one more. I'm attaching a communications log of the incident. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Hemlocke - 03-12-2019 Xeno Alliance Member : "Dralis Hemsworth" Rank : Juvenile Xeno Alias : "XA-Diamondback" Subject matter : Hacker in Colorado. *Securing connection to the xeno network via Ouray* *Kicks the machine after sitting at 99% for 8 minutes* *Connection Established, Field Log. A-1* During the XA-Great.Basin's return from the Omicrons Her captain and crew discovered a hacker on the other side of the kepler hole in Colorado. I was dispatched by Ouray to investigate. When I arrived they were gone Entering the Keplar anomaly I arrived outside Nome and set a course for Ames, finding the Hacker on his way back to Colorado. Situation Goes as follows. *Uploading flight log 2% - 3% -30% "Buffering" 99% - 100%* -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Hello, Xeno. -XA-Diamondback: Looky here, A hacker. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Looking for James Erzie? -XA-Diamondback: Looking for you, Our transport caught you in Colorado. -XA-Diamondback: You know better. Colorado is our turf. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: I am fine with that. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: But there was a reason for me to venture there for a moment. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Would you like to hear it? -XA-Diamondback: I assume you're referring to the IRG transport you had stopped on our way through? -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Precisely. -XA-Diamondback: I've got time. Let's hear it. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: You know what IRG is notorious for, don't you? -XA-Diamondback: All I know is that they're researchers. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: First of all - research and employment of dangerous alien technologies that they disguise as their developments. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: This is the main reason we, Lane Hackers, strictly watch them staying out of Liberty. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: To an extent, the transport itself was loaded with Cardamine. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: You probably know we're quite sensitive about it. -XA-Diamondback: I'm well aware of the psycho drug. And the hold it has over most of Liberty. --Long range probes indicates approaching ION storms in 10 minutes.-- -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: And when two matter we're sensitive about come together... he was lucky to make it out in one piece. -XA-Diamondback: My question is. Why do the hackers care about alien technology. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Why would we not? We've happened to encounter the Nomads. Their thralls as well. -XA-Diamondback: Wouldn't it be much easier for you to let them into liberty. And closely watch their activities through your... spy capabilities -XA-Diamondback: Who knows what they could be doing with it outside of liberty. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: We'll get to know about their activities outside of Liberty as well. This or another way. -XA-Diamondback: The Cardamine is understandable, I have no quams about that. -XA-Diamondback: I see no reason for bloodshed. Just stay out of Colorado. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: I have explained my reasons to you. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: I wanted that particular transport to turn back. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Because of the person that is in command of it. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: The cargo was yet another reason. -XA-Diamondback: It won't be happening again. Catch them in New York or Ontario, or we'll get involved. --Approaching ION storm will reach Sirius in 5 minutes. Proceed to nearest docking facility at best speed.-- -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: I will give this a degree of consideration next time. Perhaps. -XA-Diamondback: There's no need to sour our relations any further. Safe trip home Hacker. Don't get caught in the storm. -LH~Leiden.Aggressor: Likewise. *Data upload completed, Ending session* Dralis Hemsworth, Signing off. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reacher - 03-15-2019 ![]() > Comm ID: Nicholas Stone > Location: Ouray Base, Colorado > Destination ID: Xeno Alliance > Subject: Bering Raid/Patrol > Priority: Hatchling Howdy ladies and gents. We rolled out on a little patrol and stumbled up some Rouges and Unioners doing so weird stuff in the rocks. Words were exchange... we took out their gunboat, the rouge blew himself up with Nova Torpedoes, and Black Rock dueled a mouthy fighter pilot with some odd jokes. Afterwards we bugged out back to Ouray. All in all pretty successful. X | X | X RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Xeno Alliance - 03-16-2019 ![]() > Comm ID: 'Six' > Location: Undisclosed > Destination ID: Xeno Alliance communications > Subject: Recon - Coronado > Priority: Phantom Command. As per my orders, I was required to sortie from HQ and perform a recon flight around the Coronado system. However while on route and having just entered the Coronado system, I think a corporate patrol nearby must have caught a glimpse of my transponder - seeing as moments later a wing of Hunters swung by and tried to kill me. I was forced to bank hard and retreat in the only free direction, which took me past a rogue installation. I saw my pursuers break pursuit to engage the plethora of criminals behind me and I took my chance to escape and jumped through an anomaly that had showed up on the navigation console. Much to my dismay however, I had been spat out into the middle of what seemed like nowhere. The asteroid field was thick, inhibited proper sensor scans and it crippled my comms almost entirely. With the appearance of Hacker transponders on the scope, I was certain I'd be engaged under the perception of intrusion and likely buried among the asteroids. However the pilot, whom identified themselves as Vesper Lynd upon inquiry, instead offered to escort me out of the cloud. Seeing my odds as not worth any displays of foolish bravado, I accepted and didn't make any deviations whilst on their wing. With consent from Command, I informed them of my original mission to reconnoiter the system of Coronado, to which the Hacker once again offered to help with. Naturally, I accepted. Though I was somewhat apprehensive upon the approach of a second Hacker in a heavy bomber, operating under the alias of Elektra King. Together, they guided me through Coronado and pointed out all key infrastructure. We already know of Camp Lister and the local cluster surrounding Pecos given our recent operations, so I won't go into that. However, I will list sites of importance as follows: - Sabah shipyard and Planet Yuma - Crucial Colonial infrastructure. Located in grid-square 2-Delta. - Baffin Jump hole - Transit point. Located in grid-square 4-Bravo. - Barrier Gate - Independent infrastructure. Located in grid-square 5-Bravo. Seems to be a neutral port of call for anyone with a vested interest in the region. Likely a hive for the underworld. Worth investigation. - Manchester Jump hole - Transit point. Located in grid-square 6-Charlie. Should be monitored in the event of usage by Bretonian forces or corporate interests. Advise establishment of a local presence if possible for the purpose of interdiction of such vessels. My personal assessment of the Hackers as partners in future avenues where cooperation is simply necessary and cannot be ruled out, is that while they do seem to suffer from an obvious hubris, they are at their core technical experts, capable of being professional when necessary. This is perhaps the reason they have done so well for themselves and been so efficient at keeping the Rogues under their thumb, while also skirting the line between partnership and enslavement under Malta's influence. If future operations make cooperation with them necessary, I foresee no complications arising, at least if this cooperation is arranged to occur between the Phantoms and Hacker operatives. I cannot accurately account for the opinion of Serpentis regarding this, but it is likely that they still see the Hackers as pansies incapable of doing their own wet-work. Which is true, to an extent. It would be prudent to keep them in mind for future operations wherein their skill-set would make them useful partners of convenience. I will now proceed to check the electronics suite on-board my Prosecutor for back-doors in the software. The console is still of their make. Concluding report. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Zeb - 03-17-2019 :::encrypted_message_received:::
![]() > Comm ID: Barry Carleone
> Location: Nome Base, Kepler > Destination ID: Xeno Alliance > Subject: Liberty Patrol > Priority: Juvenile Mornin'.
I stumbled upon a Rogue during a patrol in the Alamosa Asteroid Field. The pilot was hiding right outside the Galileo Gate, probably thinking nobody would catch him before he'd find some transport to pirate. I swear there's just more and more filthy Rogues pouring out from that system lately, like rats escaping the sewers. Just as expected, the Rogue got scared like a little kid and fled immediately through the trade lanes. A cat and mouse chase began through the system that eventually ended in Kepler where the pilot vanished from my scanners, most likely by escaping into one of the dark matter clouds. The chase got my blood pumping so I took a small break at Ames. After having a drink or two, I met up with another XA fella - "Night". Bored as we were, we undocked to find some action. And would you guess, a lone Hacker who for some reason decided he wanted to test his luck showed up not far from Ames. These self-proclaimed "geniuses" seem to lack the braincells to understand when they're stepping on our turf. After a brief chat, we robbed him off some custom made plasma gun, which is apparently effective at blowing holes in stuff. We both wanted to get rid off the Hacker to learn them a lesson, but as current orders at that time were to avoid unnecessary battles with them, we swallowed our pride and told the Hacker to piss off. Yet another moment of boredom hit us, so me and "Night" decided to split-up. He traveled to the Kansas system while I went back to Colorado. "Night" ended up finding some unknown contact nearby a dark matter cloud, most likely a foreign ship. It disappeared into the cloud, no surprise. Might be worth investigating what goes on in there, as many foreign ships seem to be circulating around it lately. Colorado was quite empty at the time, so I decided to pay New York a visit. I cut the lane between the Texas Gate and Norfolk and waited until an unlucky Hegemon exited. The Freelancer who piloted it must have panicked since it started firing at my ship after ignoring any attempts of communication. The pilot was dumb enough to mess with the fangs and paid the price of death. I've docked at Nome for now. The engineers seemed interested in the Hacker Gun, maybe they'll find some use of it. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Zeb - 04-12-2019 :::encrypted_message_received:::
![]() > Comm ID: Barry Carleone
> Location: Nome Base, Kepler > Destination ID: Xeno Alliance > Subject: A strange encounter > Priority: Juvenile Reporting in a very unusual occurrence that recently happened.
I had just departed from Ouray when I got told to meet up with "Retribution". While on a routine patrol it had snapped up some transmissions mentioning a large, unidentified vessel moving through the Texas system. As I showed up to the scene, I almost didn't believe my eyes at first. A large Corsair dreadnought right outside the gate to New York. It didn't show any similarities in its identification code compared to what the Brotherhood ships transmit, so this was most likely an unaffiliated ship. I gotta give it to the captain and its crew - they sure had some balls to venture this far out from their home. Too bad the captain was a total maniac to think they could enter Liberty just like that. Right as we started firin' at it, some Lane Hackers decided to show up, probably from hearing of the Corsair ship as well with their fancy sensors. There wasn't room for much talk so they joined in to wipe out the dreadnought. After its destruction, a small ion-storm hit me. I made it out unharmed but the ship suffered some minor damage. Nothin' that can't be repaired though. Kill confirmation has been attached below. I've still to make up my mind what was more strange; a Corsair warship in Liberty or workin' with the Hackers. I guess we're the ones left to do the dirty work when the Navy aren't around to defend Liberty. That's all for now. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Havok - 04-16-2019 :::encrypted_message_received:::
![]() > Comm ID: Travis Allen
> Location: Ouray Base, Colorado > Destination ID: Xeno Alliance > Subject: Expulsion of Foreigners > Priority: Hatchling
I was departin' from Ouray when I was hailed by a member of the Phantoms, who was out in Cortez chasin' himself a Foreigner vessel. I hauled ass through New York and California to catch up with him out in the middle of nowhere in Cortez 'n sure enough there was a Valor Class Vessel just right there.
It seemed the Phantom had some aid in the fight from a Hacker, but I was ordered to engage and sink the ship either way and I did just that. It took our Nova's some time to wittle down the hull of that massive ship, but in the end we still managed to pop it anyhow. Let me tell ya' that was some fireworks! On our way back to base, we encountered another Gaul by Curacao, a fighter this time. He didn't waste much time talkin' and neither did we. A small skirmish later saw the demise of another foreign invader, though my guncam malfunctioned right on that. During our skirmish with that fighter, a Hunter gunboat showed up right there next to us! He wasn't talkative, couldn't decide who to shoot it seemed, maybe he was thinkin' out loud, but he didn't last very long either! That's all I got for ya' for now. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Xeno Alliance - 04-16-2019 ![]() Travis, your report put a smile on my face. Nothing finer than watching Imperial white burn under the crippling antimatter of our torpedoes. You've earned your fangs - Copperhead. Barry, I understand your partial discomfort for the Hackers. But trust my judgement, we're doing these things for a reason. You've done extremely well in the field so far and I need more experienced pilots to lead fresh blood, congratulations on your promotion. RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Nika - 04-17-2019
Hayes reporting.
Upon leaving Ouray i have received an information of a target in Texas, and immediately departed to the site, using the lanes to shorten the distance.
Upon arrival, the most disgusting of all options have been acquired and pinned - a Rogue, robbing the bypassing civilian convoys. Of course, the presence of such a vermin on our turf could not be tolerated. Upon Cobra's order, we sunk that rusty boat and recovered whatever pods we could, returning to Ouray shortly after. We may only hope that the lesson carved in the hull of his rusty boat with Black Widows and Scatterguns have been learned. Hayes, out.