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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 01-03-2010

--Incoming Transmission....connection stablished.
--ID: Commander Roland Gilead.
--Security encryption: Med. BAF STANDARD COMMS.
--Subject: Patrol and battle reports.

At 0842 hours, I came across an Outcast ship(ID: [Ros}Anna.Reyes[X]) goating me into a fight by showing off the BAF pilots and guards held prisoner in the ships cargo hold.

I am happy to report all pilots are recovering well at the aid station on the Derby. I hear the queen will be visiting them the day after tomorrow.

Shortly after, at 1022 hours, I was notified of a Corsair Dreadnaught and a Corsair Osiris were attacking Cambridge. Also there was a possible threat from Dublin with a heavy Molly presence. I sent out a squadron of Templars under the command of Ensign Curtis to intercept the Molly if they saw this as an oppertunity to catch us with our pants down. At the same time, the Admiral was informed of the situation. We met the enemy head on and took minor casualties. Only Ensign Adama was taken down when he hit debree from the downed enemy ships.

Once the battle was over, I was ordered by the Admiral to escourt an Ageira ship to its destination in Tau 23. I took the ship, with it's clever capt through the backway. He safely reached his destination.

1455 I came across a ship operating in Bretonia space without a proper ID. The ship was ordered to dock at planet Leeds for a full inspection. Once we confirmed that there was no foul play at hand, the ship was released once they had paid for the proper paperwork and ID.

1703 I recieved a call from Capt. Owen informing me of a Corsair gunboat in Leeds heading over to the New London jumphole. Once the gunboat came within range, we engaged and brought the intruder down.

Gilead out.

--End Transmission.--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Webey - 01-03-2010

~~ Incoming Long Range Frequency ~~
~~ Scanning ... Scanning ~~
~~ Friendly Frequency Connected ~~
~~ Audio Complete ~~

~~ Opening Transmission ~~
~~ ID - Ensign David Curtis ~~
~~ Source - Battleship Derby ~~
~~ Subject - Mission Log ~~

[font=Trebuchet Ms]
~~ Vessel: B-1290 Templer ~~
~~ Identification: Armed Forces ~~

To the Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS),

I departed from the Battleship Derby with a fully loaded and prepared craft. I quickly got orders from LtCdr.A.Goodman to make headway to middle of the lane to Stokes. I do so, and met Ensign Lee Adama and Lt Willaims and also two nomad ships. We eventually engaged them and I got a very lucky razor shot into the main nomad known as a Keeper and then Williams finished him off with a short burst and laser.

The other nomad tried to flee so we chased it and kep firing. we eventually ended up in Magellen and there we finished him off with no witnesses.

We then headed home for a spot of tea.

That concludes my report, images and further details are attached.


David Curtis

Hostile Loses


Friendly Loses

None Reported

Neutral Loses

None Reported

Guncam Shots Related To The Report

Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again

No Recommendations this time.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Webey - 01-03-2010

~~ Incoming Long Range Frequency ~~
~~ Scanning ... Scanning ~~
~~ Friendly Frequency Connected ~~
~~ Audio Complete ~~

~~ Opening Transmission ~~
~~ ID - Commander James Merlin ~~
~~ Source - Battleship Portsmouth ~~
~~ Subject - Mission Log ~~

[font=Trebuchet Ms]
~~ Vessel: Bretonian Flagship/Battleship ~~
~~ Identification: Armed Forces Guard ~~

To the Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS),

Me and my crew undocked from Leeds and got word of three criminals Gunships and one criminal fighter at the lane from Leeds to New London. We sent a message on the Bretonian Armed Forces Emergency channel but due to issues the message didn't get through. (//Lag) So we made headway by our selfs.

We met the hostiles forces and one of the Gunboats fled quickly while the others stayed. We ended up firing all guns onto them because of retaliation. It turned to a cat and mouse firefight. We destroyed the fighter vessel early on when it got too close and right near our defense turrets.

The Gunships however where harder to hit. They stayed at a distance and tried to sniper us with their missiles and razors. Fortunally they just didn't have the firepower to hurt us one bit. A Thug bomber came to assist and again he made the mistake of getting to close for comfort...

The Gunships had no shields bots or nanotechnology bots left and there hulls where laughable. We gave a final barage of shots at the Xeno gunship and it had only a slither of health remaining. (//It was rediculous the amount he had left)

They fleed to Dublin and so I returned to Leeds orbit and docked.

That concludes my report, images and further details are attached.


James Merlin

Hostile Loses


Friendly Loses

None Reported

Neutral Loses

None Reported

Guncam Shots Related To The Report

Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again

No Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Webey - 01-03-2010

~~ Incoming Long Range Frequency ~~
~~ Scanning ... Scanning ~~
~~ Friendly Frequency Connected ~~
~~ Audio Complete ~~

~~ Opening Transmission ~~
~~ ID - Ensign David Curtis ~~
~~ Source - Battleship Derby ~~
~~ Subject - Mission Log ~~

[font=Trebuchet Ms]
~~ Vessel: B-1290 Templer ~~
~~ Identification: Armed Forces ~~

To the Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS),

I departed from the Battleship Derby with a fully loaded and prepared craft. I began by patroling Dublin where I quickly met a Gunship, I knew it was hostile due to other incounters. so Me and a bounty hunter engaged it. Lancelot also joined and us three engaged the ship until it reached the sun. We all pull off and the Gunship with its better hull used the suns radiation to fly out of our grasp. We then pulled off the chase and met up with Goodman in the Invictus at New London.

We then met a Outcast Gunship that was pirating Bretonian traders so we engaged and quickly dispatched it next to the New London Planet.

With a clean system we moved onto Cambridge where yet again we met the gunship and it somehow had the same name and was repaired. We took no chance and opened fire while it attempted fleeing.

I am glad to say we took it down once more. After that we all headed off our seperate ways to resupply.

That concludes my report, images and further details are attached.


David Curtis

Hostile Loses


Friendly Loses

None Reported

Neutral Loses

None Reported

Guncam Shots Related To The Report


Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again

No Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 01-05-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1transmission.png]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Commander]
[Subject: After Action Report]

Beginning of Report

January 4th, 818

What an amusing day it was today. After watching an entire fleet get slaughtered by two Kusari Battleships. I wasn't exactly in all good spirits.

After going out on a date, and sitting through the promotion ceremony. I hoped into my Templar with my new rank and proceeded out to Dublin, where we ran into our good old clown friends. As always, they decided to insult us, after they ambushed the Isaac Brock. Within a few minutes our forces converged in on the enemy forces and opened fire. We took down one gunboat, then switched to the Joker himself, and proceeded to take it down, however, the coward ran into the corona of the sun, our fighters and bombers couldn't follow. We proceeded to take down the hostile fighters. Finally, somewhere down the road we managed to destroy the Joker's gunboat. Leaving scattered fighting throughout Dublin.

As our forces were split, it turned out it was just myself and Chester Holt engaged against three Joker thugs. Holt and I held out and I managed to take one down with a mini-razor shot. Then Holt shot a second one down. After a few more long minutes of fighting, I was in a dual against the last enemy ship. I managed to hit it missiles and a lucky Mini-razor shot, before the thug's ship collided with mine. It was an interesting fight, none the less. I believe I broke my thumb, I'll have medical look at it later.

[Image: screen510.jpg]
[Image: screen511.jpg]
[Image: screen512.jpg]

Report #2, January 4th, 818

After the engagement in Dublin, I returned to Leeds and landed on the Derby to finish paperwork. However, the emergency channel was beeping. So I jumped back into my Templar and joined up with the Repulse, and another strike force in New London. Where, again we ran into our lovely little clown friends. They seemed intent on annoying us. This time their group was a little bit bigger, but only had one bomber. The Repulse took down the gunboat. Once the Gunboat was down, Myself and Lieutenant Bridge returned to the sidelines and waited until our men needed us.

I was checking the neural net when I looked up to see a Joker thug flying straight towards my ship. The thug opened fire and only managed to take down my shielding, I laughed at this pathetic attempt and quickly dispatched of the lad. Then took chase of another ship that was attempting to help the pathetic thug in forcing me to eject. This vessel fled the area and I returned to Southampton.

[Image: screen513.jpg]
[Image: screen514.jpg]

Report #3, January 4th, 818

Since my thumb was killing me, I decided to take command of the Invictus for a couple of hours. Once again, our lovely Joker and his cronies appeared. We, took it down quickly, and it's crony attempted a suicide.

[Image: screen516.jpg]

Report #4, January 4th, 818

I don't know how long it was. But it was lovely quiet until my first officer, Lieutenant Hans, warned me of a Kusari battleship in Leeds. The one from the night before. I hailed the emergency channel and got Lord Admiral Percy Nelles, and one of the most beautiful battleships in the entire fleet, The Regina. Shortly after her launch, we joined forces with two Gunboats, the Swansea, and the Nestor.

The Swansea, The Nestor, The Invictus, and the Regina set fourth on a conquest of destruction. We headed down the Stokes lane. Had some small talk with the captain of the enemy battleship, the Tawaramoto, enough time to get three cups of tea. Then we took to code red and opened up on the enemy ship.

Our two gunboats and their crews did well to withstand the Kusari firepower, the Invictus held steady as well. The Regina, believe it or not, came out of the fight heavily damaged but still in one piece. She even took damage from one of our own Light mortar shots!

[Image: screen518.jpg]

Report #5, January 4th, 818

After the battle stated in report number four. Lord Admiral Nelles ordered us back to Planet Leeds, where we quickly got repairs. I checked the long range scanners and found out that another battleship, with escorts, just passed one of our radar buoys in Tau-31. It was enroute to Leeds.

I quickly informed Lord Admiral Nelles of the situation, and he devised a plan. A devious plan. We where going to Ambush the incoming battleship. Setting off with just the Nestor, Invictus, and the patched up Regina. We went past stokes and waited near the lane.

A bomber escort, scouting the area, ran into us first. Needless to say, our Ambush still worked as that bomber got caught and was quickly taken care of. While the second bomber was busy attempting to damage the Nestor, the Crews of both the Invictus and the Regina took down the second battleship.

This is the lovely part. As soon as the second battleship went down, the Regina was still standing! She was still standing! It was unbelievable. That battleship took down two enemy capitals within thirty minutes of launching!

I could hear my crew cheering, even while we where under fire by a pesky Gaian bomber, which quickly bit the dust.

That's how you bloody take down an enemy capital ship, it's reinforcements, and their escort. I'm happy to say, we didn't lose any pilots.

[Image: screen519.jpg]
[Image: screen520.jpg]


Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Webey - 01-05-2010

~~ Incoming Long Range Frequency ~~
~~ Scanning ... Scanning ~~
~~ Friendly Frequency Connected ~~
~~ Audio Complete ~~

~~ Opening Transmission ~~
~~ ID - Ensign David Curtis ~~
~~ Source - Battleship Derby ~~
~~ Subject - Mission Log ~~

[font=Trebuchet Ms]
~~ Vessel: B-1290 Templer ~~
~~ Identification: Armed Forces ~~

To the Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS),

I was on patrol of the Cambridge and then New London systems when I got a distant transmission from a source known as - C. The Images will explain the situation... I did not know what to do at the time because I have never had this problem before. I thought I best not to investigate alone since it may be a trap or something worse.

That concludes my report, images and further details are attached.


David Curtis

Hostile Loses

None Reported

Friendly Loses

None Reported

Neutral Loses

None Reported

Chat Logs Related To The Report

Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again

No Recommendations To Prevent This From Happening Again.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Trim - 01-05-2010

----COMM ID: Robert Woodrow----

Firstly, I, Commander Goodmen, and Lieutenant Bridge, chased off some pathetic Captain in some corsair gunboat. Scared of 3 fighters, 3 little fighters, rather odd. As we entered Dublin, many armed forces vessels were there, Ensign John Cooper, Lord Admiral Nelles, BMM-Jessie.Cross and others whose names have escaped me. I and the forces when to meet some Joker force of about 2 gunboats a bomber and 2 fighters, the first gunboat, Elusive-One, going down early on of which i have confirmation.

We then targeted the Joker's vessel who pettily flew into the sun in a scuiside run, i hope he burns in hell and never comes back. We then took out the remaining fighters and bombers, me notching up another 2 kills with SNAC shots, they were dueling a bomber for some reason and BMM-Jessie Cross finishing the last one off.

My Challanger is in for repairs so i'll have to be using my Templar for a few more reports from now.
Woodrow out.


Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 01-05-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1transmission.png]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Commander]
[Subject: Tau Campaign Tour]

Giving a heads up to everyone, I'll be starting my tour in the Tau's today. Moving my combat vessels to the MacDuff. Templar is already on location. I'll be leaving my Bomber in Salisbury until it's properly equipped.


Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 01-06-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1transmission.png]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Commander]
[Subject: Lafiel Tarrant]

Whoever put this eighteen year old girl that can't even take care of herself in space, into a ship, deserves to get shot. Not once, twice.

She's starting to get on my nerves, and in order for me to properly protect the people of this great house, She needs to go. Now. I tell her one thing, she ignores it and does something totally different. She follows me into hostile areas.

Since my deployment to the Tau front, she's even followed me out there. No place for a so called "Countess". I do not care if she's a noble. They're all the same in my opinion. This one needs to be taken care of. Hurry up and ship her off to Rheinland or something!

You can call me out of line, you can put me in my place. But I'm not having an Eighteen year old shadowing me. Not anymore, I'm tired of babysitting her. Get someone else to do it.


Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - mwerte - 01-06-2010

Sending ID: BRRFP; HMS Nestor, Cmdr Isacc Bringham commanding
Sending To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
CC: Bretonian Rapid Response Force Prime HQ
CC: Vice Admiral Edmund Howe

Subject: Corsair Legate, Jokers x3, Joker Friend.

The Nestor was summoned to Cambridge to help fight off a Corsair Legate that had wandered into the system. Despite heavy firepower the enemy ship poured at our combined flotilla we managed to successfully turn it into a wreck. It's guns and especially its missiles brushed past our shielding and tore off weapon mounts and our thruster. 2 engineers were lost when the hull of the starboard wing was breached by a missile.

We returned to Southampton for emergency repairs, got new guns and a thruster mounted and patched the hull, only to hear a distress call being sent out from Leeds. Apparently the Joker and his friends were at the Newcastle gate. The Nestor and all support craft rushed to the scene. We found a Bounty Hunter and the HMS Kent staring down 3 thugs. All in bombers. The Joke was off elsewhere, but he ordered his forces to take us down. The Nestor's missiles combined with the Kent's Solaris turrets proved too be too much for the bombers and one by one we took them down. After the first bomber was destroyed the Joke's Outcast Gunboat arrived at the battle, and began harassing the Armed Forces fighter craft.

After the bombers were destroyed the Kent graciously refilled our bot and bat supply, and the Nestor and Lieutenant Blair went after the main Joke himself. We destroyed his craft after a protracted battle, and returned to Southampton for repairs.

This ends the day's duty report.

All these enemies dispatched, and only one friendly bomber lost, due to nav computer lock up and her flying straight into a blast from the Corsair. The pilot safely ejected though.

Notes: After assisting with the destruction of two Kusari battleships and a Corsair Dreadnaught (and a slew of support ships) the Nestor is becoming quite the Capital class ship killer.

Commander Bringham out.