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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-19-2007

Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Damn, that was too close!

After today's reasonably unchallenging foray into Hellfire Legion space, in which myself and the mission's Commander Zehn managed to take [HF]-Aralie (Dieter.Zehn's kill) and a Helghast pilot named Blake (my kill), out of action, I had decided to take a breather in Magellan on Freeport 4. Note to command: The Helghast seem to be helping our foes. Treacherous scum.

This evening, as I took off from Freeport 4 (intending to return to Cadiz in Omega-5), I found myself ambushed by an AW destroyer... the Chimaera.

I tried to get into the trade lane to the Manchester Gate, but it was blown apart before my eyes!

I quickly came up with a plan very becoming of my new Recon status... I fled into the nearby asteroid field, attempting to dodge incoming missiles at the same time. Fortunately the rocks provided cover and obstructed the Chimaera's pursuit. I was only just able to jump into Manchester, away from the AW destroyer. It did not pursue further.

I got home to Cadiz, and am currently hoping to be supplied with additional equipment (A bomber, like the good Commander Zehn's would be nice...) and training in bomber tactics.

The Coalition will not be kept down!

Ares out.

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 06-19-2007

Begin Transmission

To: SCRA High Command
From: Commander Dieter Zehn

It's about damn time!! I've almost had enough of training these Alliance traitors!... Operational Fighter Command, eh? Heh, I get to kill something worth while now. SPG only brought in the unwanted froth for me to play with. Consider the Omegas a grave yard.

End Transmission


Begin Transmission

To: SCRA High Command
From: Commodore Viktor Britanov

Excellent... You won't regret this...

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-21-2007

To: Commander Dieter.Zehn
Comm. I.D: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Dammit, sir!

I need a bit more practice! I've gotten used to fighting useless Hellfire pilots, they caught me off guard when they had a decent bomber. Winston, or something, was his name. Got me with a trick I aint seen since training!

I guess I got cocky, and a bit impatient with the damn thing's armour. I get fed up if I don't see the Alliance burning up after a few shots, I think. Maybe I should be less conservative with my shield batteries too...

Anyway, if you wouldn't mind hopping in the simulators again so that I can learn how to shoot bombers down in a blazing inferno (and hey, you'll be facing someone more challenging than most of the HF combined...), I'd be much obliged. Not that I want to make you a trainer again, but I'm just not accustomed to fighting certain types of ship... fighters are easy... its the armoured beasts I have a touch of hassle with.

Anyway, I took my frustration out on a F.E.A.R pilot in Omega-5 after this humbling escapade.

The Revolution salutes you!

Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-22-2007

Comm. I.D: Lt. Commander Ares

Message begins//

Urgh, it appears that the Hellfire Legion have access to some dirty Lane Hacker computer technology. Last night, when attacking them, I lost control of my ship's weapons due to this interference, and was forced to withdraw from combat..

//Message ends

OOC: Hey hey, an RP explanation for a death due to lag! Who'd have thunk it?!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-22-2007

Transmit to: Lt. Commander Ares
Comm ID: Totenkopt

Good work Ares, your actions over the last couple of days have been of sweeping value to this war effort. Sorry I've not been around to aid you, my Titan has been severly damaged by a freak comet, and I've been at FLEETHQ, trying to get all of my systems online.

By all means, draw a bomber from supply, I think the wing will take a general stand-down in Omega space while we retrain and rearm. While we're there, I'm sure Commander Zehn wouldn't mind running through the basics of bomber piloting.

With this new heavier equipment, I think we'll shift the recon wing's focus away from the HF, and begin targeting the AW fleet, as it appears to be composed mostly of heavies. The bombers will go a long way to scrapping their fleet for good.

I'm also on the lookout for another bomber pilot for the recon wing, if you see anyone, let me know.

For the Revolution! Totenkopt out.

Transmission Ended///

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - PARAKEET - 06-22-2007

Transmit To: SCRA Command
Transmission from: Lt. Cobalt

While in Magellan, Commander Totenkopt spotted 2 HF in the system. There was one Phantom pliot and outnumbered by the HF. Totenkopt and I quickly gave aid to the skilled phantom pilot. The HF quickly became outnumbered as one more Phantom showed up. The HF split their forces and one ran toward fp4 but decided to attack me instead.

[Image: screen56.jpg]

That was a mistake. They should of stuck myself and Adm. Korr down when they had the chance. Because I have become more powerful than they could imagine.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 06-23-2007

Begin Transmission

To: Commodore Chernekov
From: Commander Dieter Zehn

Sorry for my late report, Commodore. I was taken wounded on Freeport 4, and unable to contact any Coalition forces.

Just before Comander Totenkopt and Lt. Cobalt sent the HF on their way, I was engaged by the same HF, plus a HF bomber outside Freeport 4. With three of them on my six, I found it hard to dodge and get them in my sights. The bomber made the stupid mistake of coming straight for me, however. I hope he enjoyed the sight of my novas through his cockpit.

Just as the bomber disintegrated behind me, an AW came into scanner range. A gunboat that needed to be brought down with extreme prejudice. And so it was. My bomber took a little damage from the two other fighters on my six, however. A particle projectile ripped through the lower left of my cockpit, scattering shards of hull everywhere. My suit stayed intact, even with a large piece of my hull in my left leg. That's how I ended up in a sick bay.

Good to know that Totenkopt and Cobalt got the b*stards. I'll be flying back to 52 for surgery. I suppose my bomber is now really a part of me.

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 06-24-2007

Transmission to: Commodore Britanov, Lt. General
Comm ID: Major Bigeard, RAPS-Maidstone

Hail Commodore, General. My Marine Raider Battalion deployed onto Planet Crete today in assistance of Corsair Brotherhood internal security forces. I'll start from the begining.

The Maidstone has been offloading Helghast and Hellfire Legion Prisoners at FLEETHQ, Omega 52, for the past several days. Once the Helghast were offloaded, the specialized equipment used to recreate their "special" atmosphere was transferred to storange, and HQ Company of my Battalion was loaded aboard. It was at that point we recieved a transmission from the Intelligence Gunboat Victory, at Strongpoint Gamma.

They'd recieved a signal while at Strongpoint Yankee, requesting their assistance in combating a Helfire Legion fighter group in Omicron Gamma. Lt. Commander Ares, and the Phantoms Onyx and Glock were under attack by a group of three fighters. They'd have certainly had no trouble dispatching them, but their was reports of an HF Gunboat advancing towards them through the Unknown system.

Victory moved to intercept, and nearly destroyed the hostile GB in close orbit over Crete, when, incredibly, the Outcast tagged gunboat landed on the planet. Victory turned back to the fighter engagement, ad slung a few missles into the fray. As one, and then another of the HF fighters were dispatched, the HF Gunboat launched from the Planet, spitting fire into the Victory's teeth. Unfortunatly for the HF, it's weaponry was sadly outdated, and with some minor help from a nearby corsair gunboat named Blue_Beard, the HF was blown to hell and beyond.

The remaining HF fighter was dispatched, and the Victory offered assistance in rooting out the HF cell on Crete. Due to TBH's hostile status with HF, their offer was quickly accepted by a Brotherhood Osiris. A call went out to the Maidstone for Marine assistance, and we proceeded with all haste to Strongpoint Gamma.

Lt. Commander Ares pulled in several of his contacts on the planet, and checked into the local spaceport. After ~30 mins of stealthy recon, and with help from orbiting ships, the HF enclave was discovered. Ares' men blew up some fuel for a small distraction, while 150 marines deployed from orbit. Dropships landed directly in the middle of the already disoriented Alliance camp, and laid in with a vengeance. Casualties were light, although 1st/2nd/Bravo Coy was killed in a secondary explosion from a fuel dump. Aside from the ten of that squad, three more were killed, and eleven wounded to varying degrees. Eighteen prisoners were taken, and have been handed over to the local Intelligence section for questioning. We estimate several hundred were killed, although a complete counting will be impossible, as the site was cleared from orbit as soon as we'd withdrawn.

I'd like to thank Commander Ares and his troops for causing enough of a distraction to allow us to land unnopposed, and for guiding us into the site. I'd also like to reccomend Master Corporal MacDougal and Lance Corporal Sheer for posthumous bravery medals, video images attached.

For the Revolution! Major Bigeard out.

//Downloading attached images...
Retrievable @525.213.23122.23.FFG/B.33...
Transmission Ended//

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-25-2007

To: SCRA Command
Comm. I.D: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

By Terra, that was the most gruelling experience that I have ever faced!

Upon entering Omega-5 I found myself attacked by Supreme Commander Orome of the Asgard Warriors. I attempted to engage, but was unable to match his skill in asteroid navigation. He had the upper hand, knocking down my shields repeatedly. Realising that my reconnaisance was complete, and in this terrain my foe had the upper hand, I took the opportunity presented by an engagement between a Corsair gunboat and a similarly equipped Bounty Hunter ship to make a hasty retreat.

This isn't all however...

Later on, I encountered Orome again, this time in Strongpoint Gamma. We literally fought for hours. We blasted each others shields repeatedly, doing little hull damage, it must be said. Both our shields came down hundreds of times, but managed to dodge the worst of the enemy's fire.

I began to gain the upper hand when my foe ran out of missiles and mines. He ran out of both nanobots and shield batteries. Unfortunately for him, for he was still rather capable of continuing the fight, his shields shorted out after being forced to regenerate so very often in such rapid succession. I was lucky this didn't happen to me, but we Coalition are trained to treat our gear with respect.

Anyway, I guess that upon hearing warnings within his cockpit, he engaged his cruise engines and escaped with a badly damaged ship, but with his body intact. I was unable to pursue due to a lack of fuel after the age-long fight.

//Message Ends

OOC Explanation: Right, what happened was this...

The first fight in Omega 5 was certainly going Orome's (Korrd's) way. He was giving me a fair beating with his mines. I suck in asteroids. However, he claimed that I was shield running, so I stopped and allowed him to kill me, since I thouight I had made a mistake. I thought, correctly, that it is not shield running of you only use thrusters. And I run away with thrusters a fair bit.

The second fight, in which we sought to determine a fair winner to the previous fight, was in Gamma. The fight lasted FOREVER. Urgh. Anyway, I had the upper hand, and had him left without bots or batts. I was slowly grinding him down, though. I had over 40 bots left. At the end of the fight though, a computer problem caused his fighter to stop still, and I ended it swiftly.

We decided, since he is planning on changing his shields, that it was due to his old shield shorting out due to stress that forced him to flee, leaving the score at one victory each.

Anyway, that's me on seven kills in this war now. Gonna get me a medal!

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-28-2007

Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Yet again our war effort strides forward!

After a standard reconnoitring of the Magellan system, imagine my joyous surprise at encountering a Hellfire Legion fighter! It was, of course, Aralie, who has a history of running and hiding from Coalition-brand justice.

I engaged, and had the upper hand entirely in this fight.

That was until a Hellfire Legion gunboat joined in. The Silverfire was its callsign, I recall.

Well, I was able to evade its guns whilst peppering Aralie with my own. In short order I destroyed his fighter, although the gunboat tractored in his escape pod before I could do so myself.

My mission complete and with no sense in facing a gunboat without support, I headed back to Cadiz in Omega-5.

Currently I am on 7 victories over Hellfire ships; 1 over an Asgard Warrior ship. Unless command say otherwise, I'm two away from a Golden Halo decoration.

-Ares out.

//Message Ends