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SCRA Recruitment Centre - Printable Version

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Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 04-03-2010

Angie almost laughed out loud. But she did say, "What the hell is this? You gonna' punch some one? Sit down." She waited for him to comply before continuing. "First thing's first; who are you, where are you from, bla bla bla....Wait. Actually. How do i say your name? And then tell me why you came here."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Khellus - 04-03-2010

He sat in the fairly plain chair provided. His hands rested on his knees, just as they had before during his dual hour wait in the lobby.

"It is pronounced 'Su-ka-sa' Ma'am. The 'T' in the spelling of my name seems to make life much more difficult for one reading it. But, to answer your question. I am here to join a new family with goals like my own. I was trained to fight...i had never known a family other than the brothers and sisters I lived with. We all lived, ate, slept, and fought together.

But Kusari is...not a place where each man works to better eachother. I certainly must seem a bit different to you. My Kusari relatives, are very... zealous in their work.

I come here to join a new family for I am now alone. My Passion for change in this place... is within my heart. I have traveled each major house, and they do not show the common people working in unity.
It shows millions...drowing in water... each climbing one another to save themselves.

I will not live like them. I am standing for a betterment of people as a whole. I will stand now alone.
Or together with the Coalition. I will fight any man you put before me, I will stand before turrets, I will survive.

I am Coalition."

He sat still and quieted. He let his words sink in, in whatever way she chose to hear.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Corsair - 04-03-2010

Pekkala's jaw clenched. She had expected this. "I fear you. I am trying to find a way to reverse this situation. I'm trying to keep away from that knife.. I have the slight flicker of an idea that you are bluffing, but I don't wish to test it."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 04-03-2010

She blinked at him. "Jeez, kid, I wanted your name and why you came here, not your life story. But from what I hear..." Her hand move to her service-pistol, unclasping the holster, "If you are a living weapon, I will take no chances. And you are not Coalition. Not yet." She studies his features, her emerald green eyes seeming to perceive the very essence of his soul.

"You speak of the corruption that lies within the houses. Do tell me, what makes you believe that you are entitled to join the ranks of the Coalition? You speak of Comrades in Arms, of the capitalistic sycophants, and undying servitude for what you believe is 'right'." She leans back. "Don't sugar-coat words, just tell me in simple terms."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Elrainn - 04-03-2010

Alexial began wandering the halls trying to remember where Vicenta's office was, unfortunately when she arrived at where she remembered the office to be, she ended up back at the entrance to the airlock, the door was still open and the two lights were still on, a vivid reminder of the fact that the S.C.R.A. did not play games. She sighed and continued wandering until she saw a doorway with another possible recruit and Vicenta's knife pressed so near his neck. She patiently stood outside the doorway with the papers she had been told to fill out, wondering what Vicenta would do with the possible recruit.

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Khellus - 04-03-2010

He thought for a long while sitting there, and realized he wasnt trained to speak, and embelish. He was taught to do something, to act. To Evolve his feelings into something greater than words. So he stood and walked up to the desk, drawing a Knife.

He stood and stared at her. He knew no more words, no other flowery remarks about the corruption, and hate, and greed that had plagued his life. So he made a pact to himself, in his own mind as he did what he needed to do.

He took the knife, and slashed his palm open, he closed his fist and let the blood pool and drip.

"You want Simple terms. You want to know things, and have them explained to you. If my lack of words is wrong then kill me. If I am not Coalition now, I will become coalition. I will either live as one of my bretheren, my comrades... Or die, to that bullet chambered under that desk.. in that holster that I heard."

He pressed his bloody hand onto the desk, and painted the Symbol of the Coalition. The symbol of the one place he belonged.

" My pact has been made to the coalition. Whether you accept me alive, or in death."
He finished the symbol by stamping his hand on the Icon. Dead-center, each fingerprint depicted.
"....I will not...leave... In a body bag."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Shagohad - 04-03-2010

Angie blinked at the blood stain. "You got to be kidding me," She whispered. Quickly she drew her pistol, aiming it at his head. "Shame...Your prophecy will not come true." The weapon gave off a loud bang, the bullet entering the man's skull and exiting with violent force, taking his brains with it. The bloody slumped down awkwardly.

She keyed the marines. "I need a clean up on aisle twelve. And get me a sponge, there's blood on my desk."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 04-03-2010

"I am not bluffing. You have seen what happens to people who don't meet our standards... Speaking of which. Vargas." She clicked the fingers on her free hand and two Marines grabbed Vargas.
"You have been rejected. I would have killed you, but I have orders to be lenient... The deceased Mister Ryzkhov arrived in a Starflier. You will be put in this Starflier and forcibly launched with coordinates to the Red Hessians' Ronneburg Base. If you survive, and join their ranks, then when recruitment opens again you may feel free to return. For now... adios."
The Marines dragged Vargas out.
"As for you, Pekkala... How much do you know about our allies? The LWB. The Bundschuh. The Hessians. The Unioners."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - Corsair - 04-03-2010

More blood drained from Anastazia's face, but her voice stayed steady. "I know of the factions themselves, and little of their affiliation to the Revolutionary Army. The Red Hessians have assisted my family in the past when we needed to flee Rheinland. I will need to be.. Educated, brought up to speed. I am a swift learner, ma'am."

Coalition Recruitment Thread - pieguy259 - 04-03-2010

"Not swift enough." She briely pressed her knife harder against Pekkala's neck - not heard enough to break the skin, but hard enough to suggest that it might - before releasing her. "Go and find out more about them, and then come back. You are rejected." She sheathed the knife.