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Enlistment Office [Recruitment] - Printable Version

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RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - meistergundam - 01-28-2014


name: Akira_Yamato

Im born on Planet New Tokyo. During my child life i was a amical and respectful student. i was in the 3 best student of my class because of my logic and action and i have luck. When i was 20 i enter the kusari navy school and for 3 year i was in the top pilot they seen. i was sharp, always working with my teammate and my wingman. i save my 2 wingman from a pirates attack. we were 3 of us and the pirates group was 7. only 2 pilot remain and escape.

Flight experience: 5

Knowledge of Kusari RP: To be honest 4. i never play kusari before. but i read on them. i know i dont have the most knowledge but im here to know more and help to ensure security of our people. I paly most of time on liberty side.

Skype: greatyokai

Timezone: (GMT-05:00) Est (É.-U. et Canada)

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Mathis - 02-04-2014

my Name is Rai-Wen Chang
im a Cousin from Shin Takeru my other known Family members were kidnapped and executed by a millitant Group from Liberty so i pledged myself to find their Leader and Revenge their Souls with Firepower.
I was an independent Ammonition builder and i had finished my own type of bomb. I sold one to
some crazy guys but they paid an very high Price so i dont really wanted to know what they wanted do with it. One day my Workshop was raided by those crazy guys and they destroy all my work. From the Money they gave me i bought an Chimaera and teached myself how to fly with it. I decided to join the KNF so my Life become a new reason to live for.

Flightexperience (from 0 - 10): 6 (Fighter)
Knowledge of Kusari RP (from 0 - 10): 5
Skype: x3mathisx3
Timezone: GMT+1

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 02-04-2014

[Image: comheader.png]

mirdynn markey and Hido Teiso,

Your transfer requests have been accepted.



Your request was unfortunately denied. We encourage you to apply again in a few months.

[Image: comfooter.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Curt Remmert - 02-04-2014

Name: Katsuki Araki

"Heya, it's me, Katsuki. I'm an exceptionally pretty bretonnian-kusarian half breed who's asking very nicely to have and pilot a Kusari Naval Forces vessel and get paid for it. I like long walks in the rain, and I hate long sleeved t-shirts. I grew up on a freeport - my mother left me there because she didn't have the ability to take care of me at the time. Freeports are very boring places too, so I left to be a freelancer as soon as I physically could.

Sadly, I accidentally broke my ship in a very unrepairable way, and it was a very expensive loan. And as a result, I'm left broke and destitute, and I heard the KNF required pilots. So, I'm asking to join. Pretty please?"

Flight experience: 3/10
Knowledge of Kusari RP: 6/10

//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address: nestellia
//Your timezone : +10 hours

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 02-11-2014

[Image: comheader.png]

Katsuki Araki,

Your transfer request has been accepted.

Rai-Wen Chang,

Your application is being reviewed by our recruiting officers.

[Image: comfooter.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Lowis - 02-11-2014

===Incoming Transmission===

Full name:

Oda Ryuji.

Short biography:

Oda Ryuji was born in Planet Kyushu with his younger sister Oda Izumi... their family is and has been a proud member of the Naval Forces for years. Both took the Pilot training and naval ships piloting, also passed the Capital ship commanding training. Its been months since they actually joined the secondary fleet, and some time since Izumi strived away and went Missing said to be in the Golden Chrysanthemum and now, he has decided that he would join the Primary fleet of the [KNF] to find his sister and Serve the Republic.

Flight experience (from 0 to 10):
Knowledge of Kusari RP (from 0 to 10):
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (required for coordination purposes):
lowisthegamer (I appear as ~Lowis~, from Panama)
//Your timezone (for informational purposes):
GMT -6 Central American time.
===End of Transmission===

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Wulven - 02-11-2014

Incoming Transmission

From: Remiyu Hamada
To: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo
Subject: Application

Full name:

Remiyu Hamada

Short biography:

Remiyu Hamada was born in New Tokyo, in 802 AS. She's the only daughter of Nobuyushi Hamada, a chef and a restaurant owner.

The family of Hamada is an impoverished noble house. They've lost most of their possessions when Remiyu's great-grandfather fell out of favor with Samura, and in turn with the Emperor. Nobuyushi Hamada had to live most of his childhood in poverty, having to scrape by barely every day with his elder brothers and sisters, until he finally could find stable employment in his future wife's restaurant.

Despite being impoverished and stripped off their titles and lands, the family of Hamada is still a big one, with a prestigious history. The family held ministry titles in the Imperial Government for many generations in the past, and the current head of Hamada family, Nobuyushi's elder brother Nobukado still works to regain the lost glory of the Hamada.

Remiyu Hamada has been raised as though the family is still a honored one; learned in history, traditions, and court manners like any noble lady. She'd make a model Kusari woman, except for her fascination with the Navy and dreams of flying for her country one day. Though her father and uncle first disagreed with her wishes, and she obediently complied, once the Imperial Government was ousted and when Kusari needed more recruits to bolster their weakened Navy, they ended up allowing her to join the Naval Academy in hopes that her successes in the Navy would help bringing back the lost honor of Hamada, gaining them the attention of the new Government eventually.

After 2 years in the Accelerated Naval Academy, this will be Remiyu's rookie season in the Navy. Instead of serving in the Secondaries for her rookie season, her uncle's influence could allow her the chance to be interviewed for the Primary Naval Forces.

Flight experience (from 0 to 10):
Knowledge of Kusari RP (from 0 to 10):
//S.K.Y.P.E. protocol address (required for coordination purposes):
ask sol
//Your timezone (for informational purposes):
gmt 0

End Of Transmission

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 02-12-2014

[Image: comheader.png]

Oda Ryuji and Remiyu Hamada,

Your transfer requests to the primary forces have been accepted.


[Image: comfooter.png]

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Hanmon - 02-13-2014

....Incoming Transmission....
...From: military school graduant Hanmon Ryugami Kusari Naval Force Recruitment officers
...Subject: recruitment application

My name is Hanmon Ryugami.I was raised on Kyushu by my parents.
My father worked for the Kusarian Police and taught me about the pride and the honor of a Kusarian.
I also learned about the way of the Samurai and that it is my duty to protect my home, my system and the whole empire.
When I finished middle school, i attended the Military School to become a Pilot and a sword for the Emperor.
Now that i have graduated,i wish to serve our great honorable Empire in the Naval Forces.

Domo Arigato

Name: Hanmon Ryugami
age: 20
color of eyes: Brown
Hight: 1.67m / or about 5.9 Feed
weight: 65 kg
current homeplanet: New Tokyo

flightskill: 6
kusari RP: 3-4

skype: Hanmon87

Timezone: CETZ

....Transmission End....

RE: Kusari Naval Forces Dojo (iRP) - Kusari Uchugun - 02-20-2014

[Image: comheader.png]

Hanmon Ryugami,

I'm afraid your application to the primary fleet wasn't quite successful.
We invite you to make another attemps in a month.
Your answers were unfortunately not satisfactory, please take a look over our current diplomacy again (//check our Faction Status post) and gather more experience.

Best of luck.

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