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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - t0l - 07-03-2013


COMM ID: Ensign Hudson Ravis
TARGET ID: Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Obtained Material

Good day.

I went into Leeds today, and I uh, stumbled on a nomad. It ran off, leaving a couple of pilots in it's wake. All pilots were safely deposited in a Leeds hospital, except for the police pilot, which was dropped off on Fort Bush.

Now, to the interesting part. I managed to seize three Royal Navy pilots, which are currently in custody on the Battleship Missouri. They can be transferred if anyone wishes to.

Ravis out.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - t0l - 07-04-2013


COMM ID: Ensign Hudson Ravis
TARGET ID: Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Transfer Request

Good day.

I request a transfer to Liberty Navy reserves for an indefinite period of time, as a family emergency has shown itself. I require time to assist and stay with my family as well as recover from a currently...degrading mental state. Of course, I will be on standby to serve for Liberty if the time comes.



RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Apollon - 07-05-2013


COMM ID: JG Lieutenant William Jensen
TARGET ID: Primary Fleet Command HQ
SUBJECT: Patrol Report


[Image: jensenaugsnoshades.jpg]

Greetings, ladies and Gentlemen.
When i was on a Patrol in The New York System I received a Distress call from California, It was about Rogues Pirating Traders on The Trade Lanes, I Jumped to my "Upholder" Bomber and Went there.
When i Jumped to California From New York it was Clear, Then I went through the lane, And The Rogues were there.
The Pirate Group was Consisted of a Liberty Rogue "Scylla" Destroyer "Silent-Trader ", a Liberty Rogue Pirate Transport "The.Ugly.Boat", And a Freelancer Roc Bomber, That was Helping the Rogues "White.Flare".
I Called 2 Liberty Siege Cruisers to take Care of the Rogue Destroyer, The LNS-Ragnarok And The LNS-Armadeus.
Both of the Siege Cruisers Engaged the Destroyer..While i Engaged the Rogue Pirate Transport, The Rogue Pirate Transport, Called the Freelancer for Help, I was Able to Destroy The Transport While Under Fire from both of the Transport and the Flare Roc...
After that The Freelancer Roc Decided to Run, and i wasn't able to Disrupt it's engines.
I got a Report from L.N.S Ragnarok that the Rogue Destroyer Was Able to Cruise away.
There was nothing I could do about it....So I Headed back to my Patrols...
When i Jumped Back to New york System, The Same Roc Bomber "White.Flare" Wanted to Claim a Bounty on my Head, so he got what he Deserves..I Was able to Destroy his ship..By so...I headed Back to West point Academy for Quick Repairs...After that....I picked a Guardian..and Headed Back to patrols..Ensign Ravis joined me...On our way to Texas gate....We Found a Fight between Bounty hunter Lux Ryder...and Unlawful Mercenary "Silver.Fang", Ensign Ravis Decided to Eat some Popcorn on the Fight Show, Before heading to the Hospital to see his Mother...., After Ensign Ravis Leaving...The Hunter was able to take down the Mercenary....After that while i was Patrolling to California Gate, I found some Judges and a LPI Officer Fighting a Rogue Destroyer "Pure.Destruction"..So i Headed Back to West Point to get Get a bomber....When i headed Back there..I offered my Help, But as what the LPI Officer Said "We've Got Enough Firepower Already Jensen, We got this Covered", so i went on Stand-by, And Waited until he want Support..Still 2 of Judges had their Ships Destroyed, And the Officer Regretted that...and i Engaged the Destroyer.. So we were a bomber, a Guardian..and a Freelancer Eagle....While Fighting the Rogue Destroyer I took Massive Damage from Destroyer's Turrets...I was able to Eject my Escape Pod Before The Bomber got Destroyed...All Guncams and Media were Lost about that Destroyer..

:::Uploading Attachments:::
:::Attachments uploaded:::

Jensen out.


Negra Complex - AshHill07 - 07-05-2013


[Image: CaptAHill.png]
Security Level: MODERATE

Name: Ash Hill
Rank: Captain
Sub-Division: Secondary Fleet Core
Location: Captain's Quarters, D-2 S-02, SFC|LNS-California

Subject: Negra Complex
Its come to my attention that you guys would like more information regarding this so I've taken it apon myself to write up the report as the highest ranking SFC involved.

The LNS-Toronto and the LNS-California, the latter being my own ship. Were the only 2 SFC ships involved in this incident. The LNS-Toronto was originally launched to escort one of our transports, and the LNS-California was originally launched to deal with an Outcast Capital Vessle in New York. Whilst dealing with thier deployments we both recieved transmission about an unregistered base from an LN indie by the callsign "Oblivion's.Gate" and was requesting assistance and guidance about what to do about it. An =LSF= had also joined the conversation by the name of John Major, and had informed other =LSF= agents about it. LNS-Toronto went to investigate this base whist I took to the neural net with the bases known name to see what, if any, information I could find out about it.

Before I finnished my search I was called back to the bridge by my First Officer as we'd managed to locate the Outcast Capital that we were searching for. Whilst all this had gone on an =LSF= vessle by the callsign Kings.Bay had taken command of the formation, something I had no issues with, and after the Outcast Dreadnought by the callsign "Crusty.Filling" had been destroyed, I moved on to Texas to see what all the fuss was about.

On the way I was informed by Kings.Bay that someone was on sight claiming to be the bases owner, a junker ship by the callsign "J.[5th]Faith.". He'd been informed about the bases failure to declair itself and had agree'd to the bases removal. By the time I'd arrived on scene he had willingly removed all the contents of the base to his transport and handed over the base to Kings.Bay who then ordered the bases destruction. Needless to say, with no supply comodities it withstood all of about 5 seconds of fire from 5 capital class vessles before the base was destroyed, with no injuries or fatalities, and a Junker who seemed rather annoyed with himself about failing to register the base.

It was a rather quick and streamlined operation all things considered. If the junker involved is still interested in rebuilding his base I'd expect a transmission regarding it over the weekend.

As for guncams of the incidents in question none were taken, this isen't something I expected warrented a report as the SFC have done similar operations alongside the LPI- in the past regarding illegal bases. I have now saved a backup of the chat records if you wish to have either them or more information on the incident all you have to do is ask.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 07-06-2013


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Captain Ash Hill, SFC
SUBJECT: Negra Complex

Greetings, Captain Hill.

Thank you for addressing this matter so quickly. After intercepting this transmission we were concerned that we might have rogue elements within the Liberty Forces acting without proper oversight. Your report however clarifies the circumstances surrounding the removal of this station and all appears to be in order. There is still the matter of who this Captain Sheppard is and why he initiated this transmission in the first place given that it should have fallen to the captain of the =LSF=Kings.Bay or other Liberty Security Force personnel to address. If you have any information on the name and operating papers of this man's vessel, we would appreciate it so that we may investigate more fully.

Vice Admiral Polstari, signing off.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lythrilux - 07-06-2013

:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Sender: Zoe Valentine:::

This is Junior Recruit Valentine reporting.
I began a patrol with Jensen today, in order to get my hours fulfilled.
On patrol, Jensen came across a smuggler. I raced to his position so I could provide an assist.
When I arrived, I fed Jensen some repairs and we then effortlessly took down the smuggler. He had artifacts in his hold.
Afterwards though, unlawfuls had initiated an attack on some LNS vessels, so we had to leave the artifacts in space and race to Westpoint where we could provide an assist.
The Firefly Transport Smuggler, who had opened fire on Jensen
Destruction of the smugglers vessel
His cargo, dropped into space. I had to leave it in order to provide an assist at WP

That is all.
:::End Transmission:::

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sarawr!? - 07-07-2013


TARGET ID: "Fleet & Fighter Corps Officers"
SUBJECT: ------.
SENDER ID:Fleet Admiral, Rachel A. Baker.

-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
[Image: Rachel2Forums_zps35dc9e8c.png]
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --

First of all, I am hereby ordering ALL Primary Fleet Junior Officers, from Lieutenant down to Officer Candidate (Recruit), to reread the Libertonian Legal Codex. Just because patrolling the "Core systems" has become "routine" doesn't mean that any of you get a free pass to become complacent.

Secondly, I am issuing a warrant for the immediate destruction of the vessel known as "Stolen Crane". This ship is known to carry artifacts in addition to fleeing from authorities and obstructing the course of justice.

No fines, no detention, you people are to make an example out there. Artifact smuggling has increased seemingly 100x in recent weeks, and it is a part of OUR job to stem that tide, and put an end to it.

Now that that's cleared up, I expect results ladies and gentlemen.

Stay frosty, stay safe, know your duties, and perform them well. We are the best hope for the people of this Great House, and we mustn't let them down.

Fleet Admiral Rachel A. Baker, Out.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - rainth345 - 07-07-2013

<<<<Log in:Captain Remus Sius>>>>
<<<<Password Accepted>>>>
*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Liberty Naval Forces Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Minor errands

Good day,

*Remus looks awfully tired and one can see several patches on his face*

It was a normal day when I found myself from dealing with one pirate to a whole lot of pirates in record time.

Their number swelled to six or seven in less than a minute, without much backup... I decided to "get their attention" and stop them from harassing more innocent traders and rookie pilots.

Without any backup nearby, I resorted to using our "stationary" defense platforms for heavy firepower.... luckily, it managed to get one of their 'ships'.

Seen here as attached: [X]

But seeing through my "ruse", they quickly went back to the comforts of their home. They have such lovely bases.

Anyways, I found an Order bomber lurking around Norfolk... and when he spotted one of our Carriers seemingly moored, he decided to take some shots at it. I intercepted some of Nova torpedoes headed for the helpless ship... but soon the Captain called quarters and managed to get the flaks in time to deflect the projectiles.

The bomber didn't last long: [X]

Then another bomber, this time an Outcast, challenged me to a duel... and if it wasn't enough... this Reaver came by and forced himself into the duel. The Reaver decided that the Outcast was too much of a pest so... we sort-of.... teamed up against him.

This one lasted longer than the previous one but he suffered the same fate: [X]

Afterwhich, the Reaver and I dueled... as you can tell by my state... I wasn't able to defeat him. *mutters* But it seemed that the Reaver congratulated me on a "close" fight. I'll swear... I'd get that Reaver someday.

P.S. I've managed to down a LF belonging to an [XTF] pilot: [X]

And congratulations to both, Admiral Polstari and Vz Admiral Rohj.

For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius

*****Transmission Terminated*****
<<<<Logging Out>>>>

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Revan - 07-08-2013


COMM ID: [LN]-Ryan.Atlas
TARGET ID: Navy Recruitment Office
SUBJECT: Recruit hours logged

To whom it may concern.

I have officially completed my required eight hours as Liberty Navy Recruit.

Files uploaded: [X]--[X]

Ryan Atlas


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lord Caedus - 07-09-2013

-Start Transmission-
-Message Reads-

Comm ID: Ens. Michael Morse
Target ID: High Command

Subject: Flight Report for 7-8-819

Immediately upon launch from Battleship Missouri, I secured comms with Adm. Malrone, who requested assistance with a Xeno attacking him in the Colorado system. Proceeding to Colorado, I encountered Malrone and the Xeno immediately after coming out of the gate from New York, and moved in to assist, as there seemed to be issues with Malrone's targeting systems. After a close fight, and several attempts by the Xeno to flee I managed to down the Xeno, as evidenced by this guncam footage (File Attached).

The rest of my scheduled flight proved uneventful and I returned to Missouri a few hours later.

Ensign Morse signing out.

Evidence of destruction on Xeno XA-Taipan.

Addendum: I would also like to register my command of the LLS-Vestal, a Repair Ship currently stationed in the Colorado system.

-Message Ends-
-End Transmission-