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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Printable Version

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Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wellingtons - 01-06-2010

Incoming transmission
Sender ID Lieutenant Lee.Adama
Sending To: Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff
subject: kusari gunboat at stokes

Today two kusari ships was engaged at stokes smelter
our forces was a mm dira purina ( sorry if misspelt ) in gunboat
Lieutenant Commander John Galt (bomber)
Lieutenant Lee Adama (bomber)
and Ensign H Lancelot (bomber)

the kusari gunboat was destroyed by Lieutenant Lee Adama after a supernova hit with hits also by all of a above
also scoring multiple hits the gunboats name was shinobi takeshi also another kusari vessel engaged us but chickened out and docked at stokes their by ending the battle

however while engaging the kusari aggressors I saw a BMM tagged ship Robert rivas undocked from stokes !! how ever because i was focusing on combat i couldn't get a image of him undocking

we didnt not have any losses

signed Lieutenant Lee Adama

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Husher - 01-07-2010

But sir i.... Ian said.
You will write that report son.
But i... and Ian try's to move away.
I said commander, You will write that report, You tried to delay it for a longtime now, I will not tolerate that from one of my senior officers. said his flight CO.
*sigh* aye sir.
And Ian walked to the closest recording terminal.

Sender ID: Cdr I. driscoll.
To: BAF-D.I.S.
Subject: Forced patrol report.

Well tonight was a good patrol for me.
Ill add some camera shots so you can see tose who were present in the defensive against these treads.

i was assigned as wingman to adm Hobart.
A fine man with a lot of combat experience.

At first we did some investigation into cortez where some pirates should hangout.
After patrolling the lanes we did not detect anything out of the ordinary we headed to Newlondon.
Here a corsairgunboatcaptain and some escort freelancers in bombers were trying to disrupt our lanes.
They were quikly taken out by our combined force guns.

Not much later a corsair group, (i assume a different one.., can't be the same), tried to disrupt the lanes in Leeds.
So i grabbed my duck and helped our forces by pumping my snac and nova torpedos in the enemy gunboat.

When it blew finnally up it was a nice big explosion.
Than i see that the enemy bomber had its guns aimed at me and came in blazing.
He totally ignored the fighters on his tail.
Must have been pissed because i blew that partner of him/her.
Well i found out my duck is not that easilly destroyed.
But that enemy havoc? well it did make a nice bang.

Thats all for now.
Cdr driscoll signing off.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 01-07-2010

Chief Inspector Eric Bruce
Bretonia Police Authority, Leeds Civil Protection Division

BAF Defense Intelligence Staff

Lieutenant Lady Sarah Mountbatten

Owing to an incident at the Leeds Spaceport, I have Lieutenant Mountbatten in custody in one of my holding cells. I will attach the official report to this message. Though she was arrested in a lawful manner, I must admit that I am rather uncomfortable with keeping the Prime Minister's daughter in a cell. We have been able to keep this incident quiet so far, but I don't know how long we can maintain that state of affairs, and the last thing I need right now is the type of media attention that this would create. Keeping the peace down here is difficult enough, and I don't need any more headaches. I would like to arrange her transfer to BAF custody at the earliest possible opportunity. We appreciate your discretion in this matter.

Chief Inspector Eric Bruce

Leeds Civil Protection Arrest Report 810/387 Wrote:At 2316 local time, Civil Protection units were summoned to the canteen at the Leeds Planetary Spaceport. When the responding officers arrived, a fight was found to be in progress between Lieutenant Sarah Mountbatten and one of the Spaceport's maintenance workers, a Scott Barton. The responding officers were able to break up the fight. Mr. Barton was transferred to a medical facility due to multiple fractures of the right arm.

When questioned, Lieutenant Mountbatten was defiant, and refused to admit to any wrong doing. She accused Mr. Barton of sexually harassing her. Both parties had consumed fair quantities of alcohol prior to the incident, and intoxication is believed to be a contributing factor. Lieutenant Mountbatten will be transferred to the custody of the Bretonian Armed Forces, who will decide whether further action is warranted.

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 01-07-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1transmission.png]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff CC: Military Intelligence Section 5]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Commander]
[Subject: "Rogue" Liberty Navy vessels spotted in Bretonia]

A group of Liberty vessels were spotted in Bretonian sovereignty. My crew and I were alerted, believing it was a hostile incursion of a Liberty battle fleet. Upon arriving in New London, I was made aware that these vessels were mere transports. We followed them to Cambridge, and waited, where I was then informed of the following.

Transmission One
Transmission Two
Transmission Three
Transmission Four
Transmission Five

I, honestly have no idea what's going on.


Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - litlwicked - 01-07-2010

--Incoming Transmission....connection stablished.
--ID: Capt. Roland Gilead.
--Security encryption: Med. BAF STANDARD COMMS.

At 1600 hours i came across a junker ship operating in Breto without a proper license and ID. He chose to ignore my warnings at first to dock at Leeds for immediate inspection. However, once he felt the sting of my weapons on his hull, he was happy to comply.

Not long after, at 1630, I was informed of a large group of ships in New London causing some trouble. Once I arrived at the scene I identified the hostile force as the joker and is baof thugs. Not long after we were exchanging words and I was demanding the release of their BAF and BPA prisoners. My demands were however ignored and I found myself having to either fight against the great odds or retreat. Luckily however, the MM and other mercs starting pouring out of the woodwork to aid me in defending Bretonia against these hooligans. Followed by HMS invictus under the command of Commander Goodmen. I am happy to report that all caped BAF and BPA pilots are recovering well as they are cared for by our fine medical branch of the BAF on New London. I was however shotdown in the battle as I took a missle brage from the jokers gunship.

--end transmission--

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - pbrione - 01-07-2010

[Incoming Transmission]
[To: Lieutenant Lady Sarah Mountbatten]
[Encryption: Secure]
[CommID: Fleet Admiral Nelson]


I have authorised your release from BPA custody on Planet Leeds pending your return to your squadron, the civil charges of assault against you having been dropped. However, I await an explanation for your reputed actions on Planet Leeds before I will agree to the dismissal of the internal military charges of misconduct and disorderly behaviour, which I need not remind you would leave you subject to court marshal.

I understand the political sensitivities of this incident and am keen to see this whole affair cleared up without consequence - however, the Armed Forces is duty bound to investigate all allegations of misconduct in order to maintain our reputation and I therefore require your full cooperation if I am to successfully prevent this incident from tarnishing your otherwise high reputation as a Lady and Officer.

Sir Stanley Nelson, KBE

Fleet Admiral
Bretonian Armed Forces

[End Transmission]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Andrew_Bonesovich - 01-09-2010

Jacob was sitting at his desk. Apart from a computer, there was a load of discs and papers on it, most of them already filled out. He was searching trough all the mess to make himself sure he didn't forget anything. Then, a small disc, labeled "TOP SECRET" with big red font got in his hands.

"Oh my... I almost forgot this one", he said to himself, plugged it in and started transmitting.

***Incoming transmission***
[Image: 1g2hi0.png]
***ID: Captain Jacob Carter***

Two days ago, when returning from rather ordinary patrol in Tau 31, we've met Lord Canning's yacht, HMS Dominion, just above planet Harris. He was on a diplomatic mission to Omicron Alpha. We offered an escort and he didn't reject. I was personally escorting him, along with Commander Goodmen. There weren't any reports of heavy hostile activity at the time, so I assumed more people won't be needed, it would only draw more attention to us. Rest of the squad returned home and patrolled Leeds as usual.

We got trough Tau 23 and 37 smoothly. We had to wait for clearance to enter near the Alpha hole for a while before we could all enter.

[Image: 2dhibyv.png]

We were keeping close to Dominion, just in case. Not all Outcasts were exactly friendly (and Goodmen was pretty nervous because of that), but I think it's just because they're not used to see people from outside coming in peace. In any case, they took us near Hispania's wreck, where all the long <strike>(and boring)</strike> discussions began. I believe Lord Canning will have the important parts recorded anyway, so I didn't record anything, just took some photos as you can see.

[Image: s47tpd.png]

[Image: sgjz9f.png]

In the end we returned safely, even with some more escorts provided by Outcasts for a short period of time.


Captain Jacob Carter

***End of transmission***

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 01-09-2010

To: Fleet Admiral Sir Stanley Nelson
From: Lieutenant Lady Sarah Mountbatten

Re: Misconduct Charges

Admiral, I apologize for my actions at the Leeds Spaceport. I went to the spaceport canteen after completing my assigned patrol. I had changed into a set of civilian clothes for the evening and had a few drinks when one of the spaceport maintainance workers began flirting with me. I made it clear to him that I wasn't interested. He began to press the issue, placing a hand on my shoulder. I warned him that if he did not remove the arm, I would break it. He didn't take the hint. That is when the fight began.

Sir, such behavior is beneath me, and beneath my station. Rest assured that I will not embarass the Armed Forces in such a manner again.

Lieutenant Lady Sarah Mountbatten

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - Wolfs Ghost - 01-09-2010

[Incoming Transmission]

[Image: rsz_1transmission.png]

[Target ID: Defense Intelligence Staff]
[Comm ID: Goodmen, Austin - Commander]
[Subject: After Action Reports]

January 6th, 818

Starting the report off with some simple things, the 8th we had fights with the Joker and his cronies. Of course both fights ended in victory for the Armed Forces.

Our first fight took place inside the Molly gold field. I hate mines.

Target Destroyed

The second fight on, I took command of the Invictus and showed up to Mandalorians and our own pilots under fire by the Joker and his gang. We ended up going in and cleaning house. The Invictus took heavy damage but we manage to take down a few..fighters, and two gunboats. My gunner on turret number four remembers seeing a cronie flying into our shielding and exploding off his own torpedo. Which I found amusing.


Report #2, January 6th, 818

We received a hail from Ensign Woodrow about a destroyer, Kusari exploration gunboat, and a dragon heavy fighter attacking LD-14. I took command of the Invictus and set off to investigate. We came in from the Edinburgh Jumphole, closer to the station and proceeded in. Ensign Woodrow report was correct. After a small talk, the Kusarians spouted something about honor and then engaged. We, gladly took them down. The Kusari explorer fled the fight and headed to stokes. After waiting for a few minutes we headed down to stokes ourselves and destroyed the last Kusari vessel.


Report #3, January 7th, 818

Two Corsair battleships attacked Cambridge. I don't recall the entire action, though I do have shots of the vessels going down.


Report #4, January 8th, 818

After an engagement with a Corsair fleet in Leeds, I grabbed my bomber and moved our rather large fleet down to Stokes, where we occupied it for a few long minutes before the coward unmoored and took down the Kent. I gave the order to rush in but just as we started hitting it. The coward moored again.

Upon returning to Leeds, I followed a Mandalorian, who reported two Molly gunboats down at the Dublin jumphole. I went to investigate with Lieutenant Adama. Needless to say, there was two Molly gunboats, after some chit-chat we engaged.

Minutes before one Molly gunboat busted, by the Mandalorian, another Molly in a heavy fighter came out of the jumphole and opened fire on one of our other bombers, then changed to me. I don't know why but I started to return fire, ignoring the last Molly gunboat. Four or five passes and the Molly heavy fighter was destroyed, pilot ejected.

After that I returned to helping the lads with the last Molly gunboat, taking it down as well. First confirmed destruction of enemy ships, in a bomber, for me. Quite pleased with myself.


Report #5, January 8th, 818

Upon returning to the Derby, I landed my Challenger as it had a fuel leak and left it to the Engineers to fix. Taking flight again I ran into one of my most hated enemies. Miss Serena Kithe. She was in a Roc bomber, and I quickly chased her down and engaged her by myself. She complimented me on my flying skills during the flight. I only ignored her and said it was to kill her.

She seemed pleased.

I shot her ship down, but she managed to escape. Her last words before her pod could disappear were "Angels don't die."

Oh how close I was to killing her! I could feel it! She escaped. If only I could have gotten to her pod! Damn her!



Commander Austin Goodmen

[Transmission Terminated]

Bretonian Armed Forces Defense Intelligence Staff (DIS) (iRP) (AO) - beunt - 01-09-2010

[incoming transmission]
[source......................Lt Martin Bridge]
[noise filtering............done]
[opening message]

Greetings officers,

today, january the 9th 818 at 2.30 pm the well known corsair gunboat Ell Moro was spotted in New London system. Convicted of tradelane disruption, along with being a corsair, I first prompted him to pay a fee of 100k first and leave Bretonia space. Unfortunately for him, from what I understood he would only agree on leaving the system - not the Bretonia space - and no way to pay his fees.
After a short hunt, he was destroyed next to Planet New London by Jeff Parker (bounty hunter), spontaneously assisted by a junker from the Coven Consil, Nathaniel Kiro.


A few minutes later we were reported about another corsair gunboat (callsign GRAF|XVito) in Dublin. After we found the suspect, he was first prompted to release the BAF pilots in his haul and to set course to Omega 49. He complied with the first demand, and almost with the second one. This is quite a victory considering he remained absolutely silent during the whole parley.
Unfortunately for him, stopping his engines sector 6D instead of jumping to Omega 49 was a mistake he refused to reconsider, and therefore was forcibly destroyed and his escape pod dumped in the hole by ourselves.


It's pretty interesting to see that Corsairs can almost (I say almost) learn. Both of them half complied to the BAF demand. With luck, maybe we could in the future peacefully drive them out of our space. Not that I don't enjoy to see thoses scum blow in openspace, I'm considering here the financial aspect of such operations. Preventing hunters to blindly shoot on sight could be good for the BAF finances.

Lieutenant Martin Bridge.

[End of transmission]