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Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 06-30-2007

Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

The war effort moves forward, thanks to the actions of our friends in the Corsair Brotherhood!

We took quite some losses in a large engagement with the Hellfire Legion in Magellan, but came out on top.

The enemy are ill-disciplined and can't keep their equipment functioning up to our standards, as Eric Winston found out at the end of my blasters. His ship won't be repaired for weeks. (Razr logged midfight unexpectedly for OOC reasons. He didn't say anything so I kept shooting at his bomber.)

One of the enemy fighters, flying a Raven Claw, also fled Coalition justice as I branded his hull with laser-fire. (I think this was Carlos.Quinten. Fled to Vespucci whilst I was shooting him. Probably for OOC reasons. I didn't pursue due to no-fly zones. This probably shouldn't count as a kill.)

It would be wise to note that a Helghast fighter engaged to aid the enemy. He was taken care of by our combined might with ease.

The enemy gunboats were eventually forced back into their own space, after our fighters swarmed them. Fortunately, the HF gunboat, Silverfire's ammo bays caught fire mid-fight in spite of its shields being up. This forced its withdrawal. (He was AFK to deal with burning food in oven. We missed the message, but stopped firing as he was sat still.)

In spite of some Corsair losses, this was a great victory, and it furthers the cause of the SCRA.

On a more personal note, according to Decoration File Juliet, I should be due a medal very soon!

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 07-01-2007

Comm. ID: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Stronghold Gamma has been attacked by AW today. Three of their ships, and an allied Spyglass invaded Gamma.

We had myself in a fighter, as well as Lt. Commander Voronov. We were aided by several Corsairs, including a TBH gunboat and some Huntresses and many fighters piloted by Crete's amateur defense force.

Many were lost. The spyglass was crippled, and all that was left of the foe were a gunboat (Denicalus) and my previously encountered foe, Orome.

The gunboat laid waste to many fighters, whilst Orome picked off the amateur defense pilots instead of wasting his time trying to take me out. This was wise. I had trouble hitting his shieldless hull, but he had no problem wiping out our allies. His flying... it was beautiful...

A residual blast from detonations within their Hacker Spyglass fried some of my electrics, and my shields were torn asunder as I tried to repair the damage to my computer. I was forced to crash-land on Crete and regroup with the downed Lt. Voronov. (OOC: My dinner was ready, and already cold. Had to leave at some point. Argh.)

Later on, a large Blood Dragon NovaPG force also entered Gamma with AW Denicalus and a Bushido pilot. This ended in a stalemate (rule breaks from both sides ARGH.), although I did take out a couple of their fighters.

Lessons learnt - Our allies can't be relied upon as being able pilots. They should only be called upon as a last resort, unless of course, they are ranking TBH pilots, as we saw yesterday. Numbers provided by sympathetic pilots may be encouraging, but they are unreliable.

-Ares out

//Message ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - bluntpencil2001 - 07-02-2007

To: SCRA Command
Comm. I.D: Lt. Commander Ares

Message Begins//

Ah... revenge. Justice. Served hot in Vespucci's ice fields.

I led an attack against the Hellfire Legion in retribution for the assault on Crete. My wingmen were RAHF-Ivan.Voronov, Maniaco[TBH] and the RAGB-Argumentor, piloted by Lt. Tony Cray.

We moved into Magellan, but they his in Vespucci. We waited for them to engage us, but they remained in hiding.

After some deliberation, we began the assault.

We quickly took out an HF gunboat, the Silverfire, I believe. The kill was, of course, our heroic Lt. Commander Voronov's. At the time, we were also engaged by a destroyer-class vessel, named the Prometheus. No wonder, since we were in their home system. We fought it, and it fled to Monterrney Station, using its ridiculous amounts of defences to no avail. Myself, Maniaco and Voronov hit its shields, as well as the turrets around the station. Lt. Cray of the Argumentor used his superlative skill to utterly cripple it in the asteroid field.

We returned to Freeport 4 to refuel in order to return to Gamma. En route, via Leeds, we realised that a Hellfire Battleship, Atlas, was in pursuit. The Argumentor valiantly held it off until we could get back to it. I helped hurt the shields a small amount, and when the other fighters arrived, they did the same. The Argumentor, however, was flown by a true, god-damned genius. Lt. Cray tore the thing apart, leaving it a smouldering wreck, floating in space, unable to fire back. It must have suffered multiple decompressions in the engine deck. Many crew were killed. An HF fighter, Thanatos, attempted to attack us, but bugged out sharply, after realising we were out in force.

We then returned home to Crete, to cheer up those that witnessed our earlier defeat. Mourning is currently being replaced with celebration.

For his heroic actions against superior ships, I would like to suggest that Lt. Tony Cray be awarded a decoration befitting his enormous reserves of valour. People like himself are why we are going to win this war.

-Ares out

//Message Ends

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - TankTarget - 07-02-2007

Comm ID: BlackHeart


"I am sorry for my absence as of late, my Eagle will be in service soon and I will bring pain to the Hellfire scum."

BlackHeart out...

ooc: Yeah for those who do not know I am in SCRA...heh.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Ant - 07-02-2007

Transmit to: All SCRA personnel
Transmit from: Lieutenant Cray, Gunboat Argumentor.

Message Begins//

Fine leadership in battle earlier by Lieutenant Commander Ares saw the Hellfire Legion suffer the wrath of the mighty Coalition!

The incredible skills of our fighter pilots made the support gunboat role far easier than it might have been otherwise. They braved the massive weapons installations in Vespucci when the enemy Huegenot drew us in. Argumentor took considerable damage from the weapons platforms and fire from the destroyer, so I'm sure it was an extremely difficult task for the fighters.
That we came through it without losing more ships is a testament to their abilities.

For the Revolution!

-Cray out
//Message Ends
[Image: scra_lt_008.jpg]

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 07-03-2007

Urgent Transmission

To: Grand Admiral McIntosh
From: Medic Commander Hodolski: Sick bay, Cape Verde

Sir, we have a situation down here! Commander Zehn was prepped to go under the knife later today, until he heard about the AW attacks on Strongpoint Gamma. He insisted on discharging himself. We tried to contain him, and now I have three medics as in-patients.

He still has a large piece of his bomber inside his left leg that needs to be removed ASAP. We've stitched it but they won't hold for long. He's stolen a box of panimmunity from the medication trolley also. He will be in constant pain, so that box will only last him about two days at the most.

I am requesting that you recover and order him to sick bay immediately. He needs to be treated without question!

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Axe - 07-03-2007

Begin Transmission

To: Commodore Chernekov, SCRA Fighter Command
From: Commander Dieter Zehn

Sir, I have discharged myself from sick bay, and not a moment too soon it seems. This wound will merely delay my enemies deaths. Two AW fighters witnessed this first hand. Staggart and Blazer both choked on my novas without any real bother.

I'll need more panimmunity if I'm to continue this, however. I'll expect a supply to arrive to my quarters ASAP.

End Transmission

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 07-04-2007

Transmit to: Commander Zehn
Comm ID: Commodore Chernekov

Well Commander, if the opportunity arises, get back to sickbay, but for the moment we need you too much on the front. Carry on with the destruction of AW scum.

Chernekov out.

Transmission Ended///

Transmit to: All SCRA
Comm ID: Grand Admiral Mcintosh

Warriors of the Coalition! I've been looking over some piloting logs, and it has come to my attention that certain pilots have been venturing into Vespucci, in order to carry death to the cowardly HF. Now, although I wouldn't mind at all if every member of that foolish organization were stamped to death, the Hight Command has decided to conduct an experiment. We're going to see if, by killing their pilots, we can force the civilian population to see what fools they've been, and make them convert to the glorious ideals of the Coalition.

Although they are already led by a Woman... I'm unsure if that will make it harder or easier to cow them. In any case, No SCRA Pilots or ships are to enter vespucci, under any circumstances. If you're found in there, the Marines will take you on a little tour of the airlocks, sans spacesuit.

Kill them everywhere else though, they appear to be in even greater numbers.

For the Coalition! Mcintosh out.

Transmission Ended///

OOC: Honestly, Don't go in there. I WILL rip off important portions of your anatomy if you do. Regardless of what the HF are doing, we're going to play this clean.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Guest - 07-04-2007

This is Isamu Cho speaking. I'd wish to help the Coalition on their quest of purging Sirius. I have been betrayed once too many times. I will destroy our enemies at once! I am at your orders sir! Cho out.

Sirius Coalition Communications Centre - Koolmo - 07-04-2007

Transmit to: Blackheart, Cho
Comm ID: Commodore Chernekov, SCRA Fighter Command

Welcome gentlemen, Blackheart, we've served together off and on throught the Revolution, and it's good to see you still serve the Coalition. Report to Commander Zehn, he'll assign you to a Squadron.

Mr. Cho, its always good to see a new recruit turn from the Capitalist Alliance to the arms of the Coalition. I've been appraised that you've brought your Kusari-Built vessel with you, this will serve you fine for the moment. You also can report to Commander Zehn, he will see to your training.

For the Coalition! Chernekov out.

Transmission Ended///

OOC: Well Tank, you're on the active list again, how long for this time:P