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Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Katt Horizon - 10-25-2017

Name: Katt T, Horizon

Callsign: THP|Katt_Horizon

An Apologise in advance:
If i May have a word i would like to Apologise in advance, due to the majority of Classifications upon the Armaments in use upon my personalised XB-2 Havoc Mk II Civilian Bomber, i will be unable to provide Details and Data Regarding The Armament Project Names: AHRIMAN and ASURAS, should it be requested due to Clearance Requirements, i apologise for any inconvenience brought upon by the Project Classifications and Restriction of Information Regarding these Armament Projects.

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

I should note that i have an Armament Change System at my Disposal, In Addition to my current Active Class-1 hard-point and Mine Launcher Ordinance, i have the following Replacement Ordinance Available for when required:
ANC-2 "Nova" Antimatter Torpedo Launcher.
T-EMP-04 "Incapacitator" EMP Torpedo Launcher.
CD98Rc Reinforced Cruise Disruptor Missile Launcher.
MX-17 Nuclear Mine Dropper.

Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1
Reputation 2
Reputation 3
Reputation 4
Reputation 5
Reputation 6
Reputation 7
Reputation 8

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Quantum~Flux - 11-02-2017

Name: Richard Stone

Callsign: Richard.Stone

On behalf of company (if applicable): Personal

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Visual evidence of reputation:
Rep sheet

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-03-2017

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

Alexey Shmykov;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Miguel Hierra;

Your application has been processed and is currently pending. Please resubmit your whole form for your reputation with the "Big Three" as well as your hostiles list.
We wish you the best in becoming a contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Katt T, Horizon;

Is this a joke? The "Triple Hazard Pay" organization has run afoul of Liberty Law repeatedly in recent months. Your application has been processed and denied.

Richard Stone;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Toris - 12-07-2017

Name: Kel.Steiner

Callsign: Kel.Steiner

On behalf of company (if applicable): ---

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1 & 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

[1]Missing LSF reputation

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Joe Pickens - 12-17-2017

Name: Richard Long

Callsign: Insufficient.Energy

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Weapons 1
Weapons 2

Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1
Reputation 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - GrnRaptor - 12-19-2017

Name: Errol Hood

Callsign: The.Running.Joke

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:

Full Loadout

Visual evidence of reputation:

Friendly Reputations
Hostile Reputations

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - The Republic Of Liberty - 12-20-2017

[Image: 2vmamgh.png]

Kel Steiner;

Your application has been processed and is currently pending. Please resubmit your whole form to include your reputation with Ageira Technologies to complete the Liberty "Big Three" requirement.
We wish you the best in becoming a contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Richard Long;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Eroll Hood;

Your application has been processed and accepted.
You are now an Approved contractor for the Republic of Liberty.

Thank you for your services.

- Ferris Dufresne,
Central Liberty Internal Treasury

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Kyoi - 01-20-2018

Name: Kirsty Anselm

Callsign: Kirsty.Anselm

Visual evidence of affiliation/loadout/reputation:

All required information (Core IFF/Freelancer ID)

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Sherman Grant - 01-30-2018

Name: Terry Rogers

Callsign: Terry.Rogers

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1
Reputation 2

My partner also asked to submit his request, so here it goes:

Name: Kincade

Callsign: Kincade

Visual evidence of affiliation:


Visual evidence of loadout:


Visual evidence of reputation:

Reputation 1
Reputation 2

RE: Liberty Bounty Board Registration Thread - Domino.Harvy - 02-07-2018

[Image: 21042057_1283336415109846_6568825280033456128_n.jpg]
Incomming Transmission

Encryption Level: Low
Sender ID: Domino Harvy
Recipient ID: Department of Defense; Central Liberty Internal Treasury; Ferris Dufresne
Subject: New ships registration

Greetings Mr. Ferris,

I will try to be extremely short: In connection with the increase in crime rate in Liberty space, I do not always manage to keep up with all criminals... And this became the reason for me acquiring a new ships: AP-18100 "Manta" Bounty Hunter Very Heavy Fighter, and AP-12400 "Moray" Bounty Hunter Bomber

Can I have the opportunity to use my hunter license on these two ships at the same time? AP-18100 "Manta" has unusual weapons of course, but I do not think that this can be a problem, becouse you can see everything with your own eyes in the filed papers.

A single license will simplify the work for me and for you. It will not be necessary to fill in extra forms, register a new ship and undergo the procedure for obtaining another license for a second ship.

I hope that for such a long time, you should already have known my reputation as in Liberty space, and outside. Therefore, I rely on your trust, but if necessary I will provide all the necessary documents.

At the moment I have this:
Callsign: Domino.Harvy!/Domino.Harvy.

Visual evidence of affiliation:

Visual evidence of loadout:

And i said before: I hope i should not to proof my reputation, but if it is so necessary, then later I give everything.
I hope that we will come to a unified solution.

Bounty Hunter
Domino Harvy