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The Republic Of Liberty - Bounty Board - Printable Version

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LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Constantine - 08-12-2012

Your name: Zero of the Guild

Where the money is going: BHG|Cool

Kills: Outcast VHF

Circumstances: One simple Outcast in California.

Payment owed: 1,500,000 SC

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Senor Gomez - 08-12-2012

Your name: Dutch Sieber

Where the money is going: BHG|Dutch.Sieber

Kills: Here we go: one unlucky XA light fighter, 2 independent pirate bombers, and two Liberty Rouge bombers

Circumstances: I had the XA light fighter droping mines all over the damn place, so I shot a few cruise distruptor missiles up his ass, that got him good. The junker that was present did not engage the Xeno so the kill belongs to me alone. I downed those two pirate bombers with little trouble once I caught them by the Cortez-Los Angels trade lane. One of them also died thanks to my cruise distruptor missile, the other one eat my mine. Last but not least, I found a couple of Rouge bombers trying to blow something up at Norfolk shipyard. One took my mine while the other one was a bit more skilled, had to shoot that one up.

  • Xeno Alliance:
    <a href="" target="_blank]</a>

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    Pirate bombers:
    <a href="" target="_blank]</a>

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    Rouge bombers:
    <a href="" target="_blank]</a>

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    <a href="" target="_blank]</a>

    <a href="" target="_blank]</a>

Payment owed: 2x1500000+2x1500000+(1x1500000+500000)= I'd say you owe me 8 million sirius credits.

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - Dashiell - 08-12-2012

Your name: Gally "Vanish" Greg

Where the money is going: BHG|Gally."Vanish",Greg

Kills: 1 Liberty Rogue barghest

Circumstances: Cali...

  • [Image: th_Pumpkin1.jpg]

    [Image: th_Pumpkin2.jpg]

Payment owed: 1.500.000

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-12-2012

To: Liberty Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Rookie
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim
'€¢ Bad Pirate Fighter with Bluefin, callsign was destroyed and 1.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
At Your Service,
Lucy Faith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-13-2012

To: Liberty Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Rookie
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim
'€¢ Liberty Rogue Fighter with Lisa.Baker callsign was destroyed and 1.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
At Your Service,
Lucy Faith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-13-2012

To: Liberty Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Rookie
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim
'€¢ Liberty Rogue Fighter with LR-Tiny.Dancer callsign was destroyed and 2.000.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
At Your Service,
Lucy Faith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-13-2012

To: Interspace Commerce Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Rookie
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim

'€¢ Liberty Rogue Fighter with Recruit-Phraxx callsign was destroyed and 1.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
'€¢ Liberty Rogue Bomber with The.Hiigaran callsign was destroyed and 1.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
'€¢ Subtotal = 3.000.000 SC

At Your Service,
Lucy Faith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-14-2012

To: Liberty Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Senior
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim
'€¢ Liberty Rogue Fighter with N8114C-'Exspex' callsign was destroyed and 1.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
At Your Service,
Lucy Faith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-14-2012

To: Liberty Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Senior
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim
Gone Rogue is dumb Rogue. Or vice-verse. Whatever.
'€¢ Liberty Rogue Fighter with N8114C-'Exspex' callsign was destroyed and 1.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
At Your Service,
Lucy Faith

LAWFUL CONTRACTS - LIBERTY - Liberty Bounty Board - SnakThree - 08-14-2012

To: Liberty Bounty Board
Lucy Faith, Senior
Subject: Bounty Board; Claim
To whom it may concern,

Engagement started when criminals assaulted Zoner Gunboat nearby Riverside and a bit later on, a passing Pelican. I was unable to do anything up untill requested backup arrived and 3 out of 4 threats were eliminated. I got permission to claim bounties by Navy Officer on sight.
Also, I apologise for inability to provide Liberty Rogue Identification. It seems I have taken proof of Hacker's Identification twice. I hope the results are still satisfactory.

'€¢ Liberty Rogue Gunboat with California.Blue callsign was destroyed and 3.500.000SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
'€¢ Lane Hacker Gunboat with New.York.Black callsign was destroyed and 3.500.000 SC is to be sent to FIST|Lucy.Faith
'€¢ Subtotal = 7.000.000 SC

'€¢ Total payment owed = 26.500.000 SC SC
At Your Service,
Lucy Faith