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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - rainth345 - 10-20-2013

*****Incoming Transmission*****
[Image: Texas1.png]
COMM ID: Captain Remus Sius
TARGET ID: Liberty Naval Forces Reporting Centre
SUBJECT: Combat Action Report; Return to Duty

Good day, all.

As I come back from my leave of absence, the alarms blared as soon as I touched down from the shuttle...

There seemed to be an approaching Gallic fleet spotted near Freeport 4, I wasted no time in heading for my fighter. Friendly forces were already gathering near California Minor.

As I arrived to take command, a certain Field Marshal Joseph Garcia contacted me about a temporary alliance against the Gauls. I was reluctantly to agree at first but the lack of snubs to cover the capital ships proved to be the top priority.

The following list was the initial contingent of our forces:
  • LNS-Bs.Massachusetts: D class
  • LSFC-Landlocked.Bay: C class
  • LNS-Luna: C class
  • LNS-Spitfire: C class
  • 27th|Winston.Baxter: F-snub class
  • Skyhawk: F-snub class
  • [LN]-Adrian.Wicks: B-snub class

Commander Adrian Wicks wasn't too late to join us soon afterwards.... I scouted the path of the fleet before allowing them to pass. No interdiction wings were encountered prior to the main engagement.

Arriving at the scene, the SCRA were just beginning their bombing runs on the Gallic forces:

[Image: b7c.png]

While the SCRA distracted the main fleet, the LNS Captains began their long range bombardment. There were only 4 capital ships in the Gallic fleet, 3 Valors and 1 Obstinate Cruiser. The Valor made a daring push for our siege cruisers with the Obstinate gaining ground... but we quickly focused fire and took out the Cruiser first, since it the biggest threat to our capitals.

Image courtesy of Commander Wicks:
[Image: 0vmb.png]
[Image: x33h.png]

At this point, Bretonian and various other allied ships arrived to help finish off the remaining Gauls.

After that, it was Valor after Valor going down.
*Warning images may cause visual brightness syndrome*

[Image: 2nzc.png]

[Image: tqil.png]

[Image: zcw9.png]
[Image: 05ug.png]

Fortunately, no one in our fleet got shot down... but the Bretonians lost a Crechy Destroyer. Overall a tactical victory.

For Freedom and Justice,
Captain Remus Sius
Liberty Naval Warships Coordinator

*****Transmission Terminated*****

Report to Naval High Command - Lord Caedus - 10-24-2013

-Incoming Transmission-

Target ID: Navy High Command
Sender ID: Lieutenant Michael Morse
Subject: Incident Report, Request for Information
Priority: Medium

Lieutenant Morse here, I had an interesting incident yesterday that I thought I should bring to the attention of High Command. While on patrol near the Mississippi yesterday, I was approached by the Captain of a DSE vessel who wanted to report a pirate that had been harassing her ship in Galileo. Normally that wouldn't call for anything more than some increased patrols in the area, yet the Captain also mentioned that the pirate had an undying hatred of the Navy, not entirely unheard of, but I thought it merited some investigation. I've included my flight logs of the relevant conversation below.

[23.10.2013 15:59:16] DSE)Stratofreighter: Reimi: Oh, also, this has been a minor annoyance, but there's been this PLR fighter by the call sign of Suicide Angel that seems to down the lanes in Galileo, though when we speak on comms, she keeps her visuals down.
[23.10.2013 16:01:32] [LN]-Michael.Morse: That's... Interesting.
[23.10.2013 16:02:25] DSE)Stratofreighter: Reimi: well whats more interesting is that she seems to have an undying hatred of the LN... whats her name again....
[23.10.2013 16:02:54] [LN]-Michael.Morse: I'll keep it in mind Captain, thank you.
[23.10.2013 16:02:59] DSE)Stratofreighter: Crewman: Wasn't is Sarah?? No no, Siren, that's it.
[23.10.2013 16:03:42] [LN]-Michael.Morse: Again, Captain, thank you, we'll keep an eye out.

Knowing that orders may take a while and that time was likely of the essence, the next time I had time off I proceeded to fly my personal ship up to Ames Research Station as a place to start looking around. Suffice to say that it wasn't long before I had my first lead, and I've included some of the more interesting portions of what occurred that I recorded in my personal log below.

Quote:"Listen, I don't care how hot she is, if she's a Navy spy then we should just kill her and be done with it." The first man said, loud enough for me to overhear him.

"Yeah, but if she heals like Jackson says she does, then how do you kill something like that... plus, she makes some of the best drinks I've ever tasted." The second man replied.

"Man, screw the drinks, I don't wanna have to deal with the results of our info falling into Navy hands." The first man said as the bartender walked up to them.

"Maltese Rum for me and three shots of Tequila for my friend." The second man said to the bartender.

"Boys, this is a Freeport, we don't have what you can get on your bases... That means we don't have any Rum, hows bout a tall one?" The bartender replied nonchalantly.

"Ah hell, make it two... we're screwed out of our own bartender anyway..." He drops a few credits on the counter as the bartender nods then turns and pours their drinks.

Quote:"Listen Frank, Just how long have we known her, hmm? Remember, one day she just randomly shows up on Traz and a week later she was tending the bar... I don't know about you but I thought it was a bit weird that one of the hottest women I've ever seen just happened to be a Rogue..." Muttered the first man to the second, who was obviously Frank.

"I'll give you that one, she is one helluva looker Jack... but still it was strange. Hey, now that I think about it, she never really liked talking about her past either... always managed to change the conversation and such..." Frank replies as the bartender sets their drinks in front of them.

Jack nodded, "Man.. If she turns out to be one though... Lord Moka will have plenty to ask her before he kills her."

The man named Frank nearly spat his drink into his glass as he was taking a sip, "Psshh... You idiot, don't go sayin that name out in public... jeez..."

Quote:Jack shrugged, "Sorry... But yeah, how would you kill something like her? I mean, you can't shoot her, the bullet just pops out of her skin and the wound heals like it never happened, and hell, even Jason dug his knife into her back and it was healed within twenty seconds of him removing it."

Frank nods, "I don't know man... but that's one hell of a piece of Navy tech... I mean... she even openly admitted to being one of their androids, in front of at least six people. If she is a spy, then she's not that good at keeping her cover, though she did get massively upset when Jason called her out on it, like the thought of being one was the worst thing in the universe."

Quote:Jack leaned on the counter signaling for another two shots of tequila, "Man, this is really messed up, I mean, I've never even heard of a completely organic android, didn't she say she would tell Lord, eh, um, tell the big guy everything he wanted to know?"

Frank nods while downing the rest of his first beer. "Yeah, Siren did say she would... Man I hope this is all some kinda joke or misunderstanding, she can really make some good drinks, hell you ever had a cup of her coffee?"

Jack smiles, "Yeah, was like heaven in a cup, plus, she ain't to bad to look at either, specialy given what she wears." Frank smiles and nods, "I'll second that, ain't to often you see a bartender walking round nearly topless these days." The two men start laughing while they finish their drinks.

Suffice it to say that it seems the two Rogues were talking about this same "Siren" person that the DSE Captain had a run in with. It would also seem that she is somehow affiliated with the Navy in some way. More to the point, I'm requesting permission to investigate this supposed android in more depth. If that is the case I would also like any information that we may have on said android or anyone known to go by Siren.

Thank you for your time, Lieutenant Morse.

-End Transmission-

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - kikatsu - 10-26-2013


COMM ID: Lieutenant Tobias Mailer
TARGET ID: Navy Command
SUBJECT: Patrol Check-in 0008

Howdy sirs.

Well today was a might bit interesting. For future convenience, I will allow this report to be used in any charges the government of Liberty wishes to pursue. There was an issue with a Gateway shipping vessel today, the Gateway|-GSV-Uruz.

Not long after starting my patrol today, Wicks asked me to head to the Colorado gate and keep an eye on the traffic moving through there. In sort order one of them Gateway vessels showed up, however it was a Rheinland manufactured container transport. Now Liberty law forbids Rheinland built vessels in our space, so I coordinated with Wicks and Morse and explained the situation to the captain.


Scans *Note the regenerations here

The vessel was ordered to pay a fine for violating Liberty laws, one million credits. The ship complied. I instructed the captain that he must leave Liberty space, and he could pick between leaving through Kusari or Bretonia. The captain decided to leave through Bretonia. We traveled along the lanes to the California gate, passing Morse and picking up Wicks on the way.

Payment of fine

We passed a Rogue (who remained about 5K away) moving through California, but it was chased off and later destroyed by Wicks. The Gateway vessel moved very quickly through California, my ship was barely able to keep up. When I caught up to the vessel at California Minor, the captain said that he had to repair and refill his regeneration pools (which were full at the time). He docked on the planet and instead sold his cargo of alien organisms.

Ship moving towards moor point

After this Wicks arrived, and the transport captain claimed that he was not there to drop the cargo off and he needed repair supplies because he was moving through Gallic occupied territory. These supplies, if he needed them, could have been obtained on Freeport 4 or at an earlier location. Note that he did have full regeneration supplies when he arrived in Liberty space and took no damage during his stay until after this point. After the ship launched we explained that it was not cleared to dock anywhere in Liberty space with a ship of that manufacture. At that the ship captain started flying towards the Magellan gate and refused to stop or listen to any instructions we sent it.



A battle started shortly after that. The captain refused to stop his vessel despite numerous orders to do so. Wicks ordered the vessel's shields to be removed, that was done. The Gateway ship continued to try to leave and Wicks gave the order to put her down.

I open fire after Wick's antimatter shot
A lull after we ordered it to stop again
It refused and was destroyed

In summary:
The Gateway ship, the Gateway|-GSV-Uruz, entered Liberty space through Kusari. It violated Liberty law by entering Liberty space using a Rheinland manufactured vessel, a fine was issued. The ship was ordered to leave Liberty space with Navy escort. It violated protocol and docked on California Minor to sell its cargo. It refused to answer our questions and instead attempted to flee through the ice fields. It was asked to stop multiple times. Uncooperative, the vessel was destroyed on Wicks' orders.



RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 10-28-2013


COMM ID: Commander Adrian Wicks
TARGET ID: Primary Fleet Command HQ
SUBJECT: Cheeky Contrabanders

Greetings, sirs.

I've run into a rash of rather irritating smugglers these past few days. Specifically, ones who think that hiding on our bases is the way to avoid being captured. The sheer gall of these captains is astounding, as you'll observe below.

Our first vessel is the Lightrunner, a Firefly class vessel intercepted in the Alaska system hauling Artifacts. Attempts to flag the vessel for containment were rebuffed, and the pilot put in at Juneau under fire. Lieutenant Morse and myself managed to put some holes in him eventually, but not until after he'd managed to deliver his cargo and play the gopher some more.

Juneau Incident: #1 #2 #3 #4

Shortly thereafter Lieutenant Morse and myself ran across another Firefly class vessel, designation Night.Prowler, hauling Black Market Munitions in the New York system by Norfolk Shipyard. We ordered the vessel to hold, which the pilot of the vessel promptly ignored as he made his way to the bays of Norfolk. Unfortunately we lost the vessel's signal almost immediately after that occurred.

Norfolk Incident: #1 #2 #3 #4

On behalf of the Lieutenant and myself, we'd appreciate if such an occurrence wouldn't repeat itself from these two vessels. It's already hard enough for us to inderdict smugglers without auto-docking protocols allowing them to slip past us.

Commander Wicks, out.


RE: Report to Naval High Command - Sarawr!? - 10-30-2013


PRIORITY: Standard
TARGET ID: "Lieutenant Morse"
SUBJECT: ------.
SENDER ID: Fleet Admiral, Rachel A. Baker.

-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --
[Image: Rachel2Forums_zps35dc9e8c.png]
-- --- ---- ---- ---- --- --

Lieutenant Morse,

Normally I would leave any investigation into...something like this, to the hands of NIS, however, since you have already been poking around and looking for information, I will allow you to remain "On the case", so to speak.

As such, I've put in papers to have your security clearance level raised to Secret.

Unfortunately, as with you, I have been able to locate very little information pertaining to this "android".

I have heard in the past about the creation of such androids, but as I said, I was able to locate no information about the one in question now.

If you do find anything, be sure to keep me posted. Things could get serious very quickly, if it turns out that the Rogues have access to a piece of experimental government technology, or if they think that they do.

I would encourage you to use this channel to update High Command on your findings, Lieutenant.

Good hunting.

~ Fleet Admiral Rachel A. Baker.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - GrnRaptor - 11-02-2013


COMM ID: Admiral Alan Polstari
TARGET ID: Primary Fleet Command HQ
SUBJECT: Alaska Artifact Intercept


It appears that Commander Wicks is correct; we are suffering from a delude of smugglers who think escape means activating auto-docking procedures on our bases. The latest I ran into personally was a Pirate Train vessel running under the tag of Charles.Malcolm. Responding to reports of an unknown contact deep in the Alaska system, I made my way there to find this vessel hauling Artifacts. Having several Secondary Fleet Core vessels on hand, I made to intercept the vessel. The vessel fled with barely a word despite orders to stand down, so I gave authorization to engage and destroy. Unfortunately it made its way into activating the docking procedures at Juneau Shipyard before any proper damage could be done to it. Needless to say, I will be filing the appropriate reports with our docking software vendor to prevent such an occurrence from repeating itself for Mister Malcolm and these other vessels.

Visuals: #1 #2 #3 #4

Admiral Polstari, signing off.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lord Caedus - 11-10-2013

COMM ID: Lieutenant Commander Morse
TARGET ID: Primary Fleet Command HQ
SUBJECT: Californian Engagement

Hello, sirs.

I figured I should submit a report on the action that happened the other day in California. Receiving reports of BDM forces operating in our space, Admiral Sanders took command of the Durango, while myself, Ueda, Mailer, and an ESRD pilot launched in bombers and all of us made to intercept. Ueda found them first, just after they used an anomaly to get to California from Texas, finding three Gunboats and a VHF. He managed to hold them in position until the rest of us arrived and we proceeded to mop up their ships one after another.

While this was happening, a pair of Reavers and a Legion pilot arrived on scene, They held off until the Rheinlanders were all destroyed, then proceeded to attack us. At this point the ESRD pilot, Mailer, and the Durango returned to base. Myself and Ueda held the hostiles in place while Mailer and the ESRD pilot returned in fighters. Around this time Ueda's ship and the Legionnaire were caught in the blast of a Nova Torp, destroying both. Managing to retrieve Ueda's pod, I flew back to base and switched into a fighter, proceeding back to the area of the engagement. The Gold and ESRD pilots had already engaged the Reavers, ordering the rest of us to stand by if they required support. While all of this was happening Polstari and Malrone arrived. One of the Reavers fled somewhere in this time-frame and soon his compatriot joined him. Once this occurred, all of our forces withdrew from the area

All relevant visuals have been attached below. That should conclude my message.


Lieutenant Commander Morse

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - MathiasCZR - 11-19-2013

---[ Incoming Transmission ]---

---[ Comm Link Online ]---

[Image: alliance_fighter_pilot_by_kafelnikov-d4rn9v3.png]

Comm ID: Junior Lieutenant Anthony Kalen
Encryption: Light
Target ID: Liberty Navy High Command
Subject: Patrol Report #006

Greetings Command.

Just another normal patrol between system of California, New York and Colorado. I was accompanyed by an Ensign named Anastacia Harper, together we patrol these system to make sure the local tradelanes were clear of any hostiles that maybe trying their luck. Uhh we ran into two Xenos in the Colorado system, we were able to drive them off. Both resisted arrest and fight broke out, the Xenos fight tagged as McKhan escape. But the Xeno bomber tagged as John Coffey was unable to flee and we were able to gun him down.

This is Anthony Kalen, signing off.

Systematic Recorded Images
Image #01
Image #02

Hostiles Eliminated
Xenos Bomber --- Destroyed by --- [LN]-Anthony.Kalen

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Sly - 11-21-2013


COMM ID: Sarah Lewinsky
TARGET ID: Message Damp
SUBJECT: My first report (feedback appreciated! Call 1-800-Laberty-SaraXXX
PRIORITY: Urgent maybe


I touched a teapot, but it was too hot and now my finger hurts.

>>>#1 #2<<<

Ashley, I miss you!



RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - mayu20 - 11-22-2013

[Incoming Transmission]
---Stand By---

[Image: oerd.png]

COMM ID: Anastacia Harper
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Patrol report

Good evening command. Ensign Anastacia Harper reporting in.
Last night I started my shift at eleven hundred hours. I undocked from the Norfolk Shipyard and proceeded with a routine scan and patrol. My attention was cough near planet Manhattan where a Junker vessel and an ALG one were having an argument right in front of the trade lanes. I told them to move away as they were obstructing the incoming traffic of ships. I started to scan the vessels in the vicinity. Two individuals flying CLI-11000 "Arrow" Civilian Light Fighter ships cough my eye as one of them was carrying slaves.

After I warned them to drop them, they just ignored my order and start mocking me, refusing to release the captives witch seemed to be all females.
After a long chase along side the trade lanes that lead to West Point one of them got cough by a gunboat that was assisting. The other one made us chase him all the way in the Badlands where we've lost his trace after he took a right around a big asteroid. Being such a small ship my radar could not make the difference between his ship and the asteroids there. Visuality was zero and could not continue to search.
After I returned back at planet Manhattan I got a big surprise. I hate surprises.
I escorted him out of Liberty territory since he said he was lost. My guess is jump drive failure.
After I escorted the Zoner out of Liberty space I returned to planet Manhattan to end my patrol and my shift.
And to also hit the nearest bar for a cold drink. Oh and before I forget, can I have a new helmet? This one smells awful and I just can't get the smell out of it no matter what I try !
Harper signing off.

[End of Transmission]