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Kaiserliche Rheinwehr [RM] - Message Dump - Printable Version

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Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 08-15-2007

Comm: Miles Cadre
Authorization: Commander
Passcode: ******
Passcode Accepted.

Subject: RE GMG

Well said, Admiral. I have seen that no RM personnel have entered Sigma 13 for any reason for the past month.

GMG is stepping up their recruitment and claiming that one of their goals is for revenge, yes REVENGE, on Rheinland for the 80 year war, or some BS like that. I believe that he have yet to see the outcome of this battle. As I may have mentioned, Rheinland is in no economic stance to engage in another war, let alone a possable new 80 year war. Especially with a faction such as the GMG which can just repeat what it did last 80 year war and force the other houses to support it.

I will protect my fatherland until I cease to exist. Rheinland is my home and I will personally see to it that no Gas sucking freaks get within a parsec of New Berlin.

The only reason I'm not hunting those gas suckers (Now I'm starting to sound like Kane XD) is that I cannot afford to bring war with GMG and RM upon us. Otherwise, I'd see to every GMG ship blasted.

End Message

Comm terminated

:crazy:Miles Cadre

I dont think I can gain the glory, though I, must not drop the war... -403 Forbiddena, Blaze of Life

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 08-15-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to RM
CommID: Captain Meric Freelamen

Amazing on how its now the Corsairs smuggling cardimine in to New Berlin these days..

The Rats Fetty in a Luxury Liner was found in New Berlin transporting cardimine. His identification showed as pirate and was engaged on sight. The force from my Cruisers turrets were stronge, but my firepower was not quick enough as he managed to make it to the Planets Mooring fixture. After he dispatched his cardimine, ground troops intercepted the the transports and with the cargo destroyed.

After Fettys launch, he as engaged was again by not only myself, but a traveling container transport named Stampede. After his many attempts to flee, Fettys Lux Liner was destroyed within minutes and patrols continued safely through New Berlin.

All for now

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 08-16-2007

Comm: Shalashaska7
Authorization: Mercenary
Authorization Denied
Patching though........
Patch Successful

Subject: Smuggler

This is Shalashaska reporting that Atrion_Laan was caught smuggling artifacts in New Berlin. I am transmitting messages as we speak. I am sorry to have to break into RM comm and wish to have authorization to enter. Just helpin RM keep Rheinland clean.

As to why I scanned him, I had a lead that he would be smuggling and decided to help RM to build u pa reputation in my Mercenary Business.
((I have a bad habit of scanning every ship I come across... thats why I make an excellent military pilot, lol:D))
I do hope that I can help RM in the future.

Shalashaska Out

[Image: screen38.jpg]

End Message

Comm Terminated.


Rheinland Military Message Dump - Locke - 08-16-2007

Transmission to: RM
Comm ID: Lt. Erich Hartmann

Earlier today, I caught two smugglers back to back within 5 minutes of eachother. One was carrying illegal artifacts and the other had cardamine. After a little coercion they both complied with dropping cargos and paid their fines. More and more these smugglers are using ignorance as an excuse, which of course is unacceptable. Obviously there seems to be a resurgence of smuggler activity lately, possibly brought on by inactivity on our part. I shall personally double my efforts. I need to transfer the 4 million credits to Rheinland's reserves whenever possible.*

Forever Vigilant,
Lt. Hartmann out.

-End Transmission-

*((OOC: I really don't want these credits. For some reason it just feels weird to keep them for myself. If anyone in RM needs the money for their RM character, let me know. Otherwise, I'll just transfer the credits to an admiral next time I get the chance.))

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 08-16-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to RM
CommID: Captain Meric Freelamen

Captain Meric Freelamen reporting from Planet New Berlin, seems we have a busy today while on patrols. Earlier in the evening, I was currently the only one on patrol piloting a new Rheinland bomber. When a CSV Smuggler came in to view. Manuel_Mareno was his name, carry Cardimine once again.

After his usual rant on how Cardimine was the joy of life, I engaged him behind Planet New Berlin. Seems this smuggler underestimated my piloting skills. As his CSV was destroyed quickly afterwards. (Owned?)

Just after the death of the smuggler, a Rogue Pirate Destroyer under the name of Agisidi-Vlenidohv came in to orbit and began attacking Rheinland police officials. My Bomber still the only one on patrol engaged this destroyer with a punch. His shields were strong against my nova cannons, but once it dropped. His hull turned in to tin foil. After I final blast from my novas, the pirate was destroyed, just as Dieter and Gunther came on patrol.

After Dieter and Gunther were in orbit. An Outcast Dreadnought came in to range. The 3 of us engaged the target with all force we possessed. His shield took time to drop, his hull even stronger, our shield dropping. But we fought on! Just as his shield went down for the second time, Admiral Hiltraud onboard the Westphalia came in to orbit and engaged the pirate.

His hull was dropping faster then I've ever seen, he knew he could not win. The pirate ran to Hamburg as fast as his engines would take him. We followed. Once in the Hamburg system he devised his way through the asteroid fields and we lost the target as he jumped to Bering.

Rheinland is safe for another night!

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 08-16-2007

Comm: Miles Cadre
Authorization: Commander
Passcode: ******
Passcode Accepted.

Subject: RE Smuggler
Erich, was the one who was hauling artifacts called Atrion_Laan? He has been caught before and now this Merc (Who has broken into our comm, may I add) has caught him again. If he is seen, then I say a 4 mil fine and next time this Atrion hauls any contraband, then a KoS is in order. 2 times he has been caught, 3rd time = KoS.

End Message

Subject: Outcast Dreadnought

This will not be good that he escaped, as now the Outcasts will be perfecting their designs and making a new ship. Something tells me that his showing was only an exercise for their new ship. Never the less, Great work, Captain. Maybe we should get a vote to get you promoted as well, hmmm?

Now for an explaination; To why I have not been seen in Rheinland for a long time is because I have been on Planet Malta for sometime getting information on the Cardimine manufactoring plants, when I stumbled across these designs. I know the designs and current flaws in the blue-prints, but I cant beam you the raw blue-prints since they got destroyed and since I was too far. I learned that they were going to conduct a few 'Exercises' to fix some of the old Dread's design flaws, and I have reason to suspect that this is one of them. The new outcast dready will not be a mere pushover, such as the old overgrown zeppelin.

((Epyon was working on a new Dreaddy for Outcasts, and now theres a RP explaination to why the Outcasts changed design;)And, its my way of explaining why I havent been as active.))

End Message

Comm Terminated

:crazy:Miles Cadre

The life is no exit labyrinth. If so, why was I brought into this life? 403 Forbiddena Northern Lights

Rheinland Military Message Dump - DBoy1612 - 08-16-2007

Run Messaging Program
Run Command "To"
Message to RM
CommID: Captain Meric Freelamen

Just a quick report as I take my break from patrols. Elder.Alexander[TBH] was found at Brandenburg station just a few minutes ago, seems as if he was looking for a fight, My bomber currently the only ship on patrol within New Berlin at the time. The target engaged my bomber with my shields stripped quickly. His continued to rise as I had trouble hitting the Corsair craft. After his shields were dropped and attempts of hits, the Corsair was destroyed.

All for now, back to patrols.

Freelamen out

End Message
Run Command "Send"
Message Sent
Terminate Program

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 08-16-2007

Comm: Miles Cadre
Authorization: Commander
Passcode: ******
Passcode Accepted

Subject: Smugglers...Again

2 Smugglers have been caught in New Berlin today, although one escaped before I could SS him. Their names are Madcrooksy and sneeky. Madcrooksy is fined 6 million credits while since we only have 4 eyewitnesses seeing sneeky, and no ss, I am not sure we can convict him. SS of Mad are attached. The 4 eyewitnesses were a member of BSG, Unit-436, Harper, and myself.

[Image: screen39.jpg]

Oh, and Shalashaska wishes to apologize for breaking into RM frequencies.

End Message

Comm Terminated

:crazy:Miles Cadre

Like the eruption of the infernal Volcano, I want to be mighty, yeah... 403 Forbiddena, Blaze of Life

Rheinland Military Message Dump - Razr - 08-16-2007

Comm ID: Lt.Gunther Rall
Subject: Ignorant people who don't like living

Begin Transmisson......

After many enagements with Thorn, a pilot from an organization known as [TR|AD]. Adrmial Hiltraud has given me to place all [TR|AD] ships under KOS, Thorn should be quiet for a bit as he's in need of a new ship. Don't worry Ma'am I'll have the scrap metal that used to be his ship on your desk tonight, also I have made the much needed changes to my fighter and will be in the shipyards looking at bombers.

This is Gunther Rall signing off!

Transmission ends................

Rheinland Military Message Dump - yurineova - 08-17-2007

Comm: Miles Cadre
Authorization: Commander
Passcode: ******
Passcode Accepted

Subject: Need I say it? MORE smugglers.

Manuel_Moreno Was caught smuggling, refused to drop hold. Was made aware of this smuggler by Shalashaska while I was sleeping. Awoke and engaged, but had trouble dropping his shields. SS included. 4 mil fine.

[Image: screen40.jpg]

Also, Smiley_ was seen in NB with a Pirate ID and corsair tag. After destroying one of his wings and crippling the other, he lost control and burned in the atmosphere of New Berlin. Here is what is left of his ship *Holds a piece of scrap metal*

Nothing else new.

End Message

Comm Terminated

:crazy:Miles Cadre

The only way to put faith in a Pol is to put your faith in your sword and your sword in the Pol! (Pol being Polish.)
^Taras Bulba