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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Printable Version

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Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mercarryn - 03-02-2012


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

COMM ID.................................................Kaitleen Rodriguez, OSI-Eternal.Light

Greetings everybody,

new month, new contract run I'd say. Here is an overview of the transport runs I have accomplished yesterday:
  1. Synth paste from Freeport 9 to Fujisawa, 5.000 units
  2. H-Fuels from Fujisawa to Freeport 5, 5.000 units (Evidence)
  3. Passengers from Freeport 5 to Freeport 9, 5.000 units
  4. Synth paste from Freeport 9 to Fujisawa, 5.000 units
  5. H-Fuels from Fujisawa to Freeport 5, 5.000 units (Evidence)
  6. Passengers from Freeport 5 to Freeport 9, 5.000 units
  7. Synth paste from Freeport 9 to Fujisawa, 5.000 units
  8. H-Fuels from Fujisawa to Tripoli Shipyard, 5.000 units (Evidence)
  9. Synth paste from Freeport 9 to Fujisawa, 5.000 units
  10. H-Fuels from Fujisawa to Tripoli Shipyard, 5.000 units (Evidence)
  11. Pharmaceuticals from Tripoli Shipyard to Freeport 5, 5.000 units (Evidence)
Important situations during trade runs:
None. I got escorted by Katie Roberts on one part of my trading runs for the Black Sails. Besides from that all was fine.

Rodriguez out
Transmission Terminated

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Redirion - 03-09-2012

[Image: laster_trans.png]

Greetings fellow OSI employees,

I have been working on a few shipments.

I started from Freeport 9 with some Synth Paste, brought it to Fujisawa and returned to Omicron Theta with 5000 units of fine H-Fuel.

2500 units have been delivered to Corfu Base: Receipt
the remaining 2500 units went to Freeport 9: Receipt

Just when I completed the H-Fuel shipment to Freeport 9, Mister Dash showed up. He agreed to transfer me to Gran Canario to get to my BWT without moving my Whale from Freeport 9 to it.

After we arrived safely at Gran Canaria, I stuffed my BWT with Deuterium. We set course for California. Reaching California I decided to surprise the Rogues with a bit Deuterium. They seem rather uninterested though.

At Planet Minor we picked up 3500 units FloraGro for Freeport 9. Eventually I paid Mister Dash his shares of the runs. Here is a receipt of the delivery: Receipt

Best regards,
Ned Laster

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - nunchakus - 03-09-2012

[Image: shakir_sec.png]

Its been awhile since Mr. Malikk authorized me for transport duties, here is my trade manifest for today.

Freeport 5 Contract

Food Rations : * * 10,000 units
Oxygen: * * * 15,000 units

Black Sails Contract

Cadiz Food Rations : * * 10,000 units

Leon Food Rations : * 5000 units
Leon Water : * 5,000 units
Leon Oxygen : * 5,000 units

Omicron Theta Contract

Corfu Food Rations : * 5,000 units
Corfu Oxygen: * 5,000 units
Corfu Water: * 5,000 units
Corfu Pharmaceutical : * 1000 units

Freeport 9 Pharmaceutical : * 5,000 units
Freeport 9 Water: * * * 15,000 units
Freeport 9 Oxygen : * * * 15,000 units

Freeport XV Contract

Oxygen : * 5000 units
Water : * 5000 units
Pharmaceutical : * 5000 units

[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mercarryn - 03-11-2012


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

COMM ID.................................................Kaitleen Rodriguez, OSI-Eternal.Light

Dear directors, this is Kaitleen Rodriguez.

Just finished some more transport runs for various active contracts. Below you will find an ovierview:

Black Sails Contract:
  1. 5.000 units of H-Fuels to Cadiz base (Evidence 01)
  2. 15.000 units of H-Fuels to Tripoli shipyard (Evidence 01 ; 02 ; 03)
Freeport XV contract:
  1. 10.000 units of Oxygen (Evidence 01 & 02)
Freeport 5 contract:
  1. 15.000 units of water (Evidence 01; 02 ; 03)
Important situations during trade runs:
None. The flights were not really exciting this time. Just as I like it.

Rodriguez out
Transmission Terminated

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Redirion - 03-15-2012

[Image: laster_trans.png]

This is Ned Laster reporting two runs for task force one four one.

I have been working on a few shipments.

My first receipt is a bit messed up, as I was suprised to see Planet Akabat as a little planet directly hidden behind a big ice planet. My scanners failed to detect it earlier. Fortunately I had was directed by a member of the task force. I am sorry for the inconvenience.

In total delivered: 10000 Synth Paste
Receipts: #1 #1.1 #2

Best regards,
Ned Laster

[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Daedric - 03-17-2012

[Image: crosstrans.png]
This is an advisory notice to all Supply Inc, Transportation Services, and Security Inc vessels - the Cornucopia has completed her move to Omicron-74 and we've begun operating two of Livadia's dry docks. Livadia is now your service location; regular scheduled maintenance and repairs will be conducting there, not at Freeport 14.

I'd also like to remind some of you transport captains that skipping scheduled maintenance is not a wise idea. I know that you aren't making any money with your ship in dry dock, but you aren't making any money when your ship is stranded in an asteroid field either.
[Image: transmissionbottomf.png]

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mercarryn - 03-18-2012


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

COMM ID.................................................Kaitleen Rodriguez, OSI-Eternal.Light

Greetings, ladies and gentlemen, this is Kaitleen Rodriguez.

Yesterday I was able to perfom some more transport runs for our active contracts. Just have a look below:

Freeport XV contract:
  1. 5.000 units of Water (Evidence 01)
Freeport 6 Contract
  1. 5.000 units of Oxygen (Evidence 01)
And as Shinkaku station was only a jump away so to speak I obtained some fertilizers from there for Freeport 9

Freeport 9 and Corfu base contract:
  1. 5.000 units of Fertilizers to Freeport 9 (Evidence 01)
Important situations during trade runs:
During my journey from Tau-29 into the Omicrons I met a Kusari gunboat captain in New Tokyo following me who was rather interested in the fertilizers. Asuming that it seemed to be a pirate I kept on traveling into the Sigmas while I had a rather...interesting chat with this captain.
Seems like he was new to that business so I was able to escape his possible piracy attempt.
* * * *

That should be all for now. I might give Mr. Cross little advice a chance and head to Livadia shipyard for some little maintenance while I am near it.

Rodriguez out
Transmission Terminated

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mercarryn - 03-24-2012


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

COMM ID.................................................Kaitleen Rodriguez, OSI-Eternal.Light

Dear board directors,

as the end of this month is coming nearer and nearer, I thought it made some more hasty supply runs for our customers. I can only say, this kept my zoner whale transport busy. If it goes on like that it will need a bigger refit and maintenance. Anyway, below you will find an overview of todays trade flights:

Black Sails contract:
  1. 10.000 units of Water to Cadiz (Evidence 01; 02)
  2. 10.000 units of Oxygen to Cadiz (Evidence 01; 02)
Freeport 5 Contract
  1. 5.000 units of food rations (Evidence 01)

Important situations during trade runs:
None this time, although the corsairs were performing some sort of tournament in Omega 47. I could not get any further information about it, though.

Rodriguez out
Transmission Terminated

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Mercarryn - 03-25-2012


ENCRYPTION LEVEL..................................LOW

COMM ID.................................................Kaitleen Rodriguez, OSI-Eternal.Light

Ladies and gentlemen,

I was able to do some more supply runs for our customers:

Black Sails contract:
  1. 5.000 units of Consumer goods to Leon (Evidence 01)
  2. 5.000 units of food rations to Leon (Evidence 01)
  3. 10.000 units of Consumer goods to Cadiz (Evidence 01; 02)
  4. 35.000 units of h-fuels to Cadiz (Evidence 01; 02; 03; 04; 05; 06; 07)
Freeport 5 Contract
  1. 7.500 units of Consumer goods (Evidence 01; 02)
Freeport 15 Contract
  1. 5.000 units of h-fuels (Evidence 01)
Important situations during trade runs:
Had a meeting with a Bounty Hunter rookie in Omega-5. To my luck I saw him on scanners before I docked at Cadiz.
Was able to get the h-fuel for Freeport 15 from Freital base. Just when I undocked a Mandalorian Mercenary also undocked, heading to Omicron Gamma and raiding the system again with the help of Rorry's Renegades.
* *

Now if you excuse me, I need to take a rest, it was a long and hard day.

Rodriguez out

Transmission Terminated

Omicron Supply Industries Company Network (iRP)(FO) - Gytrash - 03-31-2012

[Image: fluttershy_trans.png]

More logs...

==Shipping log begin==
Totals shipped;
H-Fuel: 3,000
Pharmaceuticals; 2,000
Delivery Documentation:
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping log begin==
Shipping Location; PLANET AKBAT
Totals shipped;
Aluminium: 3,000
Pharmaceuticals: 1,000
Ship Hull Panels: 500
Delivery Documentation:
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping log begin==
Shipping Location; CADIZ BASE
Totals shipped;
Consumer Goods: 10,000
Delivery Documentation:
[], []
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping log begin==
Shipping Location; TRIPOLI SHIPYARD
Totals shipped;
H-Fuel: 15,000
Delivery Documentation:
[], [], []
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping log begin==
Shipping Location; FREEPORT 6
Totals shipped;
Food Rations; 10,000
Oxygen; 5,000
Water; 10,000
H-Fuel; 5,000
Consumer Goods; 5,000
Pharmaceuticals; 2,000
Engine Components; 3,000
Delivery Documentation:
[], [], [], [], [], [], [], []
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping log begin==
Shipping Location; FREEPORT 9 & CORFU BASE
Totals shipped;
Consumer Goods: 10,000
Delivery Documentation:
[], [], []
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping log begin==
Shipping Location; FREEPORT XV
Totals shipped;
Food Rations; 10,000
Consumer Goods; 7,500
Delivery Documentation:
[], [], [], []
[color=#FFFFFF]==Shipping Log End==

Sorry there isn't more...
[Image: transmission-omicron-bottom.png]