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Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Printable Version

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RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 07-26-2019

[Image: 1OhLyHQ.gif]

To: <"Xeno Alliance communications">
Reg: ""<Kernel error>""


I wasn't wrong, you've got potential to grow. But let's enjoy a small bit of facts, shall we? John White, a man with an ego the size of Interspace's interest rates had his ship crippled by a hatchling. A nobody, a member of a pathetic group of people, at least according to him. Way to rub the salt in his wounds, you've given less than legal establishments across Liberty something to laugh about. And you're alive to boot.

Normally I'd offer a promotion to the rank of Juvenile after having bloodied yourself, but I think kicking John in his white boxes deserves proper recognition. I'm elevating you to the rank of Ripe and you'll find the bartender on the station you just docked at will offer you a round of drinks on the house. You've earned it, Ridgenose.

""Stay hungry""

[Image: XA-Bottom_zps61637453.png]

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 07-28-2019

[Image: 1OhLyHQ.gif]

To: <"Xeno Alliance communications">
Reg: ""<Alberta>""

Alright, listen up.

Effective immediately Serpentis is to treat Alberta as a no-fly-zone, regardless of any reasons to the contrary and until such a time that this order is revoked. The loss of a recent scout and patrol team has been investigated and accredited to increasing volatility of the in-system storm and aggression of local rivals. Given the status of the system as a backwater, this is attrition we simply don't need to be incurring.

Any instances of disregarding this order will be severely punished.

""I'm very serious""

[Image: XA-Bottom_zps61637453.png]

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Nekrotalis - 07-29-2019

[Image: XA_logo.png]
. . . Incoming transmission . . .
. . . Encryption pattern: [H3-M4CH-4TU5] . . .
. . . Starting decryption process . . .
. . . "Rinkhals" detected . . .
. . . Displaying message . . .

[Image: Jog3zjC.jpg]

To: Xeno Alliance communications [Cobra's eyes only]

Subject: "Planet Hallam IMG Operations [Status Update]"

I think you'll be satisfied with the results I got after taking over the talks with the IMG. Seems like they've gathered and already dispatched a survey team for Planet Hallam. We still didn't receive any numbers on how much in terms of supply they need but I guess that's only beneficial to our own ressources. On a side note though, I'd not get suspicious just yet but they're taking their time with sending the first results to us. Probably just a delay due to stuff which goes on in the Omegas but I thought it was deserving of your attention.

That's all for now. Hope ya have a nice day.

Attachments: I

"Nec plura arcana"

. . . Transmission terminated . . .

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Shinju - 07-29-2019


CommID: Nicole Hardy, XA
Location: Ouray, Colorado
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications

Encryption: Skull23 ~ Snake63-44-21-Helium15-43-Omega15-22-29
Subject: A report

Elo boys and girls,

Got an encounter to report. During my patrol in Texas system, I found Rheinlander flying a nasty transport of Kruger| corporation. At first I thought he would run to the mooring fixture while screaming. But to my surprise he didn't. Asked me who am I... Like do we receive questions like too often? Or was this just one of these miracles or stories to be told, huh? I couldn't take him down at the Houston however, so I tried to lure him away and once again to my SURPRISE it did work. I just told him I will escort him, just in case somebody would try to ambush him. Poor boy. In Hudson I revealed myself properly and used my fangs to take down that boy. Just kept mumbling something about nobody remembering him, so before I wanted to land last shot, I tried to tell him I will remember him as my FIRST score. And guess what... He shot himself in the head, before I managed to LAND THAT LAST SHOT... Like what the heck... Destroyed his ship however.

I will for sure remember my first score, damn.


~Hatchling Hardy

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Reeves - 07-30-2019

[Image: 1OhLyHQ.gif]

To: <"Xeno Alliance communications">
Reg: ""<Ladies of Liberty>""

Okay, let me make this quick.

Rinkhals, you've been working hard lately. That kind of effort doesn't go unnoticed, I'm elevating you to Ripe because I need more experienced people in the field capable of leading small-scale operations.

Nicole, a damn shame you didn't get to kill him yourself. It's usually more thrilling when you're the one pulling the trigger. In any case, you've qualified yourself as competent and insidious enough for elevation to Juvenile. You've earned your fangs, Massasauga.

""Get back to work""

[Image: XA-Bottom_zps61637453.png]

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Shinju - 08-09-2019


CommID: Massasauga, XA
Location: Ouray, Colorado
Recipient: Xeno Alliance Communications

Encryption: Skull23 ~ Snake63-44-21-Helium15-43-Omega15-22-29
Subject: A report

Elo boys and girls,

Got yet another fancy encounter to report. I was bored so I decided to visit New York and after a little while I managed to find something uh, confusing, I guess? When I was passing by Norfolk, a ship with Her Majesty's Ship prefix undocked from it. Hell, I thought it's some kind of Bretonian warship, so I kept my distance. However this HMS turned out to be a Junker in one of their pityful frigates. Challenged him, he accepted, he died. Simple as that.



RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Xeno Alliance - 02-05-2020

[Image: XA_logo.png]

This is the Commander's Office, acting at his behest to bestow upon Phantom-33 one of the highest commendations the Alliance is capable of awarding its heroic pilots.

Wind of Change, you stood firm where others would have buckled, shot true where others would have hesitated. And you killed for the cause where others would have died, or worse fled. You are what every person in Liberty should aspire to be. Strong and fearless.

The bartenders on Ouray have already taken to concocting a drink in your honor. Celebrate.

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - AuruemSaber - 02-24-2020

Pilot ID: "Ridgenose"
Location: Ouray Base
Date: 24/02/827

Right today whilst I was flying on patrol with one of the Independent Xenos who went by the call-sign "Kelvin.Heat" when we ran across a Junker Pilgrim Liner that had his cargo hold filled with Cardamine. Naturally we ran it down together and destroyed it. After dealing with that I proceeded back to Ouray in order to take command of the Great Sandy whilst I had Kelvin watch the Cardamine

After we managed to grab what Cardamine that remained. I told Kelvin there was a drink waiting for him on Ouray and once he went on his way I delivered it to the drop-off point for our friendly neighborhood spooks whilst being able to dodge any Navy or Police patrols. Oh and the Sandy and its crew are both back at Ouray in one piece.
Data link: {X}

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - Inferno - 04-04-2020

TARGET: Xenos Alliance Communications
ENCRYPTION: 15-f3762-Delta@wape.lby

. . . . .I keep missing my alarms. I think I might have a condition, but what are the chances of me getting diagnosed? Slim to none.
I showed up to the very end of an engagement with those... Alster Unioners? They were gone when I arrived, so we started moving back to Ouray. As I wasted time harassing the patrols, a foreign asset carrying Artifacts of some variety showed up at the end of the lane. I asked them to hand over everything, since they weren't going to need it. Unfortunately, they were either mute, in a hurry, or exceptionally rude, since the only thing they attempted was to cruise away with inferior Rhienland technology. I would contact ALG to come clean up the mess I made of their asset, but then we'd have to add them to the pile as well.

Sorry for waking up late, I hope this can make up for it.

W. Bell
Ouray Base

RE: Xeno Alliance communications (iRP) (FO) - mm33dd - 04-04-2020

Xeno Alliance Comm. System.
ID: Nathan Redford
Location: Ouray

I've got some news from today's hunt, it was very, very rewarding.
First of all. When in patrolling the California system, I've received a call from a fellow Xeno, ID: "Bark" from NY, he managed to stop a large transport coming from Bretonia. After further interrogation of the suspect, we learned that he was nothing more than a traitor dealing with foreign corporations ... Totally undesirable. He tried to negotiate, but the traitor and his crew were vanquished.
Then still in NY, Bark managed to take care of a LSF bomber, he gave him a chance to go away, but it seems he didn't appreciate his life, and he was wiped out in a blink of an eye.

Sending data << TARGET 1 >>
Hours later, after a drink in Ouray's bar, I headed to trade lanes near the Kepler jump gate. And what a surprise, I caught a fly on my net, A "freelancer" have shown up, he didn't give me a chance to communicate with him, as he immediately opened fire on me, but guess... a single shot from my Yellow Jacket cannon turned their ship into dust.
Sending data <<TARGET 2>>
Now it is time to drink something, and make some repairs to my ship. See you soon.
Redford out.