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RE: Trade Development Blog - HanCloudstone - 10-29-2017

Also related: Imperial Kusari Navy bases don't offer any extra for KNF pilots.
Which is rather inconvenient.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Croft - 11-03-2017

I'd like to propose a few commodity changes to Freeport 2 in order to make it feel more lawless and pirate infested.

Removal of Survey and Research Teams, Recon and Medical Modules/Units, VIP's as commodities - Not something that Pirates would keep around/know how to use/do/want visiting.

And the addition of:
  • Nox for resale, as it is a rarely seen item that doesn't really sell that well beyond Gallia or its neighbours. Having a point to buy & sell in roughly the middle of the sector should attract more smugglers moving through Kusari/Liberty with the option of a quick jaunt into Rheinland for a small earner. Could probably use with a few more places to sell/higher profits to match cardamine in general.

  • Blackmarket Munitions and Light Arms are already bought by Freeport 2 but adding them for resale would be beneficial as they are generally traded across most unlawful bases allowing for great flexibility when creating outgoing routes, and hopefully would be a quick and easy addition.

  • Fugitives being sold to Freeport 2 seems a natural addition, where better to flee the long arm of the law than an utterly lawless base?

Other, slightly more outlandish suggestions include:
  • Nuclear Devices are essentially in the same boat as Blackmarket Muntions & Light Arms in that they already bought at Freeport 2 but have a healthy profit in Gallia, an ideal return for those bringing Nox without creating an A - B - A route such as the Blackmarket items could suffer from.

  • Stolen Goods as a new commodity sold by factions that canonically survive upon piracy such as the Xenos, Gallic Brigands and Independent Pirates. Could be sold to various criminal groups, outlying planets (Sprague, Harris and Hammersee) or as a freighter only commodity.


P.S. The Zoner ID and weapons are still available there too.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Thyrzul - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 04:14 PM)Croft Wrote:
  • Fugitives being sold to Freeport 2 seems a natural addition, where better to flee the long arm of the law than an utterly lawless base?

Allow me to disagree here.

Even the infocard states that the commodity represents civilians fleeing Gallia and Gallic law, not any law. In order to represent this the commodity solely originates from Council and Maquis bases, and ends up in either Roussillon, Liberty or Omega-49 with planets Toulouse, Pittsburg, Houston or Gran Canaria being the main destinations (the only other two non-Gallic non-resale destinations paying above base price are Freepors 6 and 10 with way below optimal profits). Nothing suggests that they would intend to live on "an utterly lawless base".

Unless you vouch for a new commodity with different infocard content, I can not nor would want to see it happening.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Shiki - 11-03-2017

Can we talk about Iridium Ore?

MAIN - Rheinland - New Berlin - Dortmund Station - $9334
MAIN - Omicrons - Omicron-100/Omicron Epsilon - Sicca Shipyard - $8021

Dortmund Station is having ALG IFF which is not dockable for the Core. This is the main ore for our faction and secodary sellpoints are much worse. Can we please put the sellpoint at Planet New Berlin or any other dockable base nearby?

RE: Trade Development Blog - Croft - 11-03-2017

As a counterpoint Thyrzul, theres nothing stating they wouldn't as this highlighted section suggests there may be pirates looking to flee along with civilians:

Fugitives Wrote:Whether fleeing from prosecution under civil or criminal law, or evading capture due to belonging to an outlawed group, Fugitives are subject to summary arrest by the legal authorities. The mass exodus from Gallia by members of The Council is opposed by The Crown, which wants to prevent The Council from establishing another base of operations with a massed population outside Gallia that could relaunch a civil war in the future.

It is not beyond the realm of the possible that they would seek to continue such a life beyond Gallia.

RE: Trade Development Blog - Vulkhard Muller - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 04:14 PM)Croft Wrote: [*]Stolen Goods as a new commodity sold by factions that canonically survive upon piracy such as the Xenos, Gallic Brigands and Independent Pirates. Could be sold to various criminal groups, outlying planets (Sprague, Harris and Hammersee) or as a freighter only commodity.

This I agree with 100%

Always figured a Black market version of Consumer goods would be kinda neat, maybe sold to Junker bases or otherwise a sort of general contraband good.

Another thing I had pondered was the possibility of a commodity call it "Maltese Goods" Where its produced by one faction, Outcasts, and it goes to Outcast Allies bases exclusively not lawful bases and maybe to some OS&C bases so show that the Elite are interested in even this kinda of stuff.

but general contraband for factions like Junkers and such to smuggle I do love, ( which is why I love running BMM and BML it feels more junkery then choosing loyalties between Sairs and OCs

Edit: Can a Moderator please fix this to Vulkhard Muller? I goofed <_<

RE: Trade Development Blog - Thyrzul - 11-03-2017

(11-03-2017, 05:19 PM)Croft Wrote: As a counterpoint Thyrzul, theres nothing stating they wouldn't as this highlighted section suggests there may be pirates looking to flee along with civilians:

Fugitives Wrote:Whether fleeing from prosecution under civil or criminal law, or evading capture due to belonging to an outlawed group, Fugitives are subject to summary arrest by the legal authorities. The mass exodus from Gallia by members of The Council is opposed by The Crown, which wants to prevent The Council from establishing another base of operations with a massed population outside Gallia that could relaunch a civil war in the future.

It is not beyond the realm of the possible that they would seek to continue such a life beyond Gallia.

While the term "outlawed group" can indeed imply pirates, the sell locations of the commodity (Council and Maquis bases) as well as the mention of fleeing Council members (highlighted in white font color in the above quote) still strongly suggests these outlaws are revolutionaries rather than pirates.

I'd also like to point out the last part of the infocard suggesting possible future activities by these fugitives against the current Gallic regime, rather than anyone in particular within or around Bering.

RE: Trade Development Blog - The Sovereign - 11-03-2017

If it would help in anyway, I would gladly whip up an infocard for a more generic outlaws commodity that can be used outside of Gallia for situations like this.

RE: Trade Development Blog - TheShooter36 - 11-05-2017

Hello there, so now Crayter Republic got missions in Tau44. However, nearest GB, Cruiser, Battleship Captain sellpoint is whole 4 systems away that being Coronado and route is long due to obviously going through Taus and Baffin. What are the chances we can have the sellpoint at Minato or Sulawesi, if that is too near perhaps Omicron Tau (Carrier Hades)?

RE: Trade Development Blog - SnakThree - 11-07-2017


I would like to inquire if it is possible to merge "Jump Gate and Trade Lane Parts" and "Docking Ring Parts" into one commodity, named "Ageira Gate/Lane/Ring Parts". This would make it easier for us to trade due to how oddly separate cargo destinations work. Also, it would put the commodity on top of buy-list at Pueblo Station, that might be picked by dirty freelancers and causing bit more opportunities to repossess those precious Whiteboxes™ by Ageira or others.