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Liberty Forces Message dump - Printable Version

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RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Kriss92 - 01-19-2015


COMM ID: Chris Elias
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy High Command
SUBJECT: Returning to the Fleet

Chris Elias reporting for duty! Vacation has ended and i feel that Liberty needs me once more! I even have gotten my hands on a beaten-up, old secondary fleet vessel, but it has potential, and is waiting to be re-issued into the Primary Fleet of the Liberty Navy.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Teerin - 01-19-2015

COMM ID: Admiral Rohj Teerin
TARGET ID: Ensign Chris Elias
SUBJECT: Reinstatement

Mister Elias,

Several people have recently returned to active duty. But even still, I was not expecting this ...

I looked through your old communications reports, and you seem to have been very thorough. You likely won't know many of the current First Fleet officers, given how long ago you signed up. Nevertheless, we'd be glad to have you back.

A lot of regs have changed since you were last active, so you may want to look them all over. See Quartermaster Jensen if you're interested in getting access to some other ships. I have sent you a contact request, using the details you provided in recruitment.

That is all.


Admiral Teerin,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Neo88 - 01-23-2015

COMM ID: Barney.Ross
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy
SUBJECT: Returning to the Fleet

After four years of physical therapy, doctors say that i am good to go. Since the my last patrol where i was attacked by more than fifteen hostiles and got my hands broken trying to get to Mississippi alive. I am feeling more than fine and i am ready to get back in action.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Misfit - 01-25-2015


COMM ID: Cadet Burnet, Frank M.
TARGET ID: Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: Patrol Report

Reporting on my first Navy patrol today, lead by Ensign Emma Lynch.

Our patrol followed an engagement between Ensign Lynch and a Freelancer working with the Liberty Rogues named Scotia'. Ensign Lynch and myself took down the vessel after an extended firefight (Destruction). Patrol commenced when Ensign Lynch suggested we wait for smugglers in the Cortez system. We left New York for the Cortez system, and once we got there we set up a position near the Jump Hole to Coronado. After a while of waiting, and turning around a shipment of scrap metal due to inconsistencies between where he was claiming to be going (Omega-3) and where he was actually heading (Coronado, the opposite direction), I took a good look around the Cortez system and I noticed a reflection coming out of one of the ice clouds in the system. After telling Ensign Lynch that I saw something, we flew over to the base together and found it to be a base-level modular facility, named Oberon Starport. This base (located at my position on this map) does not appear to be registered or show any signs of affiliation, leading me to assume that this installation is illegal and should be either closely watched or dealt with accordingly. After finding this base and not encountering any smugglers in the Cortez system, Ensign Lynch and myself headed back to West Point, New York to turn in after our long day.

Cadet Burnet out.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Kriss92 - 01-26-2015

COMM ID: Ensign Chris Elias
TARGET ID:Liberty Navy Reporting Center
SUBJECT: 25/1/821 A.S.

Chris Elias reporting,

The day started in colorado with escorting a freelancer base construction platform, repair ship and a pilgrim liner escorted by a bunch of other ships out of liberty, just to make sure they were not up to anything illegal, since they said they were going to the Omicrons via kusari. Afterwards a bit of patrolling turned out to be peaceful until LNS-Guerrick called for help with a Xeno pirate transport, who ran to the Ouray base in Colorado [ Guncam-2 ], the transport itself was empty, but still, we do not want those things flying around Liberty. Afterwards, I resumed patrol, and I was already in Texas when I noticed an Avenger flying past me, going New York way. Caught up to the said Avenger , warned the pilot of his violation and left. By then there was another chase coming up, since a Navy officer was reporting a smuggler coming to Texas from California. We caught up with the said smuggler in Texas, by the California jump hole and I escorted the said vessel out_of_Liberty . Then our group of ships noticed a Corsair imperator near planet Houston, which was ordered to leave, but refused to comply so the ship was torn to pieces with the pilot escaping in his escape pod. This incident, i believe, will be covered in other reports. So will the events that took place later. After i had resumed patrol for a while, reports started coming in about an Outcast convoy approaching new york, plus an outcast battleship was sighted near Norfolk, but as there were no battleship-slaying strikecraft available at that time, I just followed the said battleship, feeding our coordinates to the others, but, as it turned out, the battleship was just a decoy and the whole convoy had made it through new york (the battleship itself used some kind of hyperspace tech i had never seen before), so we proceeded to pursue the convoy in Texas. After a while of guessing and trying to find the said outcasts, we finally stumbled upon one ship that belonged to the outcast 101st fleet, soon joined by another one, and shortly after that another outcast fighter joined them, only this was not of the 101st origin. Soon a fight emerged, but the outcasts stand no chance against the best pilots the Navy has to offer, so soon they were reduced to flying their escape pods. Afterwards, patrol was resumed again, and two strange moving Salvage Frigates were spotted near Houston, but after routine intoxication checks, which turned out to be clean, both ships were allowed to proceed with their route. That's about it.

Chris Elias,


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Misfit - 01-27-2015

COMM ID: Cadet Burnet, Frank M.
TARGET ID: Naval Primary Fleet Promotion Board
SUBJECT: Promotion

Good evening,

As a Cadet in the Navy it is my first priority to of course complete training as a Cadet so that I may move up the ranks to have more of an influence in the Navy and see more good done in Liberty because of my actions, so it is with great joy that I come to the Promotion Board with the news that I have completed the mandatory 4 hours of supervised training flight in my BDR-804, making me eligible for promotion to the rank of Ensign.

My training scores have been exemplary, and I hope that my superiors that have supervised me in fight have seen that I have what it takes to excel.


Cadet Burnet,
Liberty Navy First Fleet.


RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Duphy101 - 01-28-2015

COMM ID: Cadet. Aria Coburn
TARGET ID: Naval Primary Fleet

First patrol was with an LPI officer and Ens. Frank Burnet, we escorted the LPI officer to Sugarland prison in the Texas system so he could drop off some criminals in his hold. Myself and the LPI Officer then proceeded to California after the officer got a report of a slaver ship in the california system.. we spotted said slaver ship outside california Minor.. he refused to transfer the slaves in his hold to authorities.. in an attempt to escape myself and the LPI officer.. we were forced to take out his ship.. sadly my guncam was malfunction at the time.. so no pictures were taken of the incident.

Cadet. Aria Coburn

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Duphy101 - 01-28-2015

COMM ID: Cadet. Aria Coburn
TARGET ID: Naval Primary Fleet
SUBJECT: Xeno base report.

Early this morning the Battleship Yukon got a transmission regarding a possible xeno base operating in the gas cloud in the texas system. Since i was about to depart the Yukon to head back to Norfolk shipyard after minor repairs to my ship were completed. The commander of the Battleship felt a small detour on my part would be in order to confirm or deny the existance of said base.

However.. after moving through the cloud i was able to confirm the existance of that base in question.

The Guncam shot was not the best i will admit.. but it does prove the existance of said base along with weapon platforms.. i was able to evade the fire from the base.. the Radiation from the gas cloud has damaged my ship slightly however. I have taken my fighter to Battleship Mississippi to conduct repairs and perform a clense of the radiation from the cloud.

Cadet. Aria Coburn.

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Duphy101 - 01-28-2015

(fixed double post)

RE: Liberty Forces Message dump - Lord Caedus - 01-31-2015


COMM ID: Vice Admiral Michael Morse
TARGET ID: Barney Ross
SUBJECT: Reinstatement

Mister Ross,

Having received your report, the Admiralty has agreed to reinstate you into the Primary Fleet at the rank of Ensign. We expect you to report to West Point within twenty-four (24) hours for your final pre-combat flight checks. We have high expectations out of returning pilots, make sure we aren't disappointed.


Vice Admiral Michael Morse
Liberty Navy First Fleet.

Important: This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.