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Traders/And using more computers - f2k - 05-15-2006

Xit, youre looking in the wrong place. This is the rule I was referring to:

Quote:2.4 Discovery is a roleplaying server. Factions and faction members are obliged to act in the way their reputation and status require. Players with unappropriate reputation, for example, members of pirate faction who are friendly with Navy and Police, must be expelled from faction; if they stay, they are considered traitors and may be attacked at will.

My U.G.T trader is fiercely hostile towards all pirate factions. Therefore, any player friendly with the pirates should be red on my HUD. Well, in theory at least

Traders/And using more computers - xit - 05-15-2006

Well, duh, sorry. Me bad. :rolleyes:

And true enough, people should have the right alignement depending on their faction. Whether or not they show up right in your hud, well that's a different matter all together...

Traders/And using more computers - Wolfpack98 - 05-15-2006

Guys.. simple rule of thumb.

Stop going by what color they show up in your HUD. if it's a player, go by their FACTION TAG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Saves you trouble, and avoids a lot of incidents.

Traders/And using more computers - Korrd - 05-15-2006

First. No one insulted you. So watch your tongue.

Second, this is not "eden" server. I mean, everybody can fire on everybody. If im playing a Terrorist char as is my phantom char, i must role play. That is writen on the rules.

Now, if what you think about playing here is that you left your ship flying arround while you are reading a book or having dinner... well, you are in the wrong server.
When im flying arround i pay attention to the location of others, specially while im trading. Many times i had to use evasive routes to avoid groups of pirates. So far, i was caught only once, but i was able to flee to a station where i had a bomber and used it to pwn the pirates.

If you want extra protection while trading, pay to some merc to watch over you. That way the ones who RP mercs have fun too and you can stop worrying about being blown to dust. And dont tell me that you are broke. No player who flies a trader is broke.

Also, i wont go hunting for anyone. What i said was that if i find a player on server which shows red on my hud, i will attack him. But nowadays, no one respects the reputation system. Im sick of seeing traders / lawful chars which are friendly to all pirates. OR pirates friendly to houses. Like the -=?=- were.
So, given that im terrorist when roleplaying Phantom, i will fire on people with house tags, trading ships, or any tag-determined lawful players.

The same way, when im on a lawful char i open fire on all unlawful players i came across. i also respond to any distress call i get.

Don't Worry. My pirate char, Blackbeard, is REALLY hostile towards all house factions / corporations. And very friendly towards pirates. You should see me red in the HUD, unless you are friendly with some pirates.

Traders/And using more computers - Dab - 05-15-2006

Pirates and Terrorists don't rule everything on here. Technically Igiss and Wolf do, but when it comes between players the house and large factions rule. You won't meet many pirates who would lightly get a deathmark from Phantom, RM, or AW.

Traders/And using more computers - marauder - 05-15-2006

JnD,May 15 2006, 01:46 PM Wrote:1.  Rep rules can be enforced... Server rules 2.4, even though it's only for Faction affiliated characters, if u see a pirate faction character not getting chased around by the local police or BH, take a screenshot and post a complaint... (Keep in mind some pirate factions are not hostile to all houses)

Like I said it's not enforcable because if you get shot at your gonna be more interested, not to mention busy, trying to dodge and survive then trying to take a screenshot.

Especially if the guy doing the firing is in a battleship. If your lucky you can survive long enough to start trying to dodge, if not you'll be dead and be unable to get a screenshot.

I think igiss and wolf have more then enough stuff to do for us as it is without heaping more work up for them.

Traders/And using more computers - Wolfpack98 - 05-16-2006

JnD,May 15 2006, 07:46 AM Wrote:1.  Rep rules can be enforced... Server rules 2.4, even though it's only for Faction affiliated characters, if u see a pirate faction character not getting chased around by the local police or BH, take a screenshot and post a complaint... (Keep in mind some pirate factions are not hostile to all houses)

Actually, I have to ask.

It's near impossible for a "perfect" factionaffiliation, so why are we even discussing this?

Enforcing such a rule is quite problematic. And frankly, I don't need a bigger headache than this.

It's *NOT* enforceable, man. never was. Igiss and I bothagreed on that. I have pirate character that is hated by three of the four main houses Rheinland for some stupid reason loves me... and Liberty/Bretonnia/Kusari all hate me. heh.

As far as pirates go..

1) They *MUST* warn you. No other exceptions. otherwise it's a terrorist act

2) Can we enforce #1? no.

3) *ALL* traders, regardless of affiliation accept the risks of being pirated by other members. Sorry. NO ifs, ands or buts about it.

Traders/And using more computers - Fellow Hoodlum - 05-16-2006

So we are back to where we started ... which was fine in the first place.
Wolf you are right about affiliation, Both my pirate and my terrorist chars are green
with all the bad guys and are hated by all the good guys .... And still I come up
white on everybody elses hud. Not much more I can do.
Is it a game quirk, or is it impossible to get a really bad rep with every one, or do
you have to just kill BHs and Zoners until the cows come home.
I still havn't managed to get an Outcast rep on my pirate char, very frustrating....

Hoodlum :cool:

Traders/And using more computers - marauder - 05-16-2006

Like I said preveriously, if an un-tagged trader asked me to leave them alone I WILL.

Otherwise (sorry) your a big, fat, clumsy target.

It's hard for pirates and terrorists to show up as red on your HUD's when several traders have, at the very least, a neutral rep with the corsairs or the outcasts and sometimes a neutral rep with ALL the big pirate factions.

This is because they don't want to get destroyed by and lose cargo to NPC pirates. That and the fact that most of the few good / high profit routes go through the outcasts and the corsairs stomping grounds.

My TG trader is hated by most, if not all, pirate factions and I still trade with him because there are other route to use.

Practically every trader I see on the server uses the NY - Delta run.

Traders/And using more computers - Korrd - 05-16-2006

That is the problem. Most trader have neutral reps with the major pirate factions. That why most traders appear white in your HUD.

If only we can make trading an activity that annoys pirate factions... :P