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Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Printable Version

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RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Scumbag - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:20 PM)Lythrilux Wrote: you know, you and your friends may be the solution to gallia we've been wanting all along.

And they are here exactly at the right time, with GRN disbanding and a new game update coming up. Discovery 4.87 could be awseome in so many ways if Galia received a boost like that.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Quote:It's not the building of capships that causes so many to be considered Rogue, it's how they behave while using those ships.

If you want to create an independent fleet, you're free to do so, but I would highly recommend cooperating with the [LN] and other independent groups like SFC| when we're out and about in game.

People in those groups can show you guys the ropes of Disco and help you get used to how things work.

I look forward to seeing you around.

Additionally though yes, I'd recommend looking into places like Gallia or Kusari, since they're who need activity and life breathed into them the most.

Would you mind responding to Lucas's request rp wise? It would be nice to have a rp reason to go to Galia, without just lolling over there with 30 or so ships.

Give more legitimacy to it.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - belarusich - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:38 PM)LucasDarkhaven Wrote:
Quote:It's not the building of capships that causes so many to be considered Rogue, it's how they behave while using those ships.

If you want to create an independent fleet, you're free to do so, but I would highly recommend cooperating with the [LN] and other independent groups like SFC| when we're out and about in game.

People in those groups can show you guys the ropes of Disco and help you get used to how things work.

I look forward to seeing you around.

Additionally though yes, I'd recommend looking into places like Gallia or Kusari, since they're who need activity and life breathed into them the most.

Would you mind responding to Lucas's request rp wise? It would be nice to have a rp reason to go to Galia, without just lolling over there with 30 or so ships.

Give more legitimacy to it.

You want to get response from LN which will force you to go to their enemy?

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

I personally don't want anything. Essentially Lucas's character is pissed of harassment of the Rhineland Military on his trade conveys, so he wants permission from Liberty Navy to build a strike force. Liberty Navy seems all about the rules, and it doesn't seem likely they will give authority to some rich, smooth talking free lancer to build a fleet of cap ships, gunboats, and fighters to invade Rhineland space.

Its all about rp, if they approve likely he will do just that, if they disprove he might go to galia, it all depends how the rp goes.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Stolt. - 06-21-2013

Just a word of advice new guy + your 50 friends,

You should search up in the forums about metagaming/powergaming + ganking. These are things you may not want to do.

I'll explain ganking a little, its basically when you outnumber or outgun your opponent hence creating an unfair fight. Personally, I don't mind being ganked since I suck at PVP anyways so it doesn't really matter to me, but for some people it ruins their gameplay experience and they look down upon it very much. So whenever you're getting into a fight, keep the ratio roughly 1:1 and keep it fair (so like, don't get a battleship to take down a fighter, coz thats outgunning the enemy, but two fighters against two fighters is perfectly fine).

There is a faction right now that will not be named who are metagaming very much. Their reputation has pretty much been destroyed unfortunately. It would be a shame to see your 50+ folks go through the same fate.

You may also want give us your skype names, we could add you to the discovery help chat where we'll do our best to help you answer your questions. I was just added to it today and I wish I'd been added to it a month ago. As a returning player, I had so many questions to ask after all these years!

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Well if we are all in the same faction and within the same few systems it wouldn't be considered metagaming would it? Most ships have communication devices don't they? And in a military confrontation numbers mean something, that being said we are all relatively new, so it shouldn't be hard to take us out if a confrontation comes about.

That being said our clan is all about fair play and promoting a positive gaming experience and any information you could give me would be greatly appreciated.

Our clan uses xfire and team speak. We could all download Skype if that's what people around here use.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - belarusich - 06-21-2013

(06-21-2013, 07:46 PM)Stolt. Wrote: There is a faction right now that will not be named who are metagaming very much. Their reputation has pretty much been destroyed unfortunately. It would be a shame to see your 50+ folks go through the same fate.

Yay! Which? Whisper me, because i am really dont know about such factions...

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Anaximander - 06-21-2013

Well the things is, Disco tries to mimic real life government and military structure, i.e. in roleplay it will be next to impossible for a wealthy entrepreneur to assume command or even gain indirect control over naval vessels. Neither in Liberty, nor in Gallia. In roleplay all the houses have megacorporations that are far richer than any 1 individual in the game, and even those are left out of the chain of command.

As a rich Freelancer all you can really do, except from trying to bribe Naval commanders to aid your cause, is make an army of mercs using FL ID's and associated tech, which excludes capital class ships I am afraid.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - Scumbag - 06-21-2013

Galia ganking would be rp, but i agree with you Stolt on metagaming and skype.
Also for fun you could get nomads for raiding the Omicrons, those are also ganks that are role play and nobody should complain about.
The only way for newer players to win is by ganking, i have seen pros win 4 vs 1 fights anyway.

RE: Is Liberty Navy Still active? - LucasDarkhaven - 06-21-2013

Well in real life government military contractors are the ones creating this technology. In real life people can be bribed, military secrets stolen, and wealthy individuals can place themselves up on enormous positions of power and influence, even to the point of buying a pres. election.

In real life money greases wheels. Those caps ships are built by workers. Are those workers paid well? There are a whole list and reasons of how a rich individual supported by several other rich individuals can gain power. Look at all the military and financial coupes going on in the world right now.

Interesting point, but I disagree with your logic.