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A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - Teknikal - 07-09-2008

Any gunboat can kill a transport without any danger it's all about the weapon ranges you just don't need anything bigger.
Container Transports can possibly kill a Gunboat but only if the gunboat pilot is inexperienced enough and stays pretty still in it's range.

But if lawfuls can do it for RP reasons why shouldn't pirates be able to. Id prefer neither but either way it should be equal.

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - bearlee89 - 07-09-2008

Oh dang, I meant to vote -depends on the situation-!

Pretty much, it should stay the way it is, and if anyone gets sanctioned for it, or thinks their about to, have them come post on the forums and explain the entire situation and let the admins deam wether it be a valid excuse or not with an unbiased opinion. Plain and simple, avoids anything being abused.

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - blubba - 07-09-2008

I voted yes but I would like to say that this may be open to a little malpractice.
I only say 'may' and I would like to think that this would not be the case, but...

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - mwerte - 07-09-2008


there are too many "gray areas" with pirating as it is. we don't need more rules, because with more rules there are more loopholes.

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - AdamantineFist - 07-09-2008

Haven't really read what anyone other than Laowai posted, but if the new ID proposals go through, the Corsairs get a sort of "Corsair Military ID" with their new Guard ID. This will be the only one allowing cruisers and battleships, and will allow the interdiction of contraband. A similar one would be put in place for the Outcasts.

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - bluntpencil2001 - 07-09-2008

Laowai has a good point well said here. Another definite 'yes' here.:)

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - RingoW - 07-09-2008

Voted no, because it would enforce the already existing arms race even more.

As far as Laowai has told, the Corsair player did not comit piracy, so this rule does not come to effect.
The action of the Corsair player was covered by another rule:

Quote:6.6 PvP combat is allowed only on roleplay basis. The pilot who is attacking must scan for an ID prior to the attack. Relying on general reputation status (red/neutral/green) without scanning for the ID is not allowed.

If all this fits with the basic actions, leading to the sanction report, the sanction should be suspended.
Of course, it depends on the behaviour of the participants.

Just my opinion

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - DarthCloakedGuy - 07-10-2008

Angel of Mercy, please tell me you're joking. The Admins frequently ban people for violating the letter of the law when their actions follow its spirit. Just look in the sanctions threads, I can point out several very harsh but entirely unnecessary sanctions.

As is, several entirely stupid rules exist now, the capship-piracy restriction being one of them. Any trader in a Container Transport can murder anything short of Gunboats or the toughest bombers, and if a group of traders fly together, you need a capital ship to stop them.

Besides, if an outlaw has a capital ship, he's gonna use it. He's not going to IRP ignore a juicy cargo shipment right across his nose for any reason. A pirate won't stop pirating just because he's got a ship that can beat a Container Transport in a one-on-one. It's going to make him bolder.

As is, Traders are using the piracy limitation as an OoRP shield.

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - Capt. Henry Morgan - 07-10-2008

' Wrote:military and warships going after smugglers is an oddity that is ... although allowed - not really very good RP in most cases.

Not good RP? You sure about that? Historically, Military ships have been used to prevent contraband from reaching friendly shores. One example that immediatly springs to mind was the US Navy's African Squadron, which interdicted the trans-atlantic slave trade in the years leading up to the American Civil War. In our modern times, the Navy is still the one dealing with pirates. In the US, the Coast Guard deals with smugglers, and they're a branch of the military. Viewed in that light, it's not so OoRP for military ships to be interdicting smugglers. At least that's how I feel about it...

Back on topic, though, I voted Yes. I do believe that Outcasts and Corsairs should enjoy the same rights as lawfuls to enforce their laws. Denying them that right creates a double-standard, which really isn't fair for anyone.

A Rule Ammendment - a poll with a point :) - ScornStar - 07-10-2008

I voted yes.

I care nothing for the "You don't need anything bigger than a Bomber to pirate." arguement.

You dont need anything more than two bombers to kill; ABSOLUTELY ANYTHING, on this server.

The other thing just because a Gunboat is sufficient for a trade vessel, doesn't mean its sufficient for the criuser escort that comes with it.

If anything smart pirates would show up with overwhelming force and absolutely no sportsmanship. Applying intimadation with both guns and words.

If anything a trader is better able to escape a Criuser than a bomber under any curcumstance other than, jumping into a system right on top of one.

1 a trade ship moves just as fast as a gunboat and up.

2 Criusers being bigger in size but nothing to speak of in mass are m ore likely to get "messed up" persueing a Train into a asteriod field, than a bomber who can thrust faster and move through a asteriod field easier.

3 Capital ship thrust is same speed as traders, meaning you CANNOT catch up in if both pilots are equal, with out breaking a reengagement rule.

4 Caps cannot kill any trade vessel as fast as two bombers. In addition to caps being a bigger target.

5 In some cases trade vessels are able to down gunboats. For example the miner vs a gunboat. 10 lvl 4 turrets do more damage then 6-8 order gunboat turrets. The trade vessels are also able to regen 3-5 times which is at least 1 or 2 more times than a capital ship.

6 Capital ships have more room for cargo and prisoners as opposed to bomber. What can they do other then the "server form of piracy" were they take only a little bit of credits. Takeing tankers to be on stand by is just haveing a capital ship with less guns and armor on standby burning the same amount of fuel.

In fact it seems more in Rp to not allow strike craft(bombers/fighter) to pirate out of sensor range of a planet, trade lane, station, or capital ship near by to launch them. Fighters werent designed for long hauls. Thats way there is minimul to no lifesupport systems with in fighter craft and the pilots wear flight suits.
It not just so they can sport thier gang colors.

Buff caps or remove the nerfs. As for the double standard. I think the tendency to place every faction on this server in either the "lawful" or "unlawful" box. Is very limiting and more harmful to everyones RP.
Nothing is black and white. Lawful is realative. In Corsair space the Corsairs are lawful. Lawful of thier own laws. While the RM would be considered unlawful. The reverse is true as well.

Law is realtive. If I have a AR-15 semi automatic I am still a lawful citizen but how many countries would I be prosecuted with extreme prejudice.

I understand Xorias ruleing on that but, I think checking back on presence. The "lawfuls" or maybe we should call them "locals" are allowed to blast offensive trade vessels to smitherines in the best interest of thier planets.

Anyway, done ranting. Sleepy. Yes free caps from the ooRP bindings and let the fighter eliteist go the take the back seat to practical thinking.

Practical thinking = real life. (most times)