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BHG Discussion thread - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-13-2008

Another post to give the factions more meaning with each other.

BHG Discussion thread - Raekur - 07-13-2008

Maybe instead of the Unknown sector a BH base could be put into Omicron Lost since it only links to Delta.

BHG Discussion thread - Dopamino - 07-13-2008

Bases won't work out there. What will work, is dockable battleships. Put a few out there and everything will fit perfectly.

BHG Discussion thread - Robert.Fitzgerald - 07-13-2008

A dockable Core Battleship would be great. It could be the supply outpost for Core fighter craft in either Omicron Delta or Lost. Maybe the infocard could include something about it's ability to avoid Corsair/Order attacks? Like any base out in the Omicrons, a Battleship would be an easy target for a squadron of heavy bombers.

BHG Discussion thread - Kuraine - 07-13-2008

Hi all, just poking my head into here at the request of Sov. I did have a thought regarding the BHG Core. I thought perhaps they could have a BH base being constructed in the field that contains the Omicron Lost jumphole, say around 20k west of that jumphole on the edges of the field, in the north of the system and not far from the Omicron Iota jumphole.

There are Liberty navy patrols throughout that entire field as well, so its not unreasonable that the liberty navy (using their NPCs as a pretext XD) could be assisting the bounty hunters with defence. The base would be dockable but still look like it is under construction, and have a stationary dockable BH battleship next to it for defence. It would be "guarding" the route down to the Freeports etc and act as a staging point to attack the Nomads, while also being out of the way enough that the Corsairs and Outcasts would have some difficulty mounting any serious assault.

Just an idea, but if anyone thinks it might be worthwhile, I could see about trying to get someone to put the bases in for the next mod update.

EDIT: Oh and the bases would be affiliated with the BH Guard, so they wouldn't be available to just anyone, and the BH Guild Core ID would be sold there.

BHG Discussion thread - Colonel Z.e.r.o. - 07-13-2008

[Image: CHEAgif.gif]

BHG Discussion thread - n00bl3t - 07-13-2008

' Wrote:We don't actually use the mic function of skype... just the IM function.


As for your BC nooblet, NCCs are unnecessary, there is no naming convention. Not a faction, like I said. A well played BC will do wonders to help show what they're for (war in the outer systems), if you keep a log I would love a link. If you don't, please start and we'll direct people to it as an example.

It would be nice if you started a fighter too, though, since we won't have capital ships doing bounties, I would pay for it myself but, eh, I'm a bit poor... very poor, actually, right now my largest ship is a Barghest (not too small to be sure, but still).

Thanks for the support, everyone.

I would keep a log, but I'm currently working on another log now that Rafael Taveras is almost finished.

I'm keeping the BC for someone else. I just thought I'd join up and perhaps RP in it for a bit.

No real interest in BH.

BHG Discussion thread - Jinx - 07-13-2008

there is still the question "how difficult is it to setup a base". - how much time is involved - how much material. is it more expensive than a battleship? - and will it be possible to haul the materials there.

lets look at the construction sites... - the tau tradelane has taken decades to complete. the corsairs have tried to construct biodomes for centuries. ( while at the same time building a fleet of warships )

can a battleship replace a base? - we know the sizes are messed up, so i d guess that a base, any base, is like MUCH bigger than a battleship.

and btw. there is only water minable in delta and unrefined minerals from the rocks ( so building materials would have to go a long - and dangerous way ) - i guess. about building in omicron lost. - well, the guild would know about the incident with the freeport. - the nomads blew it up ... . ( even if there are no NPCs in lost )

in terms of roleplay, omicron lost could be as much a restricted place as alaska or the debris field in texas where the order and the zoners investigate the remains of the freeport. - with the exception that really no one goes there, cause there is nothing in there and its a dead end system.

BHG Discussion thread - Athenian - 07-13-2008

Perhaps make Manta fighter and bomber available at the base, wherever it is...

BHG Discussion thread - Jinx - 07-13-2008

i think there is a natural fear to add any permanent installation ( no matter if its a base or a battleship ) to delta or the omicrons. - once there is a base, players claim space around it. - once there is a base, the faction is unlikely to be "removed" from the system and its claim over the space they are in increases greatly.

so - if a base was added in delta / lost, the BHG would really have a bridgehead there. - furthermore, if anti-nomad missions were introduced, too - the whole place would be swarming with BHGs as it would be considered their "home" place for their warfleet.

while that holds a lot of RP opportunities, it can also lead to a lot of unhappyness. a BHG battleship with its stationary guns might rip anyone apart ( as most stationary battleships do ) - the corsairs would face a much increased rate of attacks on their installations and the order would loose a lot of ground there. ( the BHG faction is simply overwhelming when its compared to the order )

a base in delta might make sense ( or a battleship ) - but the price we pay is yet unpredictable. right now, the BHG are guests and behave like guests there. once they have a base, they ll behave like masters.

in RP though.. if the guild seriously wanted to build a base there, they would prolly focus their attention towards the project - and there is little to stop them. they could most probably easily move a good part of their fleet there for the protection and - as a faction that is experienced escorting traders, they will make sure the materials find their destination.