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RE: ZA: End war talk - Omicron - 08-23-2013

I wont bother in this thread anymore afterwards this post.

Bases dont protect you, they attract people that will beat the hell out of you.

The Order wont bend over to bunch of Zoners. If you have not learned it in your existance in O-74, we are all happy to carry on with blue messaging your capital ships over and over.

You are not going to be left alone given you stand on a highway. You chose a wrong system to settle given your priorities and face consequences of your inability to follow local faction's directions.

RE: ZA: End war talk - UK1 - 08-23-2013

(08-23-2013, 12:29 AM)Shizune Wrote:
(08-23-2013, 12:27 AM)UK1 Wrote: Further more the ZA was created by myself and member falcon.
I myself have never been or visited that USA server you speak off.
I can't speak for falcon but I'm guessing the answer would be the same

Still Mow why is it that hard for you to part ways with the defenses? really whats in it for the ZA?

Ever group or faction here has the right to arms and defense is the only reason for us Zoners...

A lot of effort was put into locating and building those installations for the soul purpose of defending the omicron 74 system from the nomads and if needs be
people like Galanski and there war mongering ways.

To disarm would only be falling right into there hands and leave the place defenseless.
We the Za are not stupid if we remove our defense system the order will just roll its fleet in and attempt to tear down our stations and homes...
It ain't gonna happen my friend...
As i live and breath the order will not conquer the O-74 system....

RE: ZA: End war talk - Hell Hunter - 08-23-2013

Joke is, you haven't got anything to defend omicron 74 from.
Also turrets have a 5k radius from the base, and the bases dont need to be that close to jumphole (<1k ~)

RE: ZA: End war talk - UK1 - 08-23-2013

(08-23-2013, 12:34 AM)Omicron Wrote: I wont bother in this thread anymore afterwards this post.

Bases dont protect you, they attract people that will beat the hell out of you.

The Order wont bend over to bunch of Zoners. If you have not learned it in your existance in O-74, we are all happy to carry on with blue messaging your capital ships over and over.

You are not going to be left alone given you stand on a highway. You chose a wrong system to settle given your priorities and face consequences of your inability to follow local faction's directions.

Your just making my case stronger and stronger...
Anyone reading this can plainly see that galanski is not willing to make any kind
of half way agreement here.
As it was just pointed out earlyer in this tread but this time it applies to him...
Its either his way or the highway it seems.

RE: ZA: End war talk - UK1 - 08-23-2013

(08-23-2013, 12:46 AM)Hell Hunter Wrote: Joke is, you haven't got anything to defend omicron 74 from.
Also turrets have a 5k radius from the base, and the bases dont need to be that close to jumphole (<1k ~)

If you've been around long enough you might just remember the nomad assaults on the O-74 system.
It wasn't a a joke back then when there little blue ships started streaming into the system.
More followed and did we see any sign of the order helping.
The answer your looking for is no.
In fact in all truth many of our own people posted help requests from all over siruis.
We had people coming in from all over the place to help out...

RE: ZA: End war talk - tothebonezone - 08-23-2013

Quote:The Omicron 74 Zoner Guard system belongs to its people...
No one faction controls this space.

Hey by the way, your single faction controls O-74.

Hypocrisy is cause for being sent to the second lowest ring of hell by the way.

Also you're hilarious.

RE: ZA: End war talk - AlphaWolf215 - 08-23-2013

Okay. Shizune is stepping back here. I now speak on behalf of the Solar Runners in terms of this end conflict talks.

I will reply to Mows last post now, and do a run down of all answers tomorrow (my time that is. Not helpful i know...) that way you get a better understanding of what we are trying to say.

You tell us you wish the bases stay to protect the system from
Nomads. I have two points to raise concerning this. Firstly, before the ZA exsisted, before the bases where little more than a twinkle in your eyes, Omicron 74 was safer than it ever has been under the Alliances protection. It was quiet, a trade highway, and under the protection of Zoner players, and the Order faction in the event of a nomad sighting. I know you dislike them, it is clear from your posts. But they aren't the evil monsters you would believe. This all stems from finding Nomad remains in your base which was left open to anyone who docked, and found in the equipment vendor. That is the past, but the start of hostilities. I know this. I watched, and discussed with him.

The second point about your stations, is your actions administrating them. It appears to most, if not all, watching you, that as soon as something happens that you don't like, or happens against you, inRP or out, you instantly lock the system and point at Golanski. You lock down a system that you yourself admit in your own signature "no one faction controls this space", and I agree to some extent. But it is rather two that do. Phoenix, as administrators of Livadia, and OSI, as the Freeport administrators. They don't "own" the system, of course not. But they have the most claim to what goes on with it, and as such, are the ones you should ask about locking down the system.

Once again, to leave the system without bases would not leave it defencless. You have clearly demonstrated you can supply bases well around the clock, why not do that as the player presence and defend the system yourselves? Maybe this is just the ramblings of a nobody...

Once again, as evil as Golanski can be, he doesn't want Omicron 74. He actually respects the control of the system by the Phoenix and OSI groups. Why does he need Omicron 74, when he has all of Order space as his own? But again. Ramblings of a random guy.

You also seem to have a problem with the Order enforcing their rules in the Omicrons. You do realise they are the leading influence in humanity's protection from the nomads? They have restricted the nomad remain limit across Sirius, not just the Omicrons. No Zoners have a problem with that, none at all. They will only enforce nomad rules in 74, as agreed upon with Phoenix (not sure on OSI in that one). Only the alliance has a problem with this, when all you had to do was ask politely, "please can we carry more for X reason". He doesn't always bite...

Anyways. My ramblings as a half asleep man, I hope you can make some sense of them. I will write properly for you in the evening.


RE: ZA: End war talk - UK1 - 08-23-2013

Ok heres another suggestion as far as lowering fire power.

I'll offer this also as a good will gesture.
4 out of the six weapons platforms currently on display can be hidden but not removed.
This would make it appear as if they were gone.
Displaying on 2 out of the 6 in plain sight.
It is possible without actually removing the others and will act just like dis-arming the station.
To which not only withdrawing our defenses from the jump whole back to the stations.
But also making them look less hostile and threatening without actually tearing anything down.
To which only if needed the dormant 4 weapon system could be reactivated and re positioned only if needed.
Say from a station attack and then and only then the station will deploy its extra reserve dormant defenses to help
protect to station.
After which any threat is removed the extra weapon platforms we and can be withdraw once again.

Now that's two offers on the table.
A:- A complete weapons platform withdraw and neutral stance set
B:- All what others deem to be un-necessary extra defenses withdraw from use until needed for defense purposes only.

I'm a reasonable person really...

As for the lock downs were sorry if a number of other people had there noises put out of place by us locking the place down
without consulting them first.
But at the time it seemed a necessary means to keep the wolf from the door...

I can if this has any weight promise not to do such a thing in the future with out first consulting the other zoners that live within the system.
But if one was quit frank and honest ever sinse the base hunters destroyed the lavadia palace we haven't seen anyone from the phoenix or anyone else who has a claim to any fixed point within the system may that be npc/POB or mobile bases

RE: ZA: End war talk - tothebonezone - 08-23-2013

(08-23-2013, 01:08 AM)AlphaWolf215 Wrote: Once again, to leave the system without bases would not leave it defencless. You have clearly demonstrated you can supply bases well around the clock, why not do that as the player presence and defend the system yourselves?

The funny part is where I haven't seen a single ZA online since bases disappeared.

They can't provide player presence because they don't have 3 fully upgraded bases to run and hide at.

RE: ZA: End war talk - AlphaWolf215 - 08-23-2013

I also ask everyone refrain from posting for a while please. I'll ask for your input once I have some work done. Thank you all.