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Zoner IDs - n00bl3t - 07-18-2008

' Wrote:Brings up a few good issues.

Zoners out in the middle of no were who get piratedare out in the middle of no were. Sure it sucks but I doubt the entire Zoner Empire is going to clamp down on the culprit; if anyone can even figure out for sure who the culprit is.

In my opinion all Zoners already know this. They are Zoners. Independent, antisocial, wandering hermits.

Zoner empire can be informed by the Zoner trader (forum message dump). It would of course be up to the pirate to maintain good RP and have Zoners as a hostile IFF and not land on freeports.

Assumption on every Zoner's RP much?
Zoners care for their own. They're probably the richest faction with the best warships.
In short, they can and will pwn you if you cause them strife.

Zoner IDs - Marburg - 07-18-2008

I know I'm not the sharpest knife in the cookie jar, but after all this time i've spent on the server, I'm still not exactly sure where people get the idea that being a Zoner will keep you safe from anything.

When my Zoner steps up into space for a run, he knows he runs the risk of being pirated...period. That is just how it is, & it's the cost of doing business.

Anyone who thinks that a Zoner ID is some sort of magic shield that will protect you from very bad things is just dilluted.

Zoner IDs - 13CentKiller - 07-18-2008

There have been many threads about this before. And they all come out the same.

If you a trader, you will get nailed. By me and others. To be honest, any Zoner not trading food is hostile to my Corsair. Anyone going though Chugoku as a Zoner is hostile to my Blood Dragon, especially when doing the diamond run.

I came across a Zoner ID'd trader with no tag, I asked 2 million. He said "You realise this is a Zoner vessel don't you?"

I said, "Yes, 2 million for the children of Crete! They are starving" (or something like that)

he started preaching the rules to me, and while I was role playing my un-ooRP answer back, he F1'd I posted a sanction report, and nothing was done. (that's a different story)

I'm sick of it as well.:angry:

Its just a game. Continue what you do. They will get it one way or another.:cool:

Zoner IDs - Zelot - 07-18-2008

' Wrote:. To be honest, any Zoner not trading food is hostile to my Corsair.

wait...You have a Corsair? I dont belive it:P

Zoner IDs - Bluntage - 07-18-2008

I never really read the forums (except when I read the rules when I first started playing). To be honest I kind of expected to be left alone in my trader as a Zoner but this has not been the case. In retrospect I can understand being taxed or attacked in independent systems by most pirate factions but I think the corsairs are a definite exception to this in all systems given how closely they live to each other. It's also not easy to maintain a outward and inward zoner ID so I think playing a Zoner should have advantages like this. I really don't see how it's not OORP to attack a Zoner ship as a Corsair especially when you're carrying supernova torpedos that you bought on a Zoner planet. Instead of debating whether your Corsair is allowed to attack Zoners, it's probably better to just take another ID like Xeno so that it doesn't need to be debated.

Zoner IDs - chopper - 07-18-2008

Xenos live in Liberty.
There are no Zoners in Liberty.
Corsairs kill for money.
Corsairs don't like Zoners.
Zoners don't like Corsairs.
Corsairs are hungry.
Zoners overcharge food to Corsairs.
Corsairs kill/tax Zoners.

Corsairs don't buy Supernovas from Zoner planets.
Corsairs buy Supernovas on their Battleship Fes in Omega-47.

I don't know what you'r talking about, really.

Zoner IDs - Jinx - 07-18-2008

both points of view are as good as the other. - the opinion that zoners are really left alone is as much backed up by the gamelore as the opinion that its no big deal to pirate a zoner.

judging from the NPCs, zoners get pirated, but those that pirate zoners ( the NPCs ) are counterattacked and not allowed on a freeport anymore ( which does not matter, cause they despawn after a minute anyway )

however, we don t use the "NPCs do it" argument, cause "we" think that NPCs are no example for roleplay ( BHGs policing or BHGs in alaska - just to name 2 examples )

Zoner IDs - chopper - 07-18-2008

Or Unioners asking from Hessians to drop cargo in front of Vogtland.
Or Farmer Alliance attacking Hogosha in front of Kabukicho.

Zoner IDs - Scaramanga - 07-18-2008

If theyre not in TAZ (or any trade corp) I tax them as any one else.

Zoner IDs - Bluntage - 07-18-2008

The Zoners charge the Corsairs too much for food...Now your just making up stuff.