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disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Printable Version

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RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Narcotic - 09-25-2013

(09-24-2013, 06:32 PM)Veygaar Wrote:
(09-23-2013, 11:04 AM)Narcotic Wrote: In order to increase activity, people could also link said youtube comments here, so other's can vote them up, making them visible on the top.

Excellent idea, perhaps we should make a thread dedicated to this?

Considered it... but then I thought "beta". So let's better wait.

However, I've already successfully used that 'tactic' for advertising my old Minecraft server (2 years ago). For most videos it only needed 20-30 people doing 'thumbing'. (Nowadays it might need more because of the hype. Though, Disco has obviously a larger community than my 100-people-Minecraft-thing. And Freelancer is somewhat older.)

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Daedric - 09-25-2013

(09-24-2013, 06:29 AM)Altejago Wrote: I agree, there probably is better things to do than play on a server provided for us out of the good will of others for the sake of activity.

However, I'm simple and this is my simple contribution.

Though, what else would you suggest Dae?

Perhaps working on the community that has been tearing itself apart for awhile now? Perhaps start working on the very attitude you're displaying towards me, because I said something you don't agree with?

There are a number of things that can be done, other than playing on the server, to help the Disco community out. Treating other members like crap, talking down to them, etc. etc. don't help the community. You're guilty of all of those things, yet you're talking about doing something for the good of the community.

Narcotic & Vey have a very good idea: increasing the level of exposure.

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Makc_RU - 09-25-2013

>>>>>>>>>>>>stfu YALL, DISCO IS ALIVE<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Altejago - 09-25-2013

You're absolutely right, Daedric.

I am solely responsible for the death of Discovery.

Thank you for your acknowledgement, and I'll be sure to remember your part in all of this.

In other news, exposure also brought us the hackers. Not against the idea, but consider the thought of the wrong attention.

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Kazinsal - 09-25-2013

Flood suggestion: roll back to 4.84, erase gallia, start development from there again

Realistic suggestion: There are currently 16 people on the server. It's unstable and buggy. Fewer people online means fewer bugs are being caught and fixed. Fewer bugs being caught means fewer bugs are being fixed. Fewer bugs being fixed means beta takes longer, and the game is less stable and buggier for longer. Get in-game, start hunting bugs, break the server. And stop even ironically whining about activity -- whether you're being serious or flood, it just makes this place look like sh*t.

Once the game's no longer broken at the core (inb4 "lol game's been broken since 4.84 fix cruise") and driving people away, we can worry about getting more people [back] into it all.

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Syrus - 09-26-2013

And I thought only the severe bugs would be fixed in the "beta" and then the rollback would happen...
So at the moment, I'm pretty much sitting here, waiting for the gamebreaking bugs to be fixed (like hitboxes and such), and waiting for the rollback afterwards. Minor non-gamebreaking bugs can also be fixed while the server is "running normally" again. I don't see the problem with that. If you think you can let the Beta run till all bugs are found ... good luck and have fun, I'll be seeing you in a few months - or probably not at all, since everyone will have left.

So, while I do understand that the beta is there for gamebreaking stuff to be found, I, and probably also some other people, would have prefered the server to run in a split mode - if possible, with the beta running next to .86. That'd have given you enough time to work on stuff without making people upset about their time spent ingame not meaning much.

I do value your work very much though, it's great to see that the first update has already been released and several bugs were fixed already and I hope you soon find a solution for the hitbox problem / fix the hitboxes and that the devs keep working on the game even after the release, rebalancing and fixing things that need such actions.

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Govedo13 - 09-26-2013
My serious suggestion.

RE: disco is dying !!!1111!1!111 - Papa Oomaumau - 09-26-2013

Once there was a day...
...when the beta testing was done on a test server, and people who wanted to actually play could actually play.

But today, I, like Syrus above me, am just ignoring the server and the forums, mostly, until such time as stability returns to the Sirius.
I'd bet I'm not alone either.

But as to Disco being dead, I would say that the great majority of people that I've seen leave over the years has been, oddly enough, people being dicks and waggling their e-peens at other players on the forums.
And while pointing out this dynamic is, I think, a worthwhile endeavor, pointing at others for it isn't.
It's just more of the same.

So, stick your fingers back in your pockets, haters. Or your ears, or wherever.
And please try to realize that while someone may say something stupid now and again, or something you vehemently disagree with, there is no adequate moderation of the tone here, and that you probably are or have been guilty of the exact same behavior in the past.

Even though rule 0.0 no longer exists, if you keep it in your heart, especially on the forums (where a timeless record of our douchy-ness exists for all to see) I'd bet we'd see a lot less attrition.