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Gunboat power supply balance - Muleo - 07-23-2008

' Wrote:Honestly. My unsolicited two cents would be that the monstrous gunboats (dessy sized) find themselves with powerplants of similar robustness. A Bret gunboat with the powerplant of a light cruiser would find itself boosted from utterly 'meh' to rather good.

One of those interesting balance things.

One of the problems about the Battlecruiser powerplants is that they can afford to mount full cerberus and rape capships, giving a gunboat, a cruiser powerplant, could mean they just spam cerberus turrets and completely rape everything...

Edit:Jure beat me to it

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-23-2008

i simply LOVE those comparison sheets. - didn t know the rogue gunboat is about the same size as the kusari GB. - and i didn t know the kusari destroyer was indeed ... well - smaller than a corsair gunboat haha. ( sure those ones are correct? )

a bigger size can also mean that those that manufacture the ships are simply morons and cannot squeeze the same technology into a smaller ship. - size doesn t mean much when it comes to efficiency. ( and we all know that bretonians are morons:laugh:- at least form the gaians point of view )

funny thing so - both, the kusari GB and the bretonian GB are vanilla - so there is no one to blame.... how did digital anvil balance them? - what were their original stats i wonder.

Gunboat power supply balance - Muleo - 07-23-2008

' Wrote:funny thing so - both, the kusari GB and the bretonian GB are vanilla - so there is no one to blame.... how did digital anvil balance them? - what were their original stats i wonder.
they werent supposed to be player-playable, so i guess they didn't..

Gunboat power supply balance - Jinx - 07-23-2008

they were not playable - doesn t meant mean they had no weapons and stats - cause they do appear in the campaign. - the bret gunboat has some flight route across bretonia in the SP - and the kusari GB appears, too - at some time... i am sure they do have stats.

Gunboat power supply balance - Teknikal - 07-23-2008

I like the Bretonian Gunboat but there are a few problems with it and I never actually realised how huge it was myself although I did notice the destroyer was only slightly bigger in formation.

The thing really does turn like a cruiser but loses it's shield in combat a lot faster for the whole screen shake effect once that happens it's really game over.

As for cerb spamming for any other gunboat I would probably agree but the Bretonaian Gunboat looks silly if you use any turrets but the Bret ones they fit the design to well to use anything else regardless of stats.

I don't think an improved power core would help the ship any it already copes quite well with the standard loadout oh and it only has one forward gun it looks likes a tank turret on the roof.

As it stands I think its a good gunboat although yeah its more for anticap use and the shield lets it down despite any armour it has.

Gunboat power supply balance - McNeo - 07-23-2008

In SP, no capital ships are deployed outside of the campaign, that I can say with 99% certainty...

But, the original armour was not fixed. Youll find that the Rheinland battleships in Sigma 13 have more health than that of the Rheinland battleship in Tau 31 when you're running from Bretonia into Kusari. Tau 29 cant count there though as it starts damaged already :|

The weapons and stats were also editted on a per mission basis. You only have to look at the wraths uncloaking around planet sprague and their stealthblades... 20 or so damage per shot. Compared to the actual stats which are a lot more powerful. It can be assumed that the same is applied to capital guns.

For reference tho, the original capship guns have hull damage around 100. They do have stats, but they were definately not balanced. They were never meant to be played with by players, which is why the original kusari destroyer has about 12 gun slots. Igiss deactivated some, I reckon. Look at a Kusari destroyer patrol when you can and count the guns and record the gun placement. Then compare to the player version...

EDIT: On the original topic (sorry about the rant), I believe that the power plant issue needs to be looked at again. However, I dont think it should be this version as there is no time left for this. But it is an issue that I think should be solved for 4.86...:)

Gunboat power supply balance - Eppy - 07-23-2008

I think we still have a couple of months to deal with this, and I don't think it would nbe that difficult to do. Don't kill it, Connor:P

Gunboat power supply balance - El Nino - 07-23-2008

Well, there's a big IF, so... if we make the battleships realistic, so power would be balanced by size, all turrets would only fire to open space not throu hull, and everybody would use only their faction's turrets, we could then make something balanced....

Probably what we would be going for is a balance of the type 1 BS can take out another BS, and odds for winning would be 1 to 1...

that would require a whole new cap rebalance, new weapons, new powercores, new everything... Wich is exactly what we need... but how to set it up, how to balance it... that's a diffrent matter all togetter...