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Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Printable Version

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RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Shagohad - 01-07-2014

[Image: i1lm2y.jpg]

If you don't want RP to kill player bases, then you need to fess up 15 bucks a month to play EVE. This is a ROLE PLAY server. You need to ROLE PLAY! I was just browsing through here because I was bored, but I remember when bases were new and the Reavers and Corsairs did exactly this: Blew up almost every base they could find. People were annoyed they lost BILLIONS of credits on these colossal wastes of resources.

So yeah, chew on that one for a bit as you realize how dumb this thread really is.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Kamir - 01-07-2014

I really agree with you Shagohad . Almost all bases is there because of RP (those info pages in forum, supplying contracts etc). Since there is license applications on all houses - there is needed RP too. And I remember those time when bases was new. We were defending our base like 99% of time and there was no time for upgrading it, supplying or RPing around our base because we had only 2h (like time thats given from admins player cant engage us).
Lot of money was spent. *sad
That was the reason I quit freelancer 3 years ago(or 2 or 4 I dont really remember). If someone will now delete Gallia - those people who made all that (player accounts, money in those, RP with them etc) - those players will be sad too.
So please - let it be good reason and good RP to take out any base (offcourse bases that havent got licese - like illegal bases need to be destroyed immediately

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Deatlev - 01-07-2014

This idea is just stupid. Why not just take away engagement notices while we're at it. Oh, a trader? PEWPEW kill him. Oh, a base? PEWPEPWEWPEPWE destroyed.

RP server is RP

You get my point.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - SMGSterlin - 01-07-2014

-PLAYER- owned base, just like a -PLAYER- owned ship... RP before pewpew bros.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Pavel - 01-08-2014

It's roleplay server, RPing is ok. If you (at least have to) roleplay before attacking some player, you should also roleplay before attacking some player-built depot.

Moving to proper subforum

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Daedric - 01-10-2014

What I find extremely odd is that so many of you are forgetting the fact that role playing isn't just the act of typing up a post or message to another player. It is also what you do in game.

An Outcast attacking a IMG player base or IMG player ship in Omicron Alpha is perfectly good role play for an Outcast. Even if said player doesn't say a word. However, because this server isn't a true RP server (just claims it is) and caters to carebears the rules require that you notify your sworn enemy of their demise. This is called 'fair' play - yet is anything, but fair.

I'm wondering if under this new rule, a person has to tab out while a base is shooting them to post a message on the forums about it before they attack the base for attacking them........

Why isn't there a requirement for base builders to have forum role play? Why isn't there a requirement that the base role plays before it attacks me?

While the intent of the rule might have been good, the execution of the rule crosses the border into extremely idiotic. If bases being blown up are such a problem - make them stronger instead of making stupid rules to protect them. Use game mechanics instead of arbitrary forum based rules.

That is setting aside the fact that for the longest time Igiss/Cannon were adamant that forum membership not be a requirement to play the game. This rule forces people to use the forums to play the game.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Jack_Henderson - 01-10-2014

(01-10-2014, 06:00 PM)Daedric Wrote: Why isn't there a requirement for base builders to have forum role play?

Why not make such a thread obligatory? I would like such a rule.

And if there is none linked (via the base list link), the base can be engagibugn'd without any rp because none was given first.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Mímir - 01-10-2014

How did Reavers kill bases?

Didn't the rule say any serious attempt required roleplay, i.e. a bit of shooting is fine as long as you aren't anywhere near killing it, you can go to town if you post on the forum or if they undock to protect it and they roleplay?

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Daedric - 01-10-2014

That is the thing, Mimir, depending on the situation role play can occur without a forum message.

An Outcast group stumbling onto an IMG base in Tau-23 and deciding it needs to be removed and killing it IS role play. If you think or say it isn't - you do not understand what role play is.

The rule in question (same as the rule that forces you to tell an enemy pilot you're going to shoot them) creates and artificial step in the process of role play. It goes against what role play is (both rules do). This is because actually contacting your enemy to tell them you're going to blow up their ship is (most of the time) not what your character would do and thus not in role play. Yet, this is called a role play server?

My suggestion is for the admins and devs to use game mechanics to resolve issues like this. Not impose stupid rules that cause players to NOT role play or create artificial walls in the environment.

RE: Needing RP to kill a base is stupid - Highland Laddie - 01-10-2014

Quote:(same as the rule that forces you to tell an enemy pilot you're going to shoot them) creates and artificial step in the process of role play. It goes against what role play is (both rules do). This is because actually contacting your enemy to tell them you're going to blow up their ship is (most of the time) not what your character would do and thus not in role play. Yet, this is called a role play server?

Technically, does this RP have to be in the form of your character informing the opposing force that you are going to kill them? What about an RP forum post in which you, as leader of a group, informs the rest of your group that you will be attacking enemy base X? This is precursory RP ahead of an attack, and certainly not oorp informing someone you're about to kill them. would seem if that's acceptable, then you just have to start thinking outside the narrow interpretation of that.