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Capital Armor and Gunboats - Printable Version

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Capital Armor and Gunboats - Jinx - 08-11-2008

yea - puzzled me, too why the BHG would have 2 gunboats - i guess they got the old rogue gunboat, cause it simply fit into the line of correllian corvettes.

about the zoner gunboat - well, its not meant to be a fully comparable gunboat but a hybrid between a large armoured transport and a gunboat, i d find it strange if it would have 8 guns and could waste other gunboats the way the scorption or corsair toolbox can. - that always leaves the question why zoners appear to get the top military gear... and have no use for it at all.... cause even if pressed into defending themselves, they would mostly rather simply retreat than fight against the attacker.

about the bretonian gunboat...... well, its a vanilla ship... its cool and its - - - at least half a cruiser ( sizewise ) ... but the tommys were good as miniaturization when they made the battleship ( guess they employed a team of kusaris for it, while the bretonian team made the kusari battleship )

but - if you think that the zoner gunboat should have more turrets - feel free to add 2 more to it - or 4 more. - if you find space for them.... when i made it, i concepted it for 8 turrets. i don t really mind if its a "real" gunboat with 6 - 8 turrets .... or a hybrid gunboat.

Capital Armor and Gunboats - Doom - 08-11-2008

balance team will take care of that...since we are part of it we can brainstorm few ideas...

As for Zoner GB i suggested to Igiss when i submitted it that you imagined it as somewhat of armored transport...thus 4 GB turrets, size like rest of GBs and cause of size bigger cargo hold...Like i said in balance thread..defensive capabilities before offensive in this case...Just following your idea and Zoner ideology...

You know that Igiss has the last it is mystery to me how that will work...and besides..we can always slap two more turrets in the betas depending how ship will preform on tests...

Capital Armor and Gunboats - Jinx - 08-11-2008

yea - no prob adding something or fixing something then.... it will take ingame testing with real people to get a clear picture of its usefulness..... all i can say is that i can rape NPCs with it - come to that i can rape NPCs with a barracuda and lvl5 guns, too.... so thats hardly a point:P

but i somewhat almost tend more to make it a normal gunboat now ( cause so many people were more positive about a real gunboat than some sort of transport GB hybrid )

and i almost have my ID cards done.... i ll submit them within the next week - they mostly express what the ships are meant for and will shed some light on why they were concepted the way they are.

Capital Armor and Gunboats - Patriot - 08-11-2008

Bretonian gunboat whit the best capital armor........try this.........thats cool:crazy:

Capital Armor and Gunboats - ScornStar - 08-13-2008

I accually have a Britonian gunboat and it is very cool. It is quickly becomeing my favorite.

Capital Armor and Gunboats - El Nino - 08-13-2008

seeing how Bretonian gunboat is as large as a kusari destroyer... why don't we slap on some more turrets?