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Junker Congress - worldstrider - 08-15-2008

Yep--I'd agree with Rudo's summation. I want to be careful for people to realize we shouldn't all be flying gunboats. Most of us should be in transports with an occasional fighter.

Here's the full story of what literally created the Harvester-Junker alliance:

We had a covert rp ship in Puerto Rico and I had decided to begin building the .:j:. fleet there before announcing it as a faction. The first night I showed up to do this, Scornstar was flying his first Harvester ship about readying to terrorize Zoners and deciding what ID Harvesters would eventually settle on to fly. I believe at the time he had a neutral IFF and a Zoner ID (maybe pirate--not sure). He decided "Puerto Rico" would be a good place to quietly base and begin.

So I am there with my secret ship setting up and--guess who sails in?

I ordered the Harvester to leave and it informs me it will destroy me and will not leave--that PR will be it's home. He was in a cruiser or gunboat and I was in a collector with no torp. I told him he could not use Junker bases and he stated they would be used as the resources around them were needed and "biounits" trying to stop them would be destroyed. This did not look good for a fledgling group composed of two Junkers. So we began an rp conversation about whether it was more logical to conflict with Junkers or to work with them cooperatively. The Harvester concluded from our conversation that Junkers were the most logical of all Sirius biounits as they simply did what waas most advantageous for themselves--just as the Harvesters do. So we cut a deal where Junkers would not attack Harvesters or hinder them from collecting scrap and Harvesters would defend Junkers and Junker bases if they were attacked while they were present. As a result, the Junkers gained base defense and a potential threat that others had to consider.

In the intervening time since this accord was struck, they have defended us from bounty hunter attacks on several occasions and generally kept authorities respectful of our turf--as well as chasing off non_Junker campers from Bornholm.
They have also participated in some of our unadvertised (as of yet) RP. Tinkerbell speaks often with the Harvesters (when not consumed by multiple pms anyway) and has overall probably spent more time dialoguing with them than any other single player. The thrust of his conversations is to always reaffirm the ability of Junkers to act with predictable logic and interests and to emphasis that as biounits they have some inherent abilities that may be useful for the Harvesters to understand (like "dreaming").

Curiosity and practical benefit seem to have kept the Harvesters content with this relationship to date.

While Harvesters view Junkers as "non-hostile" they are able to understand the differences in character between those following "Tinkerbell" (whom they have extensive data and experience with) and "others". Junkers approaching Harvesters for aid will most likely get it but the relationship they have may be very different depending on the presentation
of themselves and their interests. Scorn can fill in anything I am not covering--this is the Tinkerbell side of it.

Junker Congress - Tenacity - 08-15-2008

Aye, when I first started a while back I had one of the harvesters (who I knew nothing about at the time) let me tag along while he harvested some xenos to help me fix rep. Since then, I've had a lot of dealings and RP situations based between myself and the harvesters, up to and past the whole situation with the 522nd.

I would hope that the RP i've taken part in has only strengthened our 'alliance' with the harvesters, as they're a vital part of defending junker stations and personnel against larger threats which we are not equipped to deal with ourselves.

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 08-15-2008

Please remember this thread is for evaluating the Junker Congress proposal. feedback or comments regarding it welcome.

Junker Congress - chovynz - 08-15-2008

Thank you Tink and RParade. Questions answered very well.

Junker Congress - Rudo - 08-15-2008

' Wrote:Yep--I'd agree with Rudo's summation. I want to be careful for people to realize we shouldn't all be flying gunboats. Most of us should be in transports with an occasional fighter.

Those of us that do field ships bigger than a bomber, be advised that running around picking fights is not something that Junkers do. Something you learn fast is that as a Junker, there really is not much to fight. Aside from the odd Xeno excursion around Rochester (and a fighter is better than a GB for these encounters), pvp doesn't really happen that much.

Even our NPC reputations are a carefully calibrated daisy chain of whites and greens with no more than half a dozen reds, minus guard factions. This doesn't mean having a hate-on for Bounty Hunter NPCs is a bad thing, that's a personal choice. But killing NPCs as a Junker is a touchy affair because valuable business partners dip lower when killing our sworn enemies. Pop enough Hogosha and you're running the risk of antagonizing the Corsairs. Attack a few dozen Xenos and your GC and IMG factions, as well as police factions that don't deal with Xenos will inexplicably bottom out.

There are exceptions where a GB is handy, though:

- Chasing non-Junkers out of Bornholm
- Defending Yanagi from confused Bounty Hunters
- Defending any Junker station from combat happening within 5k of it
- Escorting our freight on smuggling runs through Kusari (though aside from GC stations, where does one go?)
- Maybe, just maybe, the odd Kusari Gangster/Xeno territory raid down the road.

Now, with most of these, the Harvesters already do a good job of filling these niches. As a full-fledged human Junker in a larger ship, your primary role would be exercising what is aptly named Gunboat Diplomacy. Basically, stating reasonable demands in a ship that dictates your ability and willingness to back these demands with force. For this, you'll need to be able to communicate well and have a good understanding of our few basic rules. Your roleplay should be solid, and you need a light trigger finger.

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 08-15-2008

I restrict active operations of Junker gunboats to a 2k radius for base defense. They can fight at 2.5k but w2ithin 2k they must withdraw or cease combat. The Harvesters follow this voluntarily.

At Bornholm, no fighting is allowed within the debris field.

We have operated two gunboats only one of which has been seen and none have had combat to date.

They are a hidden deterrent. Situations like Yanagi get them deployed--otherwise they stay out of sight.

Junker Congress - Linkus - 08-16-2008

Junkers evolved is essentially what I see here. Taking a far more indepth look at the Junkers and pulling forward what the Junker's are truely like for everyone else to see. Must say, nicely done. The proposal itself it flawless currently, save for some minor word errors etc, and the intention of the faction is one that will help the community and not harm it.
All in all, simply great.

That aside, I'd be very interested in your plan to bring others in from outside the faction etc. I've a Junker character that might just be interested in signing up for the faction infact.

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 08-16-2008

' Wrote:Junkers evolved is essentially what I see here. Taking a far more indepth look at the Junkers and pulling forward what the Junker's are truely like for everyone else to see. Must say, nicely done. The proposal itself it flawless currently, save for some minor word errors etc, and the intention of the faction is one that will help the community and not harm it.
All in all, simply great.

That aside, I'd be very interested in your plan to bring others in from outside the faction etc. I've a Junker character that might just be interested in signing up for the faction infact.

Thanks much for the positive feedback. if i missed some typos, point 'em out if you can.

It is "Junkers evolving" but with a distinction, a small group of Junkers in a tableau where evolution isn't universally occurring. Some Junkers will look and say, "What do we need change for?" and be suspicious, others will get inspired and want to follow. Pretty true to real life I hope.

Step one is to become an official faction.
Step two is to demonstrate and publicly define our role play.
Step three is to open up to other groups and politics.

It will be a "fledgling political system". Just as the early US government had to make broad allowances for "state's rights" the Congress will have to make allowances for individual Junker rights. It won't be able to "outlaw slave trading", "stop drug smuggling" so it will have to allow those sorts of things to be within the latitude of acceptable Junker behavior. It also has to have some strength and representation with both criminal and house groups--keeping the line between as Junkers always have while still standing up for its own principles and pursuing its goals.

So it can't afford to become "The New Junker Order" because it won't be strong enough without traditional foundations and allies to stand. So it is like the first small motion towards real social change--a social experiment by a small but noticeable portion of the population. The sort of thing that could mature into a powerful house in fifty or one hundred years but that will be closer to the basic Junker in the present.

What will be really interesting is if Junkers are indeed "Le Balance'" for Gallia, it will have to chose a side. Break away like the Colonies did from Britain or side with the King as the Tories did?

Should be a lot of fun...aside from managing all the wildly different people who play Junkers for all sorts of reasons;)

This will be an easy faction to develop as far as just "playing with Junkers" but a slow building one to find people who can play the above aspects. If I get two more solid "politicians" with good rp and time we'll open politics up. These will have to be people like Oniros and Servus who can work really closely with me. Rudo looks like a good candidate and a maybe one or two others. Still observing at the moment.

I am already planning the "First Session of Congress". You are welcome to get involved at any point.

We have a need as a group wanting to be official, to have visible, tagged characters who can act together at various times. Most Junker players are pretty attached to their junkers as most started with them and many are hesitant to tag. Here is my alternative for those going, "Hmm...but I don't want to change."

Well do the same thing the Colonials did...form state militias that combine into an army.

Create a single "tagged" character for use in large events, spare time station policing and just tojoin in occasionally--keeping you full time character if you need to. Both can be fully involved that way and the "faction" is still viable.

So say you have "Junker Bluto": who is your baby and he wants to interact with the Congress but not "sell out" to anyone. Then create ".:j:.Joe.Reservist to be a 'foot soldier on occasion and role play ol' obstinate and difficult to get along with Bluto in interaction with the Congress.

Hope that makes sense.

When you join, we don't "own your soul" and demand all of your time. We need part time players for an army in numbers more than we need large numbers of deep involved players. A few quality players can handle rp development but we need numbers to have a presence in the game.

Then we can see what happens. Appreciate much the supportive comments. Thanks.

Something to consider.

Junker Congress - chovynz - 08-16-2008

The more you talk Tink the more I lend my support to this faction.
I can see it is well thought out and am looking forward to interacting
with and possibly becoming part of .:j:. at a later date.

So for the record, I support Tinkerbell in his revised and revitalised efforts to bring the JUNKERS CONGRESS,
and the extended potential roleplay possibilities and examples to Junkers.

Junker Congress - worldstrider - 08-16-2008

' Wrote:The more you talk Tink the more I lend my support to this faction.
I can see it is well thought out and am looking forward to interacting
with and possibly becoming part of .:j:. at a later date.

So for the record, I support Tinkerbell in his revised and revitalised efforts to bring the JUNKERS CONGRESS,
and the extended potential roleplay possibilities and examples to Junkers.

Now if they will just let me have anti-particle beams and black hole bombs...